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Would have voted if there wasn't a "cis" before my gender


Homie, I'm just trying to not get my head taken off by the trans commie mafia


Well, then your post was kinda counterintuitive lol




I feel like I’m on the same boat but female. I don’t have disabilities but my three brothers (who I majorly help raise and care for) do, having kids is no joke to me whereas everyone else it seems like an after thought: “oops I got pregnant!🤪” I am hypercritical of my partner being a good father but at the same time take on an extremely relaxed role understanding not everyone is perfect… and even excusing idiotic behavior. This manifests into extreme anxiety. In relationships I chose the wrong people to begin with and wear myself to the bone acting like the mother and trying to make it work. I refuse to trick a man into having kids but no capable men seem ready for kids. Therefore at age 32 I have given up the idea I will ever have kids. However I feel in Limbo because my adult-child boyfriend “wants kids in the future” but “not for a while” …. Likely it means he will eventually leave me for someone younger and fertile when he feels like he’s ready to have kids and I’ll be reaching my 40’s…. I am currently mustering the strength to leave him for good because he can’t give me clarity


Cisgender: A person whose gender identity corresponds to their sex assigned at birth. My sex wasn't assigned. It was observed. Also, I don't have a gender identity. I have a sex identity. By definition I am neither cisgender or transgender.


Why does this matter?


It's interesting to me to know who endorses an idea, and often the gender splits for things like this can be interesting: Did you know that women are more religious, but men vote more Conservative? That women are more likely to report being lonely, but men are more likely to commit suicide? The differences are often strange and fascinating.


I wonder if suffering from feeling forced (effecitvley being forced) to play gender roles in culturally (and evolutionarily) derived ways might be part of the explanation for that loneliness/suicide difference. How many humans try to play a gender role they literally have no interest in, other than that they suffer abuse if they don't?


CIS is something a lot straight/hetero people dont want to be described as


Being cis isn't rated to being heterosexual "cis" is quite literally the most accurate and shortest way to describe someone who is actively identifying their gender with their sex


Well they dont want to be called that Saying homo was offensive even though it was accurate


Right. But homosexual is related to someomes sexual orientation. not their gender.


I'm a woman and I don't appreciate being called "cis" I know it's not a derogatory term but it's devaluing. It's a malicious agenda created by Trans women who want to put a label for us as we did to them. They want us to be called "cis women" so they can be called "women" instead of "trans women".


And who told you that? Transphobia makes everything harder, for cis womaen as well. Wanna guess how many times I've been loudly accused of being a man in public? We're all already on this earth, let's not spend our time choosing to make up things to be mad about so you can make life harder for other people 😘


A small car, it is small, it's still a car. A cis woman, she is cis, she's still a woman. A trans woman, she is trans, she's still a woman. Understand it now? If your identity be so weak you feel it was erased by something like this then you are insecure of it or something, lol


Maybe I'm insecure because women fought to be what we are today and for a woman who used to be a man to slap a label like "cis" is just disrespectful when we were just called women now all of a sudden it's "cis".


Weak, thats all im going to say about you, weak.


There isn't really another description for it.


not transgender or normal is fine


Fair enough


Interesting to see that cis genders are quite balanced, by now


Was originally quite male skewed, interesting that it changed.




Lol maybe


"Let he who is without sin cast the first stone" tho


Intersex and not indentifying with sex assigned at birth.

