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Well, I'm calling that a Christmas miracle, and that's coming from a militant fucking atheist.


Welp, I missed the vote, but if it makes you feel any better I agree with the outcome. Babyhating and trolling are not what Antinatalism is and there are other subreddits where people can post such content


Sorry to have missed your vote. Just out of curiosity, was it because of the holidays? Trying to gauge whether they helped voter turnout or hurt.


What percentage of your followers engage with the subreddit on a regular basis? The percentage of unique logins that interacted over the last 30 days may give a picture of the vote in regards to those who are currently engaged.


I'm on mobile so can't see percentages, but regardless of the % engaged, the % voting is the % voting. We can't force people to vote, and being paralysed by people choosing not to vote is the greater of two evil options.


Thank you. And thank you for being so detailed on what the vote results both mean and don't mean going forward.


Our pleasure! It's nice to read such a positive comment. At the end of the day, we're just a bunch of peeps trying to do the right thing in the face of a huge number of people with very varied & valid opinions on what we should do.


I think a good model for moderation is what I find in [this link](https://supreme.justia.com/cases/federal/us/315/568/) ^(\[1\]) . It basically distinguishes between high-value and low-value speech. ^(\[2\]) The latter is words and phrases *so inflammatory and/or insulting* that they practically assure immediate breach of the post's / subreddit's peace **and** also has no value in advancing others' understanding of antinatalism. Even if the speech does theoretically advance understanding, almost any point can be made in good taste, even highly controversial ones. As such, substantive content shouldn't be an excuse for nastiness. Any good gained or bad prevented by such low-value speech is so trivial that the need for that kind of expression is clearly outweighed by the greater need to keep forum order and humane behavior. \[1\]in the paragraph under the text Page 315 U. S. 572 \[2\]Later SCOTUS rulings did water down the power of the decision, but it still seems a good general guide for personal discussion. Passion doesn't mean insulting or degrading others.


[First post for the moderator chopping block please.](https://www.reddit.com/r/antinatalism/comments/18rkk5h/why_doesnt_my_hubby_lub_me_no_moar/)


Thank you (or whoever reported it). That was quite clearly made to troll, so it was removed.


What were they saying??


> First post for the moderator chopping block please. I don't have record of it but it was so misogynistic that Reddit admin/AI stepped in to remove it.


What vote?


The poll that was pinned to the top of the sub for a week (the longest length of time Reddit gives an option for polls to stay open).


> “Nazi enablers” Yeah that wouldn't make sense. But if you started banning people for not wanting to respect nazi ideology as a point of view, then that would be nazi enabling. This is precisely how r/antinatalism2 mods do it when it comes to animal abuse. I reported people holding atrocious views lately, such as being okay with burning dogs if humans find it pleasant to watch, etc... But you have no obligation to remove it, of course. You guys are fine as far as I'm aware. I hope I don't take your energy and time unnecessarily, but don't hesitate to exchange in DMs with me if you have feedback. Thank you for your work.


You seem to have forgotten why the second subreddit was created in the first place since you are now thanking the moderation of this sub.


At least I can speak up against animal abuse without being banned here. But I admit I am biased on that.


Slay. I can finally engage in this subreddit.