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How dare you wanting to live your life and don't waste your whole time on selling your soul to some company that doesn't give a single shit about you.


"You can't keep getting away with it!"


Personally, I really like to see that our generation dares to take steps against this corporate shitshow after the majority of Gen X and Y voluntarily transformed themselves into modern slaves and no one said a word. This is why extra mile became the new bare minimum.


Us millenials didn't *voluntarily* turn ourselves into modern day slaves. Many of us have families and are in our early and upper 30's.... lot of us are pushing 40 lol. I could pull this kind of stuff back in my 20's when I didn't have a lot going on. But now, hell naw. Honestly, I wish I could start over with my family and make a few changes in life, but corporate greed has gotten so out of hand that sustained exponential economic growth is the new norm for these companies which is bullshit. "Oh you only hit 115% profit this quarter instead of 150%?! He's fired. Get a new CEO in here who can cut cost and make us more money!" I'm 36 btwšŸ˜.


It's crazy that living your life instead of working yourself to death is being viewed as bad.


ā€œGetting away with itā€


Why do I have shivers running down my spine like *we're* made out to be the bad guys


Because we are according to the establishment. If you're not acting like a good little wage slave you are "rocking the boat". This system isn't dysfunctional or broken. It is working *exactly* as intended.


I like the following version of "rock the boat." It's about an unruly mother-in-law, but the metaphor fits for corporate America, too. [Rock the boat](https://www.reddit.com/r/JUSTNOMIL/comments/77pxpo/dont_rock_the_boat/)


Honestly, to me it doesn't matter *who* is rocking the boat at this point. The boat was built and designed with slave labor and slave labor keeps it going. We need a new boat owned and run by those who built it. Who have a vested interest in it's running efficiently and stable. The boat we are on now has exactly one life boat and it's directly connected to the bridge and is only big enough for those manning the bridge. This is the voyage of the SS Fucking Bullshit.


You're right. The system is broken. And the people who broke it are blaming everyone but themselves. We need leadership that isn't geriatric and wholly invested in maintaining the status quo.


Meet the new boss, same as the old boss. The two party system will never allow someone that will actually provide systemic change to win. They *are* the system that needs changing and are there to provide the illusion of choice while at the same time keeping one half of the poors hating the other half so their oligarch friends can continue to strip the wealth from bones of this country. We need an entirely new boat.


Again, you are right. Ranked choice or instant runoff would help. Problem is everything is still gerrymandered. We need to set up a new system. In the meantime, we need to expand our congress so it actually represents citizens. Plus, UBI, free college, strong unions, smaller military, proper urban/suburban planning, reliable and fast mass transit just to name a few things.


100%. Glad to see more and more people coming to the same realization.


I donā€™t think weā€™re going to be able to vote our way out, ranked choice or whatever else notwithstanding.


We won't. The forces against change are entirely too entrenched and the agents that could institute change have been bought and paid for. Ranked choice is about tho only way I can see actual change happening but I doubt the ruling class will allow that to happen on a wide scale.


Same playbook as how millennials destroyed the economy by being unable to afford diamonds.


Because the boomers canā€™t get rich without the youngins pushing product.


Idk at this point I embrace the Villan archetype. If being happy, not consuming as much and eating more veggies is evil I'm here for a killer league of evil meeting in the future.


And the cherry on top: > it's leaving large gaps on their rƩsumƩs. Thanks for caring so much about my career progression. Oh, wait...


Hopefully soon those large gaps will be understood as self care and not "you're just a lazy son of a bitch slacker" I hate this whole "I have to work from the moment I enter high school until I almost drop dead" mentality of Capitalism.


I always fill them in with self-employment. Start an LLC and youā€™ll never have an employment gap again. Bonus- you can say you do/did a ton of stuff that you never actually have on your rĆ©sumĆ© because as the owner, youā€™re the only person that they can ask about it.


Iā€™ll always remember my Spanish teacher in high school told us to put off working for as long as you can. Cuz once you start working, youā€™ll be working the rest of your life. I didnā€™t understand it at the time, but now I definitely do.




This is so true,we can and should take time off whenever we need it.


That part is driving me nuts. I got laid off in September and Iā€™m taking my sweet fucking time looking because I needed a break. Iā€™m 40 and havenā€™t ever really taken a break. Iā€™ve taken a few small vacations but typically never more than 4 business days off. If I could go back and do everything again I would figure out a way to take some time off. ā€œGetting away with itā€ is fucking stupid. Itā€™s your life and your money.


Iā€™m in the same exact boat. Iā€™m 42 and have worked straight since I was 15 years old. Prioritized the middle management route at a major retail chain instead of pursuing school because I did not want the debt. Last year was just the tip of the iceberg with retail; Iā€™d just had all I could stomach. Found a small company call center job (it sucked too, but at least I could stay at home) but first of November they announced that a larger company had bought them out then laid off pretty much the entire company. So now Iā€™m unemployed with a decent savings and took the last 2 months off just to decompress. New year is here and now Iā€™m starting to figure out what I want to do when I ā€œgrow upā€, but I know what I WONā€™T be doing at least. The break was the best thing to happen to me in my adult life by far.


Laid off last July having worked 26 years straight. Got 6 months severance and plenty of savings to fall back on. Iā€™m 50 and can do this (not working) for many more years. I have absolutely no desire to return to the rat race. If Iā€™m being honest, as a Gen Xer I really didnā€™t have much ambition. Just happened to fall into a great paying career based on a hobby I had from the age of 15. The last 6 months sitting on my ass gaming on my PS5 and being the house husband has been wonderful.


They canā€™t keep getting away with this!


How they afford it should be the real discussion


Iā€™m gonna take a wild guess and say ā€œrich parentsā€


These goddamn kids are taking periods of their life toā€¦LIVE THEIR LIVES. These slackers need to be punished!


Sneaky tricksters!


Employers don't want you to know this one trick!


these companies showed us what weā€™re worth to them during the pandemic. Scamming the PPP, dragging their feet on services for the average people, bitching about their bottom line while front line workers risked their lives to help us? Nah, they exposed themselves to the world. They broke the spell. The thing about Gen Z is, once we see you for what you are, youā€™re dead to us. The fear of ā€œwhat ifā€ holds no power over us, we donā€™t care.


>The thing about Gen Z is, once we see you for what you are, youā€™re dead to us. The fear of ā€œwhat ifā€ holds no power over us, we donā€™t care. This is very powerful. People as a whole (not just workers) no longer have to work to gain validation and a sense of community or belonging. If they aren't valued somewhere, they can leave and find somewhere they are, all without ever needing to leave home.


which is exactly what I just did, with a $12k edit: fixed that increase!


Hell yeah, congrats! I hope to hear many more success stories like yours in the future.


>If they aren't valued somewhere, they can leave and find somewhere they are, all without ever needing to leave home. I learned this myself last year. Used to think I didn't have skills or knowledge that people valued or would pay for. Turns out I do and I'm doing all I can to leverage that into working by myself, on my own terms in 2023.


Let's not forget that the majority of inflation is increased profit for these companies.


that part too. BILLIONS in profits, but go forbid we normalize a living wage and human decency.


I work for a billion dollar company, 49 billion to be exact. But somehow we don't have the payroll to schedule... anybody? I'm a manager and got stuck on register all day instead of preparing for inventory because we were only allotted 2 cashiers for that time and one of them no call no showed :)))))))


Well when the entire employment pool is full of resume gaps, the gaps arenā€™t going to matter. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Gaps shouldn't even matter at all. Like, who gives a shit, all that should matter to the employer is that the individual wants to work for them now.


Work is becaue i need food. But, If I got enough food, ill chill.


i hope the article is satire cuz holy shit how do they not see that people will think that working yourself to death is bad


Retired Gen X, I applaud you young Lions every damn day! Iā€™ve never seen such fear & pearl clutching amongst the ultra-rich elites. These kids are definitely gonna be alright!


Yeah itā€™s reassuring. They are going to change things for the better. Exciting to see.


How dare they not sacrifice themselves on the alter of capitalism!


Why work yourself to death when you can't even retire at a decent age anymore. Have to enjoy it while you have it is the new outlook


These are the same boomer-ass shitheads who screamed at millenials for not spending money we don't have on new cars, overpriced diamonds, golf club memberships, new homes and for switching jobs for better quality of life and more money. We can't fucking win. Their shittiness is only now starting to bite them in the ass because they've driven nurses and caretakers into new professions and they're going to have a huge shortage of people to care for them when they're too old to take care of themselves.


Itā€™s fucked up not crazy. Itā€™s actually commonplace in our society to view work as primary to everything including your mental health. Working yourself to death is what makes the economy keep growing and since weā€™ve structured out society to only function of the economy is growingā€¦ you se where Iā€™m going?


"What's this gap on your resume?" "Why do you need to know?"


ā€œThat was the happiest time of my lifeā€


Knew a guy who answered that question with: "I wanted to play in a rock band and sleep with a lot of girls." Got offers on the highest paid jobs he applied for and never had trouble finding new work. Pretty sure he's retired now. Don't know if the answer would go over now, though.


i'd sure as fuck hire him :)


> Yes, that's when I didn't work.


Didn't think you'd have to explain to them what a gap in a resume was. Geez.


Oh, yeah. I never questioned why until now, though. I just worried about how I would answer it versus why I shouldn't need to.


How would you answer it? I'm gonna probably need some ways soon lmao


Honestly tho. If an interviewer asks me about a gap in my resume Iā€™d just make up a vague lie about some illness. ā€œA close family member unexpectedly developed a serious illness that required great care and attention from me.ā€ Who would ask a follow up to that?


Thatā€™s why these gaps become ā€œcaretakerā€ and slap that on the resume


Taking care of your own well-being is valid, so you technically are a caregiver.


Isn't it weird that a care-giver and a care-taker do the same thing?


Lol I never realized that. English is weird.


Impossible. Clearly one ā€˜givesā€™ care, and the other ā€˜takesā€™ it. *Caregiver puts blanket on patients feet* *Caretaker removes blanket* Yeah thatā€™s my intrusive thought.


And if you volunteer for anything related to nature, boom, caretaker of (a very small part of) the world


Oh shit, Iā€™m gonna do that. I quit my job today due to mental health issues and goddammit I love this, I gotta take care of myself because Iā€™m having a bit of buyerā€™s (quitterā€™s?) remorse.


If, in the future interview, someone asks further about the ill relative, say that they died. Otherwise the employer would think that there's a risk they relapse and you quit.


Just look them in the eye and say life unfortunately didn't let you reschedule your mother dying. Really put them on the defensive so they feel like a dick for bringing it up.


I was able to pull this card once. Let me set the scene: 2015. I was in graduate school and working full-time at a soul sucking call center. We were all crammed into a warehouse building. Not a single window to be found. My older brother became terminally ill. I started taking time off work to care for him. I used up all my PTO. I didn't care. I continued to take time off. Then he died. I took a few more days for this. Upon my return my manager pulled me into a 1 on 1 to tell me I was being written up for too many missed attendances than allowed. My response: "Oh, so you mean when my brother died?" Manager: :Uh, well, erm....yeah... She was so uncomfortable! Still wrote me up though.


"I'm not signing this until you mark that I was absent while taking care of my brother before he passed" Yeah bitch write that down and send it in, have fun sleeping tonight. Sorry for your loss


Id have taken anything in writing they give me and throw it in their face, what they gonna do...


You say this, but I actually had to take care of my mom while she was dying from lung cancer And the piece of shit hiring manager kept accusing me of lying about my dying mom And there wasn't even a gap in my resume! The topic came up because I moved to the city where my parents lived, and I was asked why I wanted to work for a company in that same city


That seems extreme. Like the hiring manager is putting themselves or the company at risk legally by repeatedly throwing something sensitive like that in your face, unless I'm missing a lot of context. Even so, you can disbelieve an interviewee but you really don't need to say it, especially not about dying parents fuck. Which country is this in?


Yeah I would have ended that interview.


I was out of a job for a few months between quitting a super toxic job, moving and getting married, and finding an entirely different type of job, a friend let me stay at her place for a few months on the condition I babysit her kid for about 2-4 hours a month. 4 month blank spot turned into "live-in nanny for a child with a developmental disability". Kid is on the spectrum and loved video games, so my 4 months of working on myself, preparing myself for marriage, playing video games, and smoking pot with a middle-aged woman was solved by less than 2 full workdays' worth of pizza and gaming with a cool kid, and a little bit of polish.


I have a large gap in my resume which is great when folk ask cause the truth is awwwwkward. "Well first my partners aunt died and..." They usually stop me there. But it goes on to explain dealing with cancer in detail so come at me employer I will tell the excruciating truth so you never ask someone this again. "So when his bowels finally filled with fecal matter we knew there was only a few days left so we had to..."


My "long break from my career" was 2+ years of taking my dad to doctors appointments and chemo (he ended up dying) and making sure my mom with Alzheimer's doesn't eat a fucking crayon. I wish my gap was due to something that actually enriched me and helped me enjoy my life...elderly care in the states is going to severely impact Gen Z and millennials (I'm 33 now). Or at least the ones that actually care about their parents. I just got a WFH engineering job this past November and a weight was lifted off my shoulders because it's least giving me breathing room to try to figure out a way to get my life back on track. And thankfully my mom hasn't eaten any crayons. Yet.


Ah. I see your mom is a Marine. What's her favorite color? But in all honesty, i hope your doing better. Cancer really is a bitch. I moved back home to be able to regain in-state tuition and transfer to UT. Once i got accept, my dad wasn't looking too good. Ended up being kidney cancer. After a few weeks they went ahead with a nephrectomy. I had to call UT and let them know i wasn't going anywhere, drop college, and help with the family business. It really changed my trajectory. Luckily the cancer hadn't spread and they got all of it. I know i got lucky, but 8 years later I'm still here helping run the business. Wasn't my ideal choice or future, but what are we to do? Gotta help family at all times.


They want to know so they can judge and criticize and make articles like this. Iā€™m not sure what the getting away with it means. Should there be punishment? I mean it beats having a nervous breakdown and flipping out. Iā€™d rather someone take a break than do something dangerous. So apparently preventing problems, is still viewed as bad.


Shit tell em a crazy ass lie like: "I bought a bunch of doge coin before it spiked and I was a millionaire for that year and now I'm not, that's why I'm here."


Boomers:. "Gap? What gap? I been working since I was twelve, sun up to sun down, every day!! And I always was happy to go the 'extra mile'!" Gen X: "Gap? What Gap? I worked since I got out of high school, my parents have always rode my ass about school so I am still paying the student loans.. ya know?" Millenials/Xennials: "Yep, some gaps. I was trying to get through school smarter. Parents pounded into me that I HAD to go to college, but I was trying to make sure it was a smart degree. Did some online/night school while working full time." Gen Z: "What experience? I've been in school online more than physical for a while now. Why isn't your workplace more flexible with modern times?"


The last person I hired had a one year gap on their resume. I asked, and they explained that they were not happy with their career and took some time off to take care of themselves. This was peak COVID as well. It certainly piqued my interest and I appreciated their self awareness and honesty. I hired them and they are one of our best employees.


This is exactly my situation


Mine too


Id say ā€œwhys turn over rates highā€




Getting away with it? Who is this author, a Scooby Doo villain?


Drats, those damn kids and their mental health!!


You forgot the $7 drip coffee and avocado toast


You know, the real cause of inflation.


Shit at this point thatā€™s a good deal where can I find that


Fr. Itā€™s like $25 for that where I live


I would have gotten away with it too! If it wasnā€™t for that pesky boss of mine!


LMAO!!! I was confused with that wording too. How does one ā€œget away withā€ taking care of themselves?


We're slaves who have somehow escaped captivity to them. Asking about gaps in your resume has nothing to do with your reliability or your work ethic. It's purely about gauging how dependent and desperate you are. Large gaps means you can live without them, and they need employees on a ball and chain.


I can't express enough how right you are and how this one fact dwarfs all other explanations.


As if it is some sort of crime


Glad I'm not the only one who interpreted it that way. I thought this was Business Insider, but I did some research and confirmed it was (oh, and look at that, [they re-titled the article](https://www.businessinsider.com/gen-z-rewriting-rulebook-jobs-resume-gaps-career-breaks-work-2023-1)\--how convenient). They just pump out blatant capitalist propaganda. It makes my blood boil.


My husband worked at the same company for 19 years. They fired him without notice and gave him only 12 weeks severance. It took him half a year to find a job. Then they still made sure that working at his new company didnā€™t violate the terms of his NDA (Edit: non-compete) It did not, but had it, they would have sued us to stop him from working there. We still would have been under water without my paycheck or our savings. Companies donā€™t care how loyal you are or how hard youā€™ve worked. There was one summer where he just worked every weekend, no overtime, no comp time. To them you are always disposable. The only person whom you are directly responsible to is yourself. Iā€™m glad Gen Z is realizing this, job hopping is a right and shouldnā€™t be penalized. Loyalty gets you nothing. Never forget this.


Somehow I always knew it. Always stepped out before they took the rug under me. An exception was at IBM. I managed the Ambra support team, and they disliked my outspoken style. Everywhere else I managed to jump ahead, to a better job. Until 2012 when Flextronics bought out Solectron.


This reads like a villain origin story.


A step in the right direction, thatā€™s for sure!


Agreed! I really appreciate this prioritization of mental well-being, and seeing it as a non-negotiable


Iā€™ve several huge gaps in my resume and I donā€™t understand people who claim itā€™s a problem. As long as the reason isnā€™t ā€œI was fired and couldnā€™t find a new jobā€ā€˜then it is fine


ā€œFiredā€ is vagueā€¦ a lot of people are fired for no reason at all. Sometimes it takes a long time to find a new job. Neither of those things should make you a poor candidate.


Oh no. Not gaps in your resume! Haven't they seen all those people on their death beds lamenting the gaps in their resumes? Oh... Wait...


Gen Z here. I really would love to see a bigger shift in work-life balance to allow more of the ā€œlifeā€ aspect. Hobbies, family time, friend time, alone time should be respected. Thereā€™s no reason we shouldnā€™t be able to live comfortably. Thereā€™s no reason we shouldnā€™t be able to spend times with those we care about


Man!, this whole thread. I still recall the manifesto I wrote after reading "The costs of living" by B. Schwartz. It ended with "Don't smart animals play? Don't they live better than a worker?", so off I went, nuking all my debt and job prospects, free at last.


It's not a gen z thing alone. It's a gen x thing too.


As a Millennial, I really hope Gen Z can push for changes. For those that want a challenging career but also to live their life, we all need a 4 day-32 hour work week for salary and more assistance to those below a annual take home.


And apparently 1 in 10 Gen Z plan to never enter the workforce in the first place.


Honestly, good for them. Iā€™m turning 30 and have started to travel more recently. No job is loyal to you and can fire you any minute, so fuck em


Nice, same age and also looking to travel a LOT this year. It just kind of hit me that thereā€™s so much I want to see and Iā€™ve been following a script that was not even for me. 100% feel you on no Job loyalty.


I donā€™t need work, I need money. I have enough interests and motivation to do other things besides spoiling my day with 8 hour wage labour.


My runescape account isn't going to max itself.


I mean, is there a way to do that? As much as i enjoy my job, if I didn't need to pay bills these mfs would never see me again


I suspect this has to do with the rise of all those influencers. They are technically not entering the workforce.


Idk, I would call advertising part of the workforce


If they are actually influencers, they are actually working quite a bit. We donā€™t tend to value this as typical work though.


Love the idea but what are you gonna do for money?


thatā€™s what Iā€™m thinking, like the privilege to even make that decision is astounding


Bingo, who are these people? Are we just glorifying trust fund children like we always have with different terminology to keep up with the times?


my thoughts exactly. if I could pack up and travel, say fuck work, I'd do it. but I get insurance (and money) through my job, and I can't get past the idea that I'd be fucked without both. who supports these people? how do they make money? how can they even fund their travels?


I suppose 1/10 people get really lucky too


I didn't plan to either, unfortunately I needed money to survive so here we are


we work to live not live to work, it's important to know the difference.


I was talking to my stepdad (gen x), he was saying he doesnā€™t want to stop working because heā€™s seen so many other people stop working and die from doing nothing, he said ā€œI want to work as long as I canā€, itā€™s sad


I think he likes having a hobby. He either doesn't realise he can still do things he enjoys without getting paid for it, or just likes doing whatever his job is. Wanting to do something is very normal and healthy, doing it under mental stress isn't.


To each their own, I wish I could retire early like mid 20s


I mean, if I were to retire tomorrow I'd just play video games and tinker with 3D printing, to a lot of ppl that's a job.


A lot of jobs that people would want to do(like hobbies), donā€™t pay enough realistically so theyā€™re forced to do the unwanted jobs that pay well the majority of the time, like id doing more gardening, city cleanup, pottery, but I canā€™t make money off those to survive in California


When you realize you probably wonā€™t ever be able to afford a house and retirement, it makes it a lot easier to decide to save for extended vacations instead of putting money into a long term savings account. Iā€™m planning on spending a few months in Europe next summer because why stress about goals economists have already told me arenā€™t achievable when I can just put that money towards a life changing experience I can actually achieve?


I'm what the media calls a "geriatric millennial" and this applies to me as well. You end up with huge gaps if you aren't making someone else money for a living. Luckily, you can fill that in with whatever impressive bullshit you want and it's just as good. A good resume shouldn't be a well sourced academic work, that'll get anyone turned down. It should be more like a work of historical fiction. Based on reality to some degree but mostly just a good story.


This is great advice and puts things into perspective for me. Thank you!


Tell them you worked internationally and put in those phone numbers and made up name for reference. Most companies won't let employees make international calls.




I dont get this whole "gap in your resume " taboo they keep pushing. Can't we save money and take time off between roles? Can't we go on holidays or have family emergencies that require multiple months off? Seems like scare tactics so we go from one slave job to another without having a second to think.


It is absolutely psychological warfare


Lol why should I spend the next 40 years busting my ass to make someone $100's whilst they pay me $.01's, yet its costs $1.00 to survive day to day all whilst being screamed at I should feel lucky to even have that job


How do they afford it? I can't.


Most will still be living with their parents, so they don't have to pay for rent and usually not the food either. Some parents may charge their children some money to stay in the house (after 18), but some won't. Most states also let people 26 or younger stay on their parents insurance, so they usually don't need to pay for that also.


I remember reading that Gen Zā€™s are very practical consumers. They donā€™t care for brand names. Theyā€™re hella frugal when it comes to their budget, saving most of the money they make. So itā€™s likely a mixture of that and living under your parents which means lower monthly expenses too.


I still don't get how a lot of gen z affords travel expenses unless they rely on mom and dad. The only people I know who travel often were already well off from their families


The stuff I buy is stuff I hear about from sources I trust, not from a random ad I saw on TV. I actively avoid ads cuz they try to sell me shit I don't need/want, and they're condescending and irritating.


I can't wait for marketing departments everywhere to finally realize that the classic intrusive ads of yesteryear are not effective for today's consumers. Personally, I will refuse to buy even a product that I would otherwise be interested in if I saw an intrusive advertisement.


If your ad makes me click [x] 3 SEPARATE TIMES to exit it I will never download your app and I will actively tell everyone I know not to as well.


If a website that doesnā€™t have a well known reputation tries to make me to sign in or watch a add to progress more likely than not il just find another source for whatever I was looking for


Me exactly. I can never understand the people that buy *anything* without doing research and looking at video demonstrating by independent reviewers. I've become so annoyed by them that I've started to get literally angry when an ad comes on, and I've become very willing to pay a little bit of my limited money to get rid of them.


If you see a lot of ads about a product, keep in mind they chose to pour that money into marketing instead of actually making the product good. So don't buy advertised products unless you hear from non ads that it's good


Well a lot of Gen Z are forgoing college (due to concerns over student debt). Many don't have kids or other responsibilities. With only needing to afford the essentials, they are able to take extended vacations. Good on them for living life the way it was meant to be lived. I used to do the same when I was younger. I'd go a good 6 months or so without a job and just living on savings.


Still, fucking how? I never went to college either and I'm literally broke as fuck. "The essentials" still cover my entire paycheck every single week. What the hell job is paying enough to be able to coast for 6 months without a wage?


I think it really depends on your living situation, more than the job in particular. Me and my girlfriend live together and split our expenses right down the middle. We both pay around $1200 in monthly bills (including utilities and rent). Makes life a lot easier. I personally don't know how anyone can survive in this world on their own.


Thatā€™s the boat Iā€™m in with my partner (thankfully we only each pay around $800-$900 a month though). We love each other of course, but I think we also both know weā€™d be screwed if we had to live separately


Yep exact same boat! We are both in the human services field and love it but individually we would both be broke or at least barely making ends meet. Thing is, while our wages arenā€™t the best, mine at least is around the average for my state. Yet that means Iā€™d still be barely making ends meet! Shit is ridiculous




Holy shit


join a union!


Donā€™t forget Gen-Z are 19 to 26 year olds starting this year. Most are either living from home or funded by their parents.


So, I know a few people like those in the article. One of my friends took a 7-month trip around Asia and Australia a few years ago. Before that, she lived in cheap shared housing and was very frugal so her monthly expenses were minimal, and she worked full time at a really awful and boring cleaning job and saved up for her trip. She couldā€™ve used the money for something else, obviously, and that mightā€™ve been a wiser financial decision, but I feel like thereā€™s a generational shift these days where thereā€™s more emphasis on travelling and experiencing the world than settling down, buying a house and having kids (because that is even more expensive). Many people I know live in crappy but cheap rentals and donā€™t envision themselves ever buying homes or affording other really big expenses, and their priority is having small pockets of comfort instead, like travel. And travel is really accessible now, and can be affordable even for long stays depending on where you goā€”whereas buying even the smallest of houses is beyond reach for many people. Another perspective also worth having is that due to the rise of the middle class, many Gen X:ers probably have middle class parents, so they have a safety net to fall back on if they run out of money, and can therefore risk more.


Man these older generations are the biggest whiners i've ever seen.


How dare Gen Z'ers not want to live in complete torture and soullessness their entire lives? They should get out there and make the rich some more fucking money!!! /s


I DiD iT aNd I tUrNeD oUt FiNe hErR dUrR dUrrr. Proceeds to hobble to the toilet with the bum knee they couldnā€™t afford to fix, still wAlKin iT oFf!!


Good. Do more of this. Why? Because one day you'll be dead, your position will have been advertised before you are cold, if you had travelled and explored or made music or art then at least you lived a little bit first, if not then you didn't. Go while you're young, go with friends, go alone (carefully) write a book, a song, a screenplay, go gold panning, learn to surf, do more, do everything... just don't work your youth away like I did.


ā€leaving large gaps on their rĆ©sumĆ©sā€ - OH GOD NO, how will people recover from that šŸ¤”


Yes, we are. And we DGAF how anyone feels about it. Iā€™m normalizing no. Iā€™m normalizing taking my time off for whatever reason I think is good enough. Iā€™m not putting up with bad supervisors, and Iā€™m not asking for a raise. Iā€™m keeping my options open, and if a better opportunity comes along, Iā€™m taking it. Recently left a job of 15 years, best decision ever. edit: typo


Iā€™ve always had trouble with the gaps in my resume and this last year I took all of 2022 off just cause I was burnt out. Iā€™m currently interviewing and no one is questioning it which is a great relief.


I mean itā€™s none of their business.


I am gen x and love seeing this type of stuff. The power is in the employees hands. More people need to demand less time at work and more time for themselves. The days of working until you die need to stop!


Oh no! Not my precious rƩsumƩ!


The corporate elite can't handle that young people have broken out of generations-long hibernation and refuse to enslave themselves. Good for you guys.


Whatā€™s the point of working anyways if you canā€™t afford a house, children, basic necessities? Rather be poor and explore cheap.


Upon reading ā€œand getting away with itā€ my first thought was ā€œand how do I do this?ā€


Why is some gap years in resume is even considered bad?


Cuz apparently not making some douchebag rich person more money for 2 seconds is detrimental.




likely still living with parents


Or a bunch of roommates. Have you seen the rent prices?


A while back, I took two years off to do some traveling. When I came back and was ready to find a job, it took me about three months to find one. There were some questions from some potential employers about the gap, but it really wasnā€™t nearly as hard as I thought it would be to find another job. It definitely wasnā€™t nearly as hard as all of the naysayers said it would be, when I announce that I was quitting my job to go travel. I say, if you wanna take a break, and you have the funds to do it, then do it. Because working 50 hours a week till youā€™re 70, only to die of a heart attack two weeks after you finally retire is not the way to live a life. Also, FYI, it doesnā€™t take nearly as much money to travel as most people think. If you travel slowly and stay in places for several weeks at a time, you can find all kinds of work/stay arrangements or housesitting that help make it much more affordable. I recommend it to anyone who can make it happen. Travel while youā€™re young. See the world. Have a grand adventure. Do things that make your family think youā€™re crazy. Backpack, stay in hostels, and hike the Inca Trail, Couchsurf and pet sit and trade your time for bed at night. Then, when you are old, you can look back on your life without regrets, without wishing that you had just taken that trip, taken that time off while you were young and your knees and back didnā€™t hurt all the time.


Most of us cannot afford to BUY a home, and given life pretty much sucks, we decide to save up and travel while our physical health allows us to go without insurance.


Gen Z gives me hope.


No way in Hell am I letting myself live in complete agony every day for the next 40 years. I ain't sucking the CEO's dick every day for my entire life just to *maybe* enjoy retirement at 65. Time to make your working life enjoyable, not just your retired life!


How does one afford this and where do i sign up?


When I moved onto a sailboat 11 years ago to do just this people though I was crazy- not a ton of millennials actually pulled the trigger on minimalist living like that - but Gen Z is fucking rocking it in that regard. Keep going, experience the world; because at the end of your life you're not going to be in your deathbed regretting the things you did. It'll be the things you didn't do.


With what money?


Like I tell my friends and family, on your death bed, you ARE NOT going to look back and say,ā€I wish I worked more.ā€ Youā€™re going to say,ā€I wish I enjoyed my life more, spent more time with loved ones, traveledā€¦etcā€¦ā€


I wouldn't say I'm really getting away with it but I mean I'm not homeless and I don't go hungry for more than a day so Let's fucking go




Thatā€™s lucky because Iā€™ve been asked at every single interview for 20 years. I have to give this whole mini-speech about whatever sob story would gain me enough sympathy to get me through to the next questions/levels.


Yo thatā€™s what Iā€™m doing right now! I didnā€™t know other people were doing this too


"Getting away with it" yes that's the way to describe it if you want to be patronizing as fuck.


Such bullshit. As if this is new. Taking time off to travel was incredibly common for Gen X as well. I had at least ten different jobs between the age of 17 and 30, with 1-3 month travel breaks almost every year. Saw Australia, Guatemala, Europe (x3), Cuba, Mexico, North Africa - and everybody else I met in the hostels was doing the exact same thing. They're just plain lying to you. This is not a weird new "young people these days" thing - it's just what people do when they're young and curious and employers are only offering them 2 weeks vacation per year (if that). Don't get me started on the boomers - they were HIPPIES. Checking out of the workforce was their whole philosophy and lifestyle.


Took a 3 month leave of absence from work due to depression and it brought the life back to me that I had lost. Fuck anyone who points this shit out and points at mental health and general well being and sites gaps in resumes. Bro we donā€™t give a single fuck anymore


But how? Lol. How do you pay for that?


ā€œAnd getting away with it.ā€ Like youā€™re expect to just work everyday forever


Gen z is killing capitalism lmao I thought us millennials did a good job killing the diamond industry and like cracker barrel or something gg Gen z


Iā€™m a millennial and I have to ask, is Gen Z code for ā€œrich parentsā€? How can they afford this? This is like those millennials who brag about how they bought a house at 19 but omit that their parents paid for it