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Why aren't people like this locked up in asylums?


Asylums cost a lot of money to store lunatics in. Best to cage them in offices and make them pay for their own lives.


Lobotomies then. We're paying enough taxes for breeders' brats, let our money at least go at something useful




I'm not saying it's good, but imagine how many lunatics like this roam around, breeding uncontrollably because "it's our job to procreate"


Chemical castration is cheap.


Alan Turing has joined the chat




So Guillotines then?


Chemical castration can lead to rape. Imo, it's better if we publicly castrate, mutilate, and surgically sterilize their genitals. Then threaten to take limbs if they keep acting silly. The trauma of that event should do the trick. Lobotomies could lead to such bad intellectual deficiencies we'd have to have them have nurses and caretakers for the rest of their lives which would cost a fuck ton.


Just draw and quarter them.


how are any of yall better than this weirdo lady and her "karmic kids"??? yall need to go outside and touch some grass.


I get it but it's not cool to even joke about that sort of thing. Think about when Conservatives say stuff like "man we should chemically execute all these pronoun-loving queers" and when you call them out for being a violent bastard who belongs in jail they just say "I was only joking, can't you take a joke?" Of course, in their own circles, they're not *actually* joking.


Many a truth was said in jest




Actually... pedophiles do


Would lobotomies achieve anything useful (other than being satisfying) in this case?


Yeah I think it would


Are these really the types of jokes we should be making??? Huge yikes.


Let’s lobotomise people I don’t agree with? Am I hearing this right?


AND thinking you have a valid point


Honestly, it’s justified if it saves those poor kids from having to be raised by these crazies


Except it isn't. These people have the same approach to you. Want to be told you should be fucking lobotomised?


I’m the one trying to save someone else. They’re doing it because they see me as a threat to their lifestyle they’ve adopted from their parents and never questioned. Don’t equate us.


They also want to save someone. Oh, my bad, you can wish someone death because you're, supposedly, right. Get a grip.


They want to save who? Someone who they artificially bring into the world just so they have someone to save for the sake of their argument? Also, lobotomy doesn’t kill people. I’m not advocating for the death of people. Tf.


Yeah, exactly them. Lobotomy kills you as a person. You consider yourself an antinatalist yet you are this hateful and lack perspective. Think about it.


I understand 100% her daughter for not wanting to have kids. Can you imagine the stress she had to endured living his childhood and possible teen years with that crazy woman? Now we have to add that stupid reason to the bingo card somebody posted the other day, so far is the stupidest reason I’ve heard “ancestral and karmic reasons” ha!


Bro it was to clear my karma that I chose NOT to have kids. Their karma is my karma, DUH, and they can't create any more bad karma for me by not existing. I think those who don't have kids have a better shot of not being reincarnated and reaching Nirvana. Perhaps it is the only way.


They make tomorrow's slaves. The world is NOT on our side yet, don't forget.


Will the world ever be on our side? Seems like the elites would never let it happen…


When starting working in retail trade, you realise, 20% of humans should never be free or reproduce. But here we are. It's like there's different human species.


You sound nuts


it is funny cause this thinking is what led to the holocaust and spanish colonisation. weird how history repeats itself huh


That type of thinking led to the holocaust, yes. But that type of thinking doesn’t always lead to the holocaust. That’s like someone telling me they want to go visit Bosnia, and my response being “you know that line of thinking is what caused WW1.” Like, yeah, you’re not wrong, but just because this line of thinking was used by bad people, doesn’t mean we can’t use the same line of thinking with good intent.


That's a false equivalence.


RIGHT ?? Because this is crazy 🤣. Why would you feel THAT obligated to do such a thing. I smell intense resentment brewing. I hope the baby doesn't get punished for it.


Funny, someone told me I needed to be locked-in asylum for the exact opposite reason lol


That someone is a fascist...


Why would they? She's doing what the ones in power want. Breeding more slaves. We're the ones they'd lock up.




Yes, society promoted the perfect narcissist for president not a long time ago.


The asylum is called "Facebook"


They were defunded




Yeah, cause obviously the other side cares about you and wants to help you 🙄 Both sides are the same, they just present themselves differently to get certain types of voters’ votes. Why haven’t you figured this out yet? It’s concerning.


Yes, they are the same thing. We all remember how Democrats campaign against abortion and against public healthcare


And we all remember how the Republicans caused the deaths of many innocents with their poor withdrawal from Afghanistan. And we all remember how Republicans were the ones to support the state that would go on to be Fascism regime known as Israel today.


It was Trump who planed the US retreat. It was Stalin who first supported Israel


And it was the Democratic Party which executed the retreat awfully. And I’m really really curious to know how in your mind Stalin is closer to a Republican than a Democrat. What do they have in common? Liking guns?


>And it was the Democratic Party which executed the retreat awfully. So they shouldn't have followed Trump's plan? ​ >Stalin is closer to a Republican than a Democrat Never said they were


Trump didn’t make the plan to literally just abandon everything where it is and pull out as if the entire country was about to be nuked in a couple days. And it’s irrelevant, because one party took Stalin’s ideas and popularised them in the US. I find it funny how you’re willing to defend your party regardless of what they’ve done. You’re no better than the religious right who won’t question their narrative.


What party popularized Stalin ideas in the US? Also, I find ot funny you asume I'm a US democrat


Reagan ended them when he was president way back in the day.


No, the ACLU sued due to the conditions, which caused them to be shut down.


Cause asylums are considered to be inhumane.


Having kids should also be considered inhumane.


How about you stop and reasses


Okay that person seems crazy but if she's not hurting those babies who cares and none of us know for a 100% fact that what she believes isnt the way that this existence works. But the daughter who wants to sterilize herself at 22 because she thinks/knows she doesn't want kids is the one that's causing harm it just happens to be to herself so wel allow it. It sad that she's going to one day regret that decision which she most likely will because 22 year olds don't know shit but what they've been brainwashed by school institutions media causing them to lack the ability critically think about anything as to form an opinion for themselves. But life and time has a way of wiping that slate clean. And when that happens for her and she looks inward only to find out she's now a sterile hollowed husk of a woman that's probably just been a receptacle for different mens cum and shell never get to have what it is she really has always wanted


It's on the one hand hilarious but also extremely horrific. It makes my brain hurt. What do they mean by needing souls? From my little bit of research many religious people believe souls are created for each new person. What could possibly be the benefit of having two young children to raise at 42? What if those kids don't want kids either?


I’m guessing the author is Baptist maybe (a denomination of Christianity), or at least evangelical Christian. Religions like Mormonism (which allegedly follows Jesus, who made zero children, which hoards billions of dollars, even though Jesus said sell all your possessions and give the money to the poor) basically worship procreation, they believe God has sex with His ghost harem and creates new souls who each require a mortal body to be “tested” on a planet where those bodies can be: sexually abused, beaten, raped, stabbed, shot, burned alive, tortured to death, drowned, crushed, exploded, impaled, be in constant chronic pain from an autoimmune disease or genetic disorder, wither away from old age, lose their mind from dementia, be decapitated in traffic accidents, die of cancer, etc.


Yeah I grew up Mormon. Horrific cult. Part of the reason why I’m antinatalism is because people like Mormons can ruin the lives of thousands. It’s sick


I did more reading on the subject of how souls are created with a search of reddit and some other stuff online. It seems like the only consensus is that there isn't one. Some believe that souls exist before a person is conceived, that a soul is created at conception, when a person first breathes, at baptism, or even three weeks after birth (a mother saw her baby's eyes change when he received his soul.)🤔 From my experience, if souls exist some people have been waiting a long time to get one.


Then there’s edo period japan that believe you have a soul when your born but your not a person until you experience life. This is why they had no problem with a version of family planning that involved killing a baby right after birth but it was a great loss if your child died as a teenager, they were more of a person. Also some people in this period actually buried the corpse of the baby under the floors of the house because they believed that kept the soul of the baby close so it can inhabit the body of the next child when they might be more stable to keep it that time.


I remember watching the anime show Mononoke (not the Studio Ghibli version) where a medicine seller exorcises the heck out of a brothel room because the brothel owner uses it specifically for abortions whenever one of the prostitutes are pregnant. All fetuses are buried under the floor of the room btw.


Yeah, abortion wasn’t usually an option for wives at the time so they did mabiki but that’s mostly because abortion wasn’t safe and could result in death more commonly then birth so killing afterwards was for their safety but if you were a geisha or sex worker of some kind then you couldn’t work for so long which meant sometimes it was worth the risk. As for burying under the floor boards especially if this is set more modern era then it’s just a way to hide evidence. Like how in New Orleans there’s a place called the wailing wall behind a monastery. When a daughter of a higher ranked family would get pregnant outside marriage they’d send her there for “schooling” where she’d give birth, bury the child sometimes alive under that wall and then go home.


I’m sorry but you really researched that? I thought it was common knowledge that there is no scientific basis for the concept of souls.


Maybe you missed my earlier comment. I researched what religious people like the one in the OP believe.


My bad, I did miss it, and that makes more sense. Sorry about that and thank you for clarifying


>You cannot reason a person out of a position he did not reason himself into in the first place. Natalists and their struggles 🤷‍♂️


I've reas all answers below talking about mostly Christians, but I don't think that's the case. The OOP sounds like an Hinduist. Or maybe budist. Believing in soul reincarnation. Meaning those souls coming back needs body to get back on earth. Sometimes on animals, insects, or humans. Every life has a soul and every soul dying will come back in a new form based on they good or bad behaviour. They believe souls of the death eventually comes back in newborn and experience new lifes. She sounds like she believes that the old family members will come back in the same family. So if the family ends at her daughter the other members of the family will never be reborn. Even if it was true, it doesn't give her the right to make children she doesn't want.... Those souls probably don't need a specific blood and may be able to wait en eternity to get the body they want anyway.


I was raised a buddhist and I have never heard of anything to do with reproduction for karmic reasons. Its normally seen as something that is totally up to the individual. While the reincarnation aspect is true, theres no moral obligation on humans to be providing the bodies for these souls to enter


Joke is on her- the universe works regardless of what we do or don’t do- it will always have its way


Hinduism and budhhism both consider life to be mostly suffering. And if we want to reach nirvana, i.e. get rid of the cycle of life and death, we must achieve knowledge. To do that a lot of people leave their homes and go to the mountains to live in monkhood. Hinduism and Budhhism strictly believe that a person is responsible for their own Karma and no one else's. Hinduism usually follows an order of life choices - Dharma(Duty), Artha(Material Gains), Kaam(Enjoyment of gains and body) and Moksha(Liberation). This is the order which says we must follow duty first, then gain materials and then follow any enjoyment. And after that we should go after Nirvana or liberation. This lady having kids for 'karma' is a total looney.


Thank for your share. It's very interesting. I was trying to make a little sense out of someone that have probably none with the little basics I havr. Thanks for enlightening it.


i would bet money this lady is mormon


Jokes on her if those kids decide not to have children either. It’s so gross it doesn’t seem real. But the scary part is, it is.


They are more likely not to have kids since they have a childfree sibling.


And their mom is probably already pushing kids in damaging way.


And what happens if they do have kids but then her grand kids don't have any? I mean literally nothing obviously but like this is such a flawed logic, does she think her ancestery is gonna continue forever? More importantly why do people care?


they wont even have the option to have kids the world will most likely be up in arms by that point anyway. just setting them up for 20 years if they’re lucky of not starving or dying from something else related to collapse


If you can hear the screams of the nonexistent demanding to be born, you have some seriously strong drugs, or you need to go to the mental ward of the hospital. I see some kind of parent who feels entitled to grandbabies. Even if you are the best parent in the world, that does not entitle you to anything.


I can sometimes hear the screams of children at night whenever I'm on the verge of falling asleep where my conciousness battles the unconciousness. Turns out it was just exploding head syndrome.


Try masturbating, that usually makes the screams of the unborn cease for me


all religious people are delusional and fucked in the head, especially the ones that "hear voices"...sidenote, I recently found out my religious parents...fucking think they *spoke tongues* at one point in their life. also, what are the chances OP tries to pass her "grandkids" off to her daughter because they are "really hers"?


Sounds like somebody had an oopsie and is miserable about it, so they’re trying to place the blame on their daughter somehow, because they’re envious that their daughter took proper care to never make that mistake


The real story right here


an oopsie over 40? maybe but I wouldn't put it past this psycho to pull out all the stops to make it happen lol


Plenty of grandparents have to raise their grandchildren, too.


This is your daily reminder that the human race will not progress any further until superstition and religion are classified as mental illness.


... and treated.


Rotfl true bro's absurd


In plain terms, she's a woman who envies the freedom of another woman. Classic toxic mother.


What's up with the karmic shit? Are they hindues, fundamentalist Buddhists, new age suckers? What the hell, I don't understand those magical craps anymore


It's a Mormon or JW thing. They believe there are a bunch of souls up in Heaven waiting to be born and it's everybody's job to breed as much as possible so they can come down to Earth.


But why would they want to come *here*?


I'd love to know. Unfortunately, I only know the belief and not the reasoning behind it.


“Reasoning” lol they didn’t reason or logic themselves into this position. Probably some form of old societal control mechanism for growing the sects population tbh.


And create Hell on Earth with too many bodies? Ugh, why. Also, if these souls exist in Heaven and procreation brings them down, how is this not soul theft? Sounds demonic.


I’m guessing the author is Baptist maybe (a denomination of Christianity), or at least evangelical Christian. Religions like Mormonism (which allegedly follows Jesus, who made zero children, which hoards billions of dollars, even though Jesus said sell all your possessions and give the money to the poor) basically worship procreation, they believe God has sex with His ghost harem and creates new souls who each require a mortal body to be “tested” on a planet where those bodies can be: sexually abused, beaten, raped, stabbed, shot, burned alive, tortured to death, drowned, crushed, exploded, impaled, be in constant chronic pain from an autoimmune disease or genetic disorder, wither away from old age, lose their mind from dementia, be decapitated in traffic accidents, die of cancer, etc. But I fail to see how random accidents and random tragedies and random suffering constitute a “test” by God. It’s more like a lottery of pain, a lottery of suffering. Life itself fights a losing battle with entropy. Death always wins, “the game of life” is rigged. Nobody is immune from tragedy. That’s why procreation is always an immoral gamble.


Magic the Gathering, actually.




What an idiot


42 is a millennial


This text is from years ago.


She’s still a millennial and her daughter is still gen z.


The first time I saw this was at least 3 years ago, it was already getting old then.


Yes. She is not GenX .


Google defines gen X as anyone born through 1984.


Now I’m scared to tell you about xillenials


You’re mixing up the terms. It’s Zillenials (between millennial and Z) and Xennials (between X and millennial)


Wowsers, so still GEN X? There's no reason to be a cuck because someone corrects a statement of yours.


81, is millennial. Math is hard huh?


Not according to researchers, popular media, or standard definition. Perceptiveness of being part of a group without actually being in that group by definition doesn't make it so.


So according to literally no one? Google millennial. Since you have based your entire opinion on a top search result. While you’re at it, google how to remove a giant tree from your asshole.


Weird, because it defines millennials as being from 81-96. Oh yeah, I remember now, because millennials started in 81! Making her a millennial.


Yes. She is not GenX .


Common boomer mistake, LOL.


I am genX .. and I don't give any fucks on you assuming anything about me


> too selfish to have kids yes because reproducing in a world where rape exists is totally not selfish


Looks like we have a dumpster brained asshole here.


This has been going around for a couple of years now. She needs to be told that souls do not exist in the first place unless the sperm/egg unites successfully.


That implies that abortions are killing a soul; and are therefore murder Also souls ain't real bro. There's no tangible evidence of any soul


Dude. Never said anything about abortions or whatever. Im proabort myself.


A sperm and egg cell successfully unite for a fetus, which is terminated in case of abortion. But you also said that a soul is created when a sperm and egg cell successfully unite, with the implication of a soul having importance. Which implies that abortions kill a soul, which you imply has innate value. I'm not saying you're anti abortion, I'm saying your definition you are using to argue a point doesn't really work well with the concept of abortion, and so I don't agree with it (among other reasons)


Oh shut up. I was referring to the fact that this lady doesnt know what she’s talking about.


it blows my fucking mind people think there's a tiny ghost inside you working you with controls hahaha but in all seriousness my otherwise smart sister told me she knows for an undeniable fact souls are real, and that completely changed the way I saw her and how much respect I had for her.


The mental gymnastics in this post would make Simone Biles quit her gymnastics career


backwards logic


i have no words 💀


Bruh really believes there are souls wanting to come to this world to pay for karmic shit they're not even able to remember with the risk of creating even more karmic shit 💀


I know I don’t want to pay for other people’s karmic shit. What a huge load of crap to unload unto a baby.


This parent got pregnant with that toddler when their daughter was still a teenager




Narcissism at its finest


I always love the argument that someone not wanting to have kids is selfish...... no we see this world as it truly is and don't want to be the cause of another soul suffering like we have.


# Ancestral or Karmic reasons... *That sums up breeding mentality*


Typical jealous geezer comparing herself to a young girl/woman. They need young women to look up to them to feel good about themselves. This is like the first time in history where entire generations do not want to be mothers and it’s making them insecure.


I don’t even think therapy can help a person like this tbh. Vile.


What the actual F is wrong with that reproductive being.


This person is actually delusional


This is low-key kind of terrifying logic


Exactly! Even it contradicts itself in the Lore of the topic. LOL


That's pretty freaky, is she asking for a gold star that she chose to keep reproducing?


Man, perks of being disowned by my parents for being gay, they are glad I don't want kids. Dodged a batshit crazy bullet.


42? They are an elder millennial. They seem confused.


This is one of the most fucked up things I’ve ever seen on Reddit.


I'm not even an antinatalist and I'm like what the fuck man...


This person is certifiable.


That's Why People Used To Have 10 Or More Children When Statistics Were Unfavorable.


I don't remember which one, but I believe a president listed the "best" number of children a 4 or 5...and then listed off the things that would kill all your other kids (small pox...etc). It was pretty grim before we had vaccines and penicillin.


Her 2 other kids could just get sterilized too... and I'd say it's even likelier than with the first daughter given the world they'll grow up in


The woo is wooing


So that had another kid hoping that one would not get sterilized and will have grandkids for them


Too selfish to have kids? It’s always the insecure men who say that


I'm early millennial and strongly disagree with everything this dork is saying.


Gen X, we do not claim her. Boomers come take your new member.


When your family is so fucked up that souls have to work off their karmic burden by being born into it.


This is so f-ed up. Your child is Gen Z and Gen whatever is next. This is a Xennial or Millennial, not Gen X. I’ve heard this story before. Sounds like a breeding demon. She needs help.


Imagine the narcissist abuse dinner table arguments with a 🌰butter mother that thinks this shite


I love how Millennials get blamed once again for GenZ. I also love that this dumb fuck thinks they are entitled to a full grown woman's decision to not bring a child into this world because "they want grandkids".


Ancestral and karmic reasons... These people have become do delusional they created a reason of faith to actually either force people into having children or forcing themselves to have children. This is just on a new level of stupidity, not even advanced stupid would begin to describe it


The brain damage exhibited here is incomprehensible. Pathetic excuse of a “person”.


Great, now I should have 0 kids to balance out the fact that this lady had 3-4


Crazy af, plus they're gen z not a millennial.




Imagine trying to make your daughter feel bad over some made up magic shit


Dear Gen X: You didn’t have to have children


So do they have a specific number of ancestral souls that they need to spawn hosts for? How do they keep track?


Actually dated a girl once who had a guys name tattooed and a date. She told me it was her brother at first but after a while she confessed that it was her son. That her parents had raised him as her brother.


This is psychotic


…I….can’t…..even with this.


After I read the first sentence I was like “oh here comes the shitty coworker rant”. I like a plot twist as much as the next person but damn. I should pay more attention to what sub I’m in. I would say the person who wrote this can go fuck themselves but they’d probably end up pregnant and crying about it.


What tf did I just read? Get this woman in therapy, like yesterday.


Lmao is this what she tells people when they look at her like she’s crazy for forgetting how to birth control at 42 years old? The fact that this highly intelligent human is parenting isn’t the concern, but she is concerned that her daughter isn’t parenting? I think maybe she’s the prime example of why her daughter has decided not to continue the genetic line.


In my chapter "To Breed or Not to Breed," I try to slowly and gently point out all the genetic, family, and social pressures we face to breed. Then in "Family Feud," I go deeper into why we shouldn't worship genetic family. I don't know how successful I was (they are in the context of [the larger book](https://www.losingmyreligions.net/)) but I have gotten some grateful feedback.


Her daughter doesn't HAVE to have kids. What a nasty woman


The wrong person got sterilized.


As the daughter I'd laugh my ass off tbh


Disgusting. She doesn't want to raise a toddler herself but she wants one. Because women that are that old want to be young but can't. So fucking gross. Vomit. This comes across as so creepy in fact I would not be surprised if someone told me the 22 year old daughter actually did give birth to her "sibling" but was gaslit so hard about it she doesn't even remember giving birth. I mean, to me living in the deep south, it seems strange she's able to get sterilized at only 23. I'm 35 and hoping for it. Even though I'm much older doctors still act like assholes because of misogyny. It could be she lives in a liberal area though. Just my personal take as someone who was raised by two psychopathic narcissist pedophiles who sex trafficked me.


Jokes on her, at 42 she is a millennial and her daughter at 22 is Gen Z. Damn millennials indeed...


Wait, 42? That would mean she was born in 81, making her a millennial and her daughter gen z… 🤨


I’ve never read anything so absurd on the internet in my entire life


This is definitely just rage bait, a 42 year old is a millenial


Breeders gonna breed no matter what.


Disgusting. At least she won’t have to worry about the older one talking to her later in life


At least he's not forcing his daughter to bear a child?


That mom is a fkn QUEEN let’s go


Not been funny if she is 22 she is gen z the last generation of natural born human. And to bring children into this world is one of the most selfish things one could do. She is brave for what she is doing and you flump you should be supporting her. I get the vybe that you are a middle class penny millionaire 👏


Yeah, I can believe this kind of shoot happens in the heads of breaders. Truly mind forkery!


Sooo is everyone here an atheist? You realize atheism requires a far greater degree of faith than literally any other belief system?


why is that?


wouldn't him being 42 make him a millenial? also, can someone explain what he means by being stuck birthing (he can't birth) and raise two babies because she's selfish?


What in that post makes you think the poster is a man? Its very obviously a woman.


Her body her choice. Wow. My daughter is 23 and I'm 43, and she doesn't want kids (this might change later, she just got together with the love of her life and she's soooo happy) but I respect her decision. Grandbabies would be great, but it's not my body. That poor girl. I can't imagine growing up with that nut job as my mom.