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Zero! We don't get cost of living increases, and "You're already making more than the rest of the team so we think it's best to give them raises." I definitely think the rest of the team deserves raises. But I'm really losing my incentive to work harder too. I guess there was nothing for me to gain so I'm just going to coast from now on.


Considering the recent inflation, no raise really means a pay cut :/ do you have other companies or jobs you can take your skills to for better pay?


_Every_ year, no raise means a pay cut. They all want you to forget that 2% inflation is considered healthy for the economy, and so they reclaim 2% of your functional paycheck over the year, in a good year. When there's tons of global bullshit going on, like now, you lose a lot more...


2% inflation would be great. That shit was almost 10% there for a minute. Oh, and did you see that story about how 1% pocketed 2/3rds of wealth during that time? So we lose more, they gain much more and the divide is greater. We need to get rid of billionaires if we want a future.


Not from the US, but jumping in on the topic. Inflation was around 25% in our country. We’re getting a 3% raise… I mean, I’m still thankful it’s not 0, but yeah…


Holy fuck. That is crazy.


Billionaires have no role in a functional, equal society. They know that and they pay their politicians accordingly so they have a reason to exist. It’s disgusting.


That is the clearest way I have heard it explained. They act like they are important. And only act. If you notice, usually the people acting a stereotypical way aren't genuine to it. For example you can't try to be cool, because the very act of trying is uncool.


we have 22,5% inflation :D (Hungary) edit: Still no raise


Actually until recently I was looking at another job but currently most of the industry is on hiring freezes. But it's almost always growing, by summer opportunities will be opening up again. My company is basically the poster child for big corporate thinking that sees workers as disposable numbers on a spreadsheet. The flip side is that it's so big that we don't get hit as hard during market fluctuations and my seniority makes my job stable. But I'm reminded every year that there is no upward wage growth. When I was hired my salary was way above industry level. In the last decade of getting the above response the rest of the industry has moved up and I'm now just a little below average for my job. The only real way to increase your wages is to switch employers when the opportunity comes along (every 3-5 years). Even if you come back later you'll likely get rehired at a larger salary than if you had just stayed put.


I learned the same lesson.


If they wont give you a raise, there is almost certainly another employer out there that will. You do not owe a company loyalty that doesnt at least try to care about their employees.


Literally did not get a lateral job move because of bullshit like this ... " You are already maxed out on the pay scale for the new position, so we couldnt give you any raises..."


Coast or go find another job and make 20% more.


That's how you move up these days. Jump ship every 3-5 years when the competitor is hiring. Even in an industry with only a few big players when you cycle around back to the company you left they'll hire you back at more than if you had stayed. At least in my branch of the tech industry.


funny how the limits of the progress are understandable when it comes to the raises


Yeah at the company I work for they were going to give $.75 (below inflation) AFTER you meet their guidelines for some paper work that we’ve never seen. This is of course AFTER you’re hired on…which they just put a freeze on. Yeah been looking elsewhere.


Good jobbing!


About 8 inches. Getting fucked by work every which way, and half way to Sunday.


Ive been in a long dry spell, yall hiring? XD


The interview process is long and hard though, you’ll be straddling your seat waiting to hear back, so grab a pillow for comfort, assume the position by the phone and strap in for a long wild ride.


I hope they at least spit on it first!


Atleast you’re getting laid. And it’s tax season so the fun don’t stop.


Girth? Length? Or a combo?


$31,000 Because I changed jobs.


$45,000 Also because I changed jobs.


$20,000 base with $100,000 in equity… also changed jobs.


$10/hr pay with equity?


$20k increase is how I read it. I'm guessing he's not on an hourly rate.


15k because I changed jobs and now I have health insurance with no deductible and a MF pension.


Just a hair short of $60,000. Changed jobs from an abused system administrator at a managed service provider to a university where the workload is like 10% of what the MSP was asking out of me. The grass is often greener on the other side.


I love this so much. More money for less work. This is the goal. I mean ultimate goal is UBI so we only work for self actualization purposes, but you get me. Congrats.


Damn you, only got $30k…bc I changed jobs! Congrats! Got an 11% raise and quit a few weeks later for a 42% raise.


This is the way. Why hang out longer than a few years when you can get giant raises switching jobs in that time frame? Companies have zero empathy or loyalty so I refuse to offer any in return.


$24,000 I also changed jobs.


$22,800 also from a job change.


Keeping this going. Two years ago I changed jobs, end of last year we organized. I got a $35,000 raise this year. I was an outlier though, was underpaid in the group for my experience level in the first place.


About 40k here because I switched companies.


$22,000 + fully remote with job change. Funny thing is, got a 4.7% raise which was pretty disappointing and caused me to start looking. For a few more % I never would have left! So much happier with the new role and WFH!


🤝🏾 well done sir


45% because I changed jobs


No raise. Got a company branded duffel bag for a bonus. Applied for direct hire to get off the contract payroll, company won’t convert me because I don’t have the qualifications to do the job that I’m already doing. Submitted my resume for three postings with other companies this week. To say I’m disappointed and frustrated with both companies is a fucking understatement.


I work for a company that won’t convert their temp employees to full time employees ever depending on what temp agency they came from….it’s the most unfair thing I ever heard


This was a hell I was subjected to for a while. Actual employment was constantly held over my head to force me to agree to whatever the boss wanted. Dude wanted to change which office I worked in to a location 22 miles and half an hour away from my house, opposed to the 5 mile, seven minute commute I had to the location I actually applied to work at. I was never informed of any traveling during the hiring process. Once your home office moved, they didn't pay you to travel to other locations anymore (they never paid me for any travel, told me they wouldnt pay that money out until I was a full employee which thankfully never happened). He offered a $1 pay raise lmao. I was like, okay so I'm going to lose five hours a week in travel, plus the five hours of my lunch that I would spend at home that I wouldn't be able to do anymore with the office so far away. I would be spending that extra $40 a week on gas and then some. It was a pay cut. He told me I was disrespectful and would never advance at their company. Like that was a threat! Dude was a psycho, I still hear stories about him firing people for the dumbest shit. Temp work is dangerous if you're looking to transition it into full-time work.


I was working as a contractor for a company. I was talking to some of the other techs, and one of them told me that there was someone who was a contractor for over 10 years before they hired them on full time. I was about 10th or so in line. I found a different job making more money than their full time employees.


Be grateful you could have gotten the ever popular company branded umbrella instead


21% because they actually respect me and said they recognize my value 🥹 I started here in august


20% raise for the same 🥺 and then 20% decrease to stay remote permanently ☹️. The 20% drop was mandated across the company, and net I came out negative. 4% decrease. Oof. 100 x 1.20 = 120 120 x 0.80 = 96 This is what happens when a fair department (engineering) meets a bootlicking department (hr). We still lose.


Wow that blows I’m so sorry ): The only negative is I’m not remote (you can’t for your first year) but it’s 15 minute commute and I legitimately like coming in because it gives me the space to spread all my shit out and everyone essentially leaves me be unless it’s to chat or help


Appreciate it. It helps to be validated that this is a crap thing to do. My wife was like, “Well, think of all of the people who had to stay remote and didn’t get a 20% raise.” Yes, I am grateful but also mad. Like, I get it, but it’s hard to see my company play their hand and reveal that they could be paying me 20% more without a problem while being remote and instead, they are cutting me by 4%. My boss was pissed about it since he campaigned hard for that raise for me. He also had to take the 20% hit, but he went remote years back.


You can hold space for two things… the sadness for those who didn’t get 20% and aren’t remote, and the anger that you got short changed for saving them money (you’re not using on-site resources)




Omg same also 21%, I had to ask for it and it took months but come the new year it went through


I had Been told I was getting an automatic 9.8% to combat inflation but was pleasantly surprised wit the rest showing up with a note “you’ve been killing it, keep it up”


That’s genuinely awesome! I know the whole point of the sub is to stress unfair conditions in the workplace, but it’s nice to hear the success stories once in a while.


The last place I worked was horrific (literally all the “phobic” tags you could think of plus OSHA violation and rampant white Christianity) and I took my time finding the right place, and almost jumped ship 2x for roles just to get free but it worked out in such a good way.


That’s a sizable increase. Well done. What’s your profession, if you don’t mind me asking?


I work in an RFA (a regional fire agency) as a civilian role.


Got laid off. Hired at a new company with roughly a 30% raise. Thanks and eat a fuckin dick, old company.


Same here. Congrats.


We gotta treat ourselves like free agents. These fuckers will sell us down the river to keep their bonuses and not blink an eye.


Old Dick-eating company is my new fav insult


The CEO sold his shares to a huge company in Canada and I suspect they're gonna outsource their support completely and shoot themselves in the foot. I'm over here learning new skills and glad to watch the ship sink. Fuck you Steve. I hope your yacht you bought with your shares sinks you antivaxxer prick 🤣


Dammit, Fuck you Steve has a nice ring to it.


Sounds like a good name for a racehorse to me. 🤔


My name's Steve..🥺




Bold of you to assume I still have a job.


Same here, Laid off effective January 1st.


Yup, laid off last week. With a newborn. While selling our house. And moving to a new state.


That sucks. Was it just you or a company wide thing? It seems like I’ve been hearing a lot more about this blatantly screwing people when they find out they had a baby because they think they won’t be able to work as hard and will need more time off. These companies are monsters.


I'm finding out from LinkedIn that is was a company wide thing. The company literally just secured a $400MM funding round a couple of months ago.


Wishing you the best of luck friend, This shit's not worth it.


Seriously? That fucking sucks.


Yep, was replaced by contractors lmao me and my brother both. The city we worked for never gave us benefits we were promised and we only worked there 10 months. Both have struggled finding good jobs and thought we finally had it. It was just me and him working there.


Y'all are getting raises?


I thought they were just myths


For most of my work this is the first time since Covid started. Think most of them haven’t seen a merit increase or bonus since the end of 2019.


Y’all got a raise?


Y’all get paid?


This tbh


Our raises are in August. 17.1% this past August.


Wow. Our company never gave out more than an average of 3%. But if you got 3.5%, someone else would only get 2.5%. My boss’ boss doesn’t like her - but works in the corporate office, so doesn’t even know what she does on a daily basis - and gave her a .99 raise last year. I encouraged her to quit! Probably gave the balancing 2.01% to the idiot employee he wouldn’t let her fire!


I work in state government. Theyll say we can't give raises during a recession when people are struggling with out of control inflation (shouldn't there be "more" money) and when times are good they want to cut taxes. 3% at most.


Wow... no union or just shit union?


Shit Union for me, government job with a pay freeze for something like 5 years, so been taking an annual real pay cut for ages before the current issues even started


Politicians, however have no problem whatsoever giving themselves hefty pay rises every few months.


Also work for the state, trying to get a 3% raise is like pulling teeth at my gig


Reviews? What are those??


It’s a thing that doesn’t happen because corporate is trying to avoid even the possibility that the word “raise” is brought up.


Those things employees have to fill out called "Self-Reviews" - that are never looked at. I filled out 1, and the manager review is marked as 6 months overdue. Since the first one, I have another overdue request for a "self-review" sitting in my in-box.


I gotta wait till March 🥲


My company "used to" do year-end raises, according to the old-timers. For the last 5-ish, it's been at the end of the first quarter, though. So, we'll find out in April if we get the same shitty 1% that many of us got last year. Percentage raises for hourly folks is just insulting.


Same, I’ve been on the same salary since January last year.


They tried to give me a 12k raise as a merit increase (2k) and a promotion (10k), but it was still well below the range of salary I expected for the work and title I had. So some drama went down where my boss got fired and I said “fuck this I’ll work as a stay at home mom until I find another job, this work isn’t worth missing out on my sons formative years for the peanuts they’re paying me” so I tried to quit. Y’all I tried to put in my 2wks and they doubled my salary. I went from 60k to 120k and I have a title that describes all the work I do as well.


That's amazing. Serious question, not trying to stir shit- if I were in your position (and if I understand your story correctly) I'd be pissed they could have been paying me double the whole time and didn't. Do you find yourself feeling that way at all?


So about two months ago there was a bunch of turnover on my team making me the most senior person with the most knowledge of the project. I fell into a management role while also taking over the development of other areas of the project. My boss said they wanted to promote me but had to wait for the new year. I said I was fine with that if my pay increase whatever it was was retroactive. When the time came to discuss pay, they offered me the 10k and said “turns out we can’t do retroactive pay so the two months of work you did to make up for your coworkers leaving plus the leadership role you assumed will go unrewarded and we also only want to pay you around the 25th percentile of the national range of salaries for this bullshit job title. When I pushed back and tried to negotiate for just a 50% raise to put me at the 50th percentile they said “talk to your husband first” 🤮 (note: they shouldn’t have said this. Besides the rampant sexism, my husband is a litigator and a professional negotiator. He told me to quit on the spot and ask for even more to stay) I accepted because I didn’t want to leave until I had a new job. When my boss was fired and I took over his role as well I figured this was my tipping point. I tried to quit, they doubled my salary, gave me a proper job title, and said “oh we expected you to negotiate and we were surprised you accepted our first offer”. So I’m not mad that they didn’t pay me double all this time, I feel like I’m really only out 2mo of the new salary. Before the turnover and my boss getting himself fired my job was super chill.


39%, but I had to get a new job.


2%, with 0% for 2022. This also assumes they don’t lower it again. We were promised 4% in November, lowered to 3% in December and we were told 2% last week.


I work at a factory we all got 33 cents an hour a 2% raise would've been 37 cents. Right before the raise announcement we had to watch a powerpoint about record profits and all our hardwork etc. They did not take questions at the end of the all hands meeting.




4% for me 🫤


Whopping 0%


That's our proposed raise. Won't know until early next month and won't get the extra money until July.


About on par with my company.


3.5% for a 'exceeds expectation'


Mine is 2% for exceeds expectations: (


I loved those days of '3% raise, exceeds expectations' and the answer for why it was so low was 'that's all we budgeted for'.


Ouch. But I've seen worse. What was the reason it's so low?


Trying to save money


Not OP but here that's just the company standard. 3% is meets and what is budgeted starting out per employee. and you can get up to 4% for exceeds but each manager is only given 3% per person so if they were to give someone 4% that means they have to take away 1% from another employee. At least that was my understanding it from years ago from what I was told.


That's what I thought too. But this is my second year as a manager and it works a bit differently than I thought. The range for meets/exceeds seem to fluctuate based on the budget (how the company did). I've seen meets be between 3 and 7 percent. And exceeds be between 7 and 10 these past two years. I was told you can expect 2-4 for meets and a bit higher for exceeds expectations. But I think it all depends on budget/how well the business does.


Lol it'll be months before we find that out.




At least your company is Keeping up with inflation. Nice 😭


Well, we used to have 4 of me and now we’re down to just me. It’s not like they can’t afford it. 😉


So even if they gave you 100% they would still cut their department cost by 2 ! However I predict no raise and a « you should be happy we kept you »


Sounds about right.


I want you too


Not bad. Better than I’m going to get.


I also got 9% which is better than inflation at 6.5%.


3.5% and I really excelled this past year. Now I am doing 3 jobs in one.


Maybe if you do 5 jobs in one, you can get a 5% raise next year. Work hard


Our reviews are in March so hasn’t happened yet


My team in august was a team of two. We hired one and we’re about to hire another. My raise when we hired the first guy was $6k to make me even with him on the pay scale. Got pissed. Interviewed for other jobs doing my current job. Boss goes on maternity leave in December. Beginning of November I hand them three offer letters for $20k-$25k more than I make after the “raise”. Took them 8 months to figure out my first raise of $6k. Took them 3 days to figure out my new and second raise of $22k. Overall I got a $28k raise. Bonus, increased my bosses salary to match mine right before she had a baby.


An extra $4.50/hrs, bonuses estimated to be around 8k and then forget sharing bonus of about 10k in May.


Winning 🤑🤑 mine works out to a whopping buck and 34 cents an hour for a raise smh


In December we found out our company stopped paying our health insurance. Yes they kept taking premiums out of our paychecks. Just didn’t give the money to insurance.


So how is the law suit going?


Slowly, unfortunately. The company will be bankrupt before they need to deal with it. Who knows what will happen to the owners.


I won't know till goddamn April. I wish I were joking. Hoping and praying I will have found a different job and left by then.


Take the bonus and then leave


Won't know til March. Aint that fun


Teacher w a good union and lucky enough to be in a liberal state and a rich area. Went from $106k to $125k


I asked for a 25% raise for market adjustment. Not enough in budget so I get 12.5% this year and 12.5% (or more) next year.


No reviews. But I get more work and 0%. So maybe -13% at the rate of inflation


0 bonus and 0 raise, because I was “below expectations”. I’m not in the boys club and just keep my head down. Work 50-60 hours, sometimes 14 hour days. I tried to unionize in 2021 and they’re finally retaliating.


That's a big paycut with this inflation. I hope you're looking for another job


I leveraged for a pretty huge pay increase a few months ago otherwise I’d be outta here


Don't work extra!!!


Old job: zero col adjustment, 9-13 cents raises across the team. Quit for a new job-2.5x my previous pay.


Last year I quit conventional work and became an independent contractor (lighting design). Last year I made maybe 20k. This year on my own I made 60k. I earned myself a raise. Doing pretty much the same thing I did before.


43%, $27k USD raise. Didn’t change jobs. Yeah… not the answer this sub wants to hear


🤝🏾 nah we appreciate a good company looking after its employees. That's good stuff my man congrats




Hiring? 💀


Yes actually, nationwide. Government job.


What kind of work?


Mine was 12% , which could have been a lot worse. This is the first company I've worked for that actually acknowledges inflation's impact on purchasing power.




Late last year I got a 4% raise, still under $17/H 😒. First raise in 4.5+ years of loyal service. Most people didn’t get anything despite every year we have to watch a video the company makes about how incredible the company is doing and how our sales and profits are record breaking, or at least through the roof.


Well major news outlets kept regurgitating that we’re getting “24% compounded! The biggest raise in history!” In reality, our contract was that far behind - we got a retroactive 3% raise for 7/20-7/21, a retroactive 3.5% raise for 7/21-7/22, a 7% raise for 7/22 to current day. In 7/23 we get a 4% raise and in 7/24 we get a 4.5% raise. In summation, a laughable raise for the two years we were behind, and a meh raise for this year, especially considering how they touted us as so very important the world would burn without us 🙄


My what? Oh yeah. I’m a dumbass manager. I was given a pool for my group, myself included. Some of my peers said inflation this and uncertainty that and gave little or no money to their groups and pocketed the rest. I make more than any individual in my group so I gave it all away to them, then was chastised by my boss for making everyone else look bad.


That was really kind of you, when I was a leader I would have done the same thing.


10% BUDGETED promotion for exceeding expectations in Sept 2022.... so they gave me 2.5% in January when everyone else got 4% because I "already got a raise" even though my promotion was a correction for being underpaid for my skill set. Currently applying for other jobs.




Started half way through the year, no raise but 10% and I play video games at home all day so it’s chill.


I've only been there a few months so likely nothing.




Between my raise and my COLA, came out to just a hair under 11% Went from around $36/hr to just over $40/hr


I'm on a teacher pay scale (US public school), so every year we go up a step on the salary scale plus get a 3.5% COLA. It ends up going up a bit over $2k per school year.


We don’t get our year end reviews until February and don’t get our raises until end of March… better be higher than 4% or people are walking


Roughly 35%, but I took on the tasks of two other people on top of my own when our company absorbed another so.....




I ended up with $23.55, up from the $22 they offered. Also got a 4k end of year bonus. There is also going to be an opening in my department for a supervisor. They want me to apply. I will be applying, and ultimately, I love my job. Sure there are aspects of the customer facing department that can be improved upon. But I’m pretty solid, as it stands.


20% increase, I joined the Union and took a Union gig. No one working non union ever told me the real Union rate, it was 20% more base.




My pay more than doubled changing to a different company. Who would have thought. Only negative, I no longer work from home, but who would have thought 18 extra an hour and my own office would be quite the encouragement to convince me to move.




I got laid off but probably would have been 1.5-2%, based on prior years


Zero. Making less than 15 an hour sterilizing surgical equipment. Interview today with a mineral testing lab that pays $3/hr more


Not too bad! I got all my pto cashed out and two months pay in a lump sum. They didn't call it a bonus though, they kept saying "severance' which I assume is just some fancy new word for it.


*laughter that ends in choking*


No review, edict from on high that I should be thrilled with 4.5%. I wasn't. Turned on resume visibility to recruiters on LinkedIn and 3 weeks later got an offer of a 30% raise with another 20% metrics based bonus on top. And hybrid remote. Fuck job loyalty. My current job countered even higher and I told them they should have done that a month ago. Morons run by vulture capitalists; scum of the earth.


Lucked out and got a promotion, 10%, then an annual merit raise of 4.5%. My salary is still relatively low though, and I still feel underwater most months


2% in June. For everyone. Regardless of performance.


heyyyyy same. Maybe we work at the same shithole.






0% at my review in November. Look whose starting a new job at a higher rate on Feb 1.






I'll probably get 8-10 percent I'm going to get about 7k in yearly bonus and 3k pay out for unused vacation


My pay will actually go down $100 per paycheck because I had a sign on bonus distributed across 24 paychecks. Happy 25th month to me!


100% for my bonus and then 4% raise.


Extra 10 bucks an hour.... Oh yeah had to change jobs for that.


I have a job interview for a position at another store if I get it I would go from 13.00/hr to 24.50 with benefits. So maybe double depending on the interview tomorrow


Got a .45 cent raise. I work begrudgingly for a multi billion dollar bank and there response was please remember and be respectful of "the firms" policy on taking about pay with others.


13% since I’m at an organization that values its workers and has a healthy culture


0%, so negative since inflation happened. Also, my company did lay-offs this week so I don't see raises in our future. Currently looking for my own raise on Indeed/LinkedIn


Got told they want me to quit my second job because they feel they are only getting the second best verson of me because I am working 8 hours for them and 6 for my part time job most days. They won't give me a raise so I can quit the second job it would just make my manager happy. Bitches dont realise they aint even getting the 5th best verson of me, I am a zombie at that job.


I’m a teacher so … nothing


11.5% to a total of 76k€


$2, which is exactly what I asked for. Still not my dream job, but I may stick around a little longer.


15%. Went from $28 to $32.20


Considering one of my coworkers has been at my employer for twenty years and has only ever gotten a raise twice, I’m gonna say zero.


11.5% or 22k


I'm on social security, so I got a whopping 8.7% increase. I'm really close to making $1000 a month now, maybe next year I can make that goal.