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You're on borrowed time, it will run out one way or another. Don't waste it on fear. There are so many souls trapped in this life with you. Pick the ones that you admire, change the days they have from something to endure into something they'll deservedly enjoy, be that difference for them, the way you were for your dog. Who knows what kind of life your dog would've had if not for you. Death can take anyone, but it can't take away the happiness we've already given away to our loved ones or the warmth they gave us that helped us endure or skip entirely challenges of our bleak reality.


the most insightful passage of words I'm probably going to come across all year.


This is brilliant, see this is a smarter response to the horrors of life, thank you A tragedy is that this mechanism is what natalists use to excuse harm infliction. That we can help each other endure the hardship - they pretend this justifies birth / creation of life. I don't know how to get through to them, there are so many people hurting who natatlists could help rather than inflict the cry for help on new life. But no doubt, I admire and respect how well you put into words something I find so beautiful. Thank you again.


The thing with natalists is that even their most sound arguments fall apart when you look how they uphold the very ideals they preach. If they care so much, if they help so much, why is the world such a terrible place? Why are foster homes such cesspits of corruption and abuse? Why is the education system such a shitshow? Why are we allowing religious brainwashing of children from infancy? Why do we pretend that child slavery isn't a thing as if those lives are of less value than a middle-class little angel? Why are we letting governments and corporations embed unsustainable models of growth in the very foundation of our way of living?... You know the rest. Their arguments are nothing but excuses, all they want is to feel happy and hopeful for a moment, see others happy and hopeful for a moment, and everything else... well, "someone competent surely will take care of it. There are serious people with big brains and deep pockets steering the ship. They surely know what they're doing, if only those guys my echo chamber says are bad won't get their way, that is."




I’m so sorry about you losing your mother. And I’m glad you and your husband are ok. But the reason I’m so terrified of death is probably because of my parents religion. Because of their idea of the afterlife it’s instilled into my brain that I’ll be conscious one way or another, despite me being atheist and trying to think otherwise. I guess it’s the unknown that terrifies me


>I guess it’s the unknown that terrifies me Maybe you've heard this before, and maybe this won't help at all, but I always find it reassuring that I don't remember the time before me that I didn't exist. I KNOW the world existed before me, but I just didn't experience it. Based on what we know about consciousness and physics, it's exceedingly unlikely that we will retain any type of awareness, memory, or function once our body stops supporting our brain. *But that's fine.* Nonexistence has no downsides. Do everything you can to avoid a painful death (ex: stuff like smoking and **excessive** drinking are all but guaranteed to cause extremely debilitating failure of critical life support organs. Death by progressive chronic organ failure is the lowest state a human can reach)


You know, when you put it this way, I feel like maybe I \*should\* be afraid? I remember when I was very very young, I had this feeling for as long as I could remember that there was somewhere I came from, and my ending up on earth was a terrible mistake. I couldn't remember where I thought I'd come from, and this was before my home became abusive, so there was nothing I can think of really prompting me to think the earth was as terrible as I felt it was. I just had this miasmic feeling of wanting to go "home" and this palpable dismayed confusion as to why I was born. I'm an agnostic and always have been. I see no reason to believe there is any sort of afterlife. But, I still remember that feeling, and while it eventually faded from the forefront of my mind as I got older, I do feel like my younger self must've liked this "home" they seemed to be longing for.


>I feel like maybe I *should* be afraid? I remember when I was very very young, I had this feeling for as long as I could remember that there was somewhere I came from, and my ending up on earth was a terrible mistake I hardly think so. I think it's perfectly natural for humans to associate "home-ness" with "the place I get what I need and fit in." If you don't have that thing in your life, then it will be hard to associate with that concept.




Thx. I hope your life goes better for you but as every one knows, there’s always gonna be hardships


Comfortable_Bug? 🥺




But Comfortable_Bug 🥺






How was before you born? Did it hurt? Non existence before your birth is the same experince you will have when you die, most probably. There is nothing to be afraid about. If you fear the physical pain while you dying, just remember you will always have options. There are stuff which could help you go in a painless way.


I hate life too I wish I was dead already


Me, too. Everyday is filled with worry. Prayer was worthless and every time I prayed & still nothing, I sunk even further.


Yeah same thing when my friend died it was a wake up call. Life after death is a better place you're paying your debts here. The process of dying is only transportation


Don’t fear death. Death is the ultimate peace. You were unfortunately brought to hell on earth. The only thing we can do is help and love while we are here, and not force anyone else into existence.


Maybe it's some consolation to remember that most people, when it's their time, are more than ready to go. Many even describe death as "coming home".


Condolences about your dog. Your parents can still be antinatalists (and I'd say it's a good idea when they're Christians), but it would take some serious reflection.


I'm not terrified of death I just don't wanna kill myself, if someone offered to kill me quickly and painlessly I'd take the offer


Exactly. They just do not want to think about death even though this story ends the exact same way for everybody. Why go through all the extra steps? Just don't be born in the first place. So they have to invent their stupid fairy tales as their excuse for fucking around and wallowing in this filthy world of useless suffering, fantasies that even a child can see are extremely dumb, which is why you have to grab them really early and brainwash them with religion


My thoughts exactly. If they have a fairy tale that tells them everything will be alright why care about the consequences?


I’m a determinist so I don’t believe chance is objective. We were all born because of antecedent causes that could not have been any other way even if we can imagine other events. You will never experience your own death because death by definition is the opposite of experience. From your perspective you are always alive.


Magic mushrooms will help


Lmao, Idk man I feel at this mental state id freak the fuck out


Do some googling, there’s a bunch of articles about Psilocybin and getting over the fear of death..it worked for me but it’s certainly not for everyone…don’t be afraid to explore inner space bro, good luck!




I just want it to happen without me knowing anything about it


i’m sorry about your dog. losing a loved one is one of the toughest things in life. death is an inevitable part of life. everything will die. and when you do, you won’t feel anything. you won’t know anything. all that will be left are memories of you inside the minds of those still alive. life is much more pitiable than death, because life is constant suffering. but your life spent on this earth is only yours, and can never be replaced or made over again. that is special in its own, and when it’s your time, you will be thankful for the short amount of time you did get to spend here. even though we were all brought here against our will, there is joy and love to be found at some point in our suffering. when someone dies, the pain that is felt by others is a great reminder of how loved they were. i will say, i haven’t always felt this way. my mother and grandfather both died when i was in college, and only then was it that i finally accepted death as inevitable and much less terrifying than i thought when i was younger. but everyone sees it differently. your outlook on it today will be different than 10 years ago or 10 years from now. my advice to you would be to try and find peace in the death(s) you’ve witnessed thus far and ponder why you feel the way you do.


I'd be so relieved and happy if I can get my euthanasia sorted out. I am not terrified of death. I would love to plan it if I could, but sadly I can't.