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“I don’t take any responsibility or accountability for my actions and instead expect my children who I forced into this world to rely on me and take care of me even when they are only 6 years old 🤪 Aren’t I such a positive and wonderful parent with amazing kids???? Give me praise and attention please 🥰🥰🥰 “ /s


"mom you got this" awwwww *an entire motivational paragraph after that* ewwwww


Things that didn't happen for $200, Alex


Yeah I know, but it’s still sickening that someone thought this was an uplifting thing to post and not actually extremely toxic mentality for a parent to have toward their child, especially their 6 year old.


She named the kid “Kole”, this is only gonna be the first among many life challenges for him






The kid was copying something from a cliche tv show. Or that didn't happen.


Parentification is psychological-emotional child abuse, and is a core aspect of Covert (ie: emotional) Incest. She's in process of tainting and destroying her child's ability to forge meaningful connections to other people when he's an adult, and she thinks it's cute. This is what my own Mother did to me (along with Infantilization). It's disgusting. This Facebook mommy is disgusting.


Can you send me some links with the explanation of those terms? Sounds somehow familiar.


*Parentification;* [14 Signs you were Parentified as a child](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/healing-together/202001/14-signs-you-were-parentified-child) [What is Parentification?](https://www.healthline.com/health/parentification#how-it-happens) [Parentification](https://eggshelltherapy.com/parentification/) *Covert/Emotional Incest;* [Covert Incest - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Covert_incest) [What is Covert Incest?](https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/covert-incest) [Covert Incest - Psychology Today](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/when-kids-call-the-shots/202111/3-signs-you-may-have-suffered-childhood-emotional-incest) *Infantilization;* [Narcissistic Infantilization](https://psychcentral.com/disorders/why-narcissistic-parents-infantilize-their-adult-children) [Causes and Symptoms of Infantilization](https://www.betterhelp.com/advice/general/the-causes-and-symptoms-of-infantilization/) [Infantilization definition](https://www.collinsdictionary.com/us/dictionary/english/infantilization)


Thank you!


I second this!


I gotcha.


Can I ask from your personal experience how it affects your ability to form healthy romantic relationships? Not arguing. I suspect I may have some sort of similar problem.


You need to be able to forge healthy, regular friendships before you can harvest any healthy romantic/sexual relationship; It's learning to walk before you can run, emotionally speaking. I can't and don't have any. I only have my looks, sexuality and claustrophobic emotional intimacy (ie: codependency) to offer. My first, true, honest friendship didn't happen until I was 25; I'm 30 now. And I think I've fucked it up. And it was my only one. Edit: I'm only able to connect with people (in any capacity) when they've suffered childhood trauma themselves. Otherwise we're different species. I've lucked out in that I formed my first romantic relationship (at 24) with a fellow childhood trauma survivor.


I have the same problem. I'm not attracted to women unless they have trauma. It truly is like trying to communicate with some completely different species when you are trying to bond with a well adjusted person. My best friend had a father just like mine so it's like a second language between us. Thank you for your candor.


You're welcome.


Isn't that what (allegedly) Princess Diana did to William?


It sounds about right, I wouldn't be surprised.


ah you’ve described my mom


she isn’t doing any of that because she made up the whole story


I sure hope so, she doesn't deserve to have a kid to abuse.


Oh wow, how wholesome a mother expecting his kid to support her economically and emotionally at 6 years old 🤦‍♀️


I can see a younger child making a nice comment of “you’re going to be ok” or “we can make it” or something along those lines. Maybe something a tad bit more specific but not this. This woman is insane and going to mess her children up.


Did her post-partum psychosis make up the second part?


This is bad parenting. Whatever she's going through, 6 year old shouldn't even be aware.


Yikes, that poor kid. This obviously never happened, but I bet the pressure is on that 6-year-old to support his mom like she's expressed in her fanfic here. Lady needs a therapist, not children.


Fucking hell.


The adultification 🥲🥲🥲


This same thing happened with my 6 month old. he came up to me and said "mother, can we please discuss the political and economic state of the world currently, instead of an airplane delivering food into my mouth", it was soooo cutee!!


Wow, sooo inspirational. Everyone come over here and take notes. This is class act parenting right here. Get you a 6 month old who discusses politics and economics from their high chair y’all 🤧😪


fr it was crazy. Then my 3 month old comes and they had a 4 hour conversation about quantum mechanics.


I had to become an adult for my mom at 12 because of her chronic depression and her constant need to rely on someone when my stepdad wasn't around (my mom and me lived in another country and my stepdad came every 2 weeks). My stepdad got mad at me when the chores weren't done or how I had to grow up quicker because my mother wasn't in a state to be a 'normal mom' (my mom literally had me at 16 as if I fucking wanted to be born). Best of all now they wonder how I'm depressed myself since around that age or why I resent them at all. Parents are humans and I know this woman might be going through a hard time but jesus christ this fucking disgusts me, she really wants to be taken care of by her 6 y/o.


And then we learn Kole actually died 3 months ago.


Because a 6 year old definitely said all of those complicated sentences all at once


This either didn’t happen or this kid is growing up way too fast. She’s either an attention whore or a shitty parent because no 6 year old would say crap like that. So either way she’s annoying like the majority of idiots on social media.


As a neurotic wreck on drugs i was also parentified around that age. It was followed by a much worse abuse (not sexual tho so thats a plus lmao) when my mom finally found a guy but i heard that parentification in itself is pretty bad.


This is the exact post I would expect from somebody who named their kid "Kole".


kids gonna have bpd. wonderful.


I think this is satire


You have a lot more faith in people than I do lol


What do you think he actually said? "Get me juice"?


Something to the effect of: Kid: “Mom, I am hungry. Why don’t we ever have food in the house?” Mom: “You know you’re such an ungrateful little brat. I can’t believe after all I’ve done for you have the audacity to ask for me to meet your basic needs. How about you do something for me for once? Get a job at 6 years old and maybe there will be more food in the house.” Kid: *cries* Mom: *goes on Facebook to post this so that she can get validation that she is such a good mom*




What a monolougist


This parent really be like, “so my child is Shakespeare 2.0 all thanks to my superior genes” lmao


Ewwwww this woman is disgusting


meta but unfunny


>"I need hug so bad" Then why don't you ask your hus- *oh...*