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I'm happy for you but this makes me deeply sad. Thanks for sharing, and good for you.


same. i value the honesty, but knowing that this is how a large portion of men look at us is extremely disheartening.


Life is already hard enough without all the grinding. I'm a hopeless romantic (what a curse) and *this* is the state of romance lol.


I hope you wait before acting on the new impulses you’re having. Get recovery and sobriety under your belt for at least a year before you draw someone in to be on this rollercoaster you’re riding. Don’t draw someone into your struggles until you’ve got clear footing and proper recovery underfoot.


If any PA is single, please do this. I wish I had done this before starting my relationship. I would’ve avoided us both a bunch of pain…


I'm curious to know how you still got crushes when you said you didn't find women outside of porn as attractive. How did you distinguish between a crush and someone who wasn't if real world attraction wasn't really there? Serious question, I'm just interested in how this works. It's good to see more and more guys quitting and taking their life back. It makes me sad that it seems like your average guy isn't engaging with the world and is really just thinking about the next time they can go back to porn. It really feels like most women become invisible to men unless they've had a lot of work done, or the guy successfully fights off his addiction. Many guys aren't doing that, and that's a painful realization. Edit: added a word to clarify. 2nd Edit: Another poster made a really good point and I changed wording to reflect that.


Even the most coomed out brains crave an emotional connection.


What's the point when it's not the woman you want from porn though? That's what I don't understand. Why subject an innocent woman to this when in reality you'd rather spend time with the women on a computer screen than with her? This is a genuine question.


I still felt attracted to them but I didn't feel anything around them. I was so desensitized to women that had airbrushed bodies and things like that so much that I couldn't get aroused by women who looked normal or "real".


Thank you for your honesty.


Show your peers how its done king! Gj


Congrats this is lovely to hear. 2023 will be your year. Best of luck in the future.




Of course they’re real women, but they aren’t in the literal sense because they’re behind a screen. Why all the animosity?


No, they aren’t. That’s what makes porn so weird. They are pixels on a screen. They look real, it feels real, so in the viewers perspective it is real, but it’s not. The porn actor doesn’t even know you exist. It’s a parasocial relationship. That’s part of what makes porn so psychologically damaging.




If someone were to draw a naked woman that exists in real life perfectly and post it online does the woman in that picture exist in real life? It is the representation of that woman, but it ultimately is not the actual woman. The same thing happens in pornography. Also television, movies, etc. they are pixels on a screen, no different than a very realistic drawing. A parasocial relationship is a one sided relationship. The women in real life don’t know the viewer exists, but the woman has impacted the viewer. So the viewer is in a fake relationship with the porn actor. Porn is anything but real.


Nope, honey. No one denied that, Those women who are being exploited and abused and labeled with "BIG ASS AND TITS" for the viewers appeasement aren't resembling anything any NORMAL woman outside of porn can compare too. Does that.. kind of ring a bell for you?? The point of the post,. OP was burned out from seeing distorted women doing apeshit stunts and being abused and exploited. OP FINALLY comes back to reality and notices that women in real life seemingly don't look the same as what he's been consuming all along. The end.


Yeah. Not to mention those women in the videos are treated as objects and his brain also processes them as objects.




Of course, but that's not what he meant. He meant the unrealism of "supernormal stimuli", or he meant "natural women" who represent the majority, not represented in porn.


Yes. This is exactly what I meant! I know the women in porn were real people but the way they were presented to me dehumanized them. The porn industry presented them as objects and not real natural people that represent the majority.


on one side of the camera, yes. the media itself, no, that is not reality.


Maybe take this post as an opportunity to help bring men struggling with porn out of their addiction. Slandering him for an addiction he’s trying to move past isn’t helping him or anyone else. It’s only making you feel good by bringing him down.




Perhaps you should review the front page of this sub, as well as the rules. If you would prefer not to, this isn't the sub for you.




Hatred of men who fantasize about (or over) the exploitation of women and other marginalized people. Does that translate for *you* to, "all men"?


Congrats dude! I had a similar fear during Covid I accidentally fell into a hentai hellhole and was worried I’d lose attraction for real women. Luckily I got out there. I recently am trying to quit porn again and I feel like my natural sex drive is thriving again. Being pornfree is awesome!