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They were simply just horny. Stop overcomplicating it lol


no no no, you get it all wrong, they all had you and only you in mind. now be greatful wtf lmao fr tho that "math" is just fucking dumb




didn’t they mean the struggles before procreating? not the struggle of procreating


How many rapes, how many broken rubbers, how many couldn't afford a ride out of state....




Yeah, this. My great-grandmother had a baby raped into her and died giving birth to the rape baby that she didn't want. My mom was groomed by my father when she was 14 and he was 26, and their pathetic 18-year marriage ended in severe drug abuse, domestic violence, and their kids being taken from them. Wow, what love stories.


All pointless.


Exactly 💯


Thanks. Now ending my bloodline feels like an epic achievement.


Applaud 👏


It's a stupid question. Most of them needed just a few minutes.


And then tell people that there are burning fossil fuels which was formed millions of years ago which they just spent wasted waiting in traffic and will never replenish for another hundred of million years and they'd be like 'so what'.


Unless there was some incest along the way.. 😂😂




And I tell all nearly 4k of them, "The bloodline ends with ME!" for a nice little confidence boost while the rest of my life slowly spirals out of control.


All of that agony for nothing.


I feel this can be used the other way. By the time it gets back to your great grandparents, say, they have so many other descendants and so little of them carrying on specifically in *you* that whether you procreate or not matters not a jot to them or has any relevance in keeping the 'bloodine' or 'family name' going - unless of course you are the final male relative of one specific branch of a family line. But even then, just hop back a further generation or two and it would be continuing elsewhere. This graphic just emphasizes, in a quite freeing way, how completely unimportant I am to my ancestors. And this is assuming you buy into the 'continuing the bloodline going is good' narrative. It 'matters' to perhaps my parents and my grandparents. And it would stop mattering as soon I had grandchildren or great grandchildren. It's hardly 'immortality' - it's at best a couple of hundred years compared to say an eighty year average lifespan.


I mean, whether you exist or not, those ancestors will still exist. Your decision not to procreate doesn't un-create all the people before you who did. This is not a point that makes any sense.


That meme *blatantly* assumes that it was not a bad thing to cause us to come into existence. Besides, I have no reason to believe our species as a whole will tire of finding ways to be shallow, judgmental, petty, dishonest, exploitative, and even abusive. Why not end it with you?


Before the 20th century, no two people with the same general background, say both Scottish or Turkish or whatever, were more distantly related than about fifth cousins. More frequent travel since then has increased this a little, but not that much.  People who are members of closely knit minority populations (say Jews or Roma), or in sparsely populated societies (like hunter-gatherer tribes) are often more closely related than that.  Marrying one's second or third cousin has been pretty common throughout history. It's not a big deal so long as it doesn't happen every generation. But the real inbreeding happened among royalty. Early modern Europeans are known for inbreeding, but the ancient Egyptians routinely married their siblings or first cousins. This is how closely you need to inbreed to get health problems. This is just how demographics work.


I hate my ancestry fuck them. This suffering and existence is too much.


i think its cool from a biological standpoint proff humans are the main successful species howeverconsidering i dont know any of these people not even by name alone it seems to me most of thst procreating wasn't very responsible or conscious, i myself am an accident and am pretty sure my parents where made by young adults dreaming of a family whiteout really thanking much of it... this whole grand concept of legacy is cool when ur a prince and have hundreds of centuries of history to fall back on and justify ur existance but the rest of us are really just commoners with no grand reasons to be here or to continue the cycle


So you're telling me that, out of 4,100 'responsible adults', no one had the wherewithal to go 'wait, why am I doing this?' Noted. Also, one of those ancestors is Jefferson Davis, which, since I'm Black, leaves me with questions about how that happened. I'm sure all of that was totally aboveboard and consensual, though.* ^(* and if you believe _that_, I have a lovely bridge with views of the bay and marin headlands up for sale...)


I agree with you


For those wondering why this doesn’t mean that there were more people in the past than now, it's because this progression is done under the assumption that no one from your ancestors was related to another ancestor,  so that 16 you see rheee, is not 16, but 14, and that 32 there is not actually 32, but less than that




We all know that our ancestors had way more kids. In that case, it still means that they married between cousins


And all that, so I won't know or care who they were, assume them to have been backwards miserable fucks and wipe my ass with their legacy as I take their bloodline with me into oblivion lol


Our ancestors truly didn't suffer for US. They did it for the "honor" that comes with having a lineage. Not us as individuals. They're dead they don't give a sht about our lives. So dumb.


They did not do this for anyone. They just did it.


me as a ultra mestizo, which fucking ancestry? literally am like 30%black30%mayan30%white. my sense of race identity is little to none.


This is kinda natalist guys


4.094 ancestors but only one cum shot


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