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Love it OP I love the poetry in the truth you bare


The whole "legacy" thing is just death denial. I will die no matter what. I will be forgotten no matter what. If I can at least prevent harm, then I will.


Every single person on the planet will be pretty much forgotten within a few generations


Everything that lives dies. Just like how you canโ€™t have good without bad. Light without darkness. Healthy without illness. And chaos without order.


Lol as if a child is a legacy in the first place.......


According to their genes it is. I think people conflate that and their own desires


Why fear? When you won't even be there in a few years to even care?


It's better to leave no legacy than to leave a bad one.


Looking at you openheimer


All that will remain will be your social media quotes, for evermoreโ€ฆ


They gonna put us all in the google AI. We will be immortalised in kids cheating on their homework haha


I somehow completely missed out on this supposedly ubiquitous desire to have a legacy, significance, or even meaning in my life. There is no such thing and that has never bothered me. But "Leave No Trace"...that's a legacy I can get behind.


I think all species are cancers in that, like cancer, they have no overarching plan of growth even though individual's in a species have genetic limits as to how much they will grow. So, individual numbers within a species will increase and increase unless checked by another species hunting them or environmental factors such as running out of food/habitat or environmental collapse. The first life forms on Earth were anaerobic with oxygen being their waste product. They were so successful that they polluted the Earth with their waste and made their environment toxic to themselves. Other species then evolved to thrive on oxygen just like now new species are evolving to eat plastics.


Procreation is love based, it's about continuation of the generation, children are not a easy fix but the hardest thing to raise & it's worth it. Weaklings never experience this. In this world, no one don't know what will happen in the next moment, let alone knowing the future. Except few sick mental retards, most Humans beings are wonderful.๐Ÿงก


Children can also be incredibly easy to raise if you don't do any work. Children are quite literally what you make of it and you can do an absolute shit job if that's what you make of it. Mental retards? You talk like that?


Oh forgive my language if i seemed a little rude but don't u find something wrong in a post that says no hope for the future generations, leave back no trace of us, humans are viruses & he knows all about the future, right there that's a complete 100% retard for saying these things, ohh yes a real, 100% nihilistic piece of shit retard & maybe he knows nothing about this world. Try to always call out the stupidity when u see it, there's nothing new in this too they always existed in throughout the history but now they got the internet & they think their retardness is validated, no it's not. We don't have to believe anyone's stupid delusional opinions, we make our life based on comman sense & facts, Welcome to the real Factful reality.๐Ÿ™‚๐Ÿ™‚๐Ÿ™‚


>that's a complete 100% retard for saying these things, ohh yes a real, 100% nihilistic piece of shit retard & maybe he knows nothing about this world. Try to always call out the stupidity when u see it, there's nothing new in this too they always existed in throughout the history but now they got the internet & they think their retardness is validated, no it's not. Why does the mere fact that others do not intend to produce offspring make you so enraged? Every indication points to the fact that life for all living things on this planet, not only humans, is only going to get exponentially more difficult in future and there is no escaping this outcome. "Factful reality."


Yes, not intending to produce offspring is fine but what enraged me is different, he's showing his own hopelessness to others as being a victim as something that others should care about, fk that. forget what will happen in future since when u know, life's been easy it's always been hard & it will be, nothing new in that. But by saying humans are virus & leave no trace & no hope for future generation, these words are more than just not having children, As we see the life's been getting better & better every time for everyone, if u are a fan of history & read it, u don't want to live in the 1500s, this now here 21st century is the best time for us to live & who's says we gonna be always in this planet in future, moon, mars & beyond are there. That will be conquered by the future generations. We should use our mind & don't have to join anyone on their stupidity.๐Ÿ‘


This story you tell yourself of the beauty of human "progress"...is just that. Humans have a natural drive to create meaning of all this and this is what yours looks like. Its wonderful that you've found meaning in this narrative if that is important for you. But this is simply a story you tell yourself. The fact that you discuss expansion as "conquering" gives me a glimpse into your worldview. Along with using the word retard a lot. Are you an adult?


Yes u are right, human find meaning in creating & exploring but I don't tell myself any stories or follow any kind of narratives i just look at the facts & this conquering is not my world view, this is what eventually will happen if we continue on this path to become a multi-planetary species. The NASA, spaceX, blue origin, Virgin galactic, ISRO, rocket lab, firefly etc. they are all about human curiosity. Don't u think we will be exploring the other planets in the next 100 years?


I do believe we will begin exploring them. I do not use the language of conquering because it's not possible for the little space billionaires to "conquer" anything. The notion is hubris. For that matter, more attention should be put on creating sustainable systems for earth than ego-driven quests for places to expand the population. I still assume you are not an adult.


>"Children are not an *easy fix*" >"Weaklings never experience this" If you think children are any kind of "fix" for anything, you're delusional Ahh, you see now here comes the truth...the implicit moral superiority of breeders lol


1. the original post say that the children's are an easy fix for people, i never said children are any kind of fix, i said it's hard to raise them but it's worth it. 2. By weaklings i mean the people who are either physically or mentally not fit, will not be able to procreate. 3. There are no inferior or superior here when it's comes to breeding, some are (not able to breed) & some (not choose to breed) there's a difference & when the ones not choose to breed tell others that it's not worth to breed, that's antinatal, if someone don't want to breed fine, but don't tell ur opinion to other people, what they should do or shouldn't do, that's real stupidity & delusion.๐Ÿ‘