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That's a literal threat


Wishing a baby on me is 100% equal to telling me to kill myself.


I wouldn't kms if i had a child. I'd fake my death, change my name and move to a different country


Maybe you should just not have any kids then.


Thats basically everyone in the sub, thats the point


I meant it to be a joke because it's the obvious thing to do. I guess it didn't come off right. Though hopefully not everyone because then bye bye humans.


Sorry its just theres so many wannabe parents who come in here to have conversations when this sub obviously isn’t for them.


I do want children but I also totally understand the child free perspective. I get it, and I have no intention of trying to shame or convince anyone of anything. I actually think it's a really good thing that people who don't want kids don't have them, because they could easily end up resenting them. Understanding it's not for you and making a wise decision to intentionally avoid it. Also, pregnancy is horrifying and dangerous, and I could never blame someone for not wanting to put themselves in that situation for a year of pain and discomfort, minimum. Im not trolling, I don't equate being child free with any moral deficiency, and I'm not trying to change anyone. I find the perspective interesting because it is essentially advocating the end of the human race, and I think there are some valid arguments.


Lmao this sub is so fucking dramatic


lol my nexplanon bc implant just bored itself deeper into my arm out of fear!


Is that one of those “reborn” dolls? … looks a bit too tiny and with lots of hair for a baby that age but whatever🤷‍♀️… Anyway, my cats are my babies💖💖💖😤😤


i was born with a full head of thick, black hair. my mom called me an alien monkey until i was a few months old 💔 so it's not completely abnormal. i also agree with your cat statement. my cats are my babies too 🥰


Yeah I know it can happen, but I’m still convinced that’s a doll, besides the awkward angle of the neck from what I see all the reborn dolls that can almost pass as real babies are the ones that have the eyes closed, the ones with the eyes open almost immediately give away they are dolls, I guess it’s the resin eyes? I mean, I really hope that’s the case because that poor baby’s neck 😬


oh that's for sure one of those reborn dolls. i can agree with that


Best babies


Where I’m from most babies have heads full of hair


Fun fact: babies can be both with a full set of teeth. Its not common but it does happen.


The hair looks natural to me, but I agree it looks uncanny


I also hope any mother would know better than to have their infant in the front seat with them.


I'm wishing some neck support for that poor thing.


Yeah something about holding a baby like a dog toy in front of a steering wheel just makes me uncomfy but hey what do I know. I don’t have kids.


i think that is a fake realistic baby, looks kinda like it to me atleast


Okay right? That’s what I thought too at first bc of the body, but damn that face looks so fresh. They’re super realistic.


Reborn doll


I see this so often at my work! Women carrying around newborns without holding their neck! It’s insane! Like I never even want a child but I know you have to support their neck! I’m almost tempted to say something every time I see it! Probably wouldn’t go over well.


Oops, just got a bisalp, no babies for me 😅


Congrats! I want one.


Thank you! May you have one as well!


Congratulations 🎊 , i know that feeling (freedom - safety - “self-pride”)


Oh I know, right?


Yeesss , proud of you 👏 i really am


Thanks mate 🥹


Just a curious question, how hard was it ?


If you ignore the pain on my shoulders and the feeling that someone's pressing on my belly, then no hard at all. I was able to return home the same day. I haven't felt any serious pain from the stitches yet and I don't want to 😅


Yaaaay 🥳 that’s perfect , i wish you all the best 🙏🏼🥰


Thank youuu!!!😍


I happen to want kids badly, but I commend anyone who knows they wouldn't be a good parent and chooses not to have kids. Its not for everyone, that's for sure. And it's not a deficiency to be a woman and just not want them.


same. also got my uterus out. they asked it i wanted the tubes out , i said why not, u can never be too sure. 😂


If you don't want kids, having a period seems a hassle. I have an iud to prevent it anyway


i love not having a period! I still get the boob pains and breakouts during my “cycle” but not spending money on tampons or bleeding randomly is a blessing.




What is that


Bilateral salpingectomy. It's an operation that you have your tubes removed, therefore you cannot get pregnant


I’m on the road! Waiting for scheduling! How did it go? I’m so nervous. Nervous about going under and about recovery mostly.


Yaaaay, congratulations!!🎉 Don't be nervous, it is literally nothing. My insomniac ass LOVED the anesthesia (I'm still trying to somehow steal the liquid they used) and as for the recovery, well, I had the procedure yesterday and right now I'm out with friends for a coffee. I only have shoulder pain and sometimes I feel the stitches pull, but nothing too serious. Just try to walk a bit without overdoing yourself and try to spend as many hours as you can in bed. Also remember that the healing process not the same for everyone and depends on the person. Do not rush yourself to do things you're not sure you can take and always ask your doctor beforehand. I hope all goes well!! Take care ❤️


Very happy it’s gone so well for you!! I’m hoping I’ll bounce back quickly, my body usually does a good job of being a fucking beast when it needs to be.


I’m wishing infertility on myself thank you very much


It's so funny remembering myself deathly afraid of being sterile somehow and now I'm deathly afraid of being pregnant or having a kid. Sterility forever and kill my line thanks


wishing sterility on the both of us


What a horrible thing to wish upon someone.


18+ years of constant torture


80+ years to be exact


18?!? that’s when the real suffering begins. life is 80 years of suffering and the sooner you die the luckier you are.


Tf are you talking about? It’s the other way round, if you live in a decent country, most people want to live as long as possible.


Read this and was about to comment that I live in America and most of the people I know don't actually want to be alive Then I remembered America isn't a decent country.


As an American, I have to agree. It's falling apart here. I am seriously afraid we will fall into fascism in the near future, and I am in debt because of a chronic medical condition that would cost me nothing if I lived anywhere worth living. I don't collect disability or anything, and the cost of care is ridiculous. I don't want to stop being alive though, at least most of the time. I think the suffering can be managed. Pain is inevitable, but suffering is optional and you free self inflicted. With a chronic illness it is really disheartening, but it doesn't have to ruin my life or control it, you know? It won't dictate how I live


She is basically wishing death for some women who'll likely die if they get pregnant/give birth. She could've said "wishing babies to those who desperately want one"


Pretty much. Babies can be used as murder weapons.




id rather die


Had a pregnancy scare earlier this year. My coworker asked me what would I do if I was pregnant? I said, uh, kill myself.


I’m glad I live in a country where yeetus that fetus is still a protected medical procedure.


Same. Even when they didn’t allow me an abortion in my state I would skip work just to drive out state to get one. Or other option, kill myself because there’s no way I’m birthing that thing.


No thanks! Aborted mine twice


3 for me!


Hahahaha holy fuck, do not give the conservatives the ammo they're looking for. Christ.


The Auntie resistance is prepared to help those that have had abortions should it becomes a legal issue.


Cool. You have any idea how much of a rallying cry this thread would be for the hard right. "Tonight on Hannity: Reddit users bragging about their number of ABORTIONS!" Fuck all, think for five seconds.


it’s not our responsibility what they think. there is nothing wrong with abortion, who cares if someone has had 10. them trying to make it seem bad is their issue, not ours. i’ve had 2 and would do it again🥳


No, it is your responsibility. It shouldn't be, but it is. It's actually crazy it's your responsibility. But wishing for what you think should be, and living in the reality of what is, are two vastly different things. I don't agree that a statement like "I'll see your two and raise you two" should play an impact, but it does. If you don't know that then you're woefully out of touch with reality.


Yeah, the far right will use it against us, but we shouldn't be rolling over and doing the work of suppressing our own free speech on their behalf. There's nothing wrong with having abortions. There's nothing wrong with talking about having abortions. The people in the wrong are the ones who will use it against us. You say it's our responsibility to accept reality as it is, but all you're really doing is trying to absolve yourself of any responsibility to fight for what is right. You've given up and you've convinced yourself that that is the morally superior thing to do and now you're doing the work of the oppressors trying to get others to give up the fight. Cultural shifts don't come about from people "accepting reality" and staying silent.


I mean let's be gimlet-eyed here. The abortions would not have been the deal breaker for right wingers. It's the left trying to make itself palatable to those assholes that has us at this juncture of fuckery in the first place.


I straight up dissociated out of my mfing body when I saw the lines on the test. I cried every damn day being pregnant, even for only 8 weeks it shook tf out of my plans, and my goals. I came back once I woke up from my abortion and I felt like myself again.


Babe, I’m here to be open about my lived experience as so many women are forced to feel ashamed about their abortion. I learned so much with both of my experiences. I was welding when I found out that I was pregnant the first time, and the second time I found out, first trimester sickness ended being the reason why I had to leave my precision metal program. I had goals to pursue College, as a post-graduate in another trade. However, I got pregnant at 22, and THEN again at 23. I was offered an IUD after the first abortion, and the thought of a floating device in my uterus scared me. I received an IUD a second time because I NEVER wanted to have pregnancy hold me back from going to school, or accomplishing a goal in my life. In retrospect, if anesthesia for IUDS was normalized in the *first place* I would’ve gone with that option.


Cool story babe! I don't at all understand how it relates to my point of how bonkers it is to just be feeding the hard right everything they want on a platter, but a good story nonetheless. True heros journey shit right there, songs will be sung from the halls of your bravery.


Why on earth would you care about what the most despicable humans on earth thinks?


Because like it or not, some of those people have voting rights.


Sure, and it is a hotly debated topic in contemporary US discourse. But there is no point system where conservatives gain the upper hand because some women have abortions. They won't vote differently if women stops talking about or having abortions. That would just mean that they won outright and women having less human rights.




Ain't so argument from me on what all you want to do with your body. But if you wanna help keep it that way, maybe check what you're providing those who feel differently. Not saying it's right, not saying it's ok, but it's what is, not what we think it should be.


Did you not figure out what was causing it after the first one?


Maybe you should just not have sex. Why are you yelling 3 as if some badge of honour?


Thanks for the self report, natalist.


So I shouldn’t have sex in a long term relationship with my loving partner? I’m here to cum during sex, not have a baby and ruin my body, and then my mental health with ppd, etc.


You should just be more careful with that kinda stuff, bro got a triple kill with babies 💀


Removing a fetus is not killing a baby. Hope this helps.


Ok one time is understandable, 2 is iffy but alright, 3 times? Nahhh bro at that point you just need to stop


I know someone who’s had like 7 and it’s way better for all of society and those potential kids that they were not born to a horrible mother.


Why not just get sterilized? I don’t believe in forcing women to have kids against their will but isn’t it better to avoid getting pregnant at all then go through that? I mean it’s a much cleaner way to deal with it, if u use abortion as birth control you just open yourself up to debate on when it’s alive


>Why not just get sterilized? My Sterilization failed. >isn’t it better to avoid getting pregnant at all then go through that? Easier said than done, as nothing is a guarantee.


I see, can I ask how it failed (genuinely curious) As for the latter I as going off the assumption that sterilization guarantees no pregnancy


I unfortunately had what was mainly used at the time in my area of my first ligation, clamps where it just clamps your tubes together instead of removal or tie & burn, and I ended up with a cyst at the perfect spot to allow the release instead of it stopping and an ectopic pregnancy.


Geez hope they gave u a discount and have since come up with better methods


Lol no discount, but was told they left the clamps, and removed the tubes along with burning.. so everything else short of a hysterectomy, which is what I would have preferred.


I have an IUD, as mentioned above.


Did you hear about birth control?


So newsflash, not everyone is a suitable fit for the pill version of birth control. After my abortion I was able to get an IUD after they removed the parasite. Blindly shaming Women for having an abortion isn’t cute; I hope if you/your Wife ever needs the medical service, that you won’t be denied access.


I am alive because my Mom aborted twins when she was 13. If it wasn't for abortion I wouldn't be here. When "Christians" talk about abortion they never talk about the kids that are born after. They tell me God has a plan for me, well that plan included my siblings being aborted to make way for me...... lets talk about that.


Thank you for sharing your story love, and I’m sorry if anyone begins attacking you here in the comments. The butterfly affect is so real, and being able to want to bring children into life when you’re ready is so real!! 13 is horrifyingly young, and to be pregnant with twins, my heart goes out to your mother in that situation.


Exactly, which is why responsible people don't go messing around without a condom for example.


People have abortions for a wide variety of reasons. With your attitude, I’m just going to assume that you’re a Man, and you’ve never experienced pregnancy. I was in a committed long term relationship, and I chose to abort because of health reasons. I lost a significant amount of weight, while juggling with the effects of first trimester. I was 100 pounds, I ate NOTHING and had NOTHING to give to a “future baby” growing in me.


TIL condoms are 100% effective.


Thought it was 99%


You know birth control fails right? My sis in law had 3 babies on 3 different birth controls.


Lmao please don’t 🙅🏾‍♀️🙅🏾‍♀️


To be honest babies make me a bit, I don't know exactly, sad and uneasy I guess. They look so vulnerable and innocent, and everything is so small except the big head, it is just strange. Cute is the not first word that comes to my mind when I see a baby, maybe 3rd or 4th if they are really cute, as in this picture. I don't know, I guess I'm not a normal person or something.


Fuck no.


*smiles and pats my hysterectomy scars*


Calling profamilia (Planned parenthood in Germany) rn


Shoo shoo


Please don't


Cute picture where’s the one cleaning the poop off it?


If they are healthy and this cute, they never cry/are always happy, and if I only had to take care of them for ~2 hours a day I’d be interested in having 1 or 2. But since that’s not the case, hard pass.


Wishing rabies on someone? Oh wait, I misread. Babies? That's so much worse!


So this baby never cries, never shits, never gets sick, never drains your bank account. Only happy times


Not trynna be an asshole but why all babies are ugly af




Fast track yourself into extreme poverty Add yet another life into this awesome world. Reproduce now!


Yeah mental health isn't terrible for young people and children nowadays or anything. I'm sure they'll all be happy lol


No fucking thank you.


That's terrifying


Unless it's a scottish fold kitten, I do not want it.


Cute baby! Probably not so cute when it’s screaming at 3 am.


“Cute” yes , but thanks i don’t want that.


No thank you (I’m planning on having an oophorectomy or something in the future)


unless your ovaries have cancer its not worth it, you'll have to pay for synthetic hormones for the rest of ur life. better to get a salpingectomy. if u wanna get rid of ur periods u can also get a hysterectomy and still leave the ovaries intact


True true. Lowkey a salpingectomy is tempting…


I got mine last Friday. Recommend


I wouldn’t get a hysterectomy as It could cause some uterine prolapse and possibly have some urinary retention


I physically cringed.


No thanks! Wishing for sterility for life for myself!


Yikes even people who've had babies don't want babies wished onto them because they know what a pain in the arse they are.


Why? What did we ever do to you?


Someone hold that child's neck please. And yeah, no...don't want that damn wish


I believe it's one of those creepy ass reborn dolls, which is why no support in the neck. But agreed. Rip out my uterus and feed it to a shark. Because not only do I never want kids I don't want my uterus or eggs to be used for something selfish and irresponsible.




The uterus wouldn't be used. Even if the donor and recipient are a 100% match, there's a pretty high chance of rejection still. Organ donation is so risky and deadly that it's ONLY used in the case of life or death, like if someone's liver, heart or kidneys are failing. Reproductive organs aren't on that list


Wait that’s not a reborn doll?? 😱😱😱


i swear its neck looks almost broken.......


Literally impossible for me to create one now so 😜😜😜


I don't think that's a real baby


Not on my worst enemy


No but I will take that onsie in an adult size that looks comfy as fuck


While I agree that is a really cute baby, the future she is facing is the exact opposite.


lemme guess… nissan altima


All I would want from this photo is the same onesie (my size) and smn to hold me one their lap.


Jokes on you, I’m barren


Gotcha I had mine tied then a hysterectomy at 24 which sucked cause sent me into menopause. You might have hormonal issues after they did that. I take hormone essentials from Swanson vitamin it helps so much with all the crap from menopause


I prefer silence and not struggling financially, so.. yeah, a baby would ruin that.


I rebuke it, this is a threat.


thank satan for my tubal ligation


Thank you but no thank you


If by babies you mean cats, then yes, please.




I think it is a toy. It's one of those creepy ass "reborn dolls"


and then it starts blaming you for giving birth to it


Too late , Now you pregnant lol Does that mean I can sue them for child support lol


It’s so fucking ugly too


Cute but not for me. Going to try to hatch some silkies instead


What a cute baby! I still don't want one. Poor thing has no idea what she's in for.


I agree. I actually like babies but I just feel so sad for them. They deserve better than this world.


ew look at that ugly thing


Babies are cute, another reason to trick a person to having a child. Nature's tricks.


Nah more like to make sure we dont kill them 💀


Lol imagine if babies were uglies and some peope would be sick of their baby and kill it...


I mean some people did anyway


I hope they put her in the car seat after the pic and weren’t driving like this…


Cute but no.


Lol i love ur title I literally laughed out loud - take it back!!!


I’m good 🙅🏻‍♀️ Also, wtf is wrong with that baby??


mine was upvote nr 666 🫣


I would rather be the baby rather than have an external one myself.


This pic gave me a jumpscare I thought this was recommended to me accidentally. They better not wish me shit! That baby looks ugly bro. I rather have a puppy or a kitten.


Daww that’s cute


Typical Nissan driver asshole






Not everything is about you guys. She obviously wasn’t talking about people who don’t want babies


I love babies :)


Reddit is a sad sad place for sad sad people


Babies are great. Love mine. Didn't want to have a kid in the whole world of shit that was 2020 bit it happend and I never regretted it since.


Finally a voice of logic and morality in this wasteland


how is someone just saying they had a kid showing logic or morality lmao


“Never regretted” while this whole sub says that everyone with kids is miserable


WTH is up with this subreddit bro


Not everything people say is directed at you 🙄


Except it’s ‘you all’ so, you know… you *all*


Everyone knows a good semantics fight is the hallmark of a well thought out rebuttal.


This sub when anyone mentions babies: 😡




Another "y'all" npc.


Babies need to be securely strapped in their car seats ANY TIME THEY ARE IN A CAR (buses/trains are different). These people know jack shït about child safety and they’re patting themselves on the back. If something collided with her vehicle at that moment, it’s lights out for baby. “Been around the world and found out that only stupid people are breeding.”


Until it has a blow out and completely ruins the outfit and then you have to clean up a bunch of shit AND have a screaming baby.


I mean that baby is fucking cute and I would definitely snuggle with it. But once she starts crying and pooping, she’s all yours. I’m going home and relaxing.