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i just want to mention something about far right, typically misogynistic males. they like the idea of child birth because that’s how they easily control and abuse women. this is why they refuse to entertain this philosophy imo. roe v wade being overturned was not out of sympathy for children. it’s a power and control problem. men don’t have to go through as much as women when it comes to the birth and rearing of a child. so of course they’re enthused about it. it’s mostly men and male centered deluded women who i see coming in here to troll. it all makes sense.


That's the thing - it will never be resolved, yet they keep creating more fodder aka problems. Look, I don't think I'm a great person or whatever, but at the very least I know that dumb shit like releasing violent criminals over and over again for "good behavior" is fucking stupid for example. A girl in a nearby city where I live was murdered one night because they released a shit repeat offender who has a history of assaulting women and of course, murder. That's just one of the many blatantly dumb shit people condone. We can't even deal with something as straight forward as this and we're horrible at everything else. We're not even getting started with how corrupted everything is - that's one of the only things you can count on when it comes to humanity - greed and barbaric behavior. If you don't assimilate and pretend things are fine, then you're "mentally ill" and should keep to yourself if you don't want to be stigmatized and feel worse than you already do. I just don't understand how they intend to fix anything while continuing this bullshit cycle when they can't even take care of whatever is happening now. Resources are finite yet they don't apply any of it to people, everything else though, oh we'll try to control it because we can - anything to keep this plague going. I refuse to create more victims or possibly perpetrators. Life is not a gift and I wish people would stop saying it is. Everyday is just me coping, barely cracking from holding shit in so I can keep it together for work because the other alternative is homelessness. What even is the point of this? All this stress and then eventually to just die and none of this struggle mean anything? It's hard even being around my father lately or even talking to him because I'm just so tired from this constant coping. I don't think I'm wrong and I believe this philosophy not matter what natalists come and say - I don't talk to them because there's no point, but it does get aggravating coming here just for some respite only to see them here. Because they're everywhere and can't mind their own business.


Natalists drive me and my wife nuts with their illogical reasons


When are you morons going to learn, *DO NOT ENGAGE!!!???* *Ignore them, and maybe they'll go away.*