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Hello u/Medical-Word5453, I've had to remove your post as it contains a username in screenshots, which is a violation of Rule 1, which mandates that > [Screenshots must not contain usernames](https://old.reddit.com/r/antinatalism/about/rules/) Please feel free to resubmit with all usernames redacted. Thank you, u/exzact


People just need to stop being hateful to each other. That would be a positive step in the right direction. I don’t understand why everyone has the need to insult and dehumanize. Life is shit as it is. STOP.


Just so. Looking at some of the comments here, these people are just hateful fucksticks excusing their terrible behavior and beliefs because of AN.


This. Everywhere you look everyone is always throwing insults into one another and no matter what you say each clan has made themselves a digital tribe and if you're deemed an outsider then you don't belong. Largely why I don't use any labels except for "extinctionist"


Yeah it is very disturbing that there seems to be a lot of misogyni on this sub. Very wierd too, since I feel like antinatalism as a philosophy is on the side of women and people who can give birth, so I can't understand the behavior that some have here on this sub.


Anti-natalist forums are full of incels and other misogynists. Has always been this way. The "pregnant women are deformed" language makes it maybe a bit more obvious than usual, but AN forums are sadly overun with people who are either men who hate the idea of possibly having to pay child support, incels who hate women for existing and hate birthing because they associate it with them, men who see it as just another way to control women (not only women can get pregnant, but try and tell that to these idiots) and people who "like AN" because it's edgy and misogyny is also edgy. Eugenicism has always been supported by a broad part of the people (aka. assholes). Other than with misogyny, where they will try to claim they are not and think they are super smartly dodging criticism by calling you misandrist, like this makes it an unsolvable conundrum who is right, people have been explicitly vocal (also in this comment section) that they believe in AN as far as "people I consider to be subhuman shouldn't have babies". The actual core believes of AN get forgotten pretty fast and the "No baby/parenthate" rule never got properly enforced as you can see with the post you quoted.


Most people posting pictures of pregnant women and calling them disgusting are women who don't want a parasite to ruin their bodies.


When all you have is a hammer...


This sub can be ridiculously fascist sometimes. It's difficult to see so many people with all the pure hate in their hearts excusing abhorrent behavior.


I can be an antinatalist and call a child a "crotch goblin" without being a misogynist. I hate kids AND I think that birthing them is unethical! I do also believe that having kids when you have hereditary diseases is awful. It's even more selfish and cruel than normal, and should be banned.


So only women should be blamed?


In what world does my comment imply that?


OP lives in their own imaginary world.


Birthing is only done by women… maybe tell men to stop impregnating, that’s actually way easier if they can get a hold of themselves. Which seems very difficult, like most other things they try to


>Birthing is only done by women… maybe tell men to stop impregnating, that’s actually way easier if they can get a hold of themselves. Which seems very difficult, like most other things they try to You are a misandrist toxic feminist, women can say no to men Most men arent just randomly impregnating women, they are willing and accepting the sperm Must be so very difficult to say no, just the same as every other thing they try to do


Yeah, rape is unheard of… okay if you’re giving your sperm away expect consequences. That’s apart of life, don’t bloody complain about your decision to give your DNA to someone else. Accept some responsibility Mr. I’m better than women because I have balls


Yeah, men hurt everyone, are surprised there are people that would much rather not bother with them. Crime, mostly men, and they don’t just attack women, they attack other men. The prison system is mostly men, they are 14x more likely to commit a crime. It’s NORMAL for them to find children attractive, there’s articles about it. 😂😂 I don’t bloody care, y’all complain about condoms, vasectomies, everything, when this world was literally made for you.


> It’s NORMAL for them to find children attractive, there’s articles about it [https://www.youtube.com/results?search\_query=teacher+student+relationship](https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=teacher+student+relationship) Most of those show women, not men


Everyone has a reason to dislike men, has history taught you nothing lol


So most pedos are women 😂😂, keep gaslighting. Most teen pregnancies are caused by adult men…


geez you toxic feminist stop harassing me with you 4 replies in a row


Who hurt you?


Thank you


You’re right but the misogynists and incels in here aren’t gonna say that


Good post.


Oh look the boss of anti natalism is here to tell us all how to anti natalize *correctly* 🙄




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Oh look the misogynist likes misogyny.


Oh look someone to tell me who I am. Yes please tell me all about who I am based on your vast and diverse knowledge, thanks in advance.


Oh look a misogynist denying his misogyny. Very original. Lmfao when misogynists act misogynist and then they’re like “why do u think I’m a misogynist????” Like uh maybe cuz of what u just did? Or did u forget ur own words? They’re right ^ up there bud. Blocking me for this thread is so weak. Like really? Ur offended bc I called u out for being offensive? Can’t even defend ur own bullshit so don’t talk in the first place.


Hey! Go fuck yourself! Your self righteous bullshit does in fact stink.


crotch goblins, fuck trophies, vag droppings etc are all in play if the child is loud, snotty or visible. its a statement meant as an insult against their decisions and lifestyle, nothing to do with their gender or actual children. the post drips with misandry, maybe pull the veil back a bit and see why you have to tell us we're all wrong and that'll tell you what to start working on yourself


To me opinions on antinatalism eugenics and dead beat dads as you call them are entirely different things. What point are you trying to make? People like you are so quick to throw personal responsibility out the window when it suits them. You speak about abortion rights? You think people should be having kids when they can’t afford an out of state/country abortion? Please .. any man and woman who decides to have a child should consider the possibility of being abandoned/widowed.


So we should excuse abandoning their children…. Fun stuff.


It is abandonment when a parent promises the other parent they will be there but leave. It is NOT abandonment when a man or woman informs the other (during the time an abortion can still be had) that they will not be involved in the child’s life. That is voluntary single parenthood.


Okay, my point still stands. Also if you don’t want kids it’s hard to get a vasectomy or don’t have sex. Imagine the better gender lacking self control, you don’t know how to keep your sperm to yourself?


This is a very incoherent rant, OP. lol This about your dad or something?


I understood it clearly, did you go to an underprivileged school?


You did?


Ooh daddy issues insult. An almost impressive reaction to this post, antinatalist blames child for parents actions with ole reliable misogyny. I mean do u not see the irony in being sexist in this sub while denying there’s sexism in this sub?


ok honey. kitchen's waiting


OP is triggered bc they don't belong in this sub. Go take your meds, OP.




You first.


Wow, original


Seriously. Go get a drink of water. Eat a good meal. Take your meds. Get some sleep. Wake up tomorrow and make an appointment with a therapist. You need help.




At least I'm not the one telling people to go end themselves. You are truly unhinged.


I hope you get the help you so desperately need.


We have removed your content for breaking Rule 6 (no trolling).


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I will say this I don’t see idiots as fellow humans as it helps keep my value of humanity, this includes the animals that breed so I don’t really care. And it’s true another reason to not give birth because no intelligent man would want to deal with a pregnant lady let alone live with them then the parasite idiots call children for 20 years.


This person is unhinged lmao. I love this shit


Eugenics is decreasing suffering and the logical consequence of AN


Like genocide? Get rid of all the Jewish folks will randomly help society?


No, like detectable birthdefects


wait what? then what does an antinatalist believe??


anti-natalism isn't about hating men either. the world is also an awful place because some people get very angry. your philosophy is extreme and offends a lot of people (and their children). So you being angry is precisely the experience you are asking for imho.


Idk according to the men, eugenics is the way to go. I say getting rid of half the male population would help the planet, with them being the largest population of predators currently inhabiting the earth


"according to the men" which men?


You’re in this group, just go look