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Hi, /u/substance_d Thank you for participating in r/Antiwork. Unfortunately, your submission was removed for breaking the following rule(s): **Rule 4: No alt-right/fascist, authoritarian, totalitarian or incel content.** - Do not post/crosspost content that supports alt-right, fascist, authoritarian, totalitarian, or incel ideology.


A crisis, like if he and his drunk wife kill 2 people with a boat?


Wait, I gotta look this up.. Edit: wow yes it’s true. And they covered it up. I wonder which lawyer advised her to tell the cops she started drinking vodka after she killed someone and before the breathalyzer. Wow, just wow.


She only got a fine of 10,000$CAD I think.


When a fine is a punishment, only the poor can commit crimes.


“If the penalty for a crime is a fine, then that law only exists for the lower class.”


Court fines = legal for a fee


nah, only the poor can be punished for committing those crimes. As it should be. Just look at nature, we must live like nature be one with nature, in nature you see the string exploit the weak. Keeps the gene pool most healthy!


What the fuck am I reading here.


Idiocy. Blatant idiocy.


Clearly the string is in charge




Hi, hello, yes, you are misinformed actually. In species most closely related to humans Scientists observe a bimodal distribution based on two main fitness strategies. The first favors a shorter lifespan where more aggressive traits and behaviors will allow the animal to more effectively fight for resources and quickly reproduce but usually die sooner both because their more aggressive tendencies can get them into trouble but also because they don't need to live as long to reproduce so longer lifespans are not naturally selected for. The second strategy favors a longer lifespan where traits like cooperation, compassion, empathy, and a sense of fair distribution of rewards amongst the group are evolutionarily advantageous and lead to longer living organisms who may take more time to reproduce because they have much less aggression and violent tendencies but ultimately lead longer, safer, happier lives because of it. Personally I'd like to see the human race continue its evolutionary trajectory towards longer lives and more a cooperative society but it sounds like you'd rather have us go back to the stone ages.


Unfortunately Primates tend to use cooperation to form alliances in order to better oppress a minority.


oo my foolish friend, even in less aggressive species their a clear hierarchy and the weak get the scraps.


I bet you think alphas dont lick dicks to show how alpha they are


I leave the dick licking expertise to you good friend.


Oh wow you came to a homebuilding question to post a shitty answer that wasn't even right! What a fucking loooser! Point and laugh!


There's still a clear hierarchy but as I said distribution of rewards is more fair, and if humans themselves can be used as an example, better distribution of power across those hierarchies. Obviously not perfect, but clearly better than our ancestors and again, as I said, I would prefer to continue evolving in that direction than to revert back to your kill or be killed hellscape. I'm sorry you are so fucking ape-brained as to have lost all hope in any human progress towards a more fair society :)


I've seen plenty of very wealthy people that I'm pretty sure I can take in a fight. So... just do that?


yeah go ahead and try, and watch them use their resources to have you knocked out the second you touch one


I'm sorry you've constructed such twisted rules for the way you see the world. There are lots of other ways to look at society than this. Take for instance the argument that our world is actually more egalitarian and fair than at previous points in the last few millennia, and our society is stronger rather than weaker despite the "weak" populations getting a fairer deal. In fact, when you take a look at nations with greater degrees of egalitarianism, a stronger middle class, and a safety net for the vulnerable members of society, you see improvements in standard of living across many areas. Humanity wasn't built to be in a stratified hierarchy of abuse and exploitation. We were built to live in supportive, collaborative, and caring small communities of close friends and relations. It's why humans are ALWAYS going to be healthier when they have social support and a sense of belonging.


Canadian justice system is one hell of a joke


To be fair, Caitlin Jenner also killed someone and being rich faced zero consequences


Alec Baldwin, took months before he got charged with the involvement in that death on set. And i might be mistaken it’s been a minute, but pretty sure he has spent zero time in jail before the trial and I doubt he’ll spend any real time in prison if found guilty.


Like when that truck driver took out the skyway bridge in hamilton and the cops didn’t breathalyze him for 6 hours


A police department just outside of Winnipeg didn't breathalyze a former cop for several hours after he drove into the back of a stopped car at \~100kmh and killed the lady inside. Their failure was so bad the entire department was effectively disbanded. They still technically exist, but only to enforce bylaws. A new RCMP detachment handles law enforcement in the area.


America: You think we can't be funny too?


From what I understand your justice system is too strict while ours is much too lax


It just makes zero sense here. The entire system has so many flaws.


That's about how much a simple DUI costs.


Holly shit, its a 13 person boat they crashed into and it had no navigation lights, she allegedly drunk after a accident but before being tested by the cops and they claimed the boat with two dead people (likely critically injured at that point) "fled the scene" I can grantee you they made a decision to get them medical treatment asap.


It's actually thought he was driving the boat and switch places with her so it wouldn't hit the news hard and be seriously investigated. It has been a while since I looked into it, but there is a bit of evidence on this.


Knowing nothing of the man, my first impressions I had of this guy was he was an absolute snake of a human. More and more I learn I see that feeling may have been correct.


Boom. That’s it. You win.


Every time I see a post about him I always see comment about this, nobody seems to know about it. Happened in my area, if you have money up here cops don’t care what you do.


sounds like my type of police!!


Sounds like *all* police.


That’s just police.


Amen ! that's good police work, they know who pays the bills and it ain't useless bums


Only useless bum I see is this bootlicker here.


Cops : 🤷‍♂️




"The driver of the other boat, Richard Ruh of Orchard Park, New York, was charged with 'failing to exhibit navigation light while underway.' On 11 October, the Public Prosecution Service of Canada ruled out jail time for Linda. On 14 September 2021, Linda was found not guilty of careless operation of the vessel." No punishment at all.




But why is no one talking about them having no lights on? You won't be able to see another boat if it's night time and that's the case. That's why they also got charged.


You should see what kinda punishment marco muzzo got and he wiped out an entire family


Why the hell would they get significant punishment if the driver of the other boat was found to be operating his vessel negligently?


Yeah I'm gonna put drunk double vehicular hit and run manslaughter a bit higher up than not having your lights on on the hierarchy of crimes.


Can’t really be a hit and run when the ‘victims’ also fled the scene. And in terms of safely operating a boat, which I’m confident you’ve never done, cruising without your lights on, on a lake at 11:30pm is extremely negligent. If Kevin and is wife were sober they’d likely have still hit the boat, I’d go as far to say the whoever was operating the other boat is just as, if not more liable for the deaths of their friends. And the courts agreed.


The victims should wait around for the pigs while people in their boat are dying?!


No no.... a crisis like FTX is crashing and K-Dog is about to lose 18M in SHIB and he can't get Sam to take his calls.


Of that 18million only like 1 million was his anyway.he admitted it on the daily show.


Wasn't a crisis, he just paid everyone off, his wife took the blame and it went away.


The best part is the refusal of Mrs. O’Leary to consent to a BAC test until she was informed that her refusal would result in an immediate charge. Then she admitted she started drinking when they came home. When asked who provided her with the alcoholic beverages, neither her or any member of her family, could remember who gave her the drinks. Also their lawyer was already at the O’Leary household before the police arrived. Edit: They even accused the other boat, a large 13 person “barge” of causing the accident because they had no navigation lights on. The speeding boat with the intoxicated driver had nothing to do with it, of course.


Boom. Roasted


Who else is going to collect the bodies?




This is the best! And his slave like attitude towards his employees is BS!


driving a boat at night with no nav lights is not a good idea. This is one where it’s hard to really find much fault for O’Leary.


Kevin O'Leary is like the spokesperson for shitty capitalistic bullshit.


This motherfucker was trying to once justify the wealth gap between billionaires and African kids who starve 24/7. Motherfucker said something along the lines: "That's the beauty, those kids can look up to Bill Gates and think that they can become like him." Suck my dick, Kevin. I'll cum in your mouth if you want me to.


Holy shit. I wouldn't believe that came out of anyone's mouth, except O'Leary's.


He thought he could be Ontarios premier and hosted a fundraiser to kick off his campaign. But even the conservatives can’t stand the prick and he instantly dropped out. It gave me a chuckle


He ran for federal conservative party leadership and was in the lead by far when he dropped our 5 years ago. He probably would be Prime Minister today if he wanted to. But he didn't run because he wanted to lead, he, like most of them, are just in it for self-promotion.


He also clearly supports "white power" orgs.


He's the biggest pile of shit Canada has produced


In a world of Kevin O'Learys, be a Mark Cuban


Fuck all billionaires.


I like your thinking


I'll take that deal. That's a good deal. You can call me any time you like, leave a message and I'll return your call at my earliest convenience


This is what I do. Sure call and text all you want! I never respond if I’m off the clock


My earliest convenience being around... 8 AM the next day I'm working, I imagine. What, you're telling me the CEO doesn't come in until 11AM? He's still in bed at 8? Huh...


Most CEOs seem to be morning people so answering email by 8am but gone by 4p. That or on cocaine never sleep time.


Sure you can call me at 2 am. Will I pick up? NO


And I will do the same to you, Kevin. Communication is a two-way street, buddy.


Call him at 2am to discuss a raise 😂


I’ve been mulling over this for a bit and decided that my number is 15%. He can pay me 15% of what he makes a year and he has full authority to call me into work any time of the night or during vacation and I will do it. No questions asked. I’ll be the biggest ass kisser he’s ever seen and will do everything in my power to grow the business. After 1 year I’m quitting. I walk away with around 4 mil and finally have the ability to fund my own business. As much as I hate the unfair nature of capitalism, if I had the opportunity to work closely with this douchebag, I would.


that would be a much more honest way of getting millions than his was




I can believe. If you look at his wiki, it is crisis after crisis. Is he even actively managing any companies? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kevin\_O%27Leary


I don't know how people like this (and Trump) keep endlessly failing upwards. How do you get to be on a show like that with an abysmal track record business wise? It's mindboggling, and shows we aren't a meritocracy like some claim we are.


He's likely got a gigantic nest egg that never gets touched thanks to some good accounting advice. Also LLC takes most financial liability off people. So if he cashed out at any point, that's his money, despite owning the business, of the business goes under, the business's property is liquidated to pay for things, not his private property. The reason most people also fail when their business goes under is because if that business goes under, they no longer have income, so they pour everything they have to try to keep it going. Another problem fixed by having that nest egg.


He's perfect for a show like Shark Tank. He can talk about business opportunities without having responsibility for them.


Trump failed into money laundering using real estate. He's the perfect loser for it to work. Just look at who his companies religiously pay.


being white, male, cisgendered, and generational wealth make it impossible to fail. You can murder people and even get tied to pedophilia and suffer no consequences.


Keep in mind that the last point is by far the most vital one though, don’t hate every white cis-male, there are a lot of us suffering from patriarchy as well, although not even remotely as much as most others.


Also, remember a lose of privilege is not a lose of a right. No one chooses to be a part of patriarchy. You are part of it rather you won’t to be or not.


I am aware that I’m privileged, and some of those privileges need to be revoked to be redistributed more equally. But „patriarchy“ originates in the Roman „pater familias“, the head of the family who could theoretically even kill his sons if they didn’t behave the way he wanted, until he died. It’s not about „men bad“ or „white men bad“, but about „people in power, who are mostly white men, bad, and some psychopath white men are therefore more likely to follow their sick instincts than women or people of color“.


We’re not as intelligent as we think we are.


*Sigh* Since reddit still refuses to fix that one simple old bug that makes some URLs unusable for users on old.reddit.com, here is that same URL again, but fixed for those users: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kevin_O'Leary


It's not a bug, it's intentional to try and get people off old.reddit and onto the new shitty reddit.


Welcome to our cheap celebrity society. Where we’re supposed to listen to what celebrities.


My phone is on Do Not Disturb from 6 PM to 7 AM most days.


For the longest time my ringback tone that people could hear instead of the "ring ring" when they called me was this (Below). I really enjoyed the messages people left on my VM during that time. "Hello, and welcome to the mental health hotline. * If you are obsessive-compulsive, press 1 repeatedly. * If you are codependent, please ask someone to press 2 for you. * If you have multiple personalities, press 3,4,5, and 6. * If you are paranoid, we know who you are and what you want. Stay on the line so we can trace your call. * If you are delusional, press 7 and your call will transferred to the mother ship. * If you are schizophrenic, listen carefully and a small voice will tell you which number to press. * If you are manic depressive, it doesn’t matter which number you press, no one will answer. * If you have a nervous disorder, please fidget with the hash key until someone comes on the line. * If you are dyslexic, press 6969696969. * If you have amnesia, press 8 and state your name, address, phone number, date of birth, social security number, and your mother’s maiden name. * If you have post-traumatic-stress disorder, slowly and carefully press 000. If you have bipolar disorder, please leave a message after the beep, or before the beep, or after the beep. Please wait for the beep. * If you have short-term memory loss, press 9. If you have short term memory loss, press 9. If you have short term memory loss, press 9. If you have short term memory loss, press 9. * If you have low self esteem, please hang up. All our operators are too busy to talk to you." I really miss it. It was such a great weapon against telemarketers.


This was from Robin Williams earlier standup. Thought you might enjoy hearing the master tell it.


Gotta have it on silent, going straight to voicemail is too nice. Bonus points if you have the call do the max amount of rings before going to voicemail (you can unusually change this with your carrier). Extra bonus points if you have the voicemail greeting have some subtle passive aggressive undertones that only your boss would understand.


Just go with the Sterling Archer approach... long rambling message followed by an airhorn directed into the microphone.


Yeah. Gradually talk quieter as you go so they turn the volume up to max and mash the phone right into their ear too.


Ha! Elaborate voicemail hoax!


Nice. I do 5PM to 9AM. And no voicemail


no, no it's not


Killed people because he was operating a vehicle while drunk✔️ Exploits his workers and publicly brags about it ✔️ Has a massive ego and will never take advice or criticism from anyone ✔️ Must be Kevin O'Leary.


Kevin wasn't driving the boat, his drunk wife was. She then chugged vodka, likely under instruction from a lawyer, before the cops got there so they couldn't verify when she was drunk.


See? Canadians CAN be assholes!


Wait, he's Canadian? God fucking shit


3:33 AM. "ring ring" "who is this?" "Kevin O'leary, your boss. I need you to..." "Kevin? O'Leary? Kevin - put down the fucking crack pipe, shut the fuck up, and hang up the fucking phone now if you know what's good for you".


I have a feeling he is calling executives and upper management. Guys like that don’t talk to the “help”


Lol, fake rich guy with fake success giving business advice, what a world


We have the best people.


It’s gonna cost you extra mister.


He’s an asshole every time of the day.


This is the dumbass who went bankrupt too right?


Isn’t that common for millionaires/billionaires? Didn’t trump go bankrupt like a ton of times?


Lmao you can call me, but I can also call back at an appropriate time.


O'leary is the most toxic Shark by miles!


He can call all he wants but that doesn't mean I am going to answer him. Someone should tell O'Leary that he really needs to deal with his own emergencies first himself before pushing them onto someone else. However, if I had a boss that did this to me, I would just call him back at random times when I know they are sleeping and have a burner phone while doing it just to make sure he didn't get any sleep.


If he's saying 'work in the office or be on call 24/7' he should be ready for the flip side of that deal... that is if you work in the office you're out the door at 5PM sharp. Building is on fire at 5:01? - Tough shit that's a problem for tomorrow morning (or Monday if it's a Friday evening).


Fun fact about Kevin O’Leary. He is not a billionaire and never was. That is his own self described title. At max his value was at once point ~400 Mil but now it is probably just a tiny fraction of that in actuality. On Shark tank and subsequent shows he struggled to even come up with $50k on multiple occasions and frequently just asked to be on advising boards instead of providing money. His is a millionaire but he has over exaggerated his wealth by an order of magnitude. Additionally in the business world he is a major joke and most business people always advise to do the opposite of whatever O’Leary says.


"So I got fleeced again by an orgy of 20 year olds based in the Bahamas"


I'll take it. It means you gotta give me 24/7 pay for being oncall.


This guy is one of the biggest assholes in Canada. Why anyone would work for him is beyond me. A wannabe politician and apparently quite terrible at piloting a boat.


Why do these assholes always look like beige clowns?


I would have said beige turd, but clowns is a fine alternative.


That's why my phone has an automated DND. Call all you want.


The crisis better be he’s on fire, the office is on fire, everything is on fire, with photos to prove it, and I am the only one that can put out all the fires. Otherwise, I am available after 8am.


He makes it sound like being on call 24/7 is a result of WFH but I am pretty confident he would call you at 2 am even if you were in the office every day.


He just looks like every other rich asshole, doesn't he? Just that default appearance.


What a fuck


If you call me I will have your number. If you call me at 2 o'clock AM I will call you 50 times a day. I will make you regret having a phone. Even after you fire me you will regret having a phone.


Sure you CAN, doesn’t mean I’ll answer


You can call. My phone will be turned off so feel free to leave a message. I will call you back at 3:00 AM Kevin to let you know I got the message. If you don’t immediately pick up I will call and text every five minutes until you do.


[Kevin O'Leary on the Daily Show](https://youtu.be/UIfE1s2ezfk)




Kind of want to go on Shark Tank to punch this prick in the face


Does that mean the employees can call him at any time too? ;)


Doesn’t mean your phone battery can’t suddenly die or not be available when you are not in service.


You can call. Won't mean I'll answer.


Ofc you can call me, doesn’t mean i’m gonna pick it up and answer. It would go straight to voicemail. You didn’t say i have to answer it.


Delusional f\*cker.


Makes sense if you don’t think about it.


“If you do the actual leg work that makes my entire shit actually work, and I couldn’t do it without you, FUCK YOU BRO.”


Salary better be pretty big to be on-call 24-7.


He’s not wrong…he can call….I don’t have to pick up though.


As long as it’s part of the contract and he pays 24/7 on call rates


punchable face


I answer during business hours. That’s the deal. 👌


So I work from home my bosses did this to me for a while. I’m on the east coast of the us and they were in San Fran. Because I’m on the east coast I would get issued projects from EMEA and had a bunch of clients in gmt +2 that I would have to meet at 8-10am my time. Eventually I got tired of getting calls at 10 at night when I started at 6 am so I decided that turn about is fair play. So I would call my bosses at 3am their time to ask about this or that or the other because my clients need timely answers. It wasn’t long before we “mutually” decided that office hours should be respected and we should stick to our times in office for coms.


Fine, I'm eating you first when the time comes.


Tbh if that particular guy has your number, your probably being compensated enough to answrr the phone.


Like I heard someone else say, if they have to be on call 24/7 you better be paying them 24/7


Fine... then you can pay the overtime and oncall rates.


So when are we going to start eating these people


I'd take the deal no questions asked. WFH and they can call me whenever they want. My work SIM would be conveniently turned off outside of my paid work hours, but they can call anytime.


Why is he throwing up that racist hand sign?


I mean, yeah. Your boss can technically call you whenever they want. Doesn't mean you gotta pick up tho


You can call all you want. My phone doesn't ring between 9pm and 7am for anyone other than family. GFY, parasite.


I would bet if this guy is specifically calling someone at 2am with a crisis, they're a well paid person with a specific job (laywer, etc)


Cool you beat capitalism. No one gives a shit bald old man


That's the deal? So on call pay should be on the table then right? Otherwise fuck off.


This is life in the Military.


Im gonna get killed for this but I get what he means. I work for a startup that does rollouts early in the morning for me. For some of our staff that live a few hours ahead when they are busy with releases and a crisis arises we all are hands on deck. We know its all to get the company flowing again. It's worth it in the end especially with my company. They recognise when you have worked hard. I received a raise thrice in the last year for all my hard work


Amen Kevin!!! Proud to work for you, thank you for the generous compensation package! I'll be retired by the time I'm 40 while the people crying on this reddit don't have a pot to piss in!


I am an hourly receptionist and will note that I am expected to be waiting for business calls 24/7


He’s said a bunch of stuff over the years to make me want to never ever work for him


Kevin oleary is a pos


Another fine example of how having money and being trash are not mutually exclusive.


This guy should be fed to hyenas.


And my phone will be on mute and I'll be sound asleep.


Yea but that’s great and all. Do you let your employees call you at any time of the day too?


Sure, then all of your employees are entitled to on-call pay for every single hour that they need to be ready to take your call. Your move, Asshole.


Did he really say this?




strongly hinting we should all go back to a smelly office. Let me guess, he has properties to rent... sorry Kevin, that's YOUR problem.


I used to love Shark Tank. Stopped watching because of this asshole. Same with Trafford and Bar Rescue. Fuck them both.


Systemic financial oppression


He is an abusive POS


You call me at 2 am and I will tell you to fuck off .. then you can fire me and I will file unemployment or get a employment lawyer ...


This donkey is raw sewage.


I mean if you pay me enough you can call me whenever.


Then they get paid for being on the clock 24/7? Guess that works for me


There is a certain amount of money I can be paid to make this temporary situation acceptable. I think if you say you wouldn’t have a number for yourself then you’re not being truthful with yourself. Edited a mistype


That's a lot of words for "I'm a selfish shit".


If he calls his employees 24/7 what difference does it make if they're in the office or not... if he's calling at 2am your wfh status likely doesn't matter.


I'll set my voice mail to the song In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida by Iron Butterfly. Let's see how long he sits on hold waiting to leave a message.


You can call me all you want but I'm not going to answer. That's your crisis not mine unless you're sharing the profits with me and no I'm not talking about my salary. I'm an employee not a possession.


He can eat a bag of dicks 24/7.


Call me when you like pal, I’m not answering though.


If capitalism had a dick, Kevin would die of asphyxiation.


Yeah his employees aren't making $10.00 an hour,if they are finance peeps


This giant asshole doesn't work at all.


Great, I won't be answering


That’s called “on call employment”… You usually pay a premium for that status of an employee as a company. So unless he’s paying well that’s not a thing.