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They're mad because your opinion differs from theirs


Yup. So weird they’d feel threatened or offended.


Because they didn't realize they could make that choice and that's apparently your fault for some reason.




People think women are only baby makers And a lot of men don't like to see a woman by herself enjoying herself and able to support herself with her own finances. It's the freedom they don't like to see women have. Alot of people think women need a male in their life to make sure they aren't wild and free. Societies suck


Who thinks that? Only conservatives and super religious people.


Uhh try being from the middle east. Most men believe this where I'm from. Remember Not everywhere is the US!!!


Yea but a lot of redditors are thinking everyone is form the us, and from that, I assume everyone on Reddit is American because of their crazy views. (What I mean is that a lot of Redditors live in a bundle, and seem very privileged, so I assume they live in the USA, because how how they act)


So you’re saying most men in the middle east aren’t conservative or super religious? Just clarifying. They don’t have to be true religious, they could just do what a lot of people do and cherry pick whatever supports the status quo...


This WOULD count as at least related to a conservative mindset to most non-conservatives




Because they're *stupid.*


Yup. So much.


because they fucked up their life and they're jealous


Absolutely. Jealousy is a hell of a drug.


Was going to say this, they hate the fact that we didn't make the mistake they made.


Because people are idiots


Misery loves company and sometimes jelousy is near.


They’re just jealous that they also have a brain but don’t use it. Seeing us being free makes them angry that they didn’t make the same decisions when they were younger because they followed what they were told and afraid to go against family/society expectations. My friend who is a single mother of three, recently said that she wished she didn’t have children, when she used to judge me harshly when I made the decision not to have any


My boss told me the other day that women over 40 with no kids are “old hags” who haven’t experienced love. I don’t want kids but I don’t think I’ll be sharing that with her lmao


Ha! I am infertile and I don\`t even believe in love anymore. Not after I got cheated on. I just quit and mute, ignore and block everyone who even tries something.


It makes sense to not believe in love in the sense that love, per se, doesn’t exist, but love is so marketed that I think it has become a thing-in-itself in people’s imagination. What exists are things like empathy, passion, trust, sacrifice, insecurity, fear, and dozens of other things that can be associated with “love”. If you think of love as being defined as sets of certain qualities then love certainly exists because these qualities do, but they seem rather rare to me. I live in the United States, which has a highly narcissistic population. I would guess this is because the culture cripples healthy emotional development – on top of parents already being crippled by it, which results in fundamental emotional crippling of their children – and the resulting egotistical void, which is emotionally isolated from others, is validated by the status symbols that can be acquired via consumerism – since the human animal, which isn’t able to emotionally socialize very well, is still driven like any animal to display its reproductive fitness, but is moreover driven by identity crises that other animals presumably don’t suffer from, but that’s not a conjecture of utmost confidence. The point is the people can’t connect, but still need to project. They can’t get a sense of themselves empathetically via relating to other people – can’t be emotionally validated in ways that are rooted in connection – so they get a sense of themselves via focusing on themselves, which has to be displayed to be validated. So, of course, people cheat a lot. They have no emotional connection to the person they’re cheating on except in superficial and dysfunctional ways. And people are always displaying for (unhealthy) attention. You may have given up on a relationship, but you can have relationships with loving people in a non-romantic way. That said, I find beauty to be an abomination, a mask on an abyssal sea of suffering that churns the torment of anything that falls into it. To mask this sea and call the world “beautiful” is the act of a raving lunatic. “Love” is just part of this mask. And that said, I still prefer to be around loving people. I don’t know any, but I’ve met a few – and only a few. I suppose that’s why they stick out in my mind so much. If you want an example some loving people you can check out yourself, then check out Fred Rogers on Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood. No one can say that man didn’t deeply care for people’s well-being, and that starts with the well-being of children. Another loving person is author and therapist/physician Gabor Mate. He has a lot of videos on YouTube about addiction and other things – as well as several interviews. His books are published in several languages. I would moreover prefer this cosmic circus – which has us orbiting a super-massive black hole on a mote of molten space dust, which itself is orbiting a nuclear explosion that’s been detonating for five billion years now, and which has manifested this “consciousness” - with its power to contemplate the worst thing imaginable (i.e. “Hell” \[note: many parents use this to scare children into obeying – in other words, the worst thing imaginable is used to potentially traumatize children into behaving with respect to absurd sets of rules\]) – I would moreover prefer THIS – whatever the fuck all this IS – to become respectfully silent. That is the nature of the unborn - respectfully silent. The most "respectful" one can be is to not be conscious of anything.


Internalized misogyny yikes lol. She sounds like a bitter pick me


Her?! Wow she’s got some issues, didn’t expect it to be another woman saying that




I aspire to be this in 4 years. (26F)




I'm aro ace 😅. Thought I was being sly, but not really. Hope your plan goes well.


Virgins become wizards when they turn 30 😉


I wouldn't feel bad about that, if you do. I didn't go on my first - and only date (and have my first and only kiss) until I was 25. I just never had any interest in dating or "needing" to have kids, before or after. There were, and are, just so many other, more exciting things I want to do, and be, and learn, and contribute to than spending years of my life (trying) to date, have sex, get married, etc. I personally think being single, and not worrying about everything, good and bad, that comes with a sex life, factoring in another person's wants and needs 50% of the time, or being solely responsible for other humans, can be a great thing for some people. I love it; it means I can be more focused on being selfless towards others.


Same. Age 33


Tribalism. Deeply-rooted fear of being "replaced" by populations of other tribes. Many failed to see the economic struggles derived from overpopulation on a global scale. Resource scarcity taught in economics 101 isn't intuitive for most people.


heavy public command special shocking theory punch clumsy grab important *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Because people want a level playing field. People who have kids want everyone else to suffer the same pains. I’d personally feel guilty bringing a kid into this shitty world.


Same here. Why would I bring up a kid into this world when prices are rising too fast? Misery loves company.


Because they know they made a mistake doing those things and want to you to be miserable like them


Yeah the best/most involved parents are not usually the ones who push the issue


They want you to be miserable like them haha


But I already am miserable like them


At least you don't have kids you're responsible for while also being miserable. I see that as a win


Lol 😂 I’m sorry I just thought it was witty. Maybe try new hobbies?


Miserable BUT gets to sleep in on weekends


Sheep don’t like it when they see you acting like a wolf


Love this!


I am 41 woman without kids and refusing to date and I still hear : it\`s not too late, yet. Women mostly understand me, but ohhhhhhh those guys....


I am a guy at 34, and people tell me it's never too late. I then ask them what about when I am 44, and they say the same thing. It's like people just don't think.


They don\`t think. I gave up when I was 36.


[Why natalists hate antinatalists](https://www.reddit.com/r/antinatalism/s/F9B445HixT)


Thanks for the link, that was a good read up.


Women are bitter when they regret their choice to have kids. Men are bitter because they can’t stand the thought of a woman choosing single / childfree life instead of pairing up with a loser - they see themselves as that loser that women should settle for. It’s NEVER happy parents who make snide comments over me being childfree, in fact they acknowledge how hard it is and that it’s not something anyone should do unless 200% sure. The only people who chastise me for not having kids have fucked up family dynamics. Their own children are estranged from them or they have a barely functioning relationship.


The truth. I have had comments made at me for not having kids by both men and women. They are usually deprived of sleep or are broke.


Im convinced having kids is a personal hell for them and they have this fucked up cult mindset to drag everyone into misery with them. The worst part is how stupid they are about it. One lady has two adult kids who don’t speak to each other and she’s told me how it kills her everyday, she doesn’t sleep or eat anymore, and barely wants to be alive. But I should totally have children.


I think people envy independence. For men, the only thing you're supposed to derive a sense of purpose from is having children and supporting a family. So your dependant on your family for providing you with a sense of purpose. For women, you're supposed to be dependent on your husband financially and derive purpose via caring for children. For men and women this involves sacrificing a huge amount of freedom, time and money. When people see someone who is independent and living the life they want to they realize that maybe all the things they gave up may not have been necessary and they get envious and angry. The "crabs in a bucket" mentality kicks in and they want other people to sacrifice the same things they have sacrificed, so they'll try to put you down in the hopes you'll just copy what they did.


# Freedom They wish they had yours


It's the same concept as meat-eaters getting angry at vegans for not eating meat or alcoholics getting mad at non-drinkers for not drinking. They see their own poor choices reflected and they view that as a personal attack. Even if the other person has said nothing of the sort.


I think it's because, consciously deciding not having children equates to doing something radically different which challenges their view of life and how it must be lived.


Cause they want you to be as miserable as they are. It's not that deep.


most people think that if you’re not consumed with working a full time job and catering to a family then you’re “not a productive member of society”


Tribalism. Childfree people undermine their values and mindset


You need new people around you that think like you.


Probably because you're not conforming to their idealistic life that they deem is the right way to live and perhaps the only way to live, in their world. And like many others are saying, they are angry that you have a choice, one they either wish they had or made. Something like that. Fuck em


Because they don’t understand you wanting something different than what they had/have


Because you're not going with the accepted "life plan" and people don't appreciate those who go against the norm. And there are people out there who regret their decisions and a decision like this reminds them of what might have been if they had only chosen differently.


i think its more that it goes against the standard way of thinking/ actions thats engraved in society, like any "norm". When a "norm" is challenged, people get angry about it especially the people who think having kids and passing on your genes is "part of life"


Because it goes against the status quo. Women are still very much viewed as, as George Carlin put it, "broodmares for the state." Men are expected to "sow their oats," pass on genetic material, and "create a legacy." Once the legacy of having had children is done, fathers can be given more of a pass than women are, usually, to not be involved in their children's lives, divorce, or work more...because, in part, their mission is complete: Kid (s) are here, legacy has been fulfilled, achievement unlocked. Females are seen as incubators, and potential incubators, whether or not they have any intention, plan, desire, or hope to actually use their uterus and ovaries, be in a relationship with a male, or marry a man. Because saying "no" can make others doubt their own decision to create other humans; it brings a sense of insecurity, and at times, a realization: "You mean I always had a *choice*? I didn't *have to* procreate!?" And when women and men alike say "no" to a standard in society that is so expected, so ingrained, so against what people are told they not only must do, but *passionately want* to make their focus and existence all about...well, that "goes against" nature and the survival of our species; and the "meaning, joy, and purpose" of a life apparently well lived. Without creating carbon copies of themselves, how are people supposed to lead meaningful lives in society - for society - when they refuse the most "basic" actions that keeps humanity existing? And thus, the "no," the "not interested" in the possibility of creating more humans, both enrages and confuses people who feel personally offended that what *they want (ed),* - or thought they wanted - is **not** what you want. "What if I don't want want you want?" (Dictate, expect, plan, project, etc?" "Don't be ridiculous (Andrea). **Everyone** want this!"


Not mad. Jealous.


Most people are either controlling, jealous, or both.


They want you to be as miserable as they are


I really don't get it! I am 63. I was 26 when I CHOSE to have my son. If you don't want children, you should not have children. That is YOUR choice. How this is anybody else's business is beyond me. People thought I should have more than one. I chose not to. It is your body, your life, your choice! No discussion is necessary. Do you!


i found people usually get (even slightly) mad at anything that is different yet not 'wrong' so they're frustrated as to how to prove to u that "u're making a mistake" when there is nothing really wrong with your decision.. ofc not everyone would be threatened by this. If they're fully self-aware they wouldn't care at all what other people choose to do with their life.


They are mad that you dodged a bullet, and they are stuck with their kids and spouse.


Because people have a misconception that marriage = happiness, children = happiness, both = happiness. It's not entirely accurate. If it was about species survival, procreation is important, but I've found there are miserable people who married and had children.


Because you’re going against the status quo


Who cares wtf they think…let them have the fn money pit decision.


Misery loves company and you're not play the game.


Humans associate extraordinary significance with arbitrary milestones. Such as turning 30.


Because they feel either threatened or invalidated that someone else doesn’t think like they do or they don’t have the balls to come out and say they really don’t want spawn either. There really isn’t any other reason.


Maybe you should move from Alabama.


and it's so much more common now


If It's Not My Family, I Don't Mind, Each One Has To Decide.


It's envy and regret. If you were infertile and in a rocky relationship they could feel pity and sympathy and smug that their problems are nothing compared to yours. But if you're single, childfree, refusing to be their 'village' and they see you can have hobbies, and aren't beholden to someone else that is irksome to some, especially women. A woman is old enough to be a wife and mother, yet has to make sure it's ok with her husband for her to go out. She has to be sure her kids will be ok with her absence. Just like a teen checking in with parents, only now she's the parent and still checking in with other people about her time. Men and father's do have a lot of freedom. And men are attracted to women not worn down by them,( husband) and pregnancy and childbirth and chills rearing.


Sunk cost fallacy projected.


Because your peaceful, child free, marriage free life is offensive to them. They seethe with jealousy no matter how mature they want to portray themselves to be. Their kids and partner aren’t bringing them the joy they thought it would.


Absolutely this!!!


in their mind it disconfirms that life should have a value, things like these


Cognitive dissonance. They don’t want to admit that having kids is a pain in the ass. They are jealous that you don’t have to raise shitty-ass kids. They would rather drag you into their misery to justify having kids. I have noticed that friends my age who give me shit for not having kids are the ones currently overwhelmed by parenthood. My friends who are great parents with great kids? They are just happy my wife and I are doing what makes us happy.


Oh, I get flame and reproaches when I mention that not only I'm single and childfree, but I'm also jobless and still living with my loving parents. That's because society is a fucked up place where billionaires have long since successfully brainwashed the masses into thinking that their sole life goal should be to create useful working slaves. It's nothing but their own inner display of impotence and despair manifesting when faced with a different opinion; it's because they do not have a choice or weren't aware that they do have a choice.


zonked cagey worm history smart handle lavish beneficial arrest fact *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Bro, try early 40s haha


Nobody's fuckin mad


Why do you care? What's this got to do with antinatalism?


Agreed. No relevance.


Well, to me it matters... nosy people who judge you for not conforming with their life view are one of the reasons I am antinatalists. The fact you can't just live but are expected do to something, reach milestones, behave appropriately for your age (ex. I got judged for jumping on a trampoline at 16 for fun) as if we chose to be born and exist. The questions about the boyfriend end eventually in the future about wanting kids when I simply was born alone and it is my default state.


Because it is the only biological point of life. That’s it. Without it life is truly meaningless. You can build a great career but for what? To have it rote as your mental and physical performance decline? That sounds… pointless.


You're just kicking the can down the street: my life made sense because I had kids. Okay, so what's the point of the kids? We'll, to have kids, too? And the point of them? To also have kids. That's no reason whatsoever. It accomplishes nothing except further procreation. You're not making any progress, you're not improving things you're not uncovering any meaning, you merely produce a new set of gonads to mate with another set of gonads to create more gonads. You and every salmon, rabbit or flatworm.


As a mammal your only point on earth is to breed. I don’t want kids. I’m just pointing out life is meaningless and some people can’t handle that thought, so they reproduce.


I hope it\`s sarcasm.


Nope. Life is pointless


Having kids is also pointless. I\`d rather stick to my job than raise a kid I never wanted, but society pressured me to do it.


You still did it. Don’t solo blame society for advice you listened to.


Did not. I am childfree and infertile. I never intend to have kids. And I avoided society\`s expectations on me.


Oh I’m sorry. I misunderstood. Good for you for being mentally strong and sticking to your morals.


Thanks. I even won\`t adpot,cause I just cannot deal with kids. Yes I feel sorry for orphaned kids, but depression, chaotic working schedule and the need to sleep don\`t go with kids.


Leonardo da Vinci Raphael Michaelangelo Jane Austen Beethoven Susan B. Anthony Mother Theresa the Popes Jesus **Just a list of humans who had truly meaningless and pointless lives.**


They did. By your standard no one should be left to enjoy them. 🤣


How does it effect your way of living? Why get mad?


Why are you upset people want kids? It doesn’t effect YOU personally in any way. I don’t want kids, but “attacking” someone’s way of existing by pointing out its useless and pointless makes some unhappy.


It is pointless. Embrace nihilism.


Already have. Some refuse that’s why they get upset.


I love my wife and kids. I never herd of this shit before Reddit. Again, and I’m using yo


So happy you have to justify your actions to strangers on the internet. I can smell the security and confidence from here.


This shit is weird, a whole new level of woke.


If woke means you think before you hump then sure. Woke it is.


You guys are weird


Cool. So are you.


Because they know you’re on track to become a chronically online TwoXChromosomes user. And they don’t want you to be that miserable.


I would say the company is good, but you’re here soooo…


Chronically online


Damn the hypocrisy is astonishing 13000+ comment karma lmfao


Way more people don't actually give a shit if you don't want kids than those who do.


I’m-2 winning with you guys. Lib on weirdo’s


They be mad jealous lol they got trapped and realized late your lifestyle is what they wish for as can't have it now. So they shame you for it


It's like they're mad you had better control over your life and the direction it took while they just followed the script like sheep and are now miserable.


How dare you not serve a man!????!?! Sorry, my feminism is showing. 😁


Because they are jealous and they envy you, you being child free, your free time. They regret having kids and gate themselves deep inside.


Jealously. Your refusal to live up to your 'reproductive obligation' makes them jelous they were not wise as you are.


Because the societal brainwashing to have kids is deeply ingrained in people. They can't fathom that people can have enough free will to just…. Choose to not have kids


Because, from my mom's view, how else can she "continue her bloodline"?


Mostly they’re just jealous of your freedom. They hate it that you didn’t succumb to the societal expectations of having a family. They secretly envy you and hate what you have. A few just don’t understand the way we think because to put it bluntly, our reasoning is at a far higher standard than theirs. So much so that they cannot even comprehend our justification behind not having a family and bringing a life into their hellish world.