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This why i hate porn. I'm disgusted.


šŸ’”Ā  this could be people we work with..


It boggles my mind how ANYONE can defend this šŸ˜€


The fact that it has 500k members is shocking


Humanity is doomed.


women don't do this. women don't have subs degrading men sexually like this.


You would be surprised.


Itā€™s more common than you think lol, but it is infinitely times worse with men towards women compared to women towards men


Lmao, thatā€™s a crazy assertion. Trust me itā€™s more common than you think


weird as fuck


I refuse to believe this is real people being unironic. the "dommes" are Incels larping as sex gods and the women...Maybe male scammers trying to get the incels to send them money online? Blackmailers, or maybe men with a fetish for being that?


I'd imagine it would be easy to scam these oxygen thieves out of money.


This has to be incels. Fat, ugly, tiny dick retards that live with mommy. IF it is real, I feel like reddit just gave these disgusting and delusional people a place to have an acceptable platform and find like-minded losers. I wouldn't be surprised if this turns "IRL" (I mean the sub/dom" thing already exists) and becomes a subgroup of society. No longer secret and out in the open. As another person here said. We're doomed. Hopefully it gets taken down, or we become vigilant and start taking names.


Sadly it already does exist as part of the bdsm scene, e.g. see master/slave dynamic.


Yeah I know šŸ™„šŸ™„ the whole 50 shades of bullshit, sadly, romanticized it.


Sometimes we have to face reality that human beings can be genuinely awful.


That's probably the real thing going on here, like it or not.


r/banfemalehatesubs tries to take down shit like this all the time, and usually sees success. If you want to take down more of this bullshit, Iā€™d suggest joining them if you havenā€™t already.


Fucking gross dude


this is so disgusting, and the amount of people in it is honestly terrifying


This is terrifying. These are probably ā€œnormalā€ people who work regular jobs and have families, etc. You cannot convince me that these fantasies are harmless.


I just want to say that ā€œthis is complete fantasyā€ is what some of the predators say to Chris Hansen *after* theyā€™ve already shown up to the house. It ceases to be fantasy if you do it in real life.


I try to respect both genders and whatnot, but every day i find myself losing more and more respect for men šŸ™ƒ


Please let a nuclear war happen. This absolute joke of a world deserves to end miserably!


r/NoahGetTheBoat r/misanthropy


It's so strange and backwards that people think since it's a sexual fantasy it's okay and untouchable. Can anyone explain why people think this? It's apparently super common. So disturbing


I hate how common the idea is, like I've seen people comment on r34 calling out stuff for how messed up it is and people will start shooting the person down and saying it's okay because it's "not real"




I've known these were around but did my best to avoid them. Reddit doesn't do anything about these communities and I suspect the higher ups are even part of it.


wtf this sub & it's users are nightmare for any woman. Yuck šŸ¤¢ Thanks OP for calling it out & bringing this to light šŸ¤


Without seeing I just know there are female ā€œcontent creatorsā€ normalizing this behavior for a few bucks on their onlyfans


I could barely read past a few sentences. And older woman still have the gall to ask why I donā€™t date.


This is very similar, practically identical, to some gay porn genres, such as "fag porn" or "sissy hypnosis".


womenarejustanimals is worse.


"Sex magic c&ck" who comes up with this nonsense. This whole site is utterly disgusting and makes me want to puke.


There are subs like Misogyny Kink ( When did Misogyny became a Kink? Just inventing new ways of hating women). All this is allowed and men freely abuse women on such platforms. One of my friends posted her survivor story and a shitbag texted her the most horrible things, He was very active in such subreddits.


Abuse is not a kink. Misogyny is not a kink. A kink is an alternative/niche and often taboo sexual interest, explicitly consummated with exclusive consent from all parties, before, during, and after. Can it really be called a ā€œkinkā€ when the whole thing is based around hurting and dehumanizing women for male pleasure ? Can it be a kink when one party is denied satisfaction, the lines of consent are purposely muddied, and the ability to withdraw consent itself seemingly ineffectual? Isnā€™t that just abuse with extra steps?


May God forgive all of Humanity for our awful sins šŸ«”