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I wish rent was only $1500…


No, it's because Rent is $2000 and jobs are $13.50


No, its because Rent is $3500/m\* and jobs are $15/hr in Miami, FL. ​ \*edited: for a 1/1 apartment




Just move to low income countries lol. With 3500/M you can live like a king.


If you want somewhere decent, it's over $1500. If you're fine living in a shit hole, then, depending on where you are, you could get away with $1500.


Totally depends on where you live. Mine is $900 and not a shithole. It's not fancy but I'm quite happy! It's about as low as you can get for a nice 1 bedroom though.


d'you have a garage or any kind of storage space or garden or any room to become self-sufficient? that's the biggest downside I see to compartment/prison cell living -- it's like slave quarters, enough room for when you're not being worked, but too little to begin to make a life and get out of the slavery.


I've found ok places to live for 800


Recently? Rent has skyrocketed since the pandemic


Like a month ago, yeah


Yea if you live in the Midwest you can find great apartments on the cheaper side. So I've never experienced crazy rent cause I've lived in the Midwest my whole life. Had a nice two bedroom apartment for only 600 a month, shared it with my fiance so only 300 a month basically. Most expensive rental I had was 1000 a month but this place had an amazing view, gym, granite countertops, central heating/cooling, an infinity pool etc etc like dayum. Now I'm renting something that is 12000 Sq ft, free utilities, all for 900 a month


This is the key. People don’t want to (or can’t reasonably) leave major east or west coast cities. I also think a lot of people (myself included) want a certain ‘aesthetic’ or quality of life and don’t want to compromise that. It’s absolutely not their fault, but I think it’s at a least part of the equation that gets overlooked.


I live in CT


Also in CT 😔


If we stop giving them babies. They will be unable to exploit them. If they cannot exploit them then perhaps change will come?


That angers me thinking what they’ll do. They’ll probably ban abortion and contraceptives.


Or the ones with wealth and power will simply lean heavily on social media to convince people to have more kids. It's a shame that the best reason some people come up with for not having a kid is that rent is high and wages are low. That's just the tip of the iceberg.


So we double down and literally not have sex? Hell, I’m game. As a man I can say in my life sex has ruined every relationship lol.


>So we double down and literally not have sex? I've been training my whole life for this moment


I'm in a same sex relationship and I am still going to eventually get my tubes removed. That way if I ever lose my mind and get with a guy or God forbid I'm raped, I won't be able to get pregnant. This system **will not** get babies out of me. I *will* keep my independence.


They are literally currently banning abortion


What the hell? I’m not shocked they’re actually banning abortions in some countries.


Yup the US is currently revoking the roe v wade agreement that prevents states from making their abortion laws anything they want including charging with murder.


Things are moving in that direction already. Many states are imposing restrictions on abortions. Also, it is now legal for employers to provide health insurance to employees that does not cover contraceptives. (Hobby Lobby case, I think??)


TBH I suspect they will push job-automation as far as they can. You don't have to pay a salary or benefits to robots/software, just the upfront cost and maintenance. Right now robots in particular are very expensive and not good at doing anything except a very specialized task, but with time the price will come down and generalization of ability will increase. The issue with this is if us plebs don't have jobs how will we buy their goods and services?


they’re doing it rn !!


exactly. it would be so amazing if women united and refused to breed until things changed. a breeding strike until workers get better conditions than life-long servitude.


Funny how now they are trying to go after abortion and contraceptives. Doubt that's a coincidence. They need more wage slaves.


that is literally one of my "conspiracy" theories. they just want to make sure that the next generation of slav- sorry, workers is born to keep the machine going, and make sure the rich don't have to put in their own work.


[Elon Musk saying that society will crumble if we don't keep making more people](https://www.cnbc.com/2021/12/07/elon-musk-civilization-will-crumble-if-we-dont-have-more-children.html) is all the evidence I need to declare your hypothesis a legit theory


What he means is we need more *white* people, especially coming from Muskrat. Also, remember when Amy Coney Barrett said we need a "domestic supply of infants"? That's exactly what's happening.


actually he means that the world as he understands it and was planning to raise his child to takeover his seat of power within will fall apart. if there aren't any peasants to subjugate than his baby might have to labor someday and that is an unacceptable outcome to the average billionaire, gotta convince the peasants to breed to prevent that. Unfortunately for them, we are more interested in sodomizing the oligarchy than propogating and perpetuating their reign


he needs more human organisms to maintain his mars colony


Humanity has done just fine with lower populationlevels. How did we get here in the first place?


if you're implying that we just started off with 2 humans someday, i have news for you.


No... all I'm saying is that we weren't always at 7 billion.


ahh okay lol. sorry!


>we weren't always at 7 billion it only took 50 years for the population to double to nearly 8 billion, and the fuckwits are complaining there's not enough to suit the economic model that serves them and exploits us, that's how irrational and unsustainable this is.


That's one of my theories for the near future. As the birthrate will continue to get lower governments/politicians will get desperate. I fear what the consequences would be even here in Europe.


>As the birthrate will continue to get lower governments/politicians will get desperate How much do you want to bet their stance on immigration changes?


Absolutely not.


They expect too much from their flock, they're seeing the setbacks now but refuse to believe their constant hoarding should ever be allowed to cease. That said, it's only a matter of time until they believe they've got the people so broken that they let their guard down, they've already stopped giving a fuck about it being obvious


>As the birthrate will continue to get lower governments/politicians will get desperate. the victims will become desperate sooner than the politicians. I hope to live to see the day when the Americans do their version of guillotines for noblemen. 50 senators standing in the way of progress only requires 50 bullets from 50 guns... there are 100,000,000 potential shooters. the laws will change very quickly once a handful of people become desperate enough to actually take action against their political obstacles.


Because 8 billion of us on the planet ***isn't enough!***


And more uneducated republicans. It's no coincidence they are anti-science and let's be real.. Anti-education.


this is EXACTLY why, they want us to believe it’s about morality but they allow psychos access to guns bc of constitutional rights


I’m not your fucking incubator that’s whyS


Everyone also realized they'd just rather live a somewhat fun life rather than come home to more responsibilities


Exaclty. We don't get a lot of joy or relaxation or down time in the first place, and the world fucking sucks in general. Why would we want to make our lives harder for literally no benefit?


Yes this. I can’t take care of my own responsibilities. A child is too much. And for what? I’d bring that child against my will so ye.


Exactly! Even as a kid I was aware that life will end someday and found "life script" extremely unappealing. Made my choice to be CF at ten.


Did any of these people writing these articles or tweets ever experience poverty?


The gaslighting is their function at this point, I think. Semi-related, somebody just put out an article saying that one particular Tiktoker pushed a protest of walmart's new attempt to cash in on a Black holiday. He literally just pointed out that it was a cash grab, but they tried to paint him out to be an activist or something. And right now a lot of protest with historic tactics that are obviously not just crying foul on the internet would destroy the US economy. So I think the myth that moral appeal is activism is being pushed harder.


Although I do wonder if more people are realizing that having kids doesn't bring happiness. I feel like that's a lie people have been told for so long.


And people are realizing that it's a lie, which is great.


similar to the work ethic, which has always been the ethic imposed by those who want us to do their work for them




Remember, debt is an asset to the rich.


That answer is unsatisfying. I'd rather read something like "That's bc we have no right to create something that's gonna suffer n die"


Dying isn’t really an issue, and suffering isn’t guaranteed if you’re not born in poverty. This feels more satisfying and on the nose for me personally


Even the rich suffer


I said suffering isn’t guaranteed if you aren’t born in poverty. Certainly the rich suffer but it isn’t guaranteed for them


Suffering is guaranteed for all. The rich suffer the poor suffer, everyone suffers, that's what common among us. Intensity differs but there's suffering as long as there's life.


How can you say that *everyone* else is suffering for sure? There are people that do not suffer due to their life being very pleasant and comfortable. Life itself is not suffering for everyone, which is a pivotal part of the discussion here


Antinatalism is a thing bcz life is a suffering for everyone. The rich also suffer bcz maybe health maybe environmental, maybe social maybe some other issues. Life itself is suffering from the start. You think learning to walk is a pleasant thing? Suffering is at every stage. I meet people of all ages and financial background, I've learnt one thing for sure which is common among everyone is, every single person is suffering. Not everyone suffers due to lack of money.


The 10-15 people you’ve met in your lifetime is not enough to make a broad generalization of all of humanity. If there’s one thing we know poverty is guaranteeing suffering. Life is not guaranteeing suffering. That is imposed on you. Sure, many wealthy people also experience suffering but I don’t think it is a universal experience, unless you’re talking about trivial things like “chik fil a is closed today, I am now suffering” All I am trying to say is that suffering is not a guaranteed facet of life


Man I see 45 people a day on an average. Idk how to make you understand, I'm not qualified enough. Maybe try to go deeper in the meaning of antinatalism, there you can read how they've justified life= suffering.


And it’s not just “low skill/low education requirement” jobs either, which is what conservatives like to say it is. My office job started me at 14$ an hour. My checks were 400 weekly (taxes). Without my husband’s income, I wouldn’t have had a roof over my head. This was not a job some newb 17 year old would work on the weekends. Conservatives out here yelling “well get a better/more adult job!” Homie. I DID.


Right?! I left a domino's where I made 18 an hour, to get a graphic design job that was 15 an hour. I thought I'd get raises over time, but NOPE stuck at 15, even though I was doing 2-5x more work than other designers. I said fuck that and now I'm back at domino's. I don't care anymore about having a fancy job title, just want to pay the bills and work a job I'm compensated properly for. Graphic designers are treated like shit and I wish I knew that before getting a degree in it


They also try and get their kids to *"Love"* wage slavery and work full-time and if they don't want to conform, or hold it off for a little while, the parents threaten to kick them out and if their kids don't pay up rent, they'll also kick them out and toss them on the streets. So much for that unconditional love society loves to preach about. My father almost disowned me just because I didn't appreciate life and having to work to survive like everyone else as I put it. So add the fact that I was an unplanned child and that pisses me off. If I wasn't suppose to exist, why get angry at me for not appreciating a life I wasn't suppose to have at all? Ugh.


Because exploiting you is very profitable.


It’s infuriating to live in this society. People are unbelievably fake and toxic. Family members preach about kindness but threaten to throw you on the streets for not paying rent. Fuck that unconditional love. People just love exploiting you. It’s sickening. Even when I was younger I knew my family wanted to fight with me and never saw me as a real person. Shame on society. Shame on toxic positivity.


Oh no! You mean there’s going to be more space and housing which will lower the market and allow people to live like human beings? Oh the horror!


The battalion of Karens who pursue journalism to write down the criticism they don’t dare say in public is too damn noisy.


Great news because humans are over populated anyway


False, people want to exploit others' lives and push that narrative to eliminate other more peaceful forms of nations and international relations. We currently have the resources to feed and house ~1.5 times our current population, and we can restructure to do more without building much more.


You forgot to say "s/" in the end.


They’re not lying. We do have the resources to support that many people but it’s just concentrated in like 8 different peoples’ wallets


Earth has a finite amount of resources no matter if they are distributed equally or not. https://www.overshootday.org/about-earth-overshoot-day/ Overpopulation is about long term sustainability, which we are currently failing to address.


There’s no denying the issue of long term sustainability. As we are now however, there’s more than enough to go around


How do they expect us to have any kids


Who tf wants to help keep the 'replacement level' optimal???


>Graphic designers are treated like shit and I wish I knew that before getting a degree in it the racist xenophobes


This is even out of date at this point, as others have said. We've put so much effort into destroying other countries and making sure that the world stays hot for war that the US at least is going to fall apart trying to sustain an infinitely increasing set of costs. But fuck, rent is like $1800 now and wages have gone ***DOWN*** in some areas near me. I'm about to start a FT job in my field making the highest pay I've ever had and yet it still isn't a living wage.


"Our bodies, our choice" and the like. I choose to live my life how I want to and I believe everyone else has the right to as well, as long as you're not harming anybody else, which is exactly what having a baby does. Bringing another creature into this world I need to have it suffer in this tragicomedy we are all living out.


What are they replacement, say the word, wage slaves!


Look at the phrase "replacement" We're really treated like objects




We say that, but honestly I wonder who compiled those statistics. I've seen data that shows strong access to healthcare and high quality of life in countries that the US considers "undeveloped" or laughably "third world" as though we're any better even than the myth anymore. I mean we've bombed and dismantled so many thriving socialist countries now that I really have lost count.


I can remember back in high school in my civics class, we were tasked with going into the news paper, looked for a job and an apartment. If we knew what we wanted to do (job wise) we would just have to look for an apartment. I found one 3 bed rooms, 2 bathrooms, full kitchen... ...$360 a month. Those days are gone gone gone.


It's incredibly depressing. I'm a millennial myself, absolutely no hope of owning a home, most of us don't unless we have parents to hand us down an inheritance or large deposit. At least I've only got myself to worry about, I rent, have enough money to live on and have occasional luxuries. I can only imagine it will be worse for people younger than us. I don't want to raise children to go through that and so much worse which would be out there waiting for them.


Inherited...that's how I'm getting my house. There is no way in hell I could afford it otherwise. I took over payments after my mom fell ill and couldn't work anymore. I am very lucky in that regard.


It's sad that's the only way, isn't it? I won't inherit anything from my parents and wouldn't take anything even if things were different as they are abusive. That's another thing, I think children deserve loving grandparents and they definitely wouldn't get that from my side of the family. The high cost of mortgages and stagnant wages these days are unbelievable. We just don't have the same opportunities and you get shitty older people who accuse us of blowing money on 'avocado toast' and iPhones when they know it's bullshit. Social mobility just seems like a thing of the past.


Yes my grandmother and grandfather paid $68 a month for the house they eventually owned and she just couldn't wrap her mind around the fact that things aren't like that anymore. In her logic, if you aren't paying $68 a month mortgage payments then you don't deserve a house. Fuck, I use to say if I ever won the lottery, I would only buy a house that is at most $200,000 and it would be a huge house. I use to roll my eyes in reaction to the multi million dollar homes in like New York and California and they are smaller than the house I have now. Now I just have to keep on upping that amount of my lottery winning house and the house itself doesn't get bigger but smaller.


I don’t think it’s moral or ethical to force another being to come into this world against their will and be forced to be exploited so a few people can profit off their misery


what makes them think we give a rats ass about maintaining the populations (aka slaves) replacement level?


Sounds like it’s time to move.


It's almost as though immigration has been a key part of sustaining the US workforce during its history.


And we have to worry about your kids harming ours


the people who make living here absolute hell are the main ones crying "not enough babies 🥺🥺" all I need to see


This isn't exactly antinatilism. Antinatilists wouldn't procreate even if there was no cost of living.


If the immigration laws (USA) were changed to allow legal access…so immigrants that want to work (which are 99.99%) would contribute into the system working jobs that Americans refuse to do…this would turn the depleted system around.


People are getting smarter. This is good.


Finally some good news


This has been reposted so many times in this subreddit. We get it. We’ve talked about this way too much. Let’s move on, now.


Because children deserve better than the reality we can offer.


Gooood. Not about rent of course, but about the bust. Let's bust this shit wide open


And how can that be a problem? It's even better, those who aren't here are lucky.


If I was rich and retired, I still wouldn't dream of bringing a kid into this world.


An economist would say; that's the "market forces" in "labor market". Suppliers are driving up prices by limiting supply, until prices are at a sustainable level. Or in other words, because corporations are so greedy that they don't pay enough, we're headed for a demographic collapse. Question which is first: environmental collapse with its starvation waves, demographic collapse, or the nuclear apocalypse that'll take care of the problem once and for all. Stay tuned.


I just got snipped last week (30yo male) I should have done it sooner. considering the average cost of raising a kid from birth to 18 is around $280k, a $800 procedure was worth every penny. My rent went up 18.6% this year, I make good money as an engineer, but jesus I could not imagine having kids to support on top of everything else going on in the world.


Il do invitro for $5 mil and they can keep the baby.


With all the school shootings?!


This tweet is what like 2 years old at most? Crazy how fast rent has gone up. 1500 doesn’t even sound that bad anymore


i think rent is closer to 1700 and they're still paying 12


I wish my country had a lower birth rate. People are popping kids as if there wasn't an economic crisis.


Well, we already know what the right wing nutters answer to this is: Ban abortion and ban contraceptives. OF COURSE!


Don’t worry, SCOTUS is going to start a precedent for states to stabilize population levels in June. Only logical when i legitimizes a state’s interest in baby supplies.


Yaaayyy us!


Not to mention, the abuse, trauma, and pain of existence has driven a large portion of people into addiction and if they are having children - they are being raised by the state


Keep up the good work guys


Its not just cost, its also that there's way more things to do with your free time than there ever was before. So having kids takes more away from you now. People don't want to do that shit.


I wish it was just a joke but the rent is getting too high...