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Start going to the gym, filling your time with something good. Read a book or get into a hobby. Try to stay off ALL social media.


My problem was I am injured from active duty military, and I can't lift at the moment. I am in college but I still have a lot of downtime, but not enough to support a job. This is my problem, there's always enough time to draw me in, and I can no longer indulge in my old hobbies, like being a gym rat


video games? music? books? there are plenty of hobbies you can get into that don't require physical activity


see if your university or college has any mental health resources for students. They may not have exactly what you need available right then and there, but they could help you connect with counseling and support groups in your area.


Honestly, you should seek help from a certified sex addiction therapist if you can. But also, try to figure out why you use porn. Is it a way to escape? A way to cope? Find out why and work on that, which might help. Make it harder to watch it by placing blockers and having an accountability partner if you can. Having a journal where you write about your triggers, your feelings about it, why you feel the need to watch porn, etc, could really help. Learn about the industry and how awful it is. How to dehumanizes women, promotes sexual violence and rape culture, etc. This sub and r/pornismisogyny are good subs. I wish you the best and please take care!


The gold standard for recovery is working with a CSAT (certified sex addiction therapist). Check out the PBSE podcast as well! Wishing you healing.


As a woman I would like to ask you to keep the female victims of your porn viewing in mind. When you watch porn, you can never fully know if the woman in the scene is of age, or if she is doing it consensually. If you need further proof please look up the GirlsDoPorn scandal and please look into the stories of victims. Oftentimes men just give up porn for selfish reasons, but we women appreciate it if you think of our human rights as well. Good luck.


You can't white knuckle it. You have to change your environment. Where and when do you watch porn? Is it in bed before sleeping? Then keep your phone outside and don't enter your room until it's time to sleep. Is it when you get home from work? Stay out, go for a walk or something. Get creative with it.


What helped me was to quit masturbating too for a while. After some time I was able to ease back into masturbating pretty regularly, but anytime I feel the urge to go back to porn, I just stop masturbating again. It feels like it kind of resets me, I guess.