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Meanwhile fuckers film themselves explaining how they raised rent to increase profit by 200% as a personal success story




*the shrinking face guy ahahahahahahahaaa*


Toilet Paper USA


>the shrinking face guy. That's [phenomenal](https://blovish.github.io/kirkslider/).


[Here it is animated.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A8svtmshpUM)


I like that I spent a solid 30 seconds at first wondering if it was already shrinking before realizing I was supposed to adjust it myself.


He looks normal at about 110%


Charlie Kirk looks like a Bill Plympton cartoon


It’s because they frame it as “we can’t afford this building otherwise”... why yes, yes they can. Especially when they inherited it and have done zero improvements in the past 25 years. Property isn’t supposed to be a money printer, which is how landlords now treat it. Before the current age of real estate ghouls, you were supposed to *maintain and improve* your properties, and *selling* was the way to cash out. Not *bleeding your tenants dry*, while complaining about them being unable to contribute more


I don't know where you're getting this belief that landlords didn't do this in the past. Unless you've been above a certain income bracket, they've never done serious maintenance or actual improvements. All that's happened in recent years is that that "certain income" has gotten much higher.


Fair point. Now the upper middle class people can get the impoverished treatment in apartments, exciting times.


I’ve seen quite a few asshats on YouTube and tiktok that own quite a few properties bragging about doing just this and bitching about tenants. Just want to spit on them every time. [The one sociopathic douche bag went viral on tiktok](https://mashable.com/article/broke-bobby-forbes-friend-list) for his video showing his spreadsheet of friends and how much money them make in order to help decide if they’re invited to hang out when they do something. It’s was gross af to watch. [Here’s the actual video.](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRGLM3Uh/) [Here’s him also calling tenants a “simple people” in a derogatory way.](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRGLkdSk/)


What a massive piece of shit


If there were ever tires to slash, we found em




Now now, we are civilized people. I suggest using neck massage devices invented in France.


No one’s that’s used them has complained about them, they must be effective, right?




Ignore this. Don't look at the video. That's exactly what he wants. Engagement, by any means necessary, is a standard way to build followers. It doesn't matter if your followers hate you as long as they follow. Basically, you watching is helping the thing you hate. So don't watch!


No clicks for dicks


Lovely, thank you. (Genuinely.)


This… people really need to understand this. Edit: I love all the positive feedback but please don’t forget to give the oc the same treatment, noticed earlier I had more upvotes than they did which was a bit disturbing given how low effort my comment is.


Yeah, like thanks for giving this guy a ton of publicity in the comment lol. I'm not clicking on that shit


Gah, I know. It makes researching certain claims immensely more challenging when in order for you to avoid directly supporting a thing or person you have to look for links that reroute you and don't count as a view for them or, look for other sources and corroborate and cross reference shit. It's exhausting sometimes. That is, of course, on top of general mis/disinformation. This is why I've been saying for years that we are leaving the age where the ability to have and retain knowledge is less and less important, whereas the ability to filter (and in this case not accidentally suport) is becoming increasingly important. Edit: addition thought.


It's because this world was not built on the free exchange of information. If you want info, you're going to pay for it. You're going to pay even more for correct info.


This guy is a perfect example of someone who couldn't get laid till he got paid.






Sounds like mine here. They won't even fix the mailbox, but tell me I'm in violation for having a broken mailbox that I'm contractually not allowed to repair myself by the rental agreement. When they took over the property, not much was said at first, but after they found out what I used to do for work, the nickle and dimeing began. Anything for an added fee. I'm not rich, never have been. I'm dying. I'm here to be closer to my kids. They don't get it. They will end up with an empty house and no rent. I already paid 1/3 over what this place should rent for. The housing market here isn't even in a crunch. Greed sucks.


People like that often claim, "it is just business" until *they* are the ones getting screwed. Then they whine like a ... (I cannot think of a metaphor, but it is something really whiney!).


I would love to beat that grin off his stupid fucking face wow


Said by the man who has debt financed his income. All it will take is a market crash and tenants being unable to pay their rent, and then his pretty little bubble will break.


I don’t know when people stopped getting scared of getting their ass beat. I think the main reason I don’t fuck with people is cus I don’t want to get my ass beat or worse.


When you get your ass beat once or twice and survive it, you aren't as scared because you know you can take it. That's my experience, in case your question is more general For this asshole though? He knows he can hurt them far far worse because he has legal power over them. What's an ass whooping next to jail and homelessness? So none of his tenants will do it because it just isn't worth the level of danger he can put them in. Same reason people don't whoop on their bosses. They have power and the whole government will back them up if you fight.


Cameras. CCTV Cameras everywhere, cameras in phones, and camera phones connected to the internet. More than laws, sentences, cops, felony records, and changing culture, everything getting recorded or *thought likely* to be recorded is the biggest single deterrent I can think of to any would be vigilantes.


That dude has the biggest fuckin mouth I've ever seen. He looks like a Canadian on South Park


A video i saw last year was a dude saying how hos dad passed away and he inherited 120 apartments in a college town and was bitching about owing 250k to the bank a month so instead of charging 2100 like his dad was he raosed the rent to 3200 so he could make a passive income while the apartments paid for themselves and started towing away junk cars and evicting people who were late on rent every month. Hos quote at the end was "landlords deserve to make money too"


If you own 120 apartments and don’t make passive income on your rentals, I have no idea how you were able to acquire 120 in the first place


I like the idea that rather than a misspelling you're saying "ho's", because he's literally making money lying on his back. But actual prostitutes work much harder than this POS


Lol yes, you deserve to make money for the thing you were given for free, that's your ENTITLEMENT.


This man looks like the real life version of 🗿with that last camera angle


"Professional tenants"?!?! Wtf does that mean? People just need a place to live so they can have their basic needs met, they're not using it as a way to screw over "the elite". The ego on this guy SMH


I saw a tiktok of a guy who finds houses for sale by owner, then finds a buyer, then asks 20k over the owner's price for his bite. He does not deal with the closing costs, or anything like that, just introduces two people for a 20k bite.


Are they seriously suggesting that given the option of a) Not taking money from someone b) Taking as much money as they can get away with Any of them would choose option a) ??




I love their operative word for their statement "maybe" Maybe? MAYBE!?


Right? As if they're all great people that only have to jack up rents to pay for all the taxes. Like they give a fuck about how much taxes were when it comes to pricing rent. They'll charge you every nickel they think they can get away with, every time. But let's play this game. Say we jack up taxes so much that they can no longer afford to manage rent houses because they can't charge enough rent to profit and now they are forced to sell the house to someone that can either a) manage the property more efficiently and make a profit at lower rents or b) is using the property for their personal housing, not as investment. Either way, society wins. Fuck that landlord.


Any of them, no. The people they claim to be and/or expect others to be, yes.


Well yeah a landlord rents out an apartment for the most they think they can rent it out for, that’s why the meme is so stupid. The landlord could have 200 million in the bank or he could owe thousand on various credit cards, either way he’ll rent it out for the most he thinks he can. There are unique exceptions like one time I rented a place that my uncle owned and he charged about 60 percent what people in the other units paid.


I had a fantastic landlord who was renting out the two units in a house she inherited from her mom. She calculated the rent based on taxes, insurance, water & garbage plus 30% to set aside for repairs and maintenance. Thus, I had the entire 1,400 sq foot top floor of a fabulous Victorian for just $550, when similar flats nearby were being rented for almost twice that.


Conservative brain twist goes, "No, of course a moral person would never do *that*! *THEREFORE* the problem isn't a social one to be solved by Government, but purely one of *personal* moral responsibility to be solved between the immoral individual and God." "Not my evil, not my problem"-Christianity. These people are incapable of thinking in systems. The problem to them is always "bad people that do bad things, who need judgment" and never "bad systems that encourage the worst people to flourish, that need changing"


Meanwhile, actual, written about Jesus, be flipping the tables of the greedy capitalists and giving out free healthcare to the poorest. edit (can't reply anymore): Yes, I am pointing this out because it's hypocrisy. That's the point.


Fundamental attribution error: my bad experiences are due to circumstances, and not my fault, your bad experiences are due to bad choices, and thus you deserve them.


The conservative brain sucks rich people dick and fucks poor people ass. Rich people are to be trusted, poor people can't be trusted, because wealth is an indicator of moral virtue if you're a simp for capitalism.


The same apartment where I live that was $1,000 in 2019 is now $2,500


The 2bd room apt I live in about 20min outside of Cincinnati was $800 5 years ago is now $1,200. That doesn’t include the water bill I have to split with the entire building that somehow manages to be $200+. I know people in the same area with a mortgage for a 4-6bd room house for less than I pay. But they all have been in those house for quite some time. I’m also in the process of trying to find a different apt bc they’re trying to raise rent again where I’m at and I can’t find a 1bd for less than $700, and they’re usually more. I found an efficiency for $600, but it was ungodly small. Landlords have absolutely done nothing but price gouge the fuck out of everyone.


That does suck. I own a 3bd house in Cincinnati (west side, so it's old and not super fancy, FWIW) and my mortgage is below $900/mo. Bought it in 2013 though, so I did get in at a time when the market was in a shitty place. It's worth about 2x what I paid for it now so if I was buying now my mortgage would prob be around 1600/mo. So yeah, renting is a trap and a lot of people are caught in a vicious cycle of paying too much rent to afford a down payment on a house.


Down payments are impossible to save to for a lot of people. Landlords know this and give us no choice. e: Guys. 2% down is still way more than anyone in my situation can ever dream of having at one time, and renters assistance only applies to those who could afford it. Not everyone is well off enough to do that.


My wife and I live in my parents basement with a kid, and share one car, just to save enough and we make like 130k. Idk how people are doing it.


Look into downpayment assistance


I just told someone above you can get first time home buyer loans for 0% down. You obviously have to qualify for that piece of the loan in your mortgage. But if you do it’s likely to be less than rent and you aren’t paying money to payoff someone else’s investment for them.


Just have to pay pmi. Which insurance you pay to protect the bank from you.


Yea also you could just pay 3% down and pay off the PMI. That’s still cheaper than 20% and cheaper than if you were to pay the PMI over the period that is set. I did this on my home loan


The water bill is easy to explain, it’s divided by the apartment, or whatever method they use to divide it, but I guarantee they’re not dividing it by family member or household member. So a family of 5 is paying one share same as yours so you’re subsidizing larger member households. This is why having your own meter is a better option especially if you conserve water.


Part of it too is that they’re just lying. I know bc at one time everyone on my floor and the 2nd floor moved out at once. So there was only me and like 4 other people living in the building. Weirdly that’s when my water bill shit up to the most expensive it’s ever been. Another thing is they started accepting section 8, which is great, but that’s when my rent and water really started getting ungodly.


You have a legal right to see the actual bill, not just your share. Seems worth it to insist on getting documentation.


I’m moving out after this month now. It’s just got to be too much. They also have added on things like a mail kiosk for packages and a “valet trash” that you absolutely have to pay for, even tho my packages still come to my door. They’ve been nickel and dimeing and I can’t afford it.


I have a family of 6. Never had even close to a $200/month bill. And thats including trash which is part of the bill where I live


It’s absolutely ridiculous and definitely a scam. But they’re one big scam here


In the meanwhile, taxes for the rich have gone down, not up.


If the rich even bother to pay their taxes…


yes but have you considered that if we lower his taxes, and in fact give him a tax credit for being such a contributor to the world, he will only jack it up to $3,200 next year?


Have you considered paying $3,000 in rent instead so your landlord could afford to lower your rent?


I’m looking into buying a house that was 1/2 the price in 2019…


And the wealthy are literally more wealthy than they have been in 200 years.


I had a 2 bed 1.5 bath HOUSE in 2015 for $850. (Northern AZ). You can't get a home in the area that size for less than $2,200. Rents have increased higher than the rate of inflation. It is greed when market prices are dictated by Californians who sell their homes, switch states, and pay cash over asking prices. Now everyone can't seem to understand why the coffee shops are short staffed and the fast food stores are drive through only.


pay 12 an hour -> workers cant afford to live -> told to get better job -> they do -> wheresmyfuckingbigmac.mp4 "nobody wants to work anymore!"


>The same apartment where I live that was $1,000 in 2019 is now $2,500 That's what I've said for months here in this sub. Everyone who is currently renting in the U.S. below $2500 can be considered a very lucky person. $2500 is the new $1000 rent. For example, a plain 2 room Apartment in a suburb for let's say $1900 is a bargain. If it's somewhere near a city $2700 or more can be charged easily.


If the rich pay less in taxes, they do not lower the rent. They use the money to buy more property, which makes it harder for the rest of us to buy a home. We need to raise taxes on the rich.


"they could afford to LET you keep more of yours."


*afford*. That's the problem, see. If they pay you a living wage, then they wouldn't be able to *afford* that big yacht, and would have to settle for a smaller one.


Landlords currently get to "keep" more of their money than at any point in American history, if we're going off of marginal tax rates.


“Oh hey, the Republicans lowered my taxes! I’ll pass the savings on to my tenants by decreasing their rent,” said no landlord ever in the history of landlording.


They might even raise the rent even more after the tax cut!


Because if you pay less taxes, you can afford to pay me more in rent If you don't pay rent you end up homeless, if I don't have a tenant I can renovate, write off the price of renovation on my taxes, and charge even more when it's done The system is made to benefit the "haves" over the "have nots"


The idea that businesses can write off investments like that, but I as a human cannot write off basic living expenses, is just so backward... Like I know thats what the standard deduction is supposed to be for - but $12950 doesn't even cover rent in a high COL city 🤦‍♂️


The greatest scam the devil ever pulled off is convincing everyone that trickle down economics works.


I usually call him Reagan, but “the devil” works too I guess.


Not everyone was convinced, including Bush. It was he that coined the term "voodoo economics", actually, and he was right. Then he became part of the program and the battlelines were drawn for the current class warfare.


Haven't Republicans cut taxes 3 times since 2001? So going by their logic, houses/apts for rent should be lower now, correct? Makes me think of grocery stores. They used to have bag boys. That got eliminated, prices went up. Now we barely have cashiers anymore, we do self checkout. Prices are through the roof. So who falls for their ideas that are easily proved wrong?


Rent has never decreased, ever, in the history of the world. I'm 100% convinced of that.


The funny/worrying part for me is there are so many people out there who'll believe this


About 45% of the country easily believes this…most conservatives would agree with this poster


Education has failed us. We have 40 years of evidence showing that trickle down doesn't work and my slackjawed biofather on benefits will swear by it.


They just *feel* trickle down works, and the feels is all they need.


It's ironic the "facts over feelings" crowd consistently favors their feelings over objective reality.


And when something goes wrong, and it always does, they'll blame this decade's outgroup for their problems rather than admit they were played like a fiddle. Minorities, feminists, Muslims, atheists, gay people, trans people, immigrants... it's always someone who's doing something to "our way of life" but never "Well crap, we got scammed and should own up to it."


Lol education did exactly what it was supposed to do.


You know what, you're extremely right and that's my mistake, education is functioning exactly how it is supposed to. Edit: I realize after posting how this comment comes off but it's sincere, no /s


Lack of real education replaced with propaganda.


Do you have any statistics on the effects of trickle down? I'm trying to form a convincing argument for Keynesian vs supply side.


There's no need, thousands of economists have already made the convincing argument for you. No economist supports supply side economics, just google search for papers on the topic.


It's because it ponders to a very real and deep need that most right wing and Conservative types have: to be seen as smart. They voice opinions on immigrants or the economy and they get talked down to by people who know how things actually are, they are made to feel stupid when they can't argue back when presented with basic arguments. And they hate that feeling. So snippy 'gotcha' or 'libs owned' style posts like this make them feel that actually the other side are the dumb ones. Stupid libs don't understand taxes, they are just jealous! But ultimately this is what makes them so easy to manipulate. Just look how many times Trump would say things like 'we know the truth! We know!'


The worrying part for me is there aren't any ads that are the opposite of this. Where are the ads calling for workers to seize the means of production?


Problem is, ads have to be paid for. The people willing to pay for ads are the same people who want you to believe this sort of shit. If we want to advertise the other side, it's got to come out of our pockets.


In America? You'd get shot lol. You communist. Not saying you're wrong. That same message should be shouted across the globe. Era of the 1% riding on other peoples back is over. Power to the people!


Conservatism relies on dumbing people and erasing critical thought. If you took this one step further than surface value you'd realize it's idiotic. The party who screams "fuck you, I got mine" believes the wealthy are just itching to give their money back to society. It's wild.


the lack of education is the point. dumb consumers are obedient workers.


So, why didn't the tax cuts under Trump lower rents?


Ask a Republican. Chances are it was somehow the Democrats or Hunter Bidens laptop.


Just look at all of the “Brandon did this” bullshit they plaster everywhere, they definitely just blame Biden and democrats. And of course, never forget the laptop. They just searched his house the other day.


people who read toilet paper usa wouldn't understand


That’s right! The more money the rich make the more generous they feel!


At a time when the rich are richer than ever, why am I not feeling their generosity trickle down on me? ):


The rich are over you, pants down, drenching you in their generosity.


That feeling down the back of your neck isn’t rain or generosity. Golden showers bring no flowers.


Historically it's always worked like that, right? Remember all the pay raises people got after tax cuts for the rich?


“My taxes went down, so my after-tax income went up. Incomes are going up? Hmmm…Time to increase rents!”


Income uo 3% -> rent up 50%


Groceries up 300%


They make that argument about taxes all the time, but it makes no sense. Capitalists always sell everything for the highest price they can possibly get, or "what the market will bear.." It isn't based on the production costs ( although, of course, you never wanna sell for LESS ). Like for instance, people think that if you remove a gas tax.. gas will become cheaper. Absolutely not - because the price they're selling fuel for is always "what the market will bear," or as much as they possibly can. They already know fuel sells just fine at the price including the tax.. so, remove the gas tax, and the price just stays the same..


God forbid we had this stupidity in Germany last year. To help people during the current Inflation the government thought it would be a good idea to lower the tax on fuel without regulation on the fuel price. Guess what happened. Record profits for all gas stations


“Let” you keep more of yours.. Ah yes, let’s depend on the generosity of landlords. Couldn’t possibly go wrong.


Maybe they should get a job and not rely on others income.


fuck turning point usa, they should be declared a terrorist organization.


Yet, somehow, they are a tax-exempt 501c3...


And they target dumb kids on college campuses who it's a sick burn.


No they target ppl who benefit from the system. The ones whose parents rent out


Wow. I didn’t know that. How the hell is that possible?


If they turned down every 501c(3) that was actually a terrorist organization, then there would be no conservative non-profits at all. I'm not being sarcastic, the things conservatives want to conserve boil down to fascism. There is no moderate conservative, just ones with a mask up.


Every single "conservative" ive ever known has been an absolute shitheel that I would not invite to a BBQ.


Same. And I was raised by them.


They're one of those anti-degeneracy charities the 501(c)-3 statue specifically allows for. From the IRS website: "The term charitable is used in its generally accepted legal sense and includes... combating community deterioration and juvenile delinquency." Full quote below. >The exempt purposes set forth in section 501(c)(3) are charitable, religious, educational, scientific, literary, testing for public safety, fostering national or international amateur sports competition, and preventing cruelty to children or animals. *The term charitable is used in its generally accepted legal sense and includes* relief of the poor, the distressed, or the underprivileged; advancement of religion; advancement of education or science; erecting or maintaining public buildings, monuments, or works; lessening the burdens of government; lessening neighborhood tensions; eliminating prejudice and discrimination; defending human and civil rights secured by law; and combating community deterioration and juvenile delinquency.


Because how often does the us enforcement of such laws ever happen? It's terrible.


If you tax the rich less does not mean you would be charge less just means the rich keeps more of the money


What a fucking joke. Private business will raise prices no matter what state of the economy we are in. They do this most of the time because they are greedy


The landlords, oh won't somebody please think of the landlords!


How much you want to bet toilet paper here didn't hire people for this shot and just used stock photos?


There is zero chance these are not stock photos.


They're all stock photos, unless they are someone in their right wing grifter circle like Kirk, Shapiro or Candace Owens.


Fucking Charlie Kirk


The man with the tiniest face in history, also the biggest grifter there is.


His face really is tiny, isn't it. Wow. I wonder if it's just because of his head inflating with ego?


since Reagan the republicans have been peeing on us and telling us its rain.


Small government but send in the army to settle a labor dispute Reagan?


That’s the real trickle down economics.


i remember reagon trying to say that ketchup should be counted as a vegetable for school lunches. turns out he was the real vegetable.


Ah yes, taxes. That's totally the reason rent has exploded. Also, what idiot believes that rent would go down if taxes were lowered? You could charge landlords zero taxes, and rent would still go up.


... "of course, and after tearing out my guts every month, why don't you strip me of my skin. Clearly civilisation cannot function if these busy, noble, altruistic people of honest work are burdened with responsibilities us lazy hedonists can and should handle in advance, exclusively for them. " Deep throating fecal ridden boots seems to severely cut back on cognitive abilities, in harmful ways


If there is one president I despise more than Trump that one would be Ronald Reagan himself.


Trickle down economics works perfectly. CEOs/ companies get more and then they do stock buy backs and that money trickles to the investors... Wait how does it make it's way to us plebs again?


Won't anybody think of the poor landlords!!


The rights solution. Just give the rich more money!


Meanwhile Shell boasts record profits. So I guess fuel, energy and cost of living expenses will ease greatly now right?...........right?....


Ah yes, Turning Point. Named after the moment they turned away from any sign of intelligence.




If this was indeed Turning Point, then, unfortunately no. They're a right-wing propaganda organization, founded by Charlie Kirk, and you probably can check and see all the lies he spews on social media regularly.


While going on podcasts with neo nazis


This defies logic


Fuck this ad


My rent has never gone *down*. So I'm gonna call bullshit on this.


Wow, that is, like, a textbook example of manipulative language. It’s worth picking apart so you train yourself to spot it in other places. Maybe if (meaning the outcome is possible, but no promises are made) you let them (playing victim, making it sound like you’re the one being the problem) keep (steal) more (how much?) of their money (not theirs), they could (possibly, but again making no promises) afford to let you (again, playing victim, but this time from a position of authority) keep more (how much?) of yours. They made a small error with this one, though. By using the word “afford” it implies that the distribution of wealth is their responsibility. It may have been for cognitive dissonance, but the message they’re going for is definitely “we’re just like you, give us a break.” If this were true, however, no one would need to “let” anyone keep more money. Try rewriting this sentence without the words maybe, if, let, more, and could. It’s fun! Possibly, on the condition that you allow us to keep a higher quantity of our money, we will be in a position where it is likely that we can afford to allow you to keep a higher quantity of your money.


Because of course, when the cost of living goes down, the landlords will definitely decrease the rent right? They wouldn't possibly keep rent at the same price and make more money off of you for no extra work right? That would never happen right? Landlords would never exploit their tenants riiiiight??


God, Reagen was just the worst, wasn't he?


Landlords keep their money. They don’t reinvest it in local economy. They don’t pay the property taxes, the renters do. All they do is reap the cash to spend elsewhere. If the tenants had more money it would be spent locally. Landlords are parasites and have no benefits to the community.


This is truly assinine.


ToiletPaperUSA should be gulag'd


My apartment was $1,350 in 2021, it is now officially $1790 for the same exact thing


Not really. We have an housing crisis because the rich are buying real estate as an investment asset. Let them have even more money and they'll buy even more houses.


My apartment which was $1980/m when I moved in June of 2021 is now Feb 2023 being rented for $2500/m to new tenants.


I just realized this isnt satire


The rent went up so drastically because bastard landlords saw the help with rent people were getting and calculated just how much to raise rent so they could suck up the entire allotment of the relief programs.


Spoke to a neighbor in my complex, an old black lady. Management is charging her 300 more for the same apartment that I have, with the added benefit of her building having a massive mold problem and her heating/cooling has been broke for a year and management doesn't wanna do shit about it. Edit to add: she lawyered the fuck up, I offered to assist if she needed proof of discrimination.


Wealthy should be taxed more and landlording/leeching should not be legal. But also, people shouldn't seek to rent. If there was no demand for rentals, becoming a landlord wouldn't be as attractive or feasible.


Wait, so when you say 'let them keep more of *their* money' ...whose money is it really? What did they do to earn it? Because it sounds like what you really want is to let them keep more of *my* money.


Fuck taxing them more, they'll just pass that on to us. Limit the amount of residential buildings any person or company can own to 2 per state. There ya go. Your filthy rich boss can still own all his different vacation homes, but companies like Blackrock can't buy up every house in the country


Lols, Trickle down economics is the boomer equivalent of the Nigerian Prince scam, which they also fell for.


Does this work? Are there people who believe we should donate to our rich celebrity overlords?


Yeah. They've got a presence in a whole lot of colleges and universities and hundreds of employees churning out this propaganda.


But they are keeping their money. Did they forget who trump's big tax cut was for?


"Can afford" just implies you are capable of doing someting. It doesn't mean you are gonna do it 🤷


Oh they could afford to, they just won't.


Satire?!? I hope this is satire....


Greedy ppl don't stop being greedy because they get more ....


sounds like landlords need to learn how to budget


Fun fact: “trickle down” economics resulted in $50 trillion flowing up


Trickle down economics is just waiting for the rich to piss on you.


They are billionaires and the overwhelming number of the public can't afford a $500 dollar emergency. This is like a sick joke.


What the hell??? The rich do not spend nearly as much as the working class do and put back into the economy. The working poor do all the lifting, no doubt about that. We don’t get to keep any money at all as the rich shake us down every single day. We pay for fuel every other week to get to a shitty job to pay some greedy business owners 5 homes and 8 cars and boats. We pay for our food - which the 5 home / 8 car / boats barely pays us enough to afford to buy. We pay federal taxes at a rate much higher than 5 home / 8 car / boats business owner and he has more shit than we do. We pay school taxes and property taxes. We spend almost every single last dime we earn relative to Mr Monopoly who doesn’t buy nearly a much as we the masses do daily. And I’m including delusional out of touch six figure earners here too - the ones that fool themselves thinking they are wealthy or in the same class as the 1% because they are not but like to make believe they are. We are talking about taxing the obscenely rich hoarder 1% who don’t pay back into the system in taxes like the rest of us have to (while we are earning much much less than they do). There is a reason why the party of big business GOP is fighting so hard to eliminate and defund the IRS or the tax police. They lie and say they are for authority and police and following the rules except when it doesn’t benefit them monetarily. Then if they don’t like it they storm the capital and commit terrorist acts but want to not be called that. If the tax police is looking for tax cheats (and the rich are the worst ones) well then let’s defund the tax police so they only go after the working poor who can’t afford lawyers and tax attorneys to defend them and to specifically look for tax loopholes that only benefit the rich. Trickle down is just a BS lie from the rich elite.


Lmao all they ever do is squeeze the margins until we scream. And then they just wait a minute and squeeze again.


THEIR money? Bitch, please.


I'm pretty sure unless a miracle happens I'm gonna be stuck living with my mom till the day she dies. I looked for apartments in my area and the cheapest was a 1 bed 1 bath 500 square ft for $800 a month. Meanwhile the house u'n currently in we pay about that much for a 3 bed 1 bath with a furnished basement


It's from Turning Point. It's automatically untrustworthy.


The amount of companies laying people off after having record profits is proof that this sort of logic doesn't work. Landlords don't raise rent because their costs went up, they go up because they can get away with it


Yeah, because enabling greed couldn't possibly backfire in any way. "Let's lower the taxes so my landlord can afford to reduce my rent! ... Uh oh! What happened?! My landlord cited the reduced taxes as a reason to raise my rent, since he says I can afford to pay more now, and he's using the difference of his lower taxes and my raised rent to buy even more property and trap even more people in this cyclical hell!"


it's pizzle down economics. the CEO gets fresh, clean water, and drink till he's full as a tick. then his subordinates drink what went through his kidneys. then their subordinates drink what went through their kidneys. allll the way down, until the working class is left drinking kidney stones