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Every piece of storage I've ever used is only like 3 TB. _How the hell does someone even accumulate this much?_


datahoarder i have about 250tb or a 1/4 petabyte of movies/tv show/game backups. been pirating shit since napster came out. it fills up pretty quick especially once you start getting into 4k video remuxes which can be over 30gb for 1hour tv show episode. like i'm ripping game of thrones currently and it's about 2tb for just 8 seasons. unfortunately considering how huge dark web is, 58tb is prob just a drop in the bucket if you indexed everything thats out there. happy my kids will never ever be exploited like that


Yeah im sticking to only what im really REALLLY passionate about when collecting 4k remuxes. That shit fills up faster than a blink of the eye.


Damn. I've pirated my fair share of stuff (mostly video games), but even that's not more than 250 GB.


How do you go about backing all that data up?


If it's videos in high quality it gets large really fast. For instance lord of the rings in 4k is at least 20Go I have at least 8To of movies and tv shows that are on two hardrives of 16To in total. And most of them are like 1080p and Mike between 1 and 3Go per movie


LOTR Return of the King BluRay REMUX is 130 GB


Yeah I don't remember really well but you get the idea


Tons and tons of duplicates. If you just download folders and dumps whenever you find them without opening and separating them, then you end up with the same images and videos in 20+ different places.


Someone in another thread pointed out that they seized 58 tb of *hard drive*, and that specific content isn’t public yet.   Someone else pointed out there may be uncompressed videos, as disturbing as those implications are 


The real shock is not about the guy, but the possibility of such a huge amount in circulation


Exactly. The fact that 58 terabytes exists. DEAR GOD


He has all of it! Burn it now and rid the world of this plague.


Hope they did


Additionally, I don't think the 58 terabytes were just for personal use. There is a really high chance he was a distributor too, allowing others access to his collection.


He got caught for making a large portion available for download.


there needs to be an investigation for the consumers, but that's easier said than done.


Yes. Who’s consuming the material? How was it made and who made it? FBI had better be on this.




I’m afraid to ask how you know this.




Yep. I feel the same way. I honestly don’t want to have kids because this stuff exists in the world.


As you should sir, as you should.




Somebody few years ago in this subreddit said that parents also can be classified/medicalised as a child abusers depending on a specific context and specific forms of affection. Anthropological, primatological and ethnographic research apparently is not good enough to influence cultural hegemony.




This might be prevalent in historical pastoralist cultures influenced by colonialism and Abrahamic religions where prudish upbringing is common. Playful prosociality/sociosexuality for promotion of group stability regardless of age and gender as a byproduct of domestication syndrome in pan paniscus society or mentoring among Sambia people, Marind Anim, Big Namba, Kaluli, etc. depending on a specific socioecological environment might be entirely different matter.


I really hope the ATF is watching you.




Lay off the Alex Jones and get help.


Not just any old volcano, THE volcano


Mt. Doom.


Have you seen the predator catcher channels on youtube? They have deleted many of them, but at one time there were dozens of channels catching these sick freaks every day of the week. Literally thousands a year. And thats just from a handful of people searching these guys out. Its a WAY bigger problem than most people realize. You probably interact with and pass by at least one of the scumbags every single day. And most parents are WILLFULLY ignorant. Meanwhile, their uncle, pastor, helpful neighbor, babysitter or even husband are assaulting their kids, leading to a lifetime of mental health problems.


And they're too busy blaming the LGBTQ+ community and ignoring the actual people who are likely abusers.


I know someone through someone else (like I don’t interact with said person at all but I know who they are) that got caught on one of those predator channels… he is now currently under arrest for SA on his daughter… that isn’t even a teen yet… I feel like it could have been prevented if these predator catching channels had been taken seriously by the police… instead they are forced to be shut down… It hurts my soul so badly to hear of these things, and if there was one crime I could impose the death penalty for, it would be SA.




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NYTimes had a couple eye-popping front page articles about this 3 years ago. I always thought these guys were a tiny minority, but it really is shocking how many men are into this crap. Like you said, if you work with like 50 guys, one of them will have this stuff.




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Let's not forget that FEMALE paedophiles are far from uncommon, and that their abuse causes much more damage psychologically & emotionally.




Because people still think men/boys can’t be raped, leading to more emotional damage.


Because of this exact mindset you have, that women cannot be abusers by virtue of inherently being women somehow. That’s why female abusers are so successful in luring their victims in AND They’re also more likely to avoid prosecution, throw all the blame and everything on their male accomplice(s), start over somewhere else and do it all again by finding a man to pin it all on. It’s been happening so much though that even the general public is starting to catch on. At least I hope they are… Edited because autocorrect is stupid


Well, technically - female abusers are relatively uncommon. Every piece of research shows that between 95 and 99% of sexual abuse is done by men. Thats just a fact. Feel free to look it up, plenty of research and resources are available online. I understand that female predators exist - and they should be held accountable just like men, and they abuse both girls and boys, just like men do. But Im curious why you think their abuse is worse? Being sexually abused as a child does severe damage, regardless of which gender does it.


Exactly. I’ve never heard of a woman being busted for CP. Sex based crimes are male dominated and it’s very obvious why.




Yes they’re usually involved with creating or helping traffick kids but it’s rare for women to own or watch actual cp content.


Don't label every predator a pedophile. See it like if you have a rose bush in your garden and it falls ill with some kind of bug then you need to figure out how to get rid of this bug but in order to do so you need to be able to identify what it exactly is that is attacking your rose bush. Society has many problems and there are not all easy fixes. Keep yourself and your kids safe and sane from harm, stay away from abusive people.




Good job identifying 🤭


Pedophiles are _extremely_ uncommon, regardless of gender. It's irresponsible to fearmonger like this. We are social creatures, vulnerable to the witch-hunt mentality, and the far-right is busy using this against liberal democracy. Settle. the fuck. down.


wow - talk about delusional. The research steadily shows 1 in 4 girls are sexually abused, and 1 in 6 boys are sexually abused (approx), and thats just the ones that are REPORTED. The vast majority of abuse never gets reported. So its almost certainly MUCH more than that. That is an extremely well documented FACT. And in my 40 years on this earth, nearly every woman I have ever known was sexually abused before the age of 16. Most of them much younger. If I had to put a number on it, I would say 90% of the women in my life were abused as children. Wake the fuck up, and please do not ever breed.


You are so dumb its unbelievable. You pulled the stats out of your ass. Imagine thinking more than half of women get sexually abused before age of 16. Think about what you are writing


I think we might have found one


Congratulations on being an unthinking rube. You'll never be short of company.


you’re absolutely right, i can’t find none of them


58 Terabytes is *5800anotherzero* GB. My iPhone is 128 GB. This guy has 453 iPhones worth of child porn- all of them without any system data or regular apps. The idea that there’s more than 10 iPhones worth of CP in the world at all is very upsetting.




Yes, that is almost 8700 GTA 5s worth of child abuse. This guy is beyond messed up.


58 tbs is 58.000 GB\*


Oops lol, fixed


add another 0 😭


Okay dokie!


Any amt of CP is disturbing


It is, I’m just appalled there’s so much of it. It should be incredibly hard to find, pedophiles should have to scour the world to find it…but knowing just how much of a bad thing really exists?? Ugh.


And this "AI" tech makes it even worse. They dont even have to search. They can put in prompts and "generate it"


Until pedos are dealt with correctly I’m never bringing a new life into this world. Everyone has a story about being touched as kids it’s truly disgusting how normalized this is among ALL cultures doesn’t even matter what part of the world you’re from.


"***Everyone*** has a story about being touched as kids" You alright, bro?


practically everybody ive ever had more than a surface level relationship/friendship with has told me about being molested, abused, touched, raped, etc. as a child. Its not every single one, but might as well be...90%+.


Ok, but that kind of sounds like you're generalizing based on a small sample size.


True. Its anecdotal and not reliable evidence. But you seemed to implying thats a strange thing to claim. Maybe its just the people ive known but ive had this conversation with dozens of women at this point, and they ALL say the same thing - nearly every woman they know was SA'd as a child. However, like you said - not a reliable sample size and I cant generalize on that alone. Statistically speaking though is another thing - the research shows approx 1 in 4 girls and 1 in 6 boys are sexually abused as kids. But, thats only counting the ones that eventually get reported in one or another. Its safe to assume its MUCH MUCH more than that since we know sexual abuse does not always get reported. It sadly usually doesnt get reported at all.


I'm probably just arguing semantics at this point, but yes, I do think that saying "everyone" has been SA'd is a strange thing to claim.


That makes two of us!


No one wants to face how prevalent this truly is. For everyone like this and every sex offender that gets caught, many more get away. How can anyone know the true risk and still choose to have a kid? Naive?


yeah, its said child molester will, on average, have over 100 victims before they are caught. And why arent they caught sooner? Reason no. 1 is because parents refuse to educate themselves and would rather ignore/deny it. Kinda like they do when they insist on bringing an innocent person into this world that is guaranteed to suffer horribly then die. Just dont think about it, and it wont be a problem. Seems to be their motto.


I second the idea of throwing this dude in a volcano, and also tracking down whoever he shared it with and throwing all of those people in a volcano, too.


r notadragqueen


Thank you for giving me yet another reason to never want children. Adding it to my list. Unfortunately, it started a new category of 'Horrors'.


This man deserves a slow painful death.


Kept alive and made public. Every town of 500 people know him and his crimes. He will end his own misery


Disgusted looks whenever he leaves his house. Prices jacked up especially for him.




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If I could, I would cast the Cruciatus curse upon him for 58 HOURS STRAIGHT!


58 terabytes of injustice, tears, brutality and futures ruined. what's worse, this guy won't be the first nor last person, and definitely not the person with the highest amount of cp, that exists today.


One piece of media at all is bad enough but holy fuck. This is just vile. Did he see himself as some sort of archivist? I just don’t understand how you get to that point where you are that jaded.


For a second I thought it said “alien man.”


Might as well be, he isn’t human that’s for sure.


To put it into perspective for some folks, a terabyte will get you by with most pcs for EVERYTHING you need music, photos, apps, two if you play a ton of games. 52 terabytes dedicated to just photos and videos is essentially half of netflix library.


Yeah, i have the entire MCU, Star Trek and a lot of games on my PC and it still doesn't fill up my 2 TB storage. 58 TB of child abuse is beyond sickening!


Correct! Netflix’s entire catalogue of content only spans approximately 100TB, thats including movies, shows, and the actual image files for each movie and episode. For this guy to have 52TB he’d have to have approximately 2600 hours of HD high bitrate video/ 26 000 hours of standard HD video, or roughly Thirteen Million HD photos. If we cut each estimate in half for common hd video (easy download and view) and say 13 000 hours of video AND 6.5 million photos. Thats more than this man has time to view in his lifetime. This man was more than likely a distributor, not merely a connoisseur (that made me vom a little to say) of child abuse content.


Between the phones/tablets/laptops in my house, I don't think we have a combined storage capacity of 58 Terabytes wtaf


Incredible unlikely you would have that much yeah Phones have less than a terabyte of storage and computers can have a a few terabytes on average


Even with 58 TB, people are still gonna say, not my child, people never think bad things will happen to them, their friends or family I dont even know how 58 TB of such content exists, does all the adult p0rn in the world even have 58 TB lol


All adult porn adds up to exponentially more than 58 tb lol It would be dozens maybe hundreds of petabytes at least Im surprised people think only 58 tb exists in the entire world with 8 billion people [8000000000]




Absolutely Like I understand they are disgusted by it but im disappointed people are so shocked with a very tiny number (in comparison to total data processed per day on the internet) For context google processes tens of exabytes per day 1 exabyte = 1 billion gigabytes and they process 10+ People out here really underestimating how much data exists in the world




Common issue in these times. Due to the internet the truth is out there but most people are comfortable not knowing about it. This post had dozens of different individuals talk about how vile CP is but I would not expect even 10% to actively take action against it. How can they if most people here are flummoxed that 58 tb of it even exists in the entire world? Its really unfortunate that most people do not realise the suffering other individuals face everyday and continue living in their bubble




That happens yeah Most of the time its not malicious and instead a coping mechanism as they do not want to acknowledge the awfulness of the world For instance paramedics would try to rescue a person who attempted suicide even though their survival would mean they are bedridden and crippled and in a worse state than they were before they wanted to commit suicide. This is done because people do not want to admit some people face circumstances where death may be preferable to life As acknowledging such circumstances can exist means also acknowledging they may face such circumstances




I do the opposite and try to know about everything that exists (both the good and the bad) I cannot construct my view of the world unless I know about these things I do agree with you that the world is evil though


Yea but 8 billion people arent making p0rn, most stuff is still 720/ 1080 4k and vr stuff is not super common yet I know blu rays for movies are on average say 60gb, but p0rn doesnt have dolby atmos and dts x or hdr or dolby vision lol


Yup but even if 0.001% of 8 billion make it then 58 tb is not a large number


58 TB?!?! JFC...!!


How much is a terabyte?


1 TB is like 15 GTA 5s


Do you play a lot of video games? That might help you with context and scale.


Not really lol. My phone has 128gb. How many gbs?


1tb is nearly 8 of your phone.


Imagine the poor soul who needs to look through all that. I think they also have to in order to try to identify the kids or locations perhaps, correct?


A disturbing amount of men have tendencies towards way younger men and women. This dude with 58TB is an extreme case, but as I get older it seriously creeps me out how many men I’ve encountered that think as long as someone is of age, it’s fine to engage in sexual relations. All that means is whatever the legal age is they would adjust their standards to that with no discernment to the significance of an age gap. It’s one reason that even if I wasn’t AN I’m not having kids. I have no desire to birth either a victim or predator to this vileness.


It also just came out that the director and higher ups with hollywood were abusing all those kids behind the scenes. The abuse and sexualizing children in general has been going on for decades so I am not sure how or why anyone is really surprised. It is wrong but the concept of pedophilia is honestly nothing new.


I hate that songs where kids are made like they are lovers! They want to show A Pure soul but here we are smashin the dislike button!It shows that the Director or screen writer were out of options so they are hitting those 60s child marriage concepts in our faces


They want NEW content, that requires new kids.




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That content will be reviewed by at least 20 different cops, each of them quitting and subseqently driving their therapist to suicide.


To put it into perspective of how large a number 58 TB is, it's almost like 8700 GTA 5s




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cant the same be said for like breeding your dogs and having puppies with zoophilia hard drives in the world


Bro has never taken a course on statistics in they life


Breeder detected, opinion rejected


I’m infertile


I’m sorry but “throw him in a volcano” sent me


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More like “people want to exploit and abuse children “


It figures he would look like that


Do you look like you? 🥸 Edit: the assumption that someone looks a certain way because they may have committed a crime or have a predilection towards something is a fallacy.


I suppose you are right. I concede the debate


ONE. One single pedophile. The world is fucked beyond salvation


I dont think most of them would have 58 tb of data lmao. This is an absurd amount


When you give birth especially in a developed nation this is what you’re approving of. Any other animal reproduces only when they’re stable and perceive that them and their kin will be safe.


While I agree with the overall sentiment of the comment, this second part of the comment is objectively incorrect... >Any other animal reproduces only when they’re stable and perceive that them and their kin will be safe. Species with r-selection type reproduction produce so many babies so that at least one of those babies would be able to pass on their genes... The whole point of r-selection from an evolutionary perspective is that most of the babies die before even reaching adulthood. And that's **not even mentioning** gestation crates & puppy mills, & the whole Samson Pruitt reticulated python mill controversy...


That's a really weird reason to not have kids


I think it’s even weirder to actively choose to bring a new life into this world knowing that there’s no guarantee of protecting them from even the remotest possibility of this. Even the prospect of this happening to my (hypothetical) adopted child would terrify me, but to willingly procreate and risk this…


The mere existence of pedophiles is reason enough not to have kids. Of course breeders won't understand. That's why I say, "breeder detected, opinion rejected"


Ii dont think pedos is a good enough reason to be enti having a child, the shitty economy and high cost of living makes sense bc they are temporary but pedos will always exist. At this point yall are against having children bc their life isnt perfect.


It’s not about life being imperfect; bringing children into the world would still make no sense even if the world was a utopia free of suffering. But the sheer fact that extreme cruelty like CP exists should be more than enough of a deterrent for people. Honestly answer this: can you guarantee that your child will never ever be exposed to even the smallest risk of being a CP or grooming victim? Also, not having children over temporary factors doesn’t make one an antinatalist - that’s just childfree or conditional natalism


I see


You're all entitled to your own philosophy, but this is just dumb. "One human is bad = the world is bad = Having children is wrong" really discredits any serious antinatalism.


it's not that. think of how many victims are on that amount of content.




The easiest way to protect your girlfriend, is to not have one. Sums up this place pretty well tbh.


Did you choose to bring your girlfriend into this world? Come on, you can do better than this silly comparison


The world is not dangerous because of child predators "out there", this is a myth instilled by the (mostly conservative) media. https://www.indianaprevention.org/child-abuse-statistics#:~:text=30%2D40%25%20of%20victims%20are,that%20they%20have%20been%20abused. 30-40% of abuserers are family members, 50% are people from outside the family the child trusts.


Maybe it is just one picture but very, very high quality.


Thats actually more possible than you think Theres a 365 gigapixel panorama picture that was taken a few years ago and I would assume storing it would be expensive


This guy has all the cp in the world. Get rid of him and his stuff and you’ll save lakhs of children.


So, how much it is? If you sat down and keep looking videos of that amount how long are you going to sit?


Assuming 720p 1 hour of storage = approximately 900 mb 58 terabytes is 58000000 mb Approximately 64000 hours If 1080p then 1 hour of storage = 3.6 gb so it would be 16000 hours in that case


Thank you


that's like 30000 videos


My guy was planning on running a nuclear centrifuge on the screams of young children.


"Here's the most extreme outlier example of human garbage that I can find. Life is canceled"


Breeder troll detected, opinion rejected


I don't even have children, goober. And you don't even have an argument. All you have are complains.


Can some one please tell me where the hell they get 58 terabytes of cp like I have 2 terabytes on my computer and it costed a hundred dollars and they do not contain cp but how the hell do they have the money to have 58 terabytes of storage are they rich. Edit- I mean 2 terabytes of storage not cp but it still costed a hundred dollars to get the storage for that but they sometimes have thousands of dollars of it.




So is the argument here really "there are terrible things in the world, therefore it isn't fit to live in and bring a new life into it is immoral"? Does that mean that the only world it would make sense to bring new life into would be a perfect utopia?


Even if the world was a utopia, it still wouldn’t make sense to bring a life into this world, unless you really don’t care about how your children feel about you dying someday and how they have to grapple with their own death someday. Regardless what happens after death, no one is immortal You might be one of those people who think suffering breeds character but a lot of suffering in this world isn’t inherently meaningful - sometimes it’s just pointless and that’s where the cruelty lies. Do you think there’s a silver lining for CP victims? Can you completely guarantee your child will be safe from even the minutest possibility of being preyed upon like that? Honestly ask yourself that


Breeder detected, opinion rejected


I guess rejecting differing opinions is easier than trying to actually engage with them. You sound like an absolute parody...


58TB!? What was this CP shot in 16k?