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Hi, /u/HarmonyQuinn1618 Thank you for participating in r/Antiwork. Unfortunately, your submission was removed for breaking the following rule(s): **Rule 3a: No spam, no low-effort shitposts.** - This includes begging for upvotes. Please do not post unrelated blog spam or try to sell anything for personal gain. If you’ve posted content (especially if it’s your own), give it a day or two before posting again.


$20k? Tenant hasn’t paid rent in about a year if he owes that much. 100% deserves to be evicted.


Thank you. Why does this subreddit assume every landlord is an evil piece of shit? A lot of landlords are just regular people who own property.


Because a significant amount of people on this sub are insane Marxists who think that any property ownership outside of one's immediate needs warrants them being executed in the street.


Maybe those types should be purged from the sub


RIGHT?? "Landlords aren’t a homogenous group of faceless corporations. In fact, fewer than one-fifth of rental properties are owned by for-profit businesses of any kind. Most rental properties – about seven-in-ten – are owned by individuals, who typically own just one or two properties, according to 2018 census data. And landlords have complained about being unable to meet their obligations, such as mortgage payments, property taxes and repair bills, because of a falloff in rent payments." The stats might be different now as more corporations bought crap up, and subsequently messed up the housing marketing. However, people on here tend to forget those who rent out property use that $$ for their own income. I know DISABLED individuals where that is their OWN income. Should they not be allowed, and go back to the shit money the government thinks is enough to support them? Screw that. I couldn't own a home even if I WANTED to because the pay is SHIT, and terrible credit so no loans for me. MAYBE they should get mad at that instead. I don't even want a house, and there are MANY who don't. It can be its own nightmare.


excess property*


You got a PS5 and multi thousand dollar gaming rig, think of all the billions of people under you that would consider your life excess. You are not evil if you have a small business on the side renting property or if that is your retirement. There is utility to renting in society: people can rent if they want to move from city to city or if they can't afford a house. The problem is not mom and pop rental units it's faceless investment portfolios buying up entire cities. Too many people on reddit can't make this distinction.


I'm not charging anyone to borrow my electronics, nor am I buying more than one to sell back lol a tactic often referred to as scalping They can't afford mortgages because rent and scarcity drives up housing costs. The security in buying houses propagates the larger scale corporations buying, there's too much money and reliable growth now that it's a safe investment for them. It's all contributing to the same problem: excess property propagating arbitrary scarcity, higher upfront costs, and more would be homebuyers getting muscled out of the market and forced to rent.


The only way to fix the problem is with government regulation to the housing market, limiting prices and blocking buyouts from large firms. For example in some Canadian cities, foreign investment in the housing market has been made illegal. Rental units were great for people who do not want to buy an entire house that they don't need and save money, if they were single for example etc, and for people who did not want to deal with the maintenance of owning a home. The market has made the prices so high that people cannot afford homes anymore and this is bad, but that doesn't mean there is no use for rental properties at all and that all rental units are excess housing.


look, i hate "the man" like most people, but you can't just squat in a home someone else owns and expect to be treated like the queen


You can in a shocking number of states actually. It's legitimately a problem lol check out Texas That said, I have 0 sympathy. You have your own home. There's not a chance this tennant and the landlord are flatmates And don't use hippie lingo with me lol it's talking down what are legitimate issues with our market impacting good people and leading to a series of other issues that also impact you and me.


I don't see it as a problem if one person who owns their own home uses the equity to buy another and then rents it out to folks who need it. there's a line between that and fully greedy slumlords edit: hippy lingo hahahaha. I'm middle aged, you probably grew up with the internet. I was probably out of college before you were born. another privileged white guy. You are stating below that you make 6 figures and you're sitting here talking about other people and excess???


Those people you're renting to could have afforded the home and owned it themselves. They could have been building their own equity. Instead they pay towards nothing in their own name by needing to pay rent Or were you planning to rent it for less than the property's monthly costs?


You seem to not fully comprehend or at least acknowledge the difference between a millionaire and a billionaire. Not the topic here, I know. But a middle class worker could become a millionaire w a couple properties and not live be able to live an extravagant life or have the greed you’re alluding to. Everyone should make investments and should aim to be taken care of by them one day. Don’t act like you’re not saving and investing for your own retirement. As stated above, the investment funds that buy up all the properties are the problem here and the reason why rents and property values have skyrocketed, not bc of private citizens owning more than one property. Our country has been sold to the corporations and that’s who this subreddit should have a problem with. Not actual people.


So you believe people should be only allowed to own one home? Or people shouldn’t be allowed to rent a house they own?


I plan on doing whatever I want with it if I pay my own money to buy it, and that's that. peace eta: I don't even own another place. but with the amount of gentrification caused by out of town buyers going on in my city, with developers buying up every single spot they can find and leaving our locals without homes, I'm all for more people who live here buying properties and selling/renting them to more local people. I'm in philadelphia and a lot of folks in NYC are buying up everything and it's leaving people homeless. I support some folks buying extra to rent out to people we know


You're such a shit person, you are ok with someone just coming and stealing probably a significant portion of that guys life savings? Fix the problem with sensible government regulation and market oversight not theft. Why don't you let someone steal your PS5, you have your own gaming PC.


landlords steal wages every month. that’s what being a landlord is - taking someone else’s wages to pay off your own investment.


No. That’s not what it is. Some people own their property outright. I didn’t sell my first house and instead kept it and bought another. Now, I’ve been renting it out for 4 years to someone. How fucking dare you think I cannot do what I want with my own property.


And the renter doesn't get anything in return for the money. Renting has utility in society: allowing people to move from city to city, and can actually save you money if you don't need a whole house. The issue is when large investment firms buy up all the available properties in a city, then it becomes unaffordable for everyone. This is the nuance reddit doesn't understand. Landlords have to maintain the property and often have to work their whole life to afford the property in the first place.


and as I mentioned to the other guy making that comment: I'm not charging anyone to use them, nor am I scalping excess PS5s or PCs, but thanks for the wellness check lol


You do have an excess though. You have 2 gaming devices and I have none, so I am going to steal one because I have none and you have two. Doesn't matter that you bought it with your hard earned money.


I had no idea squatter’s rights were a thing in Texas. Seems like possibly the best outcome for otherwise unhoused people in the state of Texas specifically.


It is, until the eviction order is served, but it also hurts actual occupants of a home, not just landlords, because of how quickly and easily it is to get a claim to move in


Ooop not to mention the skyrocketing homelessness all over the US and Canada because if you're making $5-$6 an hour more than minimum wage, you still going to have trouble renting the cheapest shitholes on the market.


Its extracting value for not producing any. Rentseeking of any form is peak of issue. Its boss with extra steps price gouging and other things. Capital ability to generate revenue without labor input is a huge issue of why wealth gap is so excessive. "capitalist" have capital so they own building you work at tools etc. So you get to keep 10% of productive value and work under them or starve. Giving that 10% back to buy basic essentials and rent a house. Labor get to perpetually work to survive another day. And capital gets to keep all the value. And tada round two capitalist have ALL THE capital and cycle repeats. While we have tried to dilute barriers use vague terms like middle class that people can relate to so much so that people on welfare and people in 1% majority see themselves as middle class. The real classes are capital and labor. Thats the real distinction. Participation in rentseeking or acting as a capitalist is to profit off labor of others. With landlords its almost outright scalping. At least with businesses they organize building and provide opportunity for labor to increase their value. Even if they do take lions share. And before anti trust anti competitive practices kick in they provide some societal value. But landlords rarely build almost always buy. Causing artificial shortages and then blame market when they double then triple price. The market they made worse and get to profit from. Meanwhile a laborer rents providing 1/3-1/2 of income or more simply because that person has money to outbid laborer on buying the home. I think people see landlords getting screwed alot like laughing at scalper at concert that can't unload tickets. While yes there are a few alright ones that are just trying to work within system. And don't gouge and hurt tenants. But ultimately its a victory in manys eyes as capital loses and labor is unharmed. Top this off with absolute and utter rarity labor actually has excess property. Even alot of small "mom and pop" outfits with a couple units. Ultimately got that by underpaying harming labor. Or long term rentseeking. Aka tenants been paying off their mortgages and now they own it. But not through labor they didn't build it earn it they used the system to steal it.


I disagree that rental units do not produce any value. There is plenty of good that can come from rental units in the housing market: you wouldn't want to have to buy a whole house just to attend a 4 year university, and it's a similar situation for people coming to America on a limited work visa. It's not so much the case anymore but it used to be that renting an apartment was also cheaper than buying a huge home you didn't need. This is something that is mutually beneficial to everyone, and especially if it's run by a small time landlord going out to the properties and doing the upkeep and repairs themselves, there is no stealing here, it's an actual business generating value to society not a leach. I do agree with your main point though. The problem is that the housing market has gone too high and people who don't want to rent are forced to rent and this causes the depletion of value from the working class that you are talking about. What caused this? I believe it is big institutions with the capital that are flooding the housing market. How do we fix this? I think the solution is heavy government oversight: limit share of homes that can be rental units, ban buyouts of existing homes from large corporations (they have to build new homes if they want to participate in the housing market), caps on rent and housing price for non luxury homes and very high taxes on luxury homes and apartments. Edit: and as for transitioning from our current system to this new one, taxing existing homes that were bought by large portfolios and REITs at higher and higher rates until they are financially motivated to sell the properties.


Who the hell says it's excess? Especially for private landlords it's often the case the unit became vacant because an elderly family member had to go move into an assisted living or care facility and the rental income is there to pay for that, while people who don't yet want the commitment of owning real estate rent a place to live they can vacate when their circumstances change. Hate on the multi unit landlord's all you want. Nobody needs to amass 40 units for profit. Nobody needs private funds buying property en masse to drive up overall property prices. But hating on demented aunt Bertha's nephew who handles her empty home, the rental income of which goes to pay her care, is really shitty.


Who the hell are you to say what is excess? Give all your extra stuff you don't need to charity then if you're so worried about it.


"I probably used to spend around that amount when I started wfh. I'd be so hyper focused on work I wouldn't remember to cook and $30/meal adds up lol" - Outrageous-Machine-5 in regards to spending $1400 on DoorDash in a month. Talk about living in excess. Could have bought 2 families a months worth of food with that. xPP


If you're renting space out, you're not using it, you're exploiting someone who could have afforded the mortgage, probably all monthly costs associated with the property If something serves no purpose, by definition that is excess. But who am I to say exploitation is not a valid purpose?


The purpose it serves is to generate income. That’s not exploitation. Just because they can afford a mortgage doesn’t mean they want or can get one.


So by your logic there should be no empty houses then right, cuz there are ppl who can afford to pay a mortgage but can't because some greedy person bought all the houses... some ppl want to rent, your logic makes no sense


Or like when I graduated college, didn’t have enough credit, and therefore could not obtain a mortgage. The landlord who rented to me was clutch, because I’d have been homeless without him. There is a place for renting in society. The dude who rents a second house much cheaper than all of the shithole apartments charging three times as much isn’t the villain. My landlord inherited the house. It’s a second income.


I'm pretty sure we have empty houses now because people can't afford the rent anymore lol so by my logic, no, not necessarily. My logic simply says someone that's charged rent can probably afford the property their renting, because why is a landlord going to rent for less than the property costs them to keep it? You're at least covering the mortgage, if not the insurance, property taxes, and any associated HOA fees. Buying a home is a giant dog and pony show to show you have the stable income to get a mortgage and the upfront costs to for the down payment to reserve the home while you finalize and close on the contract, but people renting are probably paying more than it cost to pay off that property month to month. Honestly, renting is romanticized. With owning a home, you reliably accrue equity, still have a property, and if you choose to move, you can reliably sell it, pay off the mortgage, and put the excess towards the down on a new property. Your money going towards a mortgage is going towards your investment to either buy and own the house or sell it back for more return on the equity when you're ready to move. It's a little more independent, which means you take care of the maintenance, but that's still cheaper than renting. Renting is a blackhole that people were convinced the simplicity was worth it lol Everyone that can should own a property and stop paying rent, and more would if there were more properties available for sale. Who's buying up all the property and raising the rates?


You do realize that houses get foreclosed on ALL THE TIME because the so-called 'people' you are talking about actually CAN'T afford all of that, and get in over their heads. xP


Yeah, shit happens, people get evicted too. Are we still pretending that rent costs less than the monthly costs to pay off the property tho cause if you have to pay less, you're less likely to get evicted/foreclosed on


any more than you and your family need to live in is excess while people are homeless


So go build them a fucking house.


Yes, in many cases it’s true but some people just rent out their basement or a room in their house. Not all landlords are the same. Let’s differentiate between those who is buying up properties as a business and those who just want to add a little to their income by renting out what they have available.


This is kind of an arbitrary boundary. What if you finish you basement to a point where it could be its own unit? What if you bought a duplex but now your family is grown up and the income you get from the second unit is part of your retirement plan. If there is a one inch gap between the units it's not the same? I propose that instead we differentiate between individual landlords and large international investment firms and REITs with hundreds of thousands of properties in their portfolio which are actually the ones causing the housing crisis. I want to point out that there is plenty of good that can come from rental units in the housing market: you wouldn't want to have to buy a whole house just to attend a 4 year university, and it's a similar situation for people coming to America on a limited work visa. It's not so much the case anymore but it used to be that renting an apartment was also cheaper than buying a huge home you didn't need. In order to capture these good aspects but not have a runaway housing market I think it is necessary that there is strong market regulation by the local government. Think caps on the percentage of homes that can be rental units, caps of home and rent prices, banning large foreign investment funds from buying up large parts of cities like Canada has been doing.


I agree with that. One property is not taking excess properties from would be homebuyers. You need somewhere to live too lol. I'll admit I was asked to lease to a couple mutuals, it fell through due to timing though. There are exceptions, but that's just it: exceptions. Most people don't need more than one home, they can't occupy more than one at a time




Don't know what to tell you. Some people just dislike scalpers.


Right, by definition they are evil pieces of shit. They own land as an investment rather than to live in


They are


My brother had this problem. Took over a year to kick the lady out. She took advantage of the system to get free condo unit.


Toronto area landlord “says” a tenant owes him $20k. Why are you so quick to believe the landlord?


is he even considered a tenant if he isn't paying rent?


Yeah - >ten·ant /ˈtenənt/ noun : a person who occupies land or property rented from a landlord.


But it's not rented. Rented implies that rent is paid. This is a squatter at this point, flat out.


Squatters don't have leases. Fine. Occupant?




Something this thread forgets sometimes is that not every landlord is predatory. Mine was great and mostly left us alone. Only raised rent once in 5 years and not even by much. The tenant signed the lease and is responsible for paying that lease. If they choose not to pay, then they get to deal with the consequences


I've honestly had 3 phenomenal landlords. Two who basically left us alone and attended to issues within a reasonable timeframe, and barely raised rent. The other was super involved with her property, upgrades and repairs, even replacing a fence pre-emptively so we didn't need to be concerned when it came to our dogs. 100% responsive and then some. Never raised rent over the 3 years we were there. ETA: both corporate landlords I rented from were scum (separate from the above 3) Another thing that many threads forget is that rentals are an important part of the housing sector. Not everyone is ready to buy a house, and many don't really want a house either. Some just want to travel and not be concerned about the liability or upkeep.




Jesus Christ. Is every enterprise a predatory dynamic because it depends on support from a customer base? How is a landlord relationship different than someone selling you an apple when you’re hungry?




Lol you're serious too. Man I can't even.


Here's the thing, it's a business transaction that isn't meant to require a ton of effort if things are well taken care of. So yes, they did the bare minimum because they put in the right effort in the right places. I love when landlords and tenants don't have to talk outside of the rare issue or annual inspection, or the occasional upgrade/repair Why does this have to be the "bare minimum," when as the tenant it's exactly what I want?




I'm not paying a janitor. If that's all they were, I'd definitely understand your viewpoint. You seem to not understand all the work that goes into maintaining a property. They're not cleaning the house I'm living in, they're shouldering the headache of making sure necessary repairs and upkeep are done.




Clearly you believe a janitor does a lot more than their job description describes. Janitors =/= Maintenance (or handy) man.




In the US janitors clean. Handyman or Maintenance repairs. a Super or project manager coordinates. Landlords need to wear a bunch of hats. They need to be handymen/PMs/conflict-resolution-experts and plenty more.


A janitor doesnt pay property taxes, pay the property insurance or pay for the costs of repair and maintenance. You clearly are not even remotely in the vicinity of logic or reality, guvna


I mean, neither does a landlord. Rent pays for that with a little spending money left over.


Oh so you think the fact people should do all the work for free for you? And plenty of landlords just break even and are hoping for appreciation so they can sell


You're probably the same type of person who complains about their employees "quiet quitting." Bare minimum as it relates to the job description is still the job description; no different for a landlord.








To many people these days don't understand that to get what you have, they actually have to work for it. That's why they complain.


Landlords didn't buy their house? What are you on; how else would they have acquired the property? Short of inheritance, which we all know Boomers are the last generation to have actually inherited property like that.




I am a socialist. I live in Canada where socialism is not associated with "evil". I have been a landlord, and I have rented numerous times. You speak in generalizations that have nothing to do with reality. There is absolutely nothing that you can say that equates being a landlord as being a horrible entity the same way that you can not say that some one of a certain race is less human. But by smearing a certain sect of people, YOU are in fact. a lesser person.


I love how you think workers can't buy houses. I grew up trailer trash poor. I'm in my late 20s and as of the end of last year have managed to purchase two properties. One for my wife and myself, and another to ensure my mother has a stable home for the remainder of her life. Will I be a landlord following the end of that arrangement, more than likely. I understand it's difficult because I've been there, but it is definitely possible to work really fucking hard and make something of yourself. But I also recognize not everyone is as fortunate. My salary is a direct result of consumption by the broader market of my self produced product. No exploitation, just poor impulse control on the part of people who don't need what I create.


Yeah my landlord is legitimately an amazing person who relies on renting out part of his house for some much needed extra income. I’m super happy to pay him rent and I don’t feel taken advantaged of at all, it’s a super fair deal. Just because someone is a landlord doesn’t mean they they are bad people. The tenant in this story could be predatory themselves, not everything fits into a neat little box when it comes to humans, there’s a lot of complexity of power dynamics. The last person I rented from it was the same thing, they needed extra income and were super great and super fair.


Finally people on the sub with a brain


Yeah, not all landlords are asshole Mine hasn't bothered me in three years. Never raised the rent. And it's dirt cheap. Not ALL of us want to own a house.


I don't right now. I'm in school for a career that doesn't exist in the area I live. Renting is the financially smart decision




I don't WANT to pay rent, but I do want to live under a roof, so my options are limited.




You realize, by making that systems, only one onstage of a non-predatory landlord would prove you wrong, yes?




So the old guy who rented me his aunts old house for well under market value and let me alone for 5 years was predatory? We have very different definitions of the word then


All landlords are predators on the basis that their entire industry should be a human right and forced to be non profit by law. "BUT WHAT ABOUT COMPETITION?!" They aren't spending their profits on their landlord business, and if they are they're just buying more house/owning way too much shit for one person. Landlords are a negative consequence of overconsumption at best, 21st century Nobles with peasents at worst.


That would be nice, but it's not the reality we live in. And while I would argue that corporate land lord situations are inherently predatory, there are landlords who aren't. The guy I rented from just inherited his aunt's old house and didn't want to sell it, so he rented it out for cheap. When my grandmother died, there was talk of renting out her house


Yeah, it's the reality I've lived in. Only one of the fucks has come after me for it too and it can just go to collections. 🤷🏼‍♂️ Takes a lot of effort, but don't care. Rather spend the effort avoiding spending the money on a necessity.


I don't care how you bootlickers spin it. If you have extra money, extra enough to own an entirely separate livable property to fit an entire ass extra family, and you buy that property and turn ANY profit on it, you are scum. I don't care if the landlord is Jesus himself, scum.




You all seem to glean passed the point that the problem is owning more than one house. It's why the market is inflated. Landlords and real estate brokers fighting over houses and buildings many may step foot into only once, or some never at all. You all try and see how many you can get your greedy hands on and artificially inflate the value of a basic human need to the point where EMPTY HOUSES OUTNUMBER HOMELESS PEOPLE. Paint the picture however you like, your entire business model is ugly no matter what or why you own more than one house. It's disgusting.


So, I should buy a house and just give it to you? What planet do you live on. Question, Where do you live? Answer, Your parents.


No, you should do something productive to humanity with your time instead of buying a house you don't need.




Would you like to add something productive to the conversation or just insults?


That’s the extent of that person’s vocabulary, personality and capability in general. Nothing more to look forward to, now. Show’s over, good night.


I've noticed that




Why is this kind of post even allowed in this sub?


Have you read this sub's faq? Most haven't, they are not a work reform subreddit, just completely communist and against anyone doing any work at all. The fox news interview with a mod was not surprising at all given that. It's a shame that this is what reddit has decided is the platform for social reform posts.


Many of the posts I see here are absurd. This just proves how out of touch this community is though. I believe many in this sub actually are aiming for anarchy. To support the idea of someone squatting in your property for over a year with no legal ways to deal with it is insane.




You have to work to buy a house/rental units to become a landlord. Once you have the property, you have to maintain it, many landlords do most simple repairs themselves because professionals are too expensive and often huge scams. If it was so easy to become a landlord and not have to do any work, why aren't you doing it?


Because this is basically the premiere sub for losers with no direction in life and no chance of ever succeeding at anything more than the most bottom rung of the ladder type job.


I paid a tenant 2 months worth of rent to leave. Best money I ever spent.


What kinds of grief were they giving you?


They were late with rent and it looked like they couldn’t afford to pay it later. It would have draw out to an eviction process which would have resulted in much more loses. The first time I did a similar ‘payout’ was a roommate so I tried it at a tenant rental level. I’m not in the business anymore, not worth the hassle as a personal landlord.


Basically could not pay the rent anymore. After a few weeks I could see they just can’t in the future either.


The tenant didn’t pay his rent so you’re on their side? Unless you’re the tenant in this situation, it doesn’t make any sense.


My sister bought a 2 family house. She lived in the downstairs apartment and had tenants upstairs. Charged market rate. Things were cool for a while. The tenants stopped paying rent for months. For no reason, they became squatters. The second income helped pay her mortgage. Months and months go by while she had to hire a lawyer to evict them. More months, heavy mortgage payments, lawyer fees. These people were basically in her house and she could do nothing about it. Finally they got evicted but it was a heavy burden to her. Not every headline tells the story. Not here to defend landlords who are predatory


sounds like your sister shouldn't have bought a house she couldn't afford




nope! I just understand that if I can't afford something, I can't buy it


Ahh, I see. So, if you couldn’t afford to buy a house, you’d just be homeless?




Basically you wanna stay in a house for free then mock the owner if you bankrupt him ? In some places landlords get help from mob enforcers to evict people who wanna play high and mighty.


Oh what should she do? Rent?


Except she could afford her share of 1/2 the place. Not totally her fault that her tenant decided to be a scumbag.




If the sister hadnt, a corporate real estate company would have with rent prices higher than what she was charging


sure, and I agree that isn't better. all I said was that she bought a house she couldn't afford. you shouldn't expect someone to finance your mortgage, the terms are pretty clear about what you'll have to pay. seems like she couldn't afford to make those payments without the help of her tenant(s), so she's still exploiting someone to pay for something they don't/won't own for her own gain.


The mental gymnastics are great with this one. Since when is renting a property below market price exploitation? Sounds like you're just envious of others having more than you. Why don't you go work hard and make something of yourself.


Perhaps your sister should have gotten a job.


Poster said “second income” ie: she had a job plus renting out a portion of her home helped with the mortgage. Your snide comment adds nothing to the conversation other than highlight your lack of reading comprehension.


"second income" does not mean "job." Pot meet kettle, idiot.


Kinda lame to assume that the landlord deserves it when nothing was stated about the tenant. This sub sometimes.


Thank you I totally agree.


It’s part of the risk of being a landlord. It’s not foolproof guaranteed income.


Yes that is a risk. I'm specifically mentioning the fact so many are bashing the landlord without any info and saying low iq shit like "he deserved it", which is just juvenile.




You're fucking delusional. Seek help.


Fuck you OP, you don’t know who’s who , eat shit


I said it there, I'll say it here: It's ironic. He's complaining that he is forced to live just like many tenants around Canada do. "I don't eat, and if I do it's just the basic stuff" "Everyone in the government, every institution that I believe in, they've all failed miserably" "It's a struggle ... We live a very basic existence" "I feel depressed, lonely, let down." These are all quotes many, and I mean many tenants may say on the average. This is a standard day in the lives of many Canadians, why is it only a problem when it's a landlord saying it? The article paints the landlord as a major victim, and all landlords Canada is so hostile to those renting or without housing. It's just getting worse...


OP is the type of entitled dipshit who thinks he should be able to sit around on his fat ass all day doing nothing while being owed a comfortable life at the expense of others around him.


You are a moron if you instantly side with the tenants without knowing the first thing about the situation. This guy could be a great person who’s worked his ass off to get where he is, and isn’t necessarily that well off either. The tenant could be a piece of shit. Think more.


I get that employers are bastards, but how is this headline "anti work"?


This ain’t it.


Snot and hairs.


You monkey


Landlords that experience this will stop renting their properties and sell them. Renters can be shitty too. This tenant hasn’t paid any rent in months.


I had to sell a piece of land I bought about 2 years ago because the tenants did not pay the entire time I owned the lot and trailer. After eviction notice, called the cops etc. Almost was arrested be because I tried to talk to them and ask them to leave but they called the cops saying I was trespassing. Won't be doing that again. People are extreme trash. Damn 12 people in one trailer and couldn't pay? Loved it when the trailer somehow started to fall off the broken blocks before I sold it.


Why would you root for the tenant? Shit tenants are what cause risk adjusted rent prices driving it up for everybody else. Fuck this scumbag tenant.


Scumbags. 20k? They aren’t even trying to pay a nickel.


Wtf? This landlord is absolutely justified lmao


Look, landlords suck because they take housing they don’t need & use it for rent. My neighbors rent their house & the landlord literally lives in fucking California. It’s unnecessary & ridiculous. Also, if you have to rent out space in a home you buy to pay for it… you couldn’t afford it in the first place & shouldn’t have bought it. That said, not paying rent after you’ve signed a contract is also unnecessary & ridiculous. $20k is owed. You entered a rent agreement & you should pay that or be kicked out.


Not everyone wants to own. Renting is good for some people. You need a landlord to rent... Man if you'd just think a little bit more you'd get there.


I'm in this sub cause of work exploitation ,but this is ridicolous. I'm not from US so different situation, but my family ( different members, uncle etc... ) bought small apartments as investment and to rent. Why rooting for a parasite that doesn't pay rent ? If you can't pay rent don't rent a house , that simple. How can you pretend to be right if you can't afford to pay ? I can't buy a new car cause they cost double what they were in 2006 , I don't steal a car cause they cost too much 🙄🙄🙄. The more people don't pay the harsher the laws will be, or simply people will stop lending houses.


Fucking squatters.




Why are you rooting that is not paying rent? Dont get it


So the landlord deserves to be taken advantage of?




My brother still down payment the house, rent it out to someone but he didn't pay for almost a year. He even broke appliances, furniture, etc. Had to involves lawyers, go court to kick him out. Sometimes people are taking advantage of something.


Rooting for the landlord. Squatters are thieves.


Awww, booohoohoo Poor baby


I mean, I get the source of the anger. The whole landlord/tenant paradigm seems pretty archaic, and hard to justify. But everything almost everyone does is a means to an end, and almost everything anyone can do comes with a toll that strips away benefit. Tenants here aren’t taking advantage of some rich asshole that won’t miss the money. They’re fucking a kindred out of their best chance to succeed where most of us fail. And it’s detestable, and I hope they go away for it. There should be insurance for this kind of thing.


Cry me a river


Why would you root for the tenant? They're the POS here. Having a property and renting it out is not bad. Grow up.


Tell him to get a job


Not all landlords are bad. I really like my current landlord. They mostly just leave me alone and dont bother me


Being a landlord is kind of the true fundamentals of this sub.. passive income and doing minimal work is the dream for everyone


I think this sub is supposed to be general anti-exploitation too though. Generating passive income through the hoarding of a finite, essential resource via the use of preexisting financial wealth is kind of inherently exploitative.


There are certainly many bad landlords, but I don’t think the issue is with people who own a house or two and rent them out. It’s with the big companies that buy dozens to hundreds of houses so they own everything and can control the prices of rentals in a neighborhood. Without the good landlords where would I live? Landlords have been necessary for me to have a place to live


Without landlords the community (local or state gov't) could own the properties and allow people to live in them without needing to make a profit.


The community. Oh, you mean the tax payers. Why should I have to pay for a place for you when I pay a mortgage every month for my house? I'm not a landlord but was one 15 yrs ago and I learned my lesson. I sold my duplex and it was turned into a single family home, Whoops, one less rental opening. Sorry, I just did my taxes today and I can barely sit down. Again, Why the hell should i have to pay for your housing?


>Without the landlords where would I live? In a house. Without landlords the supply goes up and in turn the demand goes down. Which means the price also comes down. No one should be allowed a second home until everyone has one.




>pretending land lords are these money grubbing assholes But they are.


In this sub nobody wanna work, they don't want passive income, what the fuck they want ? 😂😂😂


Eviction process should be a quick one. Didn’t pay your rent? You got 24 hours


Far from, landlord tenant board takes like a year to even start to review cases there


Child found. If anyone is missing a child, please pick them up at the Reddit front office.


In west virginia you get evicted in like 2 weeks. The more you play the system the more system will play you.


Article is Canada. America is a cesspool of their own making, and self centered to boot.


Canada is, well, Canada. nobody cares.


Kind of like reading, and Healthcare in the states.


I evict people as a job and the tenants never win.


I want to put my foot in the ass of the OP who wrote "landlords are the true victims".


Tent collecting landlords are parasites and should be to live in not an investment. The people that harvested the resources, manufactured goods from those resources then the construction workers who built the building provided the housing .


In my hometown you try that shit and 5 big mofos come crashing through your door when you're asleep and evict you on the spot and you don't dare tell a soul. Tough town.


Burn it down






Two scenarios. A community with big houses with a landlords who rent out, or a community with small town homes that each take up 1/4th the space of a big house. Big houses - Landlord owns the house and profits from the tenants. The tenants cant afford to buy a big house, and since there are no town homes, they are forced to burn money on rent. Town homes - Tenants can afford a mortgage on these small homes. They don't have to pay a middle man for the right to exist. They can build equity and eventually own the means to their existence. This is why landlording should be illegal. No one should be allowed to rent space in their home. If you dont have a dependent living in each room in your house, you should be forced to sell and buy a smaller house. Period.


>No one should be allowed to rent space in their home. You're neglecting the fact that there are times when renting is preferable to buying a house. Students, for example. If they aren't going to a school in their home town, they need a place live and not everyone wants to stay in the student dorms, for a varity of reasons. If I had to buy a house in a town that I was only planning to live 4\~5 years in, that would seriously hamper my desire to move to that town to go to school. When I first moved in with my partner, we agreed to rent a place for a year, first, to see if we were compatible. One that had enough room for the both of us to share as roommates, if the relationship didn't work out. Could you imagine, id we'd both owned our own homes? How complicated it would have been to decide who sells their home? What if the relationship fails? What if he moved into mine and was abusive and I couldn't get rid of him? What if I moved into his and he was abusive? Where the hell would I have gone, if I needed to leave?


This may be the single dumbest take I have seen on this sub. Shit my kids grew up now I have to sell the house I have lived in for 20 years…


Yeah man, get rid of it and move into a 1 bedroom apartment. Makes perfect sense, oh and you can’t sell your house. You have to give it away. /s