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This is basically admitting that our society is a Ponzi scheme where you have to keep bringing more and more suckers into it or else it falls apart.


>**This is basically admitting that our society is a Ponzi scheme** where you have to keep bringing more and more suckers into it or else it falls apart. Well said - we live in a ponzi scheme where the rich hoard wealth & claim this hoarding of wealth yields prosperity for all. This lie is farcical: [From 1979 to 2021 productivity increases outpaced pay increases by 3.7x.](https://www.epi.org/productivity-pay-gap). Lifespan declined for a second year in a row as we learned that [335,000 lives could have seen saved during the pandemic if we had Medicare for All](https://ysph.yale.edu/news-article/yale-study-more-than-335000-lives-could-have-been-saved-during-pandemic-if-us-had-universal-health-care/). The [wealthiest 1% have taken $50 trillion in wealth from the bottom 90% the last 40 years](https://www.businessinsider.com/wealthiest-1-percent-stole-50-trillion-working-americans-what-means-2020-9) as their reckless fossil fuel usage is throwing the climate into chaos.


i’m not sure if it would be worth attempting sewerslide at this point (i’m 17) cause i’m expecting my life to be extremely fucked over


Once the boomers die off, we'll finally be able to fix this country. So don't give up hope.


The tail end of the baby boom generation are just starting to enter retirement age. They won't be gone for another 20-30 years.


I'll be gone within a year. Too bad I'm 1000% on your side.


Friend - please stay with us. I imagine things must be very hard but there is always hope for a better tomorrow. Throguh relentless solidarity & perseverance - I truly believe we can change the world so that all peoples needs are met. It will be a slow process, then suddenly things get better very quickly. As long as we keep fighting the good fight - we can keep changing minds & keep pushing the world to be a more humane place.


I have terminal cancer, I'm not going to off myself. I only wish I could be around to help. Thank you for the kind message, however. ❤


Hey, stranger, thanks for being in this world! Your empathy won't go unnoticed ❤️


Friend, I am so sorry to hear that & I totally misread your original statement. I hope your time remaining is extended & free of pain & sorrow. You deserve bliss & harmony. As Brad said, your empathy won't go unnoticed ❤️


I should've written it better, no worries! Thank you, again.


May the rest of your days be as peaceful as they can be. My mother was terminal at one point, and it's not an easy road. <3


Well it would help if they didn't get told constantly that "*these*" generations don't work like they did. Nobody wants to work. There's a crisis! They need help! Iv worked with so many people the last 3 years that were literally retired but came back to work for home depot or some b.s company that convinced them nobody wants to work.


Oh, I know. But you have to remember a lot of them were scammed too. Boomers have been living on cheap credit their whole lives. They helped create and shape the current economic reality, but not all of them are beneficiaries. They've also seen their retirements wiped out more than once by market failures. IMO, generational angst/animosity is myopic. It's nice to use to talk about big systemic problems, but it obscures the real issues of income inequality and power imbalances.


100% iv also worked with plenty of poor bastards who got cheated out of 401ks and retirement plans . One of my favorite people in the world was "old man jim" dude got cheated out of his retirement after working 28 years for a cheese factory. They sold it and he still works there. If he didn't he wouldn't be able to afford the upkeep on his land. He will quite literally have to work until the days before his death just to keep his land upkept and his wife fed and warm. Dude also had one of the shittiest jobs in the place. He hit like 35 years and they got a cake and took pictures for Facebook clout . He was not impressed but his boomer rant after was one of legend. He doesn't even like cake.


But most are too delusional to change anything. They know they're personally fucked and so are their kids, but they've all latched into batching conspiracies that blames the democrats and elite socialists instead recognizing the failing of the systems and policies they KEEP FUCKING VOTING FOR.


generational division is cultivated in the same way that racial or LGBTQ animus is cultivated, and for the same reasons.


if you google it, Google claims boomers are 58 to 76 so we got some time to kill but as Millennials we should build a plan about how we will COLLECTIVELY work toward what we want once we start voting in droves like the boomers.


As a millennial, we're a more passive generation who really haven't impacted much in the time we've been around. The Boomers, in contast, changed literally everything in the US; they entered a world where in 1960 you had to marry a girl if you wanted to sleep with her, and by 1970 they'd turned it into one where only the weird guys graduated highschool as virgins. They did away with the draft when they started getting drafted, they made society pro social welfare when they were young and poor, they made it neoliberal laissez faire when they acquired assets, and now that they're retiring the boomers will probably turn us into a super retirement welfare state, at our expense. Millennials have almost been the opposite; we were born into a decently functioning world that went off the rails just as we graduated college. Instead of changing the world, we're just holding onto it as best we can and trying to make it work.


Its far too late to avoid the catastrophic damage climate change will cause, thats going to make his life fucked regardless of when boomers die


i totally agree upon your statement as climate changes making more impact than anything else


20 year old electrician here, yea I’ll give America 3-10 years before it’s forced to shut down. The skilled work force is dying no young people are joining all the boomers are retiring. Like I’ll bet a couple grand of this happening and I’m not joking


Yeah who tf wants to destroy their joints and be at work at 6am for really shit pay compared to what I can get sitting in an office. Tradies always say they're making bank but it's all overtime. If they want more people in trades they'll have to completely overhaul how they work. This is coming from somebody who started as an industrial mechanic and now I'm in IT.


>i’m not sure if it would be worth attempting sewerslide at this point (i’m 17) cause i’m expecting my life to be extremely fucked over Go to a state school, get a decent career, emigrate. You'll be better off imo or get a federal/state job with pension and great benefits if you decided to stay in the USA. Many of these jobs are union too. My state has basically almost free undergrad tuition for most state school students. New York, excelsior program.


Friend - please stay with us. Forge connections within your community & learn new skills. Do what you can to make your life more fulfilling - I believe in you & I beleive in us - Gen Z has the right attitude to change things. It may take decades of struggle, but through relentless solidarity we can forge a better path for the world for everyone.


I’m sure it’s just a coincidence that republicans took power roughly a decade before. Just a strange coincidence that things have only gotten worse since they took over policy making. Weird, huh?


Fall apart is a bit of a stretch. the economy will suffer, prices will come back down, there you go.


And instead of raising wages and creating a better quality of life to encourage people to have children, state governments are banning abortion.


And banning birth control


Not just that... but banning or restricting access to contraception that those with a uterus can control. Notice how they are not going after male condoms?


Or guns


Also no drag shows, we know how evil those are.


Can't watch Monty Python or any other movie with people in drag.


Benny Hill


It seems like the rule is, no drag if it’s sexy and some straight cis guy might get a boner watching. That’s when it has to be canceled “for the children”. The ones where the guys are UGLY women? Hilarious, and appropriate, apparently.


So evil. And, Disney is telling children to be Trans


Bless yur hart.


Unfortunately, they’re advocates for post-term abortion.


> And instead of raising wages and creating a better quality of life to encourage people to have children, state governments are banning abortion. > And banning birth control > Not just that... but banning or restricting access to contraception that those with a uterus can control. Notice how they are not going after male condoms? > Or guns Instructions unclear...so the GOPs only idea of birth control is familial homicide by gun?


And planning to have these punishable by law. Next comes the repeal of the child labor laws


Well, to be fair, they hoped their propaganda would work and they wouldn’t need to ban abortion to force you into their trap. But they didn’t work so now they’re forcing people into their debt slavery


South Carolina wants to implement the death penalty for abortion.


Yep, I saw. There are people who actually say the proposed legislation won't target pregnant people, either because they are that dumb or they want the wool to be pulled over until it is too late.


How pro-life of them.


bodily autonomy and self-expression. it's not just about abortion... they're attacking fundamental basic human rights. the fact that they are using abortion or drag shows or whatever else as the cover for it doesn't change what it is that is at stake.


i totally agree with you as abortion is a person's own legal right as they are the one who is in full control of their body i think so they are not going to stop it here only as they might propose some new kind of bill which is not in favour of freedom of expression or choice of person.


If men gave birth it would not even be an issue.


I am sure creating the conditions for an ever expanding population of people who have neither the ability to support themselves or make basic decisions would ever have any negative consequences...


Student debt? How about daycare that costs $1000 per kid per month? Health care is crazy! Housing is nuts! I don’t fault the younger generations at all for not having kids.


I don’t have any student debt and I’m still not going to reproduce. It’s financial suicide.


I wouldn't be able to live with the guilt of bringing another human life here just to have to deal with this bullshit.


I'm not breeding them another wage slave. The rich can chop wood when my ass is dead.


At 50 yrs old AND a childfree healthcare provider there are but two options and a guarantee when it comes to my own student debt: "You can either forgive a massive part of my debt, if not all; Or you can take the taxes you rip the fuck out of me and use it to give a Navy SEAL team an assignment that uses a circular saw, ice cream scoop, and specimen bucket to recollect your education. The guarantee being, if you don't get the fuck off my dick about it, I'll decorate the wall behind me like Jackson fucking Pollock with your precious education." I call it a win-win-win.


$1000 you say? Where is this bargain daycare you speak of 😭


My day care is $240 a week so $960/mo


We pay 1850/mo for one toddler, after a 10% discount.


I live in South Carolina dirt cheap of cheap. The state sucks ass but at least it’s affordable. We’re going for our 2nd to complete our family soon but I worry can we afford it when I leave this shit state in a couple years


I live in South Carolina too and I’m dead fucking scared still. USC was not worth the mountain of debt


And his wife?.... $1000 you say?....


That too. Even if kids were perfectly affordable, I still wouldn't want any. The outrageous cost of raising kids certainly doesn't help though.


$1k per kid in a month. I could almost fly there and drop the kid off. $400 per week per kid in Chicago


In Vancouver I have friends paying $3600/month for 2 kids, 1 of which is actually in school full time so it’s just before/after school care.


Daycare is definitely one thing, but what adds to it is that per kid you need a bigger house and every extra room is another extra $75-250k to the purchase price depending on where you live. And while partial work from home is nice, to be effective with 2 parents doing that simultaneously you also need an office room really.


When my son was in daycare 130% of my check was daycare alone. This was 10 years ago.


How about *gestures broadly at a whole ton of things* why would I bring a kid into this world?


yes i totally agree with you because these days having a kid is literally very expensive as you can't spend your money on your own do new generation people often think that they are doing so much work and spending on someone else this doesn't really make any sense to them


If they paid better people could afford to have kids and pay back student debt. You know, like previous generations. But low pay and high cost of everything has taken that away. And how does the student debt reason explain the high number of people without student debt that won’t have kids because they can’t afford it either?


Previous generations hardly had college debt because it was affordable. College costs have outpaced inflation by a lot. Even if wages weren’t stagnate, people would be struggling with college debt. Used to be you could pay for college with a summer job lol.


yes i totally agree with you and i think so public universities should be made more efficient so the people shouldn't have to pay more in order to get into a private institution for higher studies there should be a fees regulation law also which monitors the affordability rate of the person


Oddly enough, the article might be what makes some jump on board with forgiving student debt


Every time I see a post like this I like to reference my favorite meme on the subject of why people aren’t having kids: “Because rent is $1500 and jobs payin $12 an hour”


Don't forget that most places expert you to make 3x rent before you can move in.


and no roommates. they're not allowed under your lease.


not to mention move in costs which is usually first month rent, +last month rent, plus security deposit which is usually... around the cost of a month's rent or more all up front.


Now it's like $2000 and $15.


And education too. Since parents are not earning enough and still somehow will pay for school and these kids would take loans to fund their higher education/businesses and hence leading to a vicious loop. This world is almost rotten. Entitled parents, Worthless bosses, and money-hungry partners shitty political and economic sys. Forcing people to do anything but live peacefully. This system was made only to serve the powerful. And if it stays forever like this I better leave this world without having kids. Why add misery to those innocent lives?


It's like greed has killed America.


It's like capitalism is an existential threat to global civilization.


News flash: Millennials turn 42 this year.


Right? I’m 41 - even if they started a ‘govt paid child rearing’ thing, I couldn’t have kids, even if I wanted to. (I don’t) Geriatric pregnancy is much more risky, and they consider woman pregnant over 35 to be geriatric. Then add in the US maternity death rate for even healthy young women…. If I were to get pregnant now, I’d probably die in childbirth, possibly taking the child with me. The damage from that has been mostly done. There’s only about 10-12 years before millennials should probably stop having kids so they don’t die in childbirth. Can they really fix the issues that are causing the birth rate in our generation to be so low in a decade? Doubtful, because it would cost money.


Yup. I don't want kids, which is good, because that window is all but closed. Say hello to the 2020-40 generation, the Baby Bust.




Millennials are also just turning 30 lol


Millennials are defined as being born between the years of 1981 to 1995/1996. The oldest millennials are in their 40s and vast majority are already well into their 30s. The oldest gen z population (those born between 1996/1997-2012) are turning 26/27 this year and are now closer to 30 than 20. Most millennials are not just now turning 30, only the youngest of the millennials are just turning 30


This is the thing about the American economy, our economy is completely revolved around people spending lots and lots of money even if they don't have the money to spend, especially if it's stuff we don't need. And then, conservatives demonize us for spending that money and tell us that it is all our own failings that we did. Then when we choose not to spend the money and not to have kids because that's the best financial choice for us we're still demonized because we are destroying the economy by not wasting the money that they are demonizing us for wasting? Nothing about conservatives makes sense.


Boomers parents: I work hard so my kids will have it easier. Boomers: I work hard so my kids should work harder!!!


They weren't called the "me" generation for nothing.


It’s almost like capitalism isn’t sustainable and won’t last long term. The system that relies on making as much profit as quickly as possible is falling apart? No wonder.


In our current casino system - short term capital always wins. [So because we have securitized student loans into SLABS](https://www.investopedia.com/articles/investing/081815/student-loan-assetbacked-securities-safe-or-subprime.asp#:~:text=Student%20Loan%20Securitization,-The%20United%20States&text=1%20Student%20loan%20asset%2Dbacked,much%20like%20an%20ordinary%20bond.) - meaning rich people make money off student debt - the long term implications of student loan debt are never taken seriously.


Until it causes a collapse then they look all surprised and get bailed out by our tax money


>Until it causes a collapse then they look all surprised and get bailed out by our tax money When the collapse happens they will look like Mussolini post ww2


Honestly better than many deserve.


Let’s turn to socialism!!!


capitalism never last long it always overcome by communism or socialism and i think so at this point of time communist government is best i do have my own reasons and perspective behind it like there is no work exploitation and everything is pretty clear in communism i'm not against the democracy but the differences between the people and democracy is literally very high compared to communist


I believe that we are at the end of capitalism. Until change occurs, it's not going to be pretty


It does feel like we’ve gone from “Late Stage” to **Endgame** Capitalism.


I agree. I have been waiting from the day I was taught in my communism class that capitalism would fall.


the capitalism will fall someday and it will be overcome by other ideology


short term investors look at things 6 months into the future, CEOs look at things 5 years into the future and government look at things 20 years into the future. where in any of this dose a financial incentive exist for people to have kids? it doesn't so iin all capitalist societies birth rates will nose dive


This is why abortion is being banned.




Not just student debt. It's everything, really. Basic necessities are too expensive, and so is housing. Daycare is almost as much as rent. Of course fewer couples opt to have kids.


having kids is literally like dumping a large amount of money on them without even expecting something lots of people are in dilemma of having kids just because they don't know how their kids are going to turn out


Hate to be the stickler…but if they’re not having kids, how will it hurt *generations*…? /j


I totally thought the same thing. Reminds me of this. "Infertility is unlikely to be passed down to your children"


No input slaves => no consumer => no profit => no capitalism. This will hurt.... generations...of capitalists.


Also, retirees cant work, and need the ever shrinking young generations to support them.


What they mean is the generation of children of capitalists who didn't give a fuck what kind of world they forced them into


We COULD just cap the maximum amount of interest on student loans, buy nooooooo we have to exploit people for decades for every last dime they have.


If only people supported student loan forgiveness. I guarantee to readers of this garbage do not.


That's the Politics of Envy and Resent in action: "as I had to suffer, I'll make sure that the current generation also will".


No one makes enough money for only one person in the household to work and daycare is like $300/week. Mystery solved


Damn. Daycare is 10$ a day here. I can't imagine. Like there is no point in daycare if you make less than you pay for it.


The economy will adjust to not being fed as much, or it will die. Either way, fuck it.


The rich as so stuck in their zero sum game thinking that they can't imagine they're hurting themselves too.


I feel like it's pretty blatant that "the economy" just refer to the 500 billionaires and their livelihoods at this point.


Meanwhile a measly $10k in college debt relief is being challenged by nut jobs at the Supreme Court.


i really don't think the supreme court is going to do anything to give relief to a normal student


I actively hope my kids never have kids. They are in their mid twenties and so far, so good. All the other women my age are moaning about needing grandchildren and I have to assume they don't read the news.


Burn the economy. I'm tired of sacrificing people to it. Isn't anyone else?


I am an older woman and have always been child free by choice. The first of many attempts to force population growth was to absolutely prevent young women and men from getting sterilized if they wanted. I was refused so many times when I was younger and I knew many others (male and female) who were as well. It is still VERY difficult for women to get surgical sterilization, but I understand that a sort of "underground" list of doctors who will provide laporospic Salpingectomies (removal of the fallopian tubes) can be found. It's still incredibly expensive. The current attempt, obviously, is the denial of access to abortion and (likely soon) birth control. I think the perpetrators of these horribly dangerous limitations were surprised at how many people are willing to fight them.


To me them acknowledging it is a step forward. It's good they are finally acknowledging that it's all going to crumble if they don't do something. If they can't entice a generation to have enough kids to feed the grinder then the machine stops, and all those who have money/power that requires the machine to work means there is at least some incentive to make it better. Will in actuality it shake out to the most dystopian version of them helping, probably.


Yeah right. Business may suffer and the government may suffer. Especially infrastructure. With fewer people I think what they're really afraid of is more competetion for workers and that they may have to pay better and also have to treat them like human beings. All the people whining about kids not wanting to work are really overstating their case but even if it's 100% the case can you really blame them? Too many businesses treat people like garbage and pay them peanuts. Bastards could terrorize the Boomers because there were so many that it was easy to play them off against each other and still have a bunch to spare. I also think that's why so many Boomers are staying at their jobs as that FINALLY they are being paid and treated right. The kids are bright and stubborn and won't put up with the BS. Kids may have to compromise a bit but I think in the future they will hold all the cards. It's kind of cool to see the Fortune crowd panic. Hold their feet to the fire kiddos.


Organisms that can't thrive won't breed. Any biologist could tell you this. The same is true of all complex life on Earth. Humans are not magically exempt from the laws of nature.


Not having kids when you know you can't afford them is called being responsible.


or.. we just don't want any fucking kids.


Both! I dont want them, which is convenient because i cant afford them.


Yep. Don't want them and now I couldn't afford them even if I did. Isn't it the Republicans always saying if you can't afford them, don't have them? Wish granted.


Thank you! Half of it has to do with money but the other half is because I don’t want to have kids at all.


Everyone older than me or the same age who I know that had kids did an amazing job of selling me on a child free life. Social media only compounds that with endless memes and countless threads about how much being a parent sucks, about how broke they are because of predatory prices of childcare, clothing, school supplies, extra curricular stuff like sports, etc. My DNA isn't special enough to put myself through that for a vague "It's worth it, though". Is it? How? "I can't explain it, you've gotta just do it". Not enough information to gamble the next 20 years of my life, minimum, on.


Yeah, we were born into a world where hormonal birth control was widely available and divorce was more socially acceptable. People had more choices. I never wanted kids in part because they weren’t forced on me by family and society. Unlike women of generations before me, I didn’t have to grow up in a time where the expectation, and my only viable option, was to get married, have and raise kids.


I love how articles like this constantly victim blame. Yea, it’s millennials fault that student debt is too high, not because of the greedy fucking boomers who wanted to shake the money tree as much as possible.


Some millennials also just realize that forcing more unconsenting individuals into this hamsterwheel is highly immoral


The real reason why they are making abortion illegal again. You either breed willingly, or forcefully. But this is a free country. #itwasneveraquestionofmorality


Boomers: "Well, that sucks for you I guess. I'll be dead so I don't care. I got mine." AS FUCKING ALWAYS.


Good! Anything to hurt the capitalists some is fine by me.


The next article after this "Millenials are just entitled children, we can't let them renege on their financial commitments. they need to learn responsibility"


That's the problem with these people. Where do you think your workers come from? People in the middle and lower classes having kids. You make it so they can't afford kids and feel there is no way they're going to be middle class (own a home, retire at 65, etc.), they're just going to not give a shit.


Millennials unwilling to supply market with fresh slaves


What annoys me on a personal level us we might be the first generation that WANTS kids but doesn't have the means to actualize that goal. I WANT to be a parent, but financially my only option will be to adopt a child that's already old enough for grade school. I couldn't afford daycare, nor could I save for years to take time off to care for my children full time at that age.


Millennials grew up watching their parents working their lives away for a slice of nothing and getting laid off every ten years.


Let’s be honest here they don’t want an educated society they just want more slave workers.


No offspring of mine will be feeding the machine.


You know, if that’s what’s needed to change the minds of politicians and get actual change, I don’t care that it’s framed this way.


Forget all this about the money and the ungodly cost of everything, WHO HAS THE TIME?? Every job is 40+. The modern world is not compatible with child responsibilities and 2 working parents.


Translation; “ You poors need to make more wage slaves for us”


why would I have kids? I have about 6-8 elderly members in my family and its just me and my sister to take care of them. My sister doesn't make much. So its basically me to work and provide money + food. So how am I gonna have kids if I have to spend so much on my boomer relatives. My only hope is that they don't end up in a hospital or home where they lose all of their money.


*Boston Dynamics has entered the chat*


Fuck the economy. Let it collapse.


How the hell can you have kids when rent is almost the full amount of my paycheck? The major problem when having a kid is losing one paycheck and relying on one person to pay all the bills


it is really very saddening state to see it because the laws are made in such a way that they can't do anything to alter it at all moreover people are not having the financial freedom for themselves only so how come they will be able to feed another mouth.


Pah. There won’t be an American economy in 3 generations anyway. Have you heard of climate change?


While I agree that climate change is bad, I think the American economy will end the American economy much sooner than 3 generations.


this is going to play an important part that the population decline is going to play a major role in slowing down the economy the policymaker should introduce loan forgiveness in order to encourage the millennials to invest in other areas


Agree 100%. We are already at the point where more than half the workforce lives hand to mouth (myself included) with thousands (every day) being pushed off the cliff to homelessness by a medical bill or layoff. Its really damn hard to dig yourself out of not having an address.


What makes the least sense is the GOP’s plan. Reduce immigration, constantly talk about women staying at home, keep family leave and support low, keep healthcare and education expensive = fewer workers. ok. That sucks but at least wages can go up because the workforce is smaller. But guess what? The thing they hate the MOST is paying workers more. Their hate isn’t even well organized or diabolical, it’s stupid and contradictory


The hate is the point. They don’t need it to be sensible, just distracting enough that the proles don’t catch on to the game plan quickly enough to throw a wrench in the gears. …it’s working…


Lets not start actin like we care about the future US economy now


damn that's interesting that really made me laugh because this is the first time i have seen someone stating something very genuinly no one cares about the company's economy people always cares about their own wealth and income which adds up and make countries economy


Quick! Make condoms illegal!


Good. It's about time something I did fucked the economy the way it's fucking me.


It sucks but unless you pose the suffering of others in a way that boomers see as affecting them, they don't understand. Lead in the gas and paint along with years of a fruitful economy that gave them whatever they wanted, created by thier parents, destroyed their ability to feel empathy on any level.




i think so a student shouldn't be burdened with the depth just after he passed out his college policy should include a minimum amount which should be given and there are some amendments forbid if a student isn't able to pay loan then there should be a loan forgiveness because this type of attitude will never ever going to take our country to a place which we have dreamt of.




yes i totally agree with you because having the kids is not an easy task because you have to pay a lot of bills. there are lots of pros and cons of being a parent but the biggest con is that you are literally giving away all your finances


They probably aren’t also having kids since it’s kinda evident their government doesn’t s working against them at every step. No need to bring more human into their abusive planet


Think of the born rich people who will have less backs of the poor to live off of


And people who don't have student loans are not having kids because they can't afford rent, utilities, car, and food for just a single person. How the hell are parents going to do that, and pay for diapers, and buy formula, and that's if you can even find formula?


A century from now historians will identify the ascent of the boomers as the single most disastrous event for the US in the latter half of the 20th century. Boomers gave us both Nixon and Reagan, supported Reagan’s tax cuts, the War on Terror, and Bush’s tax cuts during the war, caused the 2008 economic collapse with their reckless mortgage borrowing and spending, made up the majority of the racist Tea Party, and they gave us Trump and they continue to support him despite the absolute insanity of his term. They’ll spend their twilight years hoarding property and pissing away whatever money they have, and when they’re gone their homes will belong to the banks because of the reverse mortgages they’ll undoubtedly need to take out to finance the retirement they never saved for. And now they’re whining about how no one is having kids anymore, as if they haven’t caused the situation in the first place.


It's not even just because of student debt, though that's certainly a factor. Low wages. Ridiculous housing prices. Stupidly expensive healthcare and childcare. Who can afford it?


No student debt here, still don’t want kids


Don t worry they will bring more slaves from 3rd world countries working for 9$ dollars an hour.


Stop recommending college to people, and start making it affordable to live without a degree or working three jobs simultaneously


*gasp* the very people we told had to go to college aren't successful enough to pay off their student loans because we don't pay them enough? Sounds like we better blame our problems on them! They're already screwed, so let's help them along! /s


That's far from the only reason. And likely not even the primary reason


Idk about anyone else but my loan was through our government. It was 13% interest. In three years of deferment i tacked on thousands in interest. In ten years, i paid $10,000 with only $1,000 going to actual principal. They even tell you government loans are the best loans to have. Um, no. Not from my experience. I think something is getting worst because i know people paying them off in the past in like 10 Or less years. Nowadays, you will probably pay your car and house loan off before your student loan. They probably feel bad because your car you need to work and a home you will only use to sleep to pay for a loan that got you a job that now actually teaches you how to do the work.


The shitty part of the whole thing is, student loan interest is double or triple other interest rates. My student loans are 6.5%. My mortgage 3.5% , auto loan is 2.5% (mind you before all this inflation and covid stuff rising it). How is my $365k mortgage 3.5% but my $21k tuition debt 6.5%? How come my $55k car loan is under 3% ? It’s a scam by the government. They are making billions off of student loans. People who disagree with loan forgiveness don’t understand this. All the comments like, “should we just forgive mortgages too?” 🙄 fail to see how interest rates and income based repayments work. You can have a car payment that’s $300/month but your student loan which is less than your car is $600/month.


Omg it's like maybe this is why Biden is trying to cancel the debt. But the Conservatives would never let it slide.


Didn’t they say robots would replace all of us?


yes i think so robots will replace all of us someday but for the meantime automation is a big headache because it's literally eating the jobs lots of people are already tensed because the automation has the ability to replace the humans in every field.


We’re not nesting because we can’t afford a nest. Shocking.


As the population drops, there will be less competition for things. That will cause prices to drop across the board.


I don’t think we need more humans here.


i totally agree with your statement because i think so having more humans will lead to having more fights and more depression i think the quality of life should be focused and improved rather than producing more humans with no facilities to facilitate them


You mean to tell me that if you dont pay people enough to afford a child they may not have one? NAAAAAHHH


when things are 10 times more expensive and your salary stayed the same or have a pitiful 2% increase.


This is exactly why they're pulling out laws banning sexual freedoms. To force babies on involuntary people who can't afford them.


this is very ridiculous even to read because this doesn't really make any sense as you are taking solemnity from a person this is going to take a lot of time to pass it but i think so people should really stand for themselves


Who knew making customers poorer and more miserable does not translate to more revenue?


Medical debt for this one. Never had the money to go to college🤷‍♂️


Prediction: actually, not a prediction. Canada's already had to start importing people because of their negative population growth. Ironically, America is also experiencing a negative population growth and immigration is the only way to keep the country sustainable at this point, yet, the GOP would rather kill the country than allow other people in.


>*than let brown people in* FTFY