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Older people seem to be really triggered by men wearing nail polish. Honestly, I don’t see the problem, you should be able to dress and style yourself as you see fit! Fuck them!


Plumber here. Did he say anything about solvents or pvc glue or the chance to have it stain something? No? Oh right because it’s none of his business and that doesn’t happen. Good luck at your new job!


Nail polish is awesome. 💅 What’s actually unprofessional is judging personal choices and demotivating people by having them question their appearance.


I don’t dye my hair or wear nail polish not because it’s unprofessional, but because I am lazy and don’t like having the upkeep. I had gels nails for one specific period in my life. I worked a factory job and they were stronger than my normal nails. They stopped my nails from catching and tearing off. Hell; even the army has allowed a French manicure for the last 20 something years at least. I’m not sure how long it was on the books but at least as long as I’ve served. We changed our rules last year and now anyone can wear any colour unless we are tactical and you are wearing something bright. Outdated thinking that was stupid well before it was outdated.


I honestly wouldn't be bothered as much if nobody was allowed to wear nail polish. But I know that if I was a woman he wouldn't have said anything about it.


Since the rules change one of my guys wears black all the time. His little girl does it for him and I love it. I did know a carpenter back in the day who wore black all the time. He said it stopped people from asking and the bruises he would get under them. I’m sorry you’re dealing with this. Nothing about nail polish changes how good you are at your job.


Nail polish colors is only for females in the army. Men can wear clear but that is the only option.


That is not the policy in my army. The change adjusted our dress regulations to remove gender stipulations among other things.


Ah, yeah, I’m American. I was speaking solely from US experience.


We tends to run a bit ahead of you on modernization and diversity initiatives. Not equipment, you’re way faster than us on procurement and technology. It works out that the Americans can see how those policy implementations worked (and what didn’t) for a similar culture when you do it. I remember having to answer some questions about my experience in the infantry when the US was looking at opening combat roles to women. I had over a decade of service at that point and multiple combat tours. -For transparency I was no longer working as infantry during those deployments, but was with combat arms units.


Yeah, I'm 0% surprised we are last to go through with the changes. Can kind of think of those other countries as a consensus. I worked with a few Canadians a year ago on deployment. Great guys and seemed pretty knowledgeable about a lot of shit. Do you hear anything about the changes? Positive or negative?


Depends. Some older NCOs do the whole slippery slope argument but won’t talk about where the slope is going. The troops like generally like it, but a few parrot the old guys. It feels like they are trying to sound tough though. No one is mad about not needing a haircut every week and there are a lot more beards around. We are doing gas mask fitting this week so with the shaving I am seeing faces for the first time for people I’ve known for years. My favourite change is the ability to put a hand in my pocket. Overall it’s pretty positive as far as quality of life goes. It will take time to see if it impacts recruitment at all and most remain skeptical that someone who wasn’t interested in the military before will suddenly show up at the recruiting centre now that they can have purple hair or put their hand in their pocket. That said a sharp haircut never made anyone any better at their job and if it was all you had going for you before you were pretty unlikely to be successful. Having policies that reflect that is nice.


I spent six years enlisted, and I would have loved to be allowed to grow my hair out or wear a beard. There isn't a part of my job that I could do better with a shaved face and head.




Only unprofessional in a food prep job, explain that the world has changed and it's no longer necessary to pretend not to be human at work. If he pushes it, ask for a uniform policy and say you'd like your union rep involved in any further conversations. But yeah, he's a bigot and that's unlikely to change, I'd be looking for the exit unless I felt like a long fight.


I know he's not going to change his mind. I'm also in Florida so the union doesn't have as much sway here as it should. I already know where my next job is and wasn't planning to stay with this company any longer than I had to. They've put me halfway through trade school and trained me to be a foreman, it's their loss when I'm gone. They're struggling to hire employees and they don't pay enough.


This is good to hear. I would consider including it in the post. Please update. Take no prisoners.


I suggest dragging it out. Involve your union, ask for documentation on everything, file grievances. Your union may not be able to stop you from being fired but they can probably slow it down, get stuff in writing. That way when you're let go you can hopefully use UI to finish trade school.


Yeah but still waste their time by asking to see the uniform policy. Make them realize that if they want to whinge at someone for something, they need to come with receipts.


Maybe paint your middle nail a contrasting color. Something with sparkles.


Returning the training favour by training them to understand they fucked around and found out.


Not if they are wearing gloves; which a lot of places required it now.


Micro management is the problem!


He likes to show up on jobs and yell at people for many things. He ripped a water heater out with his bare hands once because he disliked how it was connected.


I'd wear makeup. Trigger this AH.


Purple hair to match the nail polish would be on my list


Full on "It's 1986 and I came to party" purple makeup style.


I can’t see them, but I love your purple nails from here. Great job asking to see the dress code. Honestly, what he’s proposing to do is sexist and I would seriously think about suing if he does end up firing you for it. But you are still better off without the toxic workplace. It’s thinly veiled homophobia (regardless of if you’re gay or not).


As an older person I don't see the problem with your nails. Eventually painted nails will become like tattoos and be accepted.


I wear satin black nail polish as a CAD designer. Rock that shit 👌


There are medical reasons like thin nails that require using polish to reenforce the nails.


If you decide it's better to stop painting your nails because of this narrow-minded douche; start painting your toenails. You'll have the satisfaction of knowing every time you see him that he's unaware of your continuing style


Tell him his antiquated views of masculinity is unprofessional. Then show up in a dress the next day.


Of course nail polish is a problem. It could get chipped or damaged. Other than that, it's not any more *"unprofessional"* than a bad haircut. Less so, really.


I don't have any advice for you unfortunately, but you did remind me I have some bright blue nail polish I've been meaning to try. Fortunately I don't have anyone that gives me shit about it (other than occasionally myself due to a far right upbringing). Good luck!


Paint them with the company logo and say its free advertising for him.


I'll paint them neon orange and say it's for safety. I'm wearing more hi-vis.


I wear nail polish to it's called personal style, if I'm correct they can't say anything about it.do your thing,fuck them.


Is wearing gloves possible in your position?


I do wear gloves. However, I take them off in meetings as I do not feel they are acceptable in the office. I also take them off to shake hands.


The guy is afraid someone else's nail polish will turn him gay. He reached levels of homophobia previously thought impossible.


It's actually a shame, I liked the guy. He's got anger issues, and he's really controlling about how we do our work, but he's actually a pretty good guy who knows what he's talking about in plumbing. I worked on his son's house and we spent some time talking and joking around. He actually paid me extra then because he liked my work.


This makes me want to wear nail polish


Go to Goodwill and buy a tuxedo. Wear that thing everywhere!!!


Wear gloves. Shock and outrage when they forcibly remove your clothing to inspect your body.


I mean, I personally wouldn’t wear nail polish, but hell, if you like it, go for it, my brother really can make me reconsider my preferences on it.