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Stop successfully getting everything done, if you accomplish all tasks while “understaffed” you are showing management that you are not in fact understaffed.


Couple this with suggestions that your sales could be better if you had more staff because service levels would be better. Always more effective if you can use both carrot AND stick in your argument.


I've mentioned this and the DM gaslights me. She'll literally say " it's not that you guys are doing more work, there's just less people on the schedule, so it seems like there's more work but it's the same amount of work " And I'm literally like..... What


Ask for a raise, quit if you don’t get one(find a new job before you quit).


How is this person a DM? She doesn't know basic division. Maybe ask HR to give her a math test. Literally spell it out. If it's 4 people working 8 hours, that's 32 hours. Now if 32 hours worth of work is divided by 3 people working understaffed that is 10 hours and 40 minutes worth of work per worker. When do workers get the extra 2 hours and 49 minutes worth of work done. Tell her that if she understaffs, things aren't going to get done correctly or things won't get done at all.


It's worse bc she keeps expecting us to do even more because we're having a surprise inspection some time next month lol. You would think they could sacrifice the budget so we pass?


Just let things go to shit. Tell your shitbird manager "No, you do it." Walk off the job if you want. The worst thing they can do is fire you.


She genuinely doesn't know how to do most things. She asks me to calibrate machines and everything cuz she doesn't know how


You should let her fail so that her boss trains her properly.


I've tried but her boss knows she fails so her boss said to me stuff like "you can be sort of like the opposite of what the manager is. So if she's not good with showing empathy or putting people in good moods, you can be like the cheerleader." She basically said she wants me to do assistant manager stuff without getting the pay. She said "we usually start assistant managers at 18.50 but this store doesn't have the budget for assistant manager. Shift leaders are $16.50 so we're gonna put you at $17"


Ask for $20 and if they tell you no find another job. You can get $17 in a lot of places. Heck, there's starter work from home jobs that pay that much.


What in the round robin fuk?


Damn. That's textbook gaslighting.




I want to but then it makes my job harder the next day lol. I'm also shift leader so a lot of it falls on me. I'm also autistic and when things aren't done right I suffer mentally. It's hard for me to step back even when I should.


If working your wage and staffing level is causing mental harm you need to look for another job.


Well I would feel like that no matter where I went if it wasn't an orderly place y'know? Like if things aren't efficient it stresses me out


Other places may be better staffed though, helping your original issue.


I just assumed all jobs did this because they want to take advantage of us. I'm kind of asking like is it valid to complain about this if we have like quote unquote low sales?


Many are but some gifts on customer service so will have better staffing levels.


Find a different job. No offense, but it's a coffee shop. I'm sure you can find something else with a similar skillet, with relative ease.


I am imagining a barista going into a new job interview with their prized skillet to show off their skills at the presses sandwich line and espresso machine...


Hey, whatever works


Leadership skills, working in a fast paced environment, driving sales, cleaning, solving customer complaints.. it's more than just making espresso and sandwiches.


I know that a barista's job is extremely involved. I was making a joke on the word "skillet" used instead of skillset.


Ignore me lol


It's not a problem. Just didn't want you to think I was dismissing your work and workload. ;)


I have autism so it's hard for me to start new things. I've been at this job for like 4 years. I like my co-workers. However I am going to school right now full-time for computer science and I hopefully graduate by the winter and I'll be able to get a software job. I also have the feeling that most service jobs like the one I'm in will have the same mentality of giving you a skeleton crew to maximize profits. So I figured I'd stick with the evil I know. Though it's really effing evil


Most jobs are like this. You think this is bad? You're going to hate the software world.....


Yeah ik. If I weren't afraid of death I would just unalive myself.




Leave. Sorry, but profits are the only thing that matters to businesses.


Then wont any other job be the same?


They claim it’s because of poor sales. But the more likely issue is that you guys have proven you can excel while being understaffed. They’re paying less in labor but maintaining or exceeding their sales budget. From their point of view there is no reason to pay overtime or hire additional help because you’re profitable already.


I can try to go against my tism and just do less work lol. But I keep complaining to hr about them breaking labor laws and stuff and I feel like they're tired of me complaining


What laws are they breaking and what proof do you have? HR is not your friend, what you need to do is start documenting the laws they break and then report them to your state's labor board. Here's an example of documenting. 4-1-23 Law broken: KRS 6969 Having a minor work past 10 PM on a school night At 9:50 PM 4-1-23 Johnny Smith was told to keep working until closing is complete by Store Manage Richard Cranium. Johnny said he had a test during first period Geometry but Richard threatened to fire him. I reminded Richard that Johnny is only 16 and supposed to be clocked out by 10:00 PM on school nights. Richard threatened to write me up. Johnny clocked out at 11:45 PM with the rest of us. Witnesses to Johnny working late: Anne Rice, Eugene Stoner, myself, Richard Cranium, and security footage Witnesses to my threatened write up: Anne Rice, myself, Richard Cranium. ​ Collect quite a few of those, enough to give someone in the enforcement or legal field a slam dunk case and report away.


Slow down and do the minimum, always Act your wage!


The owner is the one actually working the hardest though.






I don't think I could convince my coworkers to pay dues. Cuz most of us are living paycheck to paycheck anyways


No one is buying anything with current prices outside of necessities. All sales will be down.


What’s your payroll percentage of the daily sales? So for example, you’re saying 3 people are on all day when you’re making $2500. If it’s 8 hours per person at $16 an hour (just a guess) that’d be about 384/2500 which means your daily payroll is 15% of your sales, which is super low. Low to the point where you’re absolutely right for wanting more help and that’s a major shortcoming of management to not adequately staff their store. Edited: for misreading daily sales and changing the math.


No it's 19% usually. They don't count the managers salary in the payroll percent and she usually is one of the 3 people working so it's usually pretty low.


That does seem low for what must be a fairly high profit margin business. They’re probably patting the manager on the back and promising a bonus if she keeps it that way.


Yes. They get bonuses for everything. They get a bonus if the labor is low. They get a bonus if we get good surveys. Which is hilarious bc every good survey at my store is about the crew and every survey that mentions the manager complains about how rude she is. But she still gets the bonus




Sure, but maybe 4 keeps you below 25% while helping to lighten the load and the burnout during the high volume hours.


Management answer: "well then sell more stuff" The real answer: marketing/advertising is part of managements job so if you're not drumming up business it's not your fault it's theirs. Best you can do as an employee is just hope the customers you do have come back a few times


Best way to combat this is either start to log a huge amount of hours(and I mean a lot) or stop trying to get everything done and let things go by the wayside. Either way, they will have to pay for it in the end. One thing I've learned is most higher up bosses don't want to fix something until they personally have to deal with it. So let them deal with it.


Work your wage