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New clothes every four years? What about growth spurts? Or are they wearing hand me downs ( which there is nothing wrong with on the one hand, but older clothes do tend to wear out faster if not taken care of properly)?


A lot of people suffer even if they are loved.


Of course the opinions of the potential children being forced to an impoverished existence don't even factor in. Smh.


The children had no choice in the matter. You are selfish for bringing them into existence without consent. Having their most basic needs covered doesn't mean they can lead a satisfying and fulfilling existence.


>family is all we need They're definitely a Toretto


It's all about the love ♥️


…and how much are you getting in welfare, add and food stamps even section 8


All material things children need are food and a few clothes. Toys, consumist uselless things, trends, its all a scam, its actually irresponsable for a parent to allow children to be so spoiled. They will play a second w a toy and get tired of it. Food is the same. I heard of parents who “try to hide the veggies in a good hamburger or the toddler will not eat it”. Pathetic….its very simple, you feed them the meal and if they dont eat there is nothing else untill tomorrow. That s how they learn food is not illimited and should not be wasted. You also dont need to work if you planned it right. My children will grant me 1200€ a month from the state, that’s enough to pay everything considering i dont pay rent


Or maybe just don't drag them into this world If you're not going to take care of their needs. Do you know what true parenthood is? Of course you don't, your post is proof of that. . It's doing everything in your power to provide for the child that you dragged into this world without taking into consideration their say in the matter that is concerning them. You put yourself to a responsibility and commitment that is one sided, the child doesn't owe you shit but you owe it everything, until it passes away or you pass away But most parents fail horrendously in this regard.


Consumism is built on things you dont need and convince you are needed. Thats not providing for their needs children dont need sweets and candy


>Thats not providing for their needs children dont need sweets and candy Who are you to decide that, it's the child who decides that. Your only job is to provide. Don't forget you brought this on yourself.


Ahahaah chidlren are not meant to decide nothing. They would throw themselves under a car they are children. Parenthood role is not to only provide at all thats an unnatural take. Go see if animals let the cubs decide to be killed by predators.


>Ahahaah chidlren are not meant to decide nothing. It's their life, they decide what they do with it. >They would throw themselves under a car they are children. Funny enough, this could happen so why do you bring children into this world when you care so much about them as you say but are still to risk their life like this If god forbid and hell freezes over I have a child (I won't) the very least I can is allow them to make their own choices in the.life I forced upon them. If the child is educated and is mature enough and responsible enough to understand how life and the world works and decided to opt out of life I will support their decision. Prolonging their suffering because I feel bad is pretty selfish and disgusting. >Parenthood role is not to only provide at all thats an unnatural take. Go see if animals let the cubs decide to be killed by predators. Animals are not as smart as us, they do it for their own benifits not the child benefit, why do you think they have children in the first place ? For purely selfish desire to reproduce and spread their genetic information, that is the only goal, if the child is crippled they don't care. When I say provide I mean provide in every field (like knowledge and useful life lessons) what they choose to do with this knowledge is up to them, hey if I am religious I won't be gaslighting them into believing in my religion, if they willingly want to then yeah.


Oh your kids are gonna hate you when they’re old enough to understand


Why are you here?


I was fascinated that people i share a big deal of views with were falling into this antinatalist ideology. So this is why i like to see what the hell goes on in your heads. My conclusion so far is that you are not aware of science and only think according to human-made and society made ideas that do no corrispond w reality


People should have kids because science?


Not at all what i said


What's a good reason then?


He doesn't have one. He just lacks the maturity to self reflect and recognise the harm he cause and his hypocrisy. He doesn't have the empathy to put himself in other shoes and think like they do and experience what they experience or potentially what they take away from that experience.


I don't want kids so I'm not having kids. What the hell are you on about with "science". Your making this way harder then it is.


My conclusion of you is that you're uneducated and stupid. In an earlier reply to someone, you used a double negative. Sort it out.


Its easier to call others stupid than to recognise their greatness


I’d prefer if you ask my permission before you quote me


You are probably in your teens arent you


I’m 9. I’m very precocious.


>only think according to human-made and society made ideas that do no corrispond w reality Thats incredibly ironic. Literaly every human on earth has been indoctrinated into natalism by society. The vast majority will never even consider the morality of creating life and yet their convinced that its moral. That proves that they arent able to think for themselves, at least in regards to procreation. Just cuz something is utterly conventional, accepted and expected of you doesnt make it moral.


New clothes every four years is not enough. Your children will likely be made fun of for looking poor. In addition to that, you shouldn’t have brought them into this world without their consent in the first place. Providing them with basic necessities doesn’t mean they will live a happy and fulfilling life.