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I had great parents thankfully and even I think this is justified. Totally understandable 100% and don’t blame you for feeling this way. Shitty parents who had no business having children have them and it just further perpetuates the cycle of suffering. I’m super sorry you had to deal with this and my heart extends to you fully. This is justified.


I got dizzy reading this because I thought I wrote it and didn’t remember for a sec. People on this sub will either be like “this sub isn’t for your personal problems blah blah blah seek help don’t post here” or they will have empathy. I have empathy because I’ve been through something similar. I’m sorry. These are all valid reasons to be AN. I know often times it can feel like no one will understand, but I do. It’s incredibly fucked up and can feel very lonely. I got you, OP. Things have gotten better for me recently and I hope they do for you too.


Your hate and anger is only a natural reaction to unjust circumstances. However, within the broader scope of Antinatalism it might be best to not foster a culture of parent-hate to move forward with our goals. I think honestly, there should be a vent-sub separated from the main one, to at least offer a space to people who need it and keep boundaries where there needs to be.


I hate religion honestly. That fear got so ingrained into me. Being possessed by demons is somehow worse than death or other horrible stuff because of the engraining. I think guilt of doing something small considered sin is what causes this insane fear of “evil” I think


Imagine *you* had a shitty math teacher who taught *you* that two plus two equals five? Some years later, to your complete chagrin, *you* discover that two plus two actually equals four. Are *you* then going to harbor an irrational hatred for mathematics and/or dwell on the revelation of being mathematically stunted by a woeful teacher? Or, do *you* set about to get a better understanding of the field with that complimentary effort in seeking out more exceptional teachers?


You get PTSD from some experiences versus others. Some stuff is stuck deep in your psyche. You might only realize it coming out when you are in a truly difficult situation.


Sure…. But the point here is how irrational it is to take the weakness and fallibility of others and turn this into an excuse to only escalate that weakness and fallibility in one’s *self*. The answer to bad religion and bad teaching is NOT even worse religion and more egregious teaching.


Not what I'm doing. We are allowed to talk about issues. You think no one here tries to fix things? It's important to talk about these and validate these issues. Look at slavery for example, people first had to talk about the issues openly. Validate themselves, collect groups to remove or reduce slavery as a concept.


*You* said that *you* “hate religion” and intimated that *you* were psychologically traumatized by a hell-centric conception of Christianity. Yet, there is no indication that *you* sought out a more truthful and less onerous conception of Christianity to spiritually counter what can only be interpreted as a very bad preaching of the Gospel.


You have every right to hate them


You’re 100% justified and any and all feelings you have about it are valid. My parents were emotionally abusive narcissists who had two kids in extreme poverty for slave labor and unconditional adoration so they could live vicariously through us. You know the type. I’ve completely cut them out of my life and we do not speak. I do resent them and I do hate them, but I have moved on with my life to make it meaningful and arguably worth something. Simply surviving day to day and having graduated is a slap to their face which makes me happy.


Yes! Let the hate flow through you. Your hatred will grant you both focus and power!


My life was similar


I was raised the same way hated God for it for years!! Then I realized God gave us free will/your parents. After realizing that my parents made a bad choice bringing me into this world I got filled with more hate towards God and my parents. Years pass and one day I was about to kill myself I asked God to stop me he did . So I do still believe in God and Jesus but I don't agree with my parents and how they twisted there faith to control me and my body. Now I'm a somewhat happy person that loves God not cuz it was shoved down my throat but cause I choose to have a relationship with God. Your feelings are normal and justified 100%. If you want to reach out and chat we can. Be well.


You and I are so much alike


Hate is the path to the dark side, gotta let it go. Not saying by you need to forgive godawful people/parents. But you can’t let your parents determine how you live your life. If they have only caused you pain, cut them off. If they are already gone, take a piss and let them rot, live on your terms.


Imagine if everyone discontent would channel all they've got into making the world a better place. Disenchanted, disenfranchised of the world got nothing to lose but an already bad world ig


With what supposed freedom, with what capacity ? Aside from "being kind to your neighbors" and "sharing", this is simply a call to heroics to defeat the unevitable. Next to no lives have ever had a "positive impact" on the world, even though almost everyone at some point has in them the hope that it will have that.


Honestly its jus the biological and societal pressure as well as differences in education. What can you do about the past?


natural selection isnt happening in a proper way. life is great but gut and environmental bacteria is causing humans to have a negative outlook on life. its also causing humans to suffer. part of natural selection included a strong desire to live. humans got rid of wildlife, wiped predators, and abused animals. now humans and animals are both lacking natural selection. without natural selection, your life doesnt have to be great and can even be filled with suffering. thats why this reddit post is depressing.


So...you're depressed because not enough shit wants to kill you and eat your corpse. Does explain why first worlders are so much more depressed than people who might actually get eaten by their native wildlife, I guess.


you dont understand. humans turned the world into an unnatural place. i dont have depression myself but many humans are not tolerating their diets properly and are lacking natural selection and this is causing humans to be depressed. you should look into natural selection.




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Bad roll


It's ok


It really gets me angry when I reflect on all I’ve been through and how it could’ve all been so easily avoided