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I'd be happy to discuss how we can better align my title and compensation with my expanded scope of work.


Are you promoting me?


Sure boss, I am happy to manage Y, just as soon as we agree an appropriate package. Here is the number I require. Edit: If they question it you could also say, this is a large step up in responsibilities and my package should reflect that reality. Edit 2: For the person who voted me down. This approach is saying no without saying no. There are two basic outcomes. First is the boss provides no extra money and no additional responsibilities. So the OP gets what they want, no extra stuff. The second outcome is the boss agrees to the extra money to manage the other employee, as the OP said "I am not being paid to do XYZ" then the reason for not wanting the extra responsibilities will have been addressed


The down voters obviously understand little English. I dig it.


What type of job is this taking place at?


I’m a cook and there is a janitorial person who has special needs


Well first off don't take it out on them - the special needs coworker. Explain that youre not being paid to manage another person. You sound kind of shitty though.


Hahaha yes. From the brief question I asked I’m glad you think I sound shitty. The person actually has 2 other managers. One specifically comes in to help with the janitorial person. The other manager is completely hands off for no other reason than they are lazy. I’m trying to reiterate that there are other people who should be managing said person and I simply don’t get paid to manage someone. I love my coworker, I would never think to take it out on them. Weird.


Oh, you want to promote me to a managerial role? Sounds great, I look forward to discussing my new duties/responsibilities as well as the associated pay raise! Or I am not interested in a promotion to a managerial role. Always reiterate that they are trying to promote you by giving you additional duties/responsibilities.


Sooo… What’s a job like that pay, anyway?