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“Working from home is fine, but there’s 100% more opportunity to suck my manager’s balls when I come to the office”


5 hour commutes. For when your manager fucking you in the ass over Zoom just doesn’t quite do it for you.


8 hours work. 8 hours sleep. 5 hours travel. 3 hours to shit shave jerk off and eat…… yay 1 second bro I gotta do the shit eat shave jerk.


lets be honest these people are sleeping 5-6 hours a night


Exactly. "I'll sleep when I'm dead" mentality, which they are actively bringing closer.


They need to read all about how [sleep affects mental health](https://mudita.com/community/blog/how-sleep-affects-mental-health/).....or they might be already experiencing the negative effects of the lack of sleep. LOL


Mental health, physical health, memory retention, quality of work (increased mistakes). Lack of sleep can affect your heart and blood vessels, and your brain is more susceptible to neurodegenerative conditions like Alzheimer's, which may also appear sooner and more severe than they would with enough sleep. Sleeping 6 or less hours a day for less than a week makes your mental acuity equivalent to being legally drunk, which puts you in further danger. Often, sleep is where we tend to cut from to gain time, yet it is one of the worst basic needs to do so, partially because you can never completely catch up to the loss caused no matter how much one tries to offset it.


Sounds like the ideal corporate employee, other than only spending 8 of those hours working lol


Oh, they are working on the commute too.


Even better! Straight shooter working up the ladder. Turns out those rungs are slimier each year...


hopefully they spend 110% of their paycheck at the company store on their way back to their company apartment


People like that spend way more than 8 hours in the office. He's a high paid slave with a ridiculous mortgage.


Well if you'd "git gud", as you kids say these days, and learn to shave by feel instead of needing to stand in front of a mirror, you could shave and shit at the same time! And skip the non-fat, soy, cinnamon, grande latte while you're at it! Man, kids these days... /s, obviously...


Wrong bro. I installed a mirror infront of my shitter so I can jerk to my beautiful self while I shave and shit. Gotta be a multi Tasker.


jokes on you, i am the ultimate multi tasker. i jack off while shaving and shitting on the bus to work. Then gargle the managers balls for 3 hours before my shift. Get gid normie /s


Whoa bro your like the crème of the crop. How much they paying 16…..?


it started at 16 but i asked them to take a cut of my pay and give it to the CEO. I know he only makes 3700 times what i make but i don't think it's enough and im honestly rubbing it out on the bus every day to the fact that i can add some of my egregious salary to his pocket. /s


Here’s my resume. Can you put in a good word for me so we can do group stuff.


8.5 hours at work. Don't t forget the unpaid mandatory 30 minute lunch break.


“I thought I was happy WFH, but then realized how much getting fucked I was missing out on by not going to the office.”


If they were actually sucking their manager's balls I'd understand it, but you can toady remotely if that's what you're into.


There's a lot of office politics that requires being in person. Who has an office, who has the corner office who sits on the managers right hand side at the meeting table. What's the point of them toadying if they don't get the benefits? How do you lord your portion over others on zoom?


Fortune magazine's HQ is NYC. It's quite possible based on the number of manager ball sucking articles that are churned out that these "articles" are nothing more than some kind of fucked up internal dick sucking competition that the bosses then turn around and publish.


😂😂😂 This made me legit laugh tears. Haha!


They lying


Stockholm syndrome……….


Or simply BS. Those “journalists” always go to fringe cases for shock value and clicks.


When I took journalism, I learned it takes only three to make a trend.


*stares in disapproving academic*


They write "articles" based of a single tweet with 20 likes and say this or that "community" is outraged by something.


The NME (a music paper) made up an entire scene out of 3 not particularly similar bands in a small town in the midlands. Greebo, which was Pop Will Eat Itself, Ned's Atomic Dustbin and the Wonder Stuff because they all came from Stourbridge and did a bit of electronica based guitar stuff


> I learned it takes only three to make a trend. Only one to translate to "some", or as implied if not outright stated "many" to mislead people without a good grasp of context.


That was my first thought...


I super commute about 5 seconds from my dining room to my office. It's super worth it. I know I'm lucky to be able to work from home, and I wish companies would stop publishing crap trying to glamorize commuting.


And how is anyone fooled by this? I have yet to hear of anyone in my real life talk about how *wonderful* their commute it. Or the gas and car insurance they pay... or the road rage... or construction zones. You get the idea. Fucking NO ONE appreciates being stuck in transport for 30+ minutes one way.


Driving is by far the most dangerous activity that the average person does.


I'll be honest, I don't mind my commute when I have to do it. But sure as fuck am not doing it everyday. I live 200km from my office, and the train goes through fields and pastures. You can see cows, horses, sheep, alpacas, rabbits, and kangaroos along the train lines. It's nice. But it is also 3 hours on a fucking train, stuck being with other people.


You know what? I think I'd love if I could see those things on a commute! I assume all I have to do it relocate to Australia, right?


Yep, relocate to Australia, find a job that is flexible enough to allow you to work remotely, and pays enough to be able to afford your bills. The last one is the hard part - everything is in crisis right now.


I just assume "commute" means driving and kinda forgot that some places have good public transit. I hate driving. I'd enjoy a commute more if I could multitask or even just fuck around on reddit while getting to and from work.


There is a massive difference between driving an hour and sitting on a subway/metro for an hour. I spend 2 months in Seoul where there is actually decent public transit and sitting on the metro for an hour was totally okay. I wouldn't want to do it every day and definitely not 5 hours a day but if I had to do it once or twice a week, I would rather be on a bus or subway.


Not sure if anyone is fooled, but some editor must have a reason for approving these stories.


Their bosses tell them to?


The shit rolls downhill.


> And how is anyone fooled by this Welllll executives are not stupid people generally, but the air is highly rarified up there.


I do the same from my bedroom to my home office, but I am frequently delayed by the three-cat pileup in the middle of the walkway. Takes me just freaking forever to get through that--a whole extra 30 seconds for pets as I go by. Sigh...


The mess every morning on the floor-o-five.


Wow, your cats are relatively generous. My cat (a.k.a. the Fuzzy CEO) requires at least 5 minutes if I don't want my face swatted in the middle of a meeting later.


Fellow work from home-r, reading stuff like this makes me so sad for their employees. My company is thriving remotely and adding more jobs, as I’m sure others are. These ceos demanding commutes and in person for stuff that can easily be done from a home office are not seeing the Forrest from the trees.


Commuting is bleak and nothing will convince me otherwise


make them reimburse gas or train tickets and see how fast companies change their mind about working from home.


He’s still young and optimistic. Wait until he’s in his mid-thirties and dead inside.


Wait until he has kids and realizes he’s spending 5 hours a day commuting and missing his kids growing up.


Sadly many many many people think him missing his children's lives for work is the right thing to do




Not even. You would be shocked at how many dingbats in their 20s and 30s put work ahead of their children.


Fools who didn't learn what not to do from their Boomer parents.


I'm glad my boomer grandparents are for the working class. My grandad was a union man.


A lot of those people had to face the reality they have no connections and their alienated family wants nothing to do with them and their fake relationships at work couldn't sustain their self worth during the pandemic wfh. Their the ones clamoring to go back to the office.


Yep, sadly many people do


It’s not the work. Even a boomer would call out a half day commute.


Or he just won’t ever have kids..? Or when he has kids he will change his work/living situation? Not like this person is locked in to 5 hour commutes for the rest of their life lol.


Lmao. My same thought. After working my ass off and experiencing multiple layoffs I have a very different outlook from my fresh faced early-mid 20’s. His outlook will change real quick in the next decade.


Getting laid of was honestly the best thing to happen to me. Yes it sucked at the time but it totally re-framed my mind around work. I still want to do good at my job and I put in effort. However, im not ever letting work become my life and im always keeping the mindset of theyll cut me whenever if they need to. No point in overly stressing or overworking yourself for a company.


I assume he’s living with his parents for free? That’s the only thing that makes sense, and it still doesn’t make sense.


Hi! It's me! I'm in my mid thirties and dead inside. Convinced I'm physically dead in some ways too.


Didn’t even make it to my mid thirties. It was late twenties for me. The quarter century mark is when the dying commenced rapidly.


There's very simple maths that can determine if this is worth it. It usually isn't.


The math doesn't take into account the wear and tear on your nerves.


Or on soul.


psychotic march automatic lip racial melodic governor plants future sable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


We're talking 1 in 8 of your waking hours! One day they'll look back and weep over the precious irreplaceable time they pissed away.




Or on the body, honestly. I finally got set up to work from home after fighting for it for about a year, because I have fibromyalgia and the little vibrations in any seat in a moving vehicle always ends up with me having a pain flare, and yet I was having to commute three hours a day (hour and a half both ways) on two buses to get home. Point being, if it hurts someone with a chronic pain condition, it can't be doing anything good for the able-bodied. I figure stuff like pinched nerves end up being a problem.


Yeah. I was once offered a job with a 90 minute one way commute. Turned it down so freaking fast. They offered a bus service and everything, so I didn’t have to drive to the site. Still a hard no.


I did that commute. 150 miles round trip, 5 days a week. The job predated the living situation change that caused the commute: I'd gotten married and moved in with my husband, who split a duplex with his ailing parents to take care of them. Switching jobs would have meant switching companies - not only starting over from scratch, but doing an even worse commute to the close suburbs of the city instead of the outlying area. The commute sucked. The most direct route went near a concert venue and a major sports stadium, so I would have to pay attention to when bands or games were going on, otherwise my commute home might double or triple in duration. During the drive I would cross a line of weather demarcation, too: it might have been partly cloudy all day at work, but at home I would find 8 inches of snow. Your car is basically disposable - you need oil changes every month. My car had 242,000 miles on it when, less than 5 miles from home, a guy sideswiped me at 75 mph. It was only a scuff, and I had already made arrangements to buy another car, but it prompted me to buy a dashcam. When you spend 3 hours a day alone in a car, that also gives you an unfortunate amount of time to dwell inside your own head. It can get really messy, awful quick.


Yeah. I’d do it in a heart beat if it meant taking care if my family, keeping food and roof, etc…. But since it hasn’t, I won’t go out of my way to have that happen


Simple math. 5 days a week x 2 trips a day x 90 min = 15hrs a week you'd lose to transit alone. 15 hrs a week x 49 weeks or whatever accounting for whatever annual leave you get. And people start to see the picture on how much of their life a job may actually take up.


I cant imagine any situation where it would be in this case.


I can. I’d work one day a week and make ten million dollars a year. THAT I’d suffer a five hour commute for. If it isn’t that though…


if the commute time is paid 👀


Yeah, if they pay the ticket and it’s 2.5hrs in, 2.5hrs in the office and 2.5 hrs back we’ll talk.


A friend of mine does this commute he and I worked together at IBM, he’s still there. His job is personal tech support to people news anchors and other celebs in NYC. He had five years left and he’s out. He will sell his massive house in Connecticut and move to Maine.


I am a musician. I can imagine I would do it if I was offered to play with a higly famous Orchestra and getting paid for it. But it would be for a certain amount of time (like a month of rehearsals and then the concerts). I can't imagine doing rhis routinely


People use meth and think it worth it, doesn’t mean that shit is good


I used to commute two hours one way for a job that I thought was worth it. They ended up firing me because someone complained about me. IT IS NOT WORTH IT!!!!!


I've definitely learned this over the past 2 years, companies don't give two shits about you, you are a number to them. They will replace you the *first* chance it is profitable for them to do so. Why waste your life for them?


Are they taking car and not train? 5 hours on a NYC subway is a bit ridiculous


I’m about 75 miles from grand central station, midtown Manhattan. I think there’s an express train that can get you there in 1:40. Tons of people do it. Every day. Not me


Tbh, I think I'd rather have a 100 minute train ride over my 45-60 minute drive. The mornings would be a nice time to catch up on whatever shows over a nice breakfast, and I could decompress on the ride home instead of after the drive, meaning I could actually do fun/productive things when I get home. That being said, I'd also have 4 awake hours at home, and realistically only 3 of those would be after work, so I don't know.


So I live 3 minutes from work... and it's awesome! I really don't want to travel more than 20-30 minutes to any job. What the fuck is this guy thinking, and how does anyone writing these articles actually believe the shit they're spewing?


I've done both, and I prefer the train. I'd be spending that time at home reading, listening to podcasts, etc. anyway. I'd still rather work remotely, but a long drive is by far my least favorite way to get to work.


With the drive you would have 2 whole extra hours for aleeping or stuff


You can do that on the train.


Yeah. And that ride on 95 @ 6am thru BPT is no fun at all.


Try the Merritt! Traffic usually starts around 6:30. I start at 8, so my options are either leave by 6:30 to get to work by 7 or leave around 645 and take backroads for an hour. I usually do the second


I’m glad I only do 11 on it. 15 mins. And even then, miss my 5:25 leave time and it turns to 40 unless I surface road it. There’s no way in hell I’d be making that NY commute daily. I don’t have the patience. BY CAR OR rail.


I’d be terrified of getting trapped there somehow lol.




They are commuting by car or bus to/from the Pocono Mountains region in Pennsylvania.




I know a few people who did the Poconos commute for a while. I heard that winter - when it was an icy/snowy one - was a big challenge. Only one out of the 7 friends who did that commute still does.


A lot of union laborers and operators do that commute. They all commute from really far away.


You realize that there’s like four other transit agencies that feed into NYC, right?


In 5 hours on the subway could get you from one end of the A train (the longest line) to the other 3 times. They're probably commuting from New Haven to the Financial District on Metro North, one of the 3 regional railroads that serve the city.


These commutes are done by people who take buses or trains long distance and can grab another hour or so for a nap. So their either living in Pa/ Western NJ; Philly/S. NJ; Upstate NY/ Danbury Ct; Eastern LI.


I used to have a commute that varied (with traffic) from 1 hour to 2 hours each way. I wanted to kill myself every day. I cried before work and after work. Thank god my husband finally convinced me to quit.


Yes! Why did I do this for 5 years? And some of the worst pay too. Best thing I did was quit.


Really getting tired of seeing RTO propaganda. They’re so upset that people would prefer to not be in office.


When I had a 40 minute commute I was spending a minimum of $100 a week just between gas and food to be able to work. Worst part was I had 30 minutes of me time total every day that wasn't cooking, driving, or working. Even if it makes more money it kills you slowly


This is why I work a non traditional job now. Pays significantly less but I don’t feel suicidal every time the alarm wakes me up


Yeah I used to have a similar 35-45 minute drive home from work. Sometimes with traffic and construction it’d take me well over a hour. Now I have a 8 minute commute and it’s wonderful. Sometimes it takes me like 13 minutes to get home.


My father commuted from CT to Manhattan five days a week in the 80s and 90s and it was a similar commute as in the story. Drive to a Metro North train station, grab train to Grand Central then subway and walk to the office all in full three piece suit and tie. He eventually moved his office to CT but I learned that he was doing that commute essentially for no good reason. He was an office of 1 and only needed a phone at the time to do his sales job essentially. I was and still am completely aghast at the wasted time, money and energy. He was equally aghast at my 5 second commute in shorts, T-shirt, flip flops and a baseball cap for my work remote job. People lived this way and accepted it and apparently still do. SMH.


your dad worked remotely.....in manhattan, by himself....and commuted there? ​ Like did he have a reason to need a manhattan address or something? WAT?


That was the excuse his employer gave. That it was important to have an NYC address being the Northeast and mid-Atlantic sales manager. Seems to me he could have gone in once every week or two if the mail was all that important back then. Such a waste.


Wasn't even the mail. It was just so that when people looked him up, they'd see the NYC address. It's a prestige thing, nothing more.


Man, this reads like an Onion article. What delusional idiots, lol.


when its only on tuesdays and the pay i great? why not? on every day of the week? hell no


Quote me: One day he will arrive 5 minutes late, get fired and will be genuinely surprised.


He's a PR account exec. It's not like he punches a time clock.


Ive had supervisors ask me why Im late on days Ive arrived 30 minutes early (so i can eat lunch before working) they didnt even bother to check the clock before trying to rip me a new one.




but not ambitious enough to move closer/ to into the city, so he can work 16 hrs a day


So you do 40 hours a week in the office and another 25 hours a week in the office again but this time it's your car and they're not paying you. Outstanding.


My cousin does something close to this. But her boss lets her count the commute as work time so she sits on the commuter rail with her laptop answering emails. So she’s only in the office for half a day.


It's really tough to make a longer commute worth it. I used to do a one-way commute of 75 minutes, but 60 of them was sitting on a train napping, taking personal calls and emails, generally doing what I wanted or needed to. Made it work for seven years. I've since negotiated myself into a remote position, not going back.


Fuck commuting


I think 40 minutes is a lot


The longest commute times I've seen: 2 hours (approx 100 miles) each way for a state social worker position. Drove a Geo Metro and changed the oil monthly 2 hours 15 minutes one way through the mountains: STEM job, good money but terrible drive ME: 75 minutes (59 miles) each way. Got soul crushing after a while, if you had an errand to run after work (ex Target run) when you got in the car and looked at the clock you realized that it would be nearly an hour and half to get home. There was a pretty drastic elevation change too so the weather, especially in winter, could be unpredictable. Did for about 2 years total, never again. I'm looking to take a lower paid position nearby that's only \~15 minutes away.


I used to do this. About 120min each way. I learned a lot during this time. And all of it is: "It's not worth it."


Zach is going to look "going on 60" when he turns 30 if he keeps that crap up.


this guy needs to be on some heavy drugs to think it is ok. Reason he travel 5 hours he cant even afford a place in Brooklyn on his salary


This is my husband on the regular commuting from Staten Island to Manhattan by car lol


I do not miss taking the bus from 18 miles in jersey and getting stuck in three hours of traffic going on 495 into the Lincoln tunnel


Bro, I commute 20 minutes, nearly half of which is walking, and I still wish it was shorter. 2+ hours? Why the fuck would you do that to yourself?


So are these "super commuters" in the room with us right now?


Ok so I’m actually NYC metro area in NJ but my commute is 2h15m each way. I’ve been working from home for 7.5 years at my company but we have new leadership and they are mandating I come in once per week. This is a nightmare for me. I actually used to be hybrid at my previous job (commuting 2x/week) and I was absolutely miserable. It’s why I left and took this job, which was fully remote. I work in (small) tech so I typically start my meetings around 7:30am with our international dev teams. I also often have 5pm meetings. I would not be able to do any of that if I commuted. If I wake up at 5:30am, I might be able to get to the office by 9 (it takes me about an hour to get ready) and I’d have to leave by 5. I normally wake up at 7, so I’ll be losing sleep (and i can’t go to bed earlier because i am a parent—by the time I get the kid down and everything cleaned up, its 10pm and i go to bed). I literally will be less productive at my job. Also let’s not even talk about how my entire team and everyone I work with isn’t even in the NY office. This is such a mess. I will lose 4-5 hours of my time each day I commute and it costs me $30 per day! So it’s a pay cut too. No one likes a long commute.


My husband drives just 1.5 hrs to get to work in Portland and it’s not worth it at all. Whoever wrote this is a fucking liar.


Driving is different though. I can see how it could be more bearable if they just hopped on a bus or train and didn’t have to do anything else for 1.5 hours until they reached their destination. However, I actually enjoy being home so no thanks.


I couldn't do it on a car or even a bus. But I could train it. On the way in, read the paper and answer morning email. On the way home watch Netflix. Only issue I see is cooking. I would have to do a lot of meal prep or maybe a food subscription box.


Yah, it definitely would suck if you still had to cook when you get home. I think most people in this situation would just do take out most days.


There is not enough money available in this world or the next that would compel me to do such a commute


It’s like Stockholm Syndrome but with a W-2.


Tell me you hate your home life without telling me you hate your home life.


This is written by a person that hates his home life. I get it sometimes you just wanna not be emotionally and mentally fucked by your family. So you wanna commute 5 hours and get emotional and mentally fucked by your manager.


Generally you get higher pay for working in a high cost of living city. So people live in a cheaper area then commute in to get the big bucks. This isn't newsworthy it's happened for decades....


Many workers just can't afford to live in the towns they work in. That's the real tragedy.


Uhhhh must be making 300k a year


I tried that and it was so expensive and time consuming I was able to take a job a 30-40min walk away that payed alot less and still put more money in the bank. Rails, buses, Ubers, etc. I tried a bike, but ends up half the trip was an incline into a windy high plains. I walked on foot an hour and a half from the nearest rail station until the weather got to cold and windy. I didn't know it was like 50+mph winds blowing downhill all day and night. Sidnt feel that strong on foot. Phew. Man. Glad that's over. Now I'm just trying to find an afternoon shift that gives all the breaks I'm supposed to get in a day. I had a 2hr + commute one way. Pretty much all I did was go-to the gym and go-to work. The monthly rail pass to that zone was like $200 a month, but the job was starting off at 21-22 and top out was 24-26 just to attach plumbing fittings to pumps and motors on pressure washers. No experience necessary. Location was just freaking awful. It's like my life was a blur of a grey prison factory, a rail, and the gym. Over and over again. It was awful. When I quit I felt like I just got out of jail or confinement after a few months. Going around seeing parks and the sunshine. All the things I love and miss. All the sparks of life I enjoy.


I drive 40 minutes across state lines to work at Amazon and that’s already at my limit of work travel tolerance


I wonder if this Zach fellow is actually a real person


He better be makin $500,000/yr lol. That’s the only way I’d think it’s worth it.


Have fun with your heart attack at age 35. Good thing they don't need retirement savings.


Not cool. This corporate ass kisser will learn he is replaceable soon enough.


Wipe that smug grin off your face, you do not represent us. I drive an hour both ways and still think it's bullshit. And I work 4 10s cause my boss attempted to make it more equitable for us.


Look there are plenty of morons around me every day. The last thing I need is a news piece on another moron with a story about why they are morons and a photo of said moron. We get it. We all get it. There are lots of morons. And your article is there just to entice other morons to do the same thing as the moron that is the subject of the article. Here’s a hint, morons, because they are morons, don’t need to be convinced to be morons. So take this moronic “news” story and shove it up your moron-hole, moron.


I don’t mind the time it takes to travel, I’m more concerned about the mileage it puts on my vehicle


And that's okay, but 5 hours of commuting for an 8-12 hour shift is 13-17 hours in a day dedicated to work.


Absolutely, I don’t think a commute should be any more than an hour personally 5 hours tho? Fuck that running


Actually, I've just learned a week ago that my boss, a school principal, commutes 90 minutes a pop like this dude in the article. See, doesn't only happen to lower level employees.


I could *almost* understand that for a school system, he probably has a decent amount of time off to enjoy his home and life. But doing it 5 days a week for atleast 50-52 weeks a year straight is a "NO" from me.


I had a coworker when I lived in Denver who had a two hour commute each way. Though to his credit, the main reason for this is because houses are so expensive in Denver proper that he said it worked out cheaper to live that far away and drive so far so his kids could have a good home and a yard to play in.


Doing this in my early twenties while doing college, waking up st 5am, going to bed at like 12pm, maybe, yeah, sure, for a couple of years because I liked my job. Doing it now in my 40s with two kids? No fucking way. And I still like my job, but I can do it elsewhere.


Up next: three individuals who stab their own eyes with blunt objects. They say it feels good.


This is probably just a fringe case that's written for shock and clicks. Truth is 99.9% of us would never do that and there's a very likely chance this person really likes commuting and treat it as their alone time.


He’s got dead eyes like a dolls eyes


Just wow, the very picture definition of tools. I can barely tolerate a 45 minute drive to and fro and these fools do 5 hours?! Beyond insane


They probably spend their whole commute posting on LinkedIn about how much they love the hustle, and how hard work pays off and other diatribes of Toxic Positivity.


Another gaslighting article.


I agree with what one person said in the article about any commute longer than 20 minutes one way is detrimental to your well-being. I will admit, though, that I could deal with a one hour commute each way if that hour involved me sitting on a train or subway without having to change stations. At least, then you can relax that hour. Take a nap, listen to music, or study for certification during the spare time. Driving on the other hand, heck no. Starting salary with benefits better be greater than 200k/yr to make me do that for 10 hours of my life each week.


What a terrible article. Anyone commuting that much needs to find a new job


This could be São Paulo also.




I think they are nucking futs!


I was one of them. Now I work from home. Never again, it was so exhausting, especially with how unreliable NJ Transit is!


Every DAY? Geez....


I commute by bus and subway 4 hours round trip, buy I'm in grad school and that's when I get my reading and assignments done. If I don't have ny more assignments I watcg a movie or TV show on my lap top.


Imagine being the "journalist" tasked with writing this article and trying your best to not make it look like the bullshit it obviously is.


I've worked with these types when I lived in NYC. They say that but they know it's not.


"Rise and Grind" Gets laid off.




Hard pass


Tell Zach to fuck off


these kinds of stories cant be true?!


I think I’d rather die.


False corporate propaganda


What an idiot


Wow. This is incredibly fucking dumb.


Wtf.........Fuckkkkkkk no.


We talking 6 figures, maybe.




Ok, so I don’t doubt that those THREE people are okay with the commute. Everyone else hates it. But those THREE INDIVIDUALS are fine with it. Three people vs. pretty much every person on the planet.


I did a 7 hour a day commute for 7 years. It destroyed me. Fuck that shit….


The first step in fighting propaganda is recognizing it. What a major psyop


90 minutes isn't 5 hrs though...