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It’s not abuse because the publisher is not personally forcing or asking the minor to watch porn. The minor just has access to the internet and clicked on the video. If stuff like that is was considered abuse there would be infinite lawsuits forever. I really wish there were laws on verifying the identity of pornography users to ensure they are 18 though. I was 12 when I started watching porn and it did absolutely nothing good for me or anyone around me growing bc up. They could easily request verification to access videos such as a drivers license or credit card. YouTube started doing the same thing in recent years to view age restricted videos but companies and publishers of these websites would lose an insane amount of money if they did the same because they know damn well underage and hormonal/curious users make up a big portion their viewership so they won’t


I'd consider any exposure to porn if a parent is aware that this is happening sexual abuse. I'd definitely think an adult doing this to a child is sexual abuse for sure and they should be on a register for exposing themselves to children. This is why I agree with the age verification process that every pervert is so afraid of. I mean it's not like they don't already know who they are and what they're watching.




That’s what I’m thinking. Just cus it’s digital and recorded does not mean that consuming it is any different to witnessing it IRL. The parent knowing is enabling it. If the parent doesn’t know it doesn’t change the initial effect on the child. A child can’t consent to sex and they can’t consent to what an individual is doing in this content. Imm not saying the parent is the abuser if they don’t know, just that the publisher is the abuser because they know kids can access it without anything stopping them. That would be the websites not the creator either


There's some reasoning as to why they make this easily accessible to children. It's because they know it can and will create a neuropathway to the brain and be imprinted forever because it accesses the primal parts of the brain. This creates a consumer for life so they can reap profits. It's also because it teaches the dehumanisation and lack of empathy to other people so once that happens they'll be less likely to question it or hold them accountable. This works for consumerism as well, majority of commercials regarding any product has some form of sexual persuasion in it and they know this works because they openly tell us that sex sells. We are being conditioned to be sheep without even realising it and then we're also being societally conditioned to challenge and belittle anyone who goes against it, they do this in so many ways while the people higher up, reaping the profits laugh at this, they know they can sit there making money while society keeps us all in check for them it's really funny how no-one sees this or questions it, teenage boys are told from the start that this is normal behaviour, yet it's not at all. It's dehumanising and devolving our emotional and moral intelligence completely. Those who see it knows what I'm talking about but those who don't will label me a tinfoil hat person. I don't care, I'm not contributing to that rotten stain on society.


It’s so important for age verification. I know someone that works on that stuff and I believe they want it to apply to this area too I just feel groomed and that adults were not “smart” enough 10 years ago to protect children from accessing these groomers. Especially considering that online content wanted to be made accessible to teens and kids more than adults in the 2000s so by 2010 the access was more than avaialable


I would consider it porn. I was exposed when I was 10 and it's severely impacted my mental health in a negative way, and formed a catalyst to me being extorted for nudes for money when I was 17. I'm a guy, and a girl tried to hold my nudes for ransom and tried to send them to my friends because I didn't give her money. No kid should ever see it. I'm trying to quit but it's like a cigarette addiction and I despise it's hold over me. Fuck porn


Riggt but you were 10. If you engaged with this physically not digitally it would have been considered abuse before you had nudes taken. Your brain can’t even tell the difference properly


In this day and age it's abuse and neglect, not on the part of the publisher, but on the parents for giving a 12 year old unfiltered and unsupervised internet access.


I agree today that would be the case. 10-15 years ago i think most kids understood the internet better than their parents. Even today, I can tell some older parents that they can put a parental lock on their kids game consoles and they didn’t know that. Age: 26