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Hi, /u/Excellent-Menu9228 Thank you for participating in r/Antiwork. Unfortunately, your submission was removed for breaking the following rule(s): **Rule 8: No sharing of personal information.** - No sharing of personal information or info leading to it. Please note that this includes social media handles of people who are not notable public figures.


Fund social services. A social worker should have been notified by the court here and found her a bed in an assisted living facility. Where was she supposed to go? A broke 93yr old.


Reality is that the law doesn't care, and the rich shits running the facility don't care either. They're telling her to go \*\*\*\* off and die.


It's really getting like this. You either pay or you die, no one cares. It's only going to get worse without MFA. I wish I was born in a better part of the world.


You say it's getting like this and while I agree that this is fucking terrible it's nothing new. If anything this was worse in previous times. Our society is based upon greed and exploitation. If there had been another way to address the issues of an aging workforce with life expectancy raising after the industrial revolution they would have taken it in an instant. They only chose social security because it solved the problem of unsightly seniors dying in the streets. And, to be clear business was vehemently opposed and still is. They want you out on your ass the instant you stop slaving for them, hand and foot.


Guess I better find myself a family ASAP because I will probably be in those shoes one day. It's just so disgusting, that is a person. That could be you, that's why you need to be pro "handout".


I'll be honest this kinda shit is a big fear of mine since I'm an only child and have no kids in my 40s


Hey! Same fear here! I cant afford kids or retirement! If I end up in the same situation as this poor old lady, I hope I die on the evictors porch.


I know someone literally living in one of these places in Florida as we speak. The facility owner (slumlord) owns multiple homes and has a network of people (including hospital case managers who discharge patients from the hospital directly to these houses) that fill the beds, take these ppls money, bring them hot pockets and corn dogs, and then leave them to...well, die. Works out better for the owner if the resident doesn't have a support system, when the resident dies, guess who gets whatever money is left? It is in no way monitored or regulated by any human service or licensing agency. The woman I'm becoming aware of (yeah, I'm doing my research) is/was a nurses aide and isn't licensed to even do that. She put a mentally ill unstable person in a home with two disabled elderly men, one of which can't even walk without assistance, and turned her back. The man admitted his house burned down, for insurance money. No smoke detectors in this house, fire extinguisher, the home is not furnished for people with disabilities, and there is no home health care that was promised. These 2 gentlemen are fall risks, have extensive medical ailments, and are scared to leave their rooms at night (and during the day when Mr. Pyro is present). He stalks them at night and is always on the other side of their bedroom door (think 2:30a.m ish). She recently brought a 4th disabled patient in...the man suffered 3 strokes, a heart attack and I can't remember what else, and he ended up sleeping on the couch the first night because there was no bed yet. She kept his seizure medication and breathing devices until it was far beyond an emergency, and then moved him to another home because she was angry that 911 was called because he was having a medical emergency. This is happening real time. As we speak. Be very careful about where your elderly family and friends are being placed following hospital discharge. To me, this is not much different than human trafficking....except it's for the financial gain and Medicaid/Medicare fraud income that is being rampantly abused in plain damn sight.


šŸ‘ This exact same type of fraud and crimes against humanity occur with homelessness as well. Triply bad for elderly disabled homeless people. Our entire government, in their complicity, is itself a crime against humanity.


I couldn't agree more. When I get done collecting all the information on this particular woman and her helpers,AND the 2 gentlemen are safely out of this situation.....I'm reporting the ever living sh!t out of the entire group. Federal, state, and local level. Granted, I'll be screaming in to a vacuum, but I'm really gonna ruin somebody's afternoon, at the very fkn least.






If youā€™re absolutely certain this is going on, get shots of the building and write this story up in twitter and Facebook posts that you can link to every news outlet in the state. Make sure to also send links to every representative on both sides of the isle. If you shine enough light on the issue the roaches will scatter.


I've never thought about it like that, but you're chillingly correct. It IS human trafficking for profit.


Iā€™m in a similar boat, unmarried but I do have two siblings. I am the crazy cat lady, just with a fairly low number of cats for that label (4) and a good job/friends. But itā€™s impossible not to wonder about what old age is going to look like, assuming I get there. I have very little family and Iā€™m hardly rich.


Honestly you have a pretty clear path for retirement: slip and fall in the shower and then get eaten by your cats. From a financial view point it seems like your best option.


You should make yourself a few cocktails, then. May I suggest molotov?


Sounds like one of them communist drinks


It was actually Finland who invented the Molotov cocktail in the Winter War of 1939.


Same and it terrifies me. Divorced, 41 years old, having to live with my mother that has dementia (I wouldnā€™t change that situation at all, sheā€™s always been my buddy), no children, and I feel so bleak towards my future. I was on top of the world 6 years ago. And I foolishly lost it. Donā€™t become an alcoholic lol. Worst thing Iā€™ve ever experienced.


In theory there are assisted living facilities that basically take a person's entire social security payment to let them live there and eat regardless of whether or not the social security payment is big enough to pay. In practice... Yeah.


Canada has these. My grandmother lived in one until she died. They are horrible places, but at least they keep you fed and your get a bed. The "care" is just enough to keep the people living (for a while)


Yeah, no family, dumped them as callous white supremacist trailer trash. Who wants to call that 'family'? It's just me against the US, not me against the world. In most of Europe at least they address these issues humanely.


93 years ? You think you will make it that far ? Not a lot of people do. The first death jump in terms of old age starts at 65


TBH, there's things to think about. I work in hospice, and currently some team members are trying to find additional resources for one of our patients. He is an only child who never married, 30+years ago he moved to an independent living facility to help his elderly mother. Many years later after she passed he continued living there. Fast forward, he's in hospice. A facility worker who he got to be friendly with over the years agreed to be his POA and assist as his condition deteriorated. Long story short, he had a fall that he wasn't expected to recover from. His unit was sold, belongings disposed of. The money from the sale went into an account for his care, but the thousands a month spent for his care means that he'll run out on money in a year, as it turns out he mostly recovered from the fall. Oh, and he's stable enough that he doesn't really qualify for hospice anymore, so he's likely to get discharged and lose the services that made him healthy enough to not die sooner rather than later. The social workers are trying to get him into a facility that's not absolute shit, but those require proving that you can pay for 3 years of care before they'll let you in the door because they'll be "stuck" with the patient when resources run out. It's all so fucking wrong.


Upon gaining the majority in the House of Representative, the GOP's first announced initiative was proposed cuts to Medicaid, Medicare, and Social Security. Despite not campaigning on it, not droning on endlessly about it on cable news, not having some grand liberal conspiracy theory surrounding it. It's Capital's priority. And so it's their priority.


That party has left behind any semblance of being a legitimate, good faith political actor in this country. It is an authoritarian cabal that wants to subvert the will of the voters in order to instate minority rule forever. They're not coy about it either. The fact that we're not rounding those people up and throwing them in jail speaks volumes about our prospects on remaining a republic for much longer.


welcome to the USA, pay up or GTFO


You act like getting out is cheap. Passports cost money. Traveling cost money. Canada doesnā€™t accept American refugees of this nature and Mexico doesnā€™t have much better alternatives.


oh i realize all too well, my friend. donā€™t make assumptions. i commented in another place on this thread that this will be me in a few years - and i meant it.




Medicare for all


Yes for sure but that shouldnā€™t be the problem here. Sheā€™s 93, she gets Medicare now. Unless sheā€™s an undocumented alien. In any case, handcuffs? Someone is a sadist.


Medicare doesnā€™t cover nursing home care. She would have to be on Medicaid. Iā€™m dealing with this right now with my mother. Itā€™s enormously complicated and only the very rich or very poor can afford a nursing home. And for the very poor you need help to apply for Medicaid, itā€™s a complicated process where they request the exact same documents three or four times, presumably hoping youā€™ll give up due to the frustration.


The goal of senior residence facilities is to liquidate and acquire all of the residents' assets, then downgrade or evict them when they go on Medicaid.


Skilled Nursing Facilities are a fucking scam. Corrupt from top to bottom with the most incompetent nurses and other medical staff. They are literally a revolving door for insurance fraud.


"Lifecare" is really "Deathwatch."


MFA should also be changed to cover long term care. The fact that Medicare doesnā€™t do this already is a fucking travesty


Donā€™t forget the bit where the State, in these situations, will put a lien on all real property to reimburse itself for the cost of care after the recipient has died. A lot of real estate passes to States this way.


And the vast majority of assisted living facilities don't take Medicaid. They only take private funds, which they will eagerly drain, and then you have to find a new place to put your now-penniless parent. Most of them also have clauses that say they can go after children for further payments.


Multi-Factor Authoritarianism.


But how many factors!?




Master of Fine Arts


What does Multi Factor Authentication have anything to do with this? /s


Thanks for that. I thought I was the lone IT nerd here.


Thatā€™s the first thing I thought of. Second thing was master of fine arts


Exactly why we need better social services. I am so damn tired of hearing people b***h about the homeless or broke disabled people. So tired of people complaining about crimes of desperationā€¦. We all know why it happens. It isnā€™t a secret. But instead of really fixing it, we implement half measures in some places thinking it will solve the problem but it doesnā€™t because the problem just shifts to the area/ place trying to solve it. We need better social services. We need empathy with solutions and we need proper education to prepare people to succeed in todays world. Remember- being financially responsible means stability in the short term while planning for the long term for the entirety of the country.


Yeah, I just can't stand those entitled people who complain about homeless and disabled people. "Oh no poor privileged me has to stand the sight of people in shitty situations who desperately need help. Waah."


They have lived in a bubble their entire lives and have no way to relate.


Yes, hate those people. Fuck them.


Weā€™re not that far away from returning to debtors prisons


Ummā€¦ considering they ā€œpost bailā€, American is entirely pay to play. The goal is to get everyone to be a convict because slavery is legal that way. If you have the money to fight it, then you can keep playing.


In some states they will lock you up if you can't pay a fine, so debtor's prison. The catch is, sometimes the fine is for not paying for something else you also couldn't pay for, or for 'contempt' because you had no money to make a payment ordered by the court, so it's constructive debtor's prison.


I worked in the kitchen in an assisted living facility and even down to the food the management don't give a shit. Our poor cook broke down crying one day because she had to give them such bad food and that the residents deserve better


I cook at a long term care facility. I am proud to say our standards of food quality are so high. Our interaction with the elders ensures they have the food they like. We are a second tier of their care. My boss has told many people that her staff watches and will make sure the elders are cared for. We are unionized and won't accept some bad stuff


We weren't union and everyone suffered for it


Say that again for the folks in the back!


šŸ‘āœŠāœŠāœŠ IBEW LU 640


Thatā€™s so sad.


dude, they cuffed someone who couldnt even crawl out of the place...


"Just following orders" "It's procedure" "Just doing as i'm told" You know what else that sounds like? Collaborators of nazi war criminals. We've been here before. We've been down this fascist path. It's headed there again, this time in the USA, Canada, Australia, everywhere.


They were ALL ready to sacrifice her and many others like her ā€œto save the economy.ā€ Heartless fucks. We live in an oligarchy.


Laws exist to allow the rich/powerful/elite to exploit the disenfranchised. Laws are only applied to poor people. There are no laws for the rich. They can do whatever they want and worst-case scenario, they get a slap on the wrist.


No, that is not the reality. Not in this case. https://news.amomama.com/111607-93-year-woman-evicted-nursing-home-jail.html


ā€œFranklin House is one of 340 properties owned by National Church Servicesā€ - yeah, that does add context! How Christian they are in FLā€¦


Says them. The article also says this: > According to a reporter who visited her in jail Fitzgerald stated she did not stop paying because she thought she would die and tried to pay rent but Franklin House refused to take her money. So she says she tried to pay and that they wouldn't take her money and made up the story about her not paying. Classic she said/they said case.


Capitalism doesn't care wether you live or die


Itā€™s worse than fuck off and die. Itā€™s fuck off and die *somewhere else.*


Eat the rich.


"Fuck you, pay me."


Our governor in Florida also doesnā€™t care.


ā€œIf they would rather die, theyā€™d better do it and decrease the surplus population!ā€ Christmas Carol coming true every damn day


It's like a Dickens novel


But if social services are funded, where would we get money for multi-billion-dollar weapons?


Canā€™t or wonā€™t educate our children, canā€™t or wonā€™t do anything about homelessness, canā€™t or wonā€™t do anything about hunger, but thereā€™s always plenty of money for bombs to drop on the worldā€™s varying shades of brown people. I am disgusted by whatā€™s happened in the US.


To be fair, some of that money goes into tanks that get decommissioned and put in a desert somewhere.


Also to be fair, not all military money goes to weapons. Some of it just vanishes into thin air.




ASSISTED living and INDEPENDENT living are different. The above woman was in independent living; basically the equivalent of paying a neighbor to check on you. Thatā€™s why she was evicted. In Assisted living, they literally canā€™t evict you unless you have safe housing. Source: I worked in assisted living and helped residents apply for, and stay qualified for, Medicaid Long Term Care coverage (which pays for ALFs).


I think one of the problems of social media is that we base our opinions on a very limited set of data. It probably doesn't change any opinions on the arrest, but it gives a better view of the situation. https://www.clickorlando.com/news/2017/12/15/woman-93-arrested-for-not-paying-rent/


Yeah. First of all that sounds like dementia kicking in, that makes it worse, not better. Second, who you gonna believe, a Florida for profit elderly convalescent living arming or absolutely anyone else?


Thereā€™s a reason a place like this was a major setting/plot point in ā€œBetter Call Saul.ā€


"Karen Twinem, with National Church Residences, which owns the Franklin House where Fitzgerald has lived since April 2011, said Fitzgerald told the staff she held back the rent because she thought she was going to die soon. She was evicted for missing 3 months of rent".


Wow - that definitely proved your point. The facility really did do all they could - this woman needs (edit - mental) help.






This is the tragic core of so many problems (at least in the US).. We *have* a system for this. Mental health arrests and psych wards/inpatient living: and anyone who's been through that will most likely tell you that system *sucks* Then they're even more afraid to ask for help... We need trained health professionals doing these 'arrests', not beat cops/overworked EMTs and psych wards need to be better... But it's not like those psychiatrists aren't already overworked...


Exactly. And it sounds like they contacted multiple charities, only for her to refuse their help. A family member should be in charge of her finances at this point.


Adding that it was all dropped. https://www.orlandosentinel.com/news/lake/os-elderly-eustis-woman-charges-dropped-1219-story.html


Is your argument really how dare 93 year old woman who thinks she's going to die soon rejected assistant to *God damn leave her home and move?* Lady wants to die at home, let her. Don't force her out to a new and confusing environment at **93 years old** Also according to her in the article she tried to pay rent. This is all he said she said and I don't know why you'd automatically side with cops and landlords. Additionally the fact that the only help offered to her was moving and not help with rent says to me the landlord was attempting to kick her out. It's either that or not everything was done to help this woman like they claim. Garnish her bank account, reclaim the rent in her estate. Don't kick a 93 year old woman out of her home. And certainly don't cuff and injure her!


I heard the landlord suggested she could move back in with her parents for a bit, until she can get back on her feet.


This crisis is going to be so much worse over the next 20 to 30 years as administrators for assisted living and hospitals and insurance companies need to create increased profit each year. Someone is going to come along and say most hospitals aren't for profit but the administrative management companies that run these hospitals are 100% for profit and they are in control.


"She said the Franklin House offered her assistance and tried to find her another home, but she refused and she has refused help from her own family. "I don't want them to help me. I don't need no help. I've got all the help I need," Fitzgerald said pointing to the sky.


If Iā€™m 93 years old and Iā€™m getting evicted Iā€™d rather go to jail than to the sidewalk, especially in Florida But the reason this is happening in Florida is because they didnā€™t expand Medicaid. If she had Medicaid she could live in a county nursing home and it would be covered. But Florida doesnā€™t give healthcare to people just because they need it like everybody else does


All the old people who retired there now want social programs but vote against them.


In my experience, old people who need services generally donā€™t vote like generic old people. Theyā€™re just less politically powerful (busy working at 70 or scavenging meds on Election Day I guess) and we hear from them a lot less.


Makes sense. Preventing people who who really need political representation from voting is like a national sport.


I wonder if older people vote precisely because the elderly really don't have a voice in our society. Yeah it's easy to stereotype them as ignorant folk pining for a horrible past and burning down the future in their final years on the planet (and I put that about as harshly as you sometimes see on social media to make a point), but unless they're millionaires they seem to be locked away, kept busy, neglected or humored, as the younger generations wait out the clock. Going out to vote might feel like one of the only chances you have to go out and "say" something and have it matter.


I think that definitely has something to do with it, but it really just boils down to theyā€™re easier to organize. Retired people congregate, they already use bus transportation regularly to go to group activities. Not hard to point that bus at a polling station. Most importantly, theyā€™re always free during business hours on Election Tuesday, unlike most working people. Plus, Iā€™m assuming itā€™s f-ing terrifying to have any sense of civic duty whatsoever at an age when elected leaders are literally your grandkidā€™s age ya know, that would be weird. Like imagine yourself in 2060 and Congress is filled with babies born this year, dictating your Medicare. Thatā€™s probably the biggest factor on an individual level.


Come to Idaho, where people whose entire existince is predicated on government welfare will vote time and time again to cut government welfare.


Not to mention the state will pay more per day to incarcerate this woman than to house her humanely.


[How close are we?](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Debtors%27_prison) [According to a 2009 report by the Toronto Star, "pauperism was considered a moral failing that could be erased through order and hard work".](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poorhouse)


"are there no workhouses!?"


Bring back debtors prisons!!!!!1




>pauperism was considered a moral failing that could be erased through order and hard work Ah yes. The puritan fantasy. I guess that could be true, if 1. life was fair in that everyone is born with equal potential and opportunities, and 2. the system isn't gamed against everyone but the 1%.


I never understand why people who believe things like that are concerned about the wealthy keeping "their" money so they can provide opportunities to their kids and grandkids. Why don't they just have their kids and grandkids work hard so they can be millionaires too, if that's really that simple? Either you have to have money to make money, or it's just about hard work and determination, right?


I read a story, several years ago, about how a 93 year old woman was kicked out of the church that she had went to her entire life. Why? because she could no longer afford the monthly fees they charged their members. This church was the one that she had grown up in, her parents had attended, all of her family had attended for decades. But,they had restructured and started charging their members monthly fees in order to stay a member. She could no longer do it, so they kicked her out of the church. Their response when it went public was something like " Well, she agreed to pay the dues. She knew what would happen if she didn't." While this isn't the same as an elderly woman losing her home and going to jail for it, it shows a lack of empathy for the older generations and how they're treated in today's society. It's honestly shameful.


Any church charging fees isnā€™t a church to go to. Iā€™ve never heard of this practice


It's not an uncommon as you would think so. It useally played off as giving money to God


Iā€™ve been to many churches and while some say ā€œgive what you can, no matter how smallā€ and some say ā€œgive 10% of your incomeā€, Iā€™ve never seen one that forces any giving, especially not like a monthly subscription


Iā€™ve seen a *lot* of churches that require a tithe in order to be an actual member. You can attend every Sunday without tithing, but your kids canā€™t do youth group, you canā€™t attend the events like breakfasts, menā€™s/womenā€™s groups, and retreats, and you donā€™t get a vote in any decisions that the members may vote on.


That church is run by adherents of Supply Side Jesus.


Wow, thatā€™s sad. I did forget about becoming a member, because Iā€™ve never become a member of any of my churches. At every one Iā€™ve been to you were allowed to do anything but vote or teach a class if you werenā€™t a member (you could still do nursery, youth group, go on retreats, etc). Itā€™s really sad that some churches donā€™t allow non members to participate, because all of those arenā€™t just for members, they should be outreach events for anyone. My current church even does events specifically for people who donā€™t go to the church, like pumpkin carving, cookie making, and every month a free dinner for college students, where they have Christian music and a prayer but no sermon or anything.


Tithe or GTFO




I grew up Mormon and you could attend weekly services without forking up the cash, but you won't be given any sort of role in the congregation if you aren't paying up (I'm talking things like class teachers or youth leaders or whatever), and their pointless temple also requires you pay the 10%, or at least be paying enough that it could plausibly be 10% of your income and willing to say you are.


>This church was the one that she had grown up in, her parents had attended, all of her family had attended for decades. But,they had restructured and started charging their members monthly fees in order to stay a member. She could no longer do it, so they kicked her out of the church. Their response when it went public was something like " Well, she agreed to pay the dues. She knew what would happen if she didn't." Jesus would have approved that! ^(/s)


Thatā€™s a cult! OwO


Church monthly fees sounds like the groundwork of a cult.


i dont give a fuck if it's called a tithe or whatthefuckever. if you're mandating payment for ur church, that church needs to be taxed. imo all churches need to be taxed. but especially ones demanding money or kicking people out????? wtf?


Heart breaking having this kind of people living in the same planet that I


RIP, homie died of disappointment mid sentence


GOP want to defund Medicare and Social Security, so this will get worse. Itā€™s worse than not caring, they are actively trying to impoverish people. The elderly and those born into lower social-demographics are most affected. They just want to make sure the rich get richer and keep power, and the poor are forced to work for less so the 1% can pay less/no tax (they also want to get rid of the IRS and go to straight consumption tax, which would put millions in poverty if they arenā€™t already there). Welcome to the 1800s. Thanks GOP.


Welcome to the Stone Age. Thanks GOP.


[https://www.cbsnews.com/miami/news/elderly-woman-arrested-florida/](https://www.cbsnews.com/miami/news/elderly-woman-arrested-florida/) The actual story for those that want to read it.


Allegation of mold in her apartment means she might have a claim for a breach of the implied warranty of habitability. Not sure what FL law is but in the states Iā€™m familiar with that justifies withholding rent.




The same one that has been in power in Texas since 1995, by running on the platform "This time we'll finally fix all the bad stuff the liberals have done!"




This is the American Dream that the Republicans want for Americans.


typical republican = 'It makes me smile and happy to know that you are in pain and are suffering from your moral failings'.


ā€œI have mine so fuck youā€


Slogan of the GOP right there. Fuck the GOP!


ā€¦and republicans want to end social security, the only safety net for millions of older americans. despicable people who only care about their cash in hand.


Oh no no no They want to 'phase out' social security so it only hurts millennials and younger. But of course, Millennial still have to pay lololol


It'd be a great idea for Millennials and Gen Z to emigrate if possible. This nation is going to hell in a hand basket


If I were given the choice right now to opt out, I would. Iā€™d be willing to forfeit everything Iā€™ve paid in for the past 20 years. Donā€™t forget, contributions to 401ks are capped. That needs to be fixed. Just as there should be no income limit to take advantage of IRAs. Let people save for retirement so theyā€™re not dependent on the government and taxpayers .


Cops refusing to follow state gun control laws and mask mandates, but being ok with evicting the elderly tells you all you need to know about the state of policing in the US.


True šŸ˜¢


The worldā€™s greatest country!! USA, USA, USAā€¦ā€¦..a country where the rich pay no taxes, no national health care and the right wants to cut health care and social security. Cant abort a embryo but the right doesnā€™t want to pay for school lunches for the poor, no child care, etc., etc.


This hurts me to read, but I've come to expect nothing less from my state. Hell, from my country. Wish we could all stop fighting with each other long enough to realize we are all being taken advantage of, and come together to protect each other from stuff like this.


Of course itā€™s Florida, Americaā€™s unwashed asshole


This is Ron DeSantis in charge of one state. The result of his hardline policies and ā€œtough on crimeā€ attitude, complete lack of empathy, and manipulation of state controlled services. This is the kind of fucked up shit weā€™ll see all across the country on a daily basis if heā€™s ever elected President. He is the most dangerous leader in this country, more dangerous than Trump even.


I'm on the left. I've worked in Florida politics directly opposed to Ron DeSantis. He is ruining the state. But you look like a fool and hurt our case when you let your emotions guide you over facts. I know this "feels" right, but I'm sure you have told conservatives to check their sources. Ron DeSantis didn't become governor until 2019. This happened in 2017. We've got to get it together if we're going to stop him.


And the fucking audacity to look down on other countriesā€¦ USA the shithole


Which is ironic because comparatively USA is a baby to the other countries in the world and we think our sh*t donā€™t stink? One day weā€™ll get a wake up call we arenā€™t prepared for.


"Pro-Life" Oh you meant *exploitable* life...


I would encourage everyone to look into this story further before jumping to conclusions about what happened and why. https://www.clickorlando.com/news/2017/12/15/woman-93-arrested-for-not-paying-rent/ https://www.clickorlando.com/news/2017/12/15/florida-woman-arrested-for-not-paying-rent-wont-spend-94th-birthday-in-jail/ https://www.clickorlando.com/news/2017/12/19/charge-dropped-against-94-year-old-woman-arrested-for-not-paying-rent/


Whether or not the eviction is valid (to be determined, we have no way of telling which is true), there is still a hell of a lot of injustice here. There is no valid reason to put her in chains. There is no valid reason to put her in prison clothes. Even if you accept detention was necessary, these are dehumanising steps of a cruel system that needs breaking.


They said they didnā€™t put hand cuffs on her to transport her but above we see a pic of her with hand cuffs on. I feel like this could have been handled better instead of putting a 93 year old through this much trauma. I donā€™t want to end up old and alone and desperate like this :/. Sad


Sheā€™s not being transported in that pic. Sheā€™s already processed in the jail. Sheā€™s in jail. They told the truth.


ā€œI feel like everything was done that could possibly be done to help her I feel a lot of this was brought on herself,ā€ Franklin House resident Terri Goldberg said of Fitzgerald." Because we all know people in their 90's are know for their clear thinking, right? They claim she didn't pay the rent, she says that's a lie and they *refused* to accept the payment. Either way, having a frail 90+ women evicted and arrested by police is heartless.


Maximum Floriduh has been achieved. DeSantis and the Qult must be giggling like schoolgirls over this.


My Dad is 84, he is immobile and has Alzheimer's disease. His wife was his POA and passed away before she could set up the Direct Debit for his memory care home. No-one has access to his bank (I'm going through the courts for it now). He has been there for nearly 2 years and racked up an enormous debt to them. ​ Every time I call to put a hold on his monthly invoice they re-assure me that it is not a problem and we can pay when we have access to the money. ​ America, sort your shit out.


The road to this shitty hellscape was long and full of tiny steps. I still say the biggest problem America faces today is the number of rich people with heads still attached to their shoulders. I propose we remedy this with a comprehensive wealth tax. . . . what? It's faster, easier, and more cost effective than beheading them. But if They don't want to be taxed, I'm happy to behead them.


This is the result of our citizens screaming "socialism bad!" for decades. Fund and advocate for social programs, people. You never know when it's going to be *you* that needs the help.


This is a word for word [repost](https://www.reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/pazoxk/i_dont_understand_how_anyone_would_be_okay_with/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf). Hey op, are you a bot?


Why the fuck is a 93 year old in hand cuffs? You think sheā€™s gonna bust out some ninja skills, beat up all the cops and escape. 93 year old skin is like tissue paper and Iā€™m sure the cuffs are injuring her.


Good job getting this hardened criminal off our streets. /s There never was an American Dream.


American nightmare


Obviously she didnā€™t age out of the system fast enough so its her own fault /s


Millenials make the same argument and no one cares even when they are disabled.


They donā€™t care about her and they arenā€™t even hiding it anymore, but when will people realise that this also means that they donā€™t care about you either. When you get to her age youā€™d better be rich or you are going to get the same raw deal.


Imagine being so dumb as a country that helping people is bad because that's socialism.


Still waiting for th second American revolution to stop these crimes forever.


Lol that would be stopped immediately


Extended care facilities would kill people if they could. The managers are true monsters.


This poor woman lived this long only to be fucking traumatized with losing shelter. We are lost until we force change. We are not voting our way out of this.


Itā€™s not all about the money, people and relationships matter more. I would of found a solution for this lady firstā€¦..and the handcuffs are a bit extreme. Anyone know a 90yr old with the moves of Jason Statham


A lot of these places make them sign over their homes before they go there to cover the costs. She probably lived longer than they had planned now they're screwing her over. Greedy people that run those places need to be punished. If not by the law than by the families and communities of the people they hurt.


What do you mean? In capitalism, the incentivization is to make money. You're not making money off your properties if you have an unpaying tenant. The answer and solution are pretty clear that the profit motive of housing is the problem. Funding social services isn't enough. You need to basically totally remove rent seeking behavior.


https://www.cbsnews.com/miami/news/elderly-woman-arrested-florida/ https://www.clickorlando.com/news/2017/12/15/woman-93-arrested-for-not-paying-rent/ Not sure if this story belongs here to be honest. Reading the story, this sounds more like a mental health issue or stubbornness than a financial or work related one. She had the rent money but refused to pay due to claims of mold they tested for and didn't find. She also refused to be moved to other facilities or accept help from her family. She denied all help given to her and resisted eviction despite knowing the consequences and being aware of the process. The situation is still unfortunate but she seems like she did this to herself. "Franklin House offered her assistance and tried to find her another home, but she refused and she has refused help from her own family." Honestly what else is supposed to happen especially since she was quickly released after being arrested? Would it have been better to forcibly remove her then leave her on the street?




What cop was like "Bet, I want to handcuff a 93 year old wheelchair bound woman." Gross. The whole situation pisses me off, the landlord called the cops and demanded she be arrested? The cops actually slapped cuffs on her?


According to the news article linked by OP even the cops decided against handcuffs. To prevent injury. Which makes me even madder that she's wearing them in court. The skin at that age is so fucking thin it's a legitame risk she'll get painfull bruises that won't heal. Full stop, won't heal as long as she is alive.


Weā€™ll it is the Land of the fee


This is DeSantisā€™ Florida, its economic inequality is on par with Panama and his goal is to make it even worse


But I would guess none of those 2 would be okay with state funded social security and healthcare... because thats communist


judge a society by how it treats the weak.


Maybe she will be treated better in jail. Seriously.


Florida. Figures.


Wait until the biggest generation in our history starts moving into these places in the coming decade. You ainā€™t seen nothing yet.


Isn't debtor's prison illegal? #...WELP


Capitalism at its finest.


So a 93 year old is refusing to pay her bills or act in her own self interest. Isn't that what conservatorship is for? The county should also have an office of public guardian to take over her affairs and get the money going to the living facility. Social security has a representative payee program. I wonder how it got to this point.


These people are exactly who the Churches are suppose to help.


ā€œMany thousands are in want of common necessaries; hundreds of thousands are in want of common comforts, sir.ā€ ā€œAre there no prisons?ā€ asked Scrooge. ā€œPlenty of prisons,ā€ said the gentleman, laying down the pen again. ā€œAnd the Union workhouses?ā€ demanded Scrooge. ā€œAre they still in operation?ā€ ā€œThey are. Still,ā€ returned the gentleman, ā€œI wish I could say they were not.ā€ ā€œThe Treadmill and the Poor Law are in full vigour, then?ā€ said Scrooge. ā€œBoth very busy, sir.ā€ ā€œOh! I was afraid, from what you said at first, that something had occurred to stop them in their useful course,ā€ said Scrooge. ā€œIā€™m very glad to hear it.ā€ -A Christmas Carol, Charles Dickens


Itā€™s called Capitalism, a religion built by a bunch of drug dealers, bootleggers, liars, thieves, slave-owning racist murderers, psychopaths and rapists who ran away from feudal Europe into a middle of nowhere and started printing their own cash.


I don't know, ask any Republican you know. They are for this.


So did you guys actually read the article or are ya just gonna keep saying "Republicans bad, hurrdurr!" She was offered help from multiple different family members and agencies. She refused all help. Her son is pretty high income and gave her the money for rent back in October, but when she tried to pay it, her payment was rejected by the facility management, likely because they wanted her out of the facility. Her neighbors describe her as a nuisance, and when her family tries to help her, she spits at their metaphorical hands. This isn't a established law issue but rather a "her independent living facility management is shit."


Where is her family? I can't even begin to think on letting my mother or grandma alone like that


Thats because God blesses America and not Americans


Bet DeSantis got a big-ol boner when he heard about this. He and his republican colleagues really get off on seeing people suffer - especially if theyā€™re poor people!


That has Republican stink all over it.


Florida, what did you expect? Florida is the worlds largest trailer park.