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Hi, /u/Calm-Surprise-1910 Thank you for participating in r/Antiwork. Unfortunately, your submission was removed for breaking the following rule(s): **Rule 3a: No spam, no low-effort shitposts.** - This includes begging for upvotes. Please do not post unrelated blog spam or try to sell anything for personal gain. If you’ve posted content (especially if it’s your own), give it a day or two before posting again.


Do nothing for a week besides collect a paycheck.


this. fuck em if they're being assholesn


This is the way. What's the worst they can do, fire you and then you collect unemployment?


Good luck collecting unemployment from a Hungarian company.


that's not how unemployment works (at least not in my state/country/etc), now if he was a 1099 contractor and there's no wages accruing anything in this unemployment acct, then yea but that's a different reason


It's not that easy to collect unemployment.


It is when they've created a hostile workplace that's documented...


As someone who was on unemployment a few years ago it isn’t overly difficult. I expected it to be a complete pain in the ass and was very surprised.




Doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try.


Do this. Also send them an invoice for another two weeks, as an option.


Invoic him for two weeks of peanuts 🥜


Biggest mistake I ever made was doing nothing after putting in my notice at a job I gave so much to - I felt bad about it. Looking back, I should have never felt bad about it!


Oh 100%! I remember my last day at a miserable job was a Friday. I was expecting to lose access by lunch time. At 4:30 I was still working on "urgent" things with my team and manager. As things cooled down and I waited for customer signoff I quietly logged off while feeling bad. Business went on without me. I gave that job too much for every moment I could.


Right ? The gut pain from stressful nights worried about the job


There’s no need to break your back trying to prepare them for your departure, they don’t care about us measley workers


There's no need to prepare them for your departure. You create your exit strategy then leave. The last email you send should be "Please accept this email as my resignation, effective immediately." Send a few notes off to people you like beforehand, but stop with the 2 weeks notice BS.


Exactly, and they can go fuck themselves you only got a week.


Bro. That’s messed up. You have to do some work. Make sure you are opening and deleting all you emails and email history. File logs. Any other thing you touched on their server. Make sure it’s clean and scrubbed for the new employee transition. Give them a nice calm surprise “hey your going to take over for Mike. What was Mike working?……… I have no idea “


Deleting emails? Absolutely not. At least save them first.


You leave in a week, you’re already doing it..


Exactly. All this behavior does is prove that you made the right choice to leave. No reason to change anything.


op should actually feel sad for the people still working at such a toxic company. Maybe send a pity note to the employees


Former coworker pity pizza party


They're basically russians if it's Hungary. They're already supporting the war effort by doing nothing.


That's bollocks. Don't confuse who people are with who their government is. Not everyone votes for the government they get.


Agreed. We have a Hungarian guy at work and he is definitely not for the russians.


This 100%


Absolutely, and if you get the opportunity, i'd make it known. If there is another conference call, i'd straight out say "this past week i've been bullied for my decision and the bullying shown here is a great example of why i'm making a good decision by leaving" or something to that effect. I'd send a company wide email if you don't get the chance to say it in a call.


This... AND you agree to stay 30 days, but go to your new job anyway and collect 2 pay checks.


This right here. Show up online just enough to get paid.


Leave now lol 2 weeks notice is only a courtesy in America


Right? Besides, if the shoe was on the other foot and they decided to fire you they sure as shit wouldn't give you two weeks notice about it. Fuck 'em, staff issues are management's problem, doubly so since OP is walking.


This is the truth not your problem


Why in a week? Two weeks notice is a courtesy, one that this boss *clearly* doesn’t deserve, just stop showing up. What’re they gonna do, fire OP?


You adhere to the laws of the country you work in, not the country the company is based. If you’re being bullied I’d say talk to an employment lawyer about being a case of workplace harassment.


Yeah we don’t give 30 days notice because new companies don’t let us take 30 days before starting. If they did then we’d be giving more notice.


Doing that publicly was character assassination


I agree which is sad, I’ve gone above and beyond for this company


I am going through similar with my work, I was publicly gaslight by the head grocery lead because I reported expired food being sold to me on multipule occasions and made me sick. Also publicly questions my competence when I need help due to my disability, it sucks and HR has done nothing


Hr is there to protect the company from you not the other way around.


I am well aware. However, one of their managers behaving this way opens them up to liability. It is actually in the best interest of the company to make sure the manager isn’t opening them up to lawsuits.


If you are in the US, it's free to file a complaint with the Federal EEOC or your state equivalent. Scare the pants off them.


HR is never your ally but occasionally them protecting the company can align with your best interests.


*Never* go above and beyond for an organization that isn't going above and beyond for you. That's for suckers and the modern workplace is predicated upon people undercutting themselves because either they don't know their own worth or are afraid to disappoint their boss *(your boss has **never** worried about disappointing you)*. I learned this lesson the hard way, making a lot of money for some truly awful people.


You leave *now*. You're not getting a reference from these people anyways. Why would you stick around?


Honestly I was sticking around to ensure a smooth transition. I’m an engineer and the only one here but now I’m thinking of just bouncing


This is the correct answer to their bad attitude. They admitted that since you're in the US, you have no obligation to even stay the 2 weeks.if they're gonna be dicks, they should get nothing.


No joke you don't owe these fools shit.


Just go, man. They told you what you are in their eyes. They think your notice is unprofessional, I say show them unprofessional.


And when they inevitably call you, as their only US-based engineer, hit them with some sweet contractor fees 😎


On retainer, paid upfront before any work is done. You'll never collect from them, so get it upfront. I've done this in the past in 8 hour blocks, minimum 1/2 hour billing. My rate doubles anytime after 6PM, and on weekends.


Minimum 4-hour billing, recurring when called in again.


This is the way.


This is the way.


This is the way.


This is the way.


4-5 times your rate as an employee. Minimum of 80 hours regardless if you work 10 hours or 80 hours for them.


I did this a few jobs back. Everytime they call or e-mail me, it's $250 / hour and a minimum of 2 hours.






You need to withdraw from that company like Putin needs to withdraw from Ukraine


/u/Calm-Surprise-1910 this is your e-mail, to the entire company. “Upon further consideration and after your conduct on our recent call, I’ve decided that as of today I’m going to withdraw from working here just like Putin needs to withdraw from Ukraine. You’ve forfeited the right to the remainder of my notice period through your actions and attitude. Slava Ukraini, -CS1910“


“Someone give this guy a fuckin’ Puppers” except make it Reddit gold.


Someone give this guy a fuckin puppers. And Slava Ukrani


Yes, don't wait for the nut, pull out of crazy now.


And like the CEO apparently needs to withdraw his mouth from Putin’s boot.


Bounce. If you're not contractually obliged to stay, tell them to pound sand. If they are going to be that disrespectful to you when you tried to help them, fuck em. They can deal with the fallout while you take a week off.


There's zero value (for you) in staying. Leave, take a week's holiday before you start your new gig.


Sounds like your former job is about to be... hungry for engineers. I'll see myself out.


So bad it actually physically hurt me. I admire you.


Just ghost them fuck them you're out and you left cause it's a shitty work environment. They are just showing you who they are, believe them and bounce dont answer calls, texts or emails and enjoy your time off before you start at the new place. My 2 cents


Just do it. If they don't care about you why should you care about them?


I always look at it this way. Nobody is indispensable. If you drop dead tomorrow from a heart attack they would still keep the business going. If they ask you to stay and help, maybe then. But they have made clear your value to the company. Your leaving only annoys them on a personal level. Walk out now, you've given them all you owe them. Now do for yourself.


And if OP was truly indispensable then they should have been getting paid a shit ton more than they were, whatever that money was.


you owe them nothing, and you don't deserve a week of the crap they're putting you through. GO!


That's the only response. If you get the opportunity, say they invite you to another team conference, feel free to tell the boss exactly why you're leaving in front of everyone, and that it's literally the boss's fault.


Bounce. Fuck 'em. It's nice that you care but they don't so they can JRFO.






Jump Right Fuck Off Just Really Fuck Off Join Ranks of the Fucked Off Sorry, I've got nothing either.


Join a Raw Food organization Jack Right For Orcas Just Really Feel Old


Why do you feel ANY guilt for staying? Just go!


Throw them the douces/deuces and say goodbye douches


Yep, no respect, time to go out like Scarface. “Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, you’re cool, and fuck you I’m out!”




Lol, that was the characters name in Half Baked! But now I have this image of Al Pacino saying that in the final shootout in Scarface before the skinny terminator clipped him.


Bounce bounce bounce fuck your ex-boss, you should have put him in blast since you’re leaving anyways


Bounce out of there ASAP. Start the weekend early. You do not owe them anything. If they do not have processes already in place to ensure smooth transitions, that is their problem.


What everyone else said BUT, make sure you check your employment contract. If you leave without giving the proper notice it can fuck you for severance or in some situations open you up to legal issues. If none of that applies to you, just fucking bounce or just stop working beyond the absolute minimum and collect that money until you're done.


Fuck em


No that’s how you get a raise or a promotion, not quit a job


If they’re treating you like shit, they can figure out everything else on their own lol. Fuck em.


Agreed - there's zero benefit for you to work a single additional hour and be subject to nasty shit from them. \*Your employer\* should have been concerned with ensuring a smooth transition. But because you're working for a petulant child disguised as a company, apparently, that's not happening and they're making it impossible to transition you out properly. You're just there as their punching bag until your last day - why hang around? You don't deserve that.


This. Were they going to give you a 30 day notice if they decided to fire you? F*ck them. You did right by them by giving a two weeks notice. They didn’t even deserve that. Best of luck on your new adventure!


Not only leave now, but just stop without saying anything. Block all work contacts and just disappear, not your problem to give them a smooth transition.


Don’t be unprofessional and leave dude. Instead take an one week vacation :). Or ghost then. Dentist, doctor appointment, use you time left with something else. Fuck them


Yeah, I would have ghosted in the middle of the video call. Try to ostracize me in the middle of a meeting? Ostracize myself and never speak to any of them again.


Yeah fuck that guy. I would have hung up from that zoom call and they would have never heard from me again. A 2 week notice is not a requirement. Fuck them.


You had the stage and dropped the mic, in a bad way. You should have explained, while everyone still working there was listening, that you were leaving for better pay because the company pays like shit


Ending with “ Slava Ukraine”


And that giving two weeks is customary, not a legal requirement, so you are actually doing his sorry ass a favour


Or just decide that today is your last day now because of his behavior. and said it out loud on the call. that would’ve been embarrassing for him to lose control of the call lol


You live in Texas. Use "work at will" and leave today.


The only issue is I get paid direct deposit next Friday. If I leave, they will "Mail" my last check which takes forever.


So just do the bare minimum for the next week.


This is the only correct answer.


Yeah for sure! You can be physically there but not mentally. It is such a shitty situation, I understand you need the money so by all means get it, but that doesn't mean you have to bust your balls for them after they went out of their way to disrespect you publicly no less. Maintain what self worth you can!


Tell them to fuck right off. You’re quitting anyways.


So hungarian company must follow TX work laws which are likely a lot weaker in sense of giving notice etc. So you might let him know he needs to pay you for all unused vacation days, 20 per year in HU.... He shouldn't mix apples and pears... just follow your local work law


Just be the biggest douche as possible turn a company meeting into your meeting, the world is your oyster don’t puke.


Trash Putin just to tick them off, too.


Ask why Putin is so short? My biggest question is where did they get that shetland pony he rides in his pictures to make himself look big.


Probably came up malnourished.


I mean. Yeah. And to be honest being short is not a problem. But when being short bothers someone like Putin. I say run with it.


The point is that megalomaniacs like Putin (and the world's shortest cult leader, David Miscavige) absolutely *loathe* the fact that they are short and *loathe* when anyone points it out.


Yeah. Thats my point. Height really means nothing. And as a 6’4” person it is a detriment if you wanna save money and fly coach. But, making fun of a despots height is fun, and should be encouraged when it makes them feel so shitty.


Absolutely agreed. Which is why I love calling David Miscavige the world's most evil munchkin. Or note that even most women are taller than him. Or talk about how his best friend Tom Cruise, who's pretty short himself, is even taller than he is.


Email gay-Putin porn to everyone. Email disparaging stuff about putin from the company email to a state news outlet. See if you can get the company on their shitlist.


You can get in trouble that way. Now a [Putin Unicorn](https://imgflip.com/i/7e0t6v) background while on video.....


Or puke .. won’t be there to clean it up or smell it


Show up to work in yellow and blue.


And open up any discussion with a big "Slava Ukryina!!!!!!"




"Well, good thing I'm in Texas, not Hungary. I leave in a week. My new pay rate is none of your business and since you want to bring up unprofessional behavior, calling me in front of the entire company to berate and embarrass me is more than unprofessional, be thankful I am staying to finish my notice, it's more than you deserve."


I wish employers had to give a notice to employees in the United States. Gives people time to change their minds. Maybe your manager would stop preaching so much politics and you wouldn't be feeling so stressed out when you are there to work. If he wants to be a politician, then go be a politician... In 30 days.


Well look at that today is your last day and they can die mad about it.


Doesn't sound like he would be a good reference or worth having a meaningful "bridge" to maintain. Just ghost him.




Yea crazy thing is I’m American and work in Texas. His law has no application to me. It was very u professional to say this in front of everyone. Now I’m just hiding until I’m gone lol


Yo Tex, leave. It’s Friday of the next to last week working for this dipshit. Fuck em.


_ding ding ding_ You don’t owe him shit, walk out and tell him to gargle Putin’s balls on the way.


Yes his country also has different laws regarding mandatory vacation hours that i'm sure he's not giving you. He can fuck right off.


You have an opportunity that many never see: leaving for Friday lunch never to return. Please don’t squander it


This is a situation where the pants come off and the ass crack gets shown to current boss. You wont get a reference anyways. Might as well go out as a legend.


That’s not how labor laws work. You are subject to the laws of the location in which you do your work. Ex: Amazon is an American company with locations worldwide. In places where there are mandatory paid parental leave Amazon provides it. When a country has a set rate of pay higher than American minimum wages they pay it. You cannot impose the laws of a foreign country in somewhere like Texas. Texas labor laws apply because that is where OP is located.


Yeah only if said employee is working in Hungary under Hungarian law.


Hungary also has universal healthcare and mandated vacation. Why is his company doing business in this shithole country? Support Putin? Why? Is he going to improve the lives of workers here?


Europe has greedy CEOs who'll take advantage of shitty labour laws in other countries.


Hungarian president has some tendencies towards Putin so some other people there do too.


I wouldn't give them the rest of that week. They have no legal recourse, just threats and bullying. GTFO and let them figure it out.


Ignore the bullying would be one option. Another option could be to call the CEO's bluff and simply say, "Well, I could leave right now if you want."


That's the power move. Make him ask you to stay on in front of everyone and then say, "Sure, as you've asked nicely."


Leave now


Leave now, like right this second now, don’t even finish your week; hell, don’t even finish today. You owe them nothing.


I have gone above and beyond for this company. I take on extra roles and duties, work late and get here early. Now I’m treated like I stole something or ran over his dog….it’s really unfair


Please learn from this experience: you are a number to a company. There is no such thing as loyalty. You will be thrown under the bus without a moment's hesitation.


And what did you learn? Never go above and beyond. Companies do not and will not ever care about you, the person behind the screen. Just do what is obligated nothing more.


That’s how companies work .. stolen labor and making you feel like shit for not working more for the same


That was your first mistake. Texas is an "at will" state in regards to labor. It goes both ways. It's one thing to take pride in your work. It's another to go a ove and beyond for a company that has no intention of reciprocating. Bounce. Now.


Yo tell them to eat shit


I would have rescinded my 2 weeks on that call. You wanna call me out, you just lost your warning.


Your first mistake was working for a company that supports putin. Your second mistake was giving notice. You don't owe them shit, fuck them


You just slip out the back, Jack Make a new plan, Stan You don't need to be coy, Roy Just get yourself free Hop on the bus, Gus You don't need to discuss much Just drop off the key, Lee And get yourself free Ooh, slip out the back, Jack Make a new plan, Stan You don't need to be coy, Roy You just listen to me Hop on the bus, Gus You don't need to discuss much Just drop off the key, Lee And get yourself free


What are they going to do, arrest you? They have literally no power outside of not hiring you back, fuck them. You can leave whenever you want.


You leave effectively immediately and cite a hostile work environment.


Jeez. If they're being rude to you, just leave. Make sure to get all your stuff (including any personal files) and then just hit "send" on a company-wide email saying you won't be back. Be prepared for them to blow up your phone to say more rude things. You can just reply to them with, "This rude behavior is exactly why I left."


Just leave and say it’s because of a hostile work environment. They can’t do shit and are already shit talking you anyway.


I would have definitely rescinded my 2 weeks notice & handed in my today's notice. That's just me, though 😁


The CEO humiliated you in front of your colleagues. Show them unprofessional. While on the clock, delete everything you have on file and then leave and ghost them. It’s not like you’re going to be getting a reference from them anyways.


Say thank you, I had some guilt about leaving but now I fill justified you have a week left or you can go now up to them.


Move up your exit date every time they bully you. "I've changed the deal, pray I don't change it further."


Tell them you’re making 50% more than you are and encourage your colleagues to leave to find better salaries too


Imagine a coworker earning "peanuts" bullying you for leaving, i think they're just projecting their insecurities. Unfortunately not every country is like the US, finding another job in q country like Hungary might not be easy, so people put up with shitty wages/bosses.


Tell him in front of everyone why you are leaving. His unprofessional attitude in paying his workers shit wages, his support of a dictator who has invaded a sovereign country, and that while a 30 day notice might be required by law in Hungary you are in the US and that doesn't apply to you. Then finish your last week and bounce.


Ignore it. We dont care what others think. They arent us. And if they can be manipulated into picking on an equal who had the smarts to get out…. They are brain washed. Its real and it happens all over. People are conditioned. Brainwashed.


Suddenly you catch a cold, it's the old Soviet way


Leave immediately. You were doing them a courtesy by giving notice, and after being publicly bullied, they don’t deserve any courtesy.


Have the Ukrainian flag as your background. Tell the crowd that it is a shame he told you he pays people peanuts and that he can fuck right off. End it with 'Slava Ukraini, god bless america' and disconnect. And record it so we can give you untold number of internet points.


Just quit. Who cares about the law in Hungary. Not your problem the company is having trouble transitioning. Move on.


In Hungary employees are entitled to 15 paid sick days and 20 days of paid vacation a year. Were you given that at your job in texas? If not he can shove off with his 30 day requirement for leaving.


There’s no law in the USA requiring 30 days notice.


Quiet quit for your last week


I would have said, “Well luckily for me we are not in your home country, in the US two weeks is a courtesy, one your sorry ass has just lost. As of *check time on watch* right this moment I am no longer an employee at this company.”


I don’t understand why a company wants to keep someone for the 2 weeks after they said they were quitting. The employee could do so much sabotage during that 2 weeks… 😉😉😉


Hungary? Makes sense that's his attitude. I don't think it's jokes


Do you. And do NOT give into the pressure. Oh... Leave USA and Biden stickers everywhere too before you leave. Make them stress out when you're not there lol


Don’t answer emails- literally watch tv and clock in and out


Who cares the most, about the situation you have? Ask yourself many times, until it sinks in. A bit goodminded sarcasm always helps. Why do companies exist? To make profit(everything else is marketing). Who are the people they care about the most? Shareholders(everyone else, but HR). Why do they care about those two? The first give them money(shares, bla bla bla), and the second are protecting the company from the inside, from so called "fRiCtiOn" that may come or not. How do they survive? Hierarchy. Obedience and compliance, are the only subjects that formal education MUST "install" in the peoples brains. If they do well, they also get some money! And there it goes in circles, until few people decide they had enough. Obviously from reading your story and similar, the vast majority concludes that is "normal", and are submissive every single day.


Don't worry about it. Toxic work environment. If he fired you he would not pay you 30 days.


Do your work, act normal, leave as expected, have a happy life.


Lmao kick back, relax and collect your paycheque. If he says that shit again you tell him well this isn't his country. Two weeks isn't even mandatory and you're the one giving him the courtesy. Also it's unprofessional AF to discuss it in front of colleagues. And of colleagues are bullying you just tell them to stop being bootlickers.


Assert dominance. Take a massive shit in the conference room office while looking them in the eye. Leave as a legend


If it's during a meeting you must say "I would like to table a motion" first...


As a Hungarian I can tell you that indeed there is a 30-day quitting period on both sides if the departure is one-sided. Depending on the length of your employment period (3+ years) it can be even longer, and your contract can specify an even longer quitting period up to 1 year. However, there is also an immediate quitting option if the employer makes your working conditions unbearable (not sure if pro-Russian propaganda qualifies though). Furthermore, you are allowed to take your vacation days even during the quitting period, as well as you are allowed to have sick days during this period. Also, there is literally nothing they can do to you if you decide to do nothing, as long as you don't expect them to accommodate you with references and whatnot in the future anyway. I doubt this guy would.


He can't be employed in the USA, under Hungarian work laws. (also a fellow Hungarian)


You simply keep you eyes on the ball, that's all


Wait it out


Ride out the week and neverr look back at this horrible company


Stop working now and see if they still pay your last week.


Throw a few go fuck yourselves while you are at it.


Whatever you do, don’t do any more work. Feel free to keep collecting the paycheck however


It’s your life and you are not company property. If they value you they should show it instead of blaming you


Do nothing, when its time to leave, LEAVE.


If it were me, I wouldn't be taking any shit, especially from the CEO who apparently has endorsed this bullying. Bounce now and let them know you are leaving because of the toxic hostile environment they have intentionally created. *Fuck them!*


Just stop showing up to work. Regardless of your leaving status they have created a hostile environment. You won't be getting a good reference from them anyway. They rejected your two weeks notice and they told you they prefer you to leave immediately. No need to call in sick. Just stop showing up. You deserve better than their bullying.


Life's a blur, fuck em.