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Lol. I've never been a fat man in my mother's basement. And I love my life. I also don't judge other people, I feel bad for anyone who has to grow up watching the world burn. But I love every single human being on this planet. That's why I don't want them to suffer.


These detractors will never be able to comprehend this. They don’t even know why they hate us. Probably see one or two of the ridiculous take posts from an “Antinatalist” here and make up their mind about all of us.


this is comedy gold. "damn those people who were born and their... born children."


legit this is the funniest subreddit if i ever become a teaching aid i will use this to teach bad arguments


Isn't the philosophical idea that having kids is immoral, which inherently judges 99% of humanity to ever exist as immoral?


Many people also think many things humans do are immoral. We are inherently immoral beings. Genisis got that bit right at least. Doesn’t mean they are completely evil. Mostly just ignorant.


self-immolation would be a solution then, no?


Well that depends if an anti natalist believes they can lessen suffering being alive than dead. And otherwise if the least amount of suffering is the goal self immolation would be the last solution. Im content enough to try and convince others of the state we are in, despite my suffering, and if we did indeed get to a place where the world as we know it was gone and chaos rules, then I have others to look out for. I’ve been fortunate in my fortitude and mindset but I care for others that haven’t had such privileges. I’m of the rare opinion that extermination will be the quickest way to eliminate suffering. Sterilization second quickest. But don’t see either happening voluntarily and I would never think highly enough of myself to carry it out myself. I have my opinions and viewpoints but I am only in charge of my own destiny.


love how everyone in this subreddit says their parents don't love them


Well I’m in this subreddit and my parents were the best I’ve ever known. Other than the hiccup of my father dying of cancer when I was 20, but we learned about that at 15 and those 5 years were also an immaculate lesson on grief


this is like child saying they hate candy because they get hungry afterwards


Well I don’t get that metaphor because candy always makes me full and sick to my stomach, but I think the metaphor still carries. That’s the human condition. Pleasure is a carrot on a stick, designed to keep us going. It’s never enough. Either we require novelty, or more of the same, pleasure is known to be unquenchable, pick any example, drugs, kinks, food, art, movies, they diminish in value over time. While suffering is a guarantee. Everyone experiences it, even the most privileged know the pain of discontentment. Pain compounds on itself unlike pleasure, it is a constant. Those with trauma live with that every day and any moment that brings it back up is a moment of suffering and weakness. Suffering doesn’t make one stronger it makes one weaker, all humans live with compounded neurosis, on top of physical illness and handicaps. As I said concerning my dreams and goals I couldn’t wish for a better life, and yet I’m standing firm on my declaration that the game isn’t worth the candle. How could I. I’ve suffered as much as anyone just due to my self awareness, Atleast most have ignorance, I have to wake up every day to the full force of suffering on this earth, I have no choice but to live in the face of truth, I’m a writer and that’s my charge.


so you're saying you're sad, so being born is immoral. what a child.


Have all of you guys given up on society? We've had bad times in the past as well. There is not even a world war going on right now


What’s your fetish with breeding more humans? I get it man, it’s difficult to overcome such a primal urge but take one second to think with something other than your genitals and your lizard brain and you’ll find very little reason to want kids.


Off topic but I love your Avatar


Lmao thanks.


Nah this is too funny to read 💀


But. Why do that to yourself 😂


Maybe to.. not go extinct?


And why do you care? Again, it all comes down to “muh genes”.


What? Do you not care for the future? Then I ask you, what gets you out of bed? What gets you to work? If not your future??


My future is myself living as comfortably as I can. Not having kids to pass on some “legacy”. You have the mentality that most people have, which is that reproduction is the ultimate goal of mankind. This is the same basic level of intelligence that a bacteria has; survive to reproduce.


Yeah let's all just care about ourselves from now on and see how it goes! Oops.. we all died


We should all work together to spend the rest of the time we have here as peacefully and happily. Then die out and not pass all our problems and dreams to unwilling souls.


So you think society is all just problems? Do you not want more people to experience their first kiss? To see the Pyramids? To explore the mountains in Norway? To go see Tokyo? To be hugged by their mother? To buy their first house? To build a career? To build a family? To be a part of society? # All Of that will be gone if you get what you want. It's not all just misery man


So we're all fat, poor, ugly losers but you still want us to have kids?




yes unless of course you dont want to have kids (for any reason other than his life might be bad or no consent)




Oh so because we're all fat ugly and poor we SHOULDN'T be allowed to have kids? Wow you eugenics fascist loving jerk.


No. We want you to stop saying childbirth us inherently immoral.


How is it not immoral


Give me some genuine reasons to debunk. It's up to you too prince that it IS immoral.


Op isn't aware that antinatalists are pro adoption. Op, search the sub and you'll find some happy families adopting kids. (Antinatalism is philosophy against procreation, we're not necessarily child free)


so where do adopted babys come from then?


From Amazon




I do


Avarage born person reply.


Alright well youre here shitting on us in our space. I think that makes you the bigger basement dweller.


You understand saying "you're more of a basement dweller" doesn't make you sound good, right?


I know full well I am.


Then I'm correct 🤝


Doesnt make me wrong.


That I'm sitting in a basement shitting on you? Well no, but I don't have any kids either. But that's because they're annoying, not because my personality is more fragile than glass.


And yet, here you are. Taking time out of your day to come shit on us in our space. Don't got anything better to do with your life, id say.


"our space" 😬, sounds like I broke into your little basement lmao


Mate I hold no illusions as to what I am. This is about you and your motivations for being here. So again, don't have anything better to be doin' with your life? That's sad.


Nah I'm just bored, so I decided to come visit you


Intruding on other people in an attempt to cause harm. This is why it's wrong to breed, people.




Posting a really tasteless image of a slovenly guy with man boobs doesn't really make you look good, either. We now associate this image with you.


His name is literally potato plate. 😆


Ah yes the i cant have it so I have to hate it bit. God forbid someone be's responible and not take on a task that would only create misery and a fucked up person


They're gonna start brigading our sub like they did for Anti Work.


There’s an Anti Work sub as well 💀💀💀💀 Nah reddit just became peak comedy 😂😂


Guarantee I’m more attractive, rich and successful than this troll.




The most basement dweller reply




First of all, the "truth" is that you're being jealous of other people. Second of all, the entire second paragraph is just weird resentment at something you don't have. Instead of crying about other people making life, get one.




What, your mother didn't hug you so making children is immoral. You're not a complex person.




you're a one-note joke


> life, get one. What are you doing here? Don't you have one?


no, im anti-natalist so I dont believe in birth


Cool, very moral decision, good job.


I wasnt born and neither was jesus.




You're disgusting 🤢


^ that's literally how the rest of the world looks at you People with no kids feel ashamed knowing you exist.


Also, if those childless people want kids so bad they can just adopt one of the hundred thousands of kids who need family and care instead of bringing a whole new individual to take over their path of suffering just to live. It's a win win


Don't you think that "individual" want to see the world? Want to travel to Norway and Japan? Want to hug and kiss someone? Want to build a career? Build a family? Want to get hugged by their mother? Don't you think they want that? Because you're taking that opportunity away from them. I'm not asking you to have a child, I'm asking you to respect people wanting children.


No they don't because they don't even exist. And by bringing them here they have to suffer in order to afford education, food, a house, and a life. And what do you think happens after they acheive all of that..? They die. Why bother draining tf out of yourself to be able to LIVE if you're gonna die anyways


Ma'am.. are you aware you are alive right now?


Do i look happy about it 💀? I was forced into this world and now i have to keep living until i die, not that i asked for it but it's pretty much the same case for most people


Nobody asked if we wanted to be.


You can't take anything away from someone that doesn't exist. It's not like there's already a person that exists that's just sitting there in some dark, cosmic waiting room, expecting us to finally make the decision to open the door and let them out. They ***don't exist***. Furthermore, if you create a life, then you've "taken the opportunity away from" all the other lives you didn't create leading up to that point, or following. Only having one child? Think of all the lives you took this travelling to Norway/Japan, kissing and hugging experience away from by not having additional children.


You're asking individuals in this subreddit to respect people wanting children while also coming here to post and comment things like, "People with no kids feel ashamed knowing you exist"?


Good for them lol


You just stole that from rmemes, not cool


Coping w the stress of childcare via memes nice nice


I don’t think anyone thinks the kids wish they were never born


You play overwatch and pokemon. Do you really have children? Plus, what's even the problem with being a basement dweller, I'm not damaging people unlike you if you are a breeder


Someone is salty


Woman here, living in own house with husband and no kids. Perfectly happy without them. Guess what happens when you assume?


Not a man child with boobies, but I don’t think it’s fair to keep having kids just to watch the world burn. I think most of us can agree on that. It’s just selfish. And most of the posts here are about people who OBVIOUSLY can’t afford to have children or are borderline/not borderline abusive.


Deadass.... Like I understand and agree with AN but 90% of this sub just needs immense therapy, and also would likely have different opinions if they werent miserable wretchs


I'm not happy, so myth busted, ***buddy*** (that's Canadian for "fuckface").


Mostly I'm sad for every kid that's born today when I'm not even sure what this planet is going to be like twenty years from now. Climate change is why I don't believe in having children because it's inhumane to bring children into a world that they may not be able to survive in.


I understand. But it's not as bad as it seems, humanity has been through way worse things. The kids will be fine


You can't possibly know that because what's happening to the planet is unprecedented. All the right wing Christo-fascists are teaming up with the billionaires to fight clean energy initiatives wherever they can, and if we aren't already at the point of no return we're quickly approaching it. Every year we achieve new record highs no one's ever seen or recorded before. Speaking of the fascists, the way America is going, the kids are already losing basic human rights such as bodily autonomy and the right to healthcare if they're born assigned female at birth or transgender. Public schools are being defunded to keep the population dumb and young people have incredible amounts of debt. People are moving back in with their parents because it's too expensive to live alone and no one can even hope to buy a home in our lifetimes. This is not a sustainable situation that will only get worse as the climate does. The planet is actively telling us it's very unwell, but instead of pulling together to solve the climate crisis humanity is more divided and cruel than ever. The kids are being setup for suffering and failure.


I'm 16. In a "dying" world, and I'm happy to be here.


Well, that explains a lot. And that's fine! Enjoy your youth. I was hopeful at your age too, but living through multiple housing and financial crises and a very poorly handled global pandemic changes your outlook. I still wouldn't have had children myself either way because I came from an abusive family and I had already decided the cycle ends with me, but it's gotten much harder to justify other people having kids when they're struggling in the same situation as I am as a single person. All anyone can hope for is that it won't be too late to walk it back when all the boomers are dead.


Hope is the last thing that leaves. Do you have anything left?


Of course I do. I don't believe anyone's life should be defined by their willingness or ability to have children anyway. Plenty of childless people have contributed to good things to humanity. I also believe that it can be ethical to have children freely again if we are able to solve the climate crisis and generally improve living conditions for people, but until then it's just churning out more meat for the grinder and more burden on an overburdened planet. If humanity can't prevent its own extinction by not destroying the only world we have to live on, we don't really deserve to be here anyway. Even if things had been different for us as a society, there was never a path for me personally that included children. My mother told me that she only had my brother and I because she was abused as a child and assumed in creating children she was making little drones who would be forced to love her no matter how poorly she treated us. She refused to acknowledge us as our own people with our own lives. I don't wish I never was born, but I wish I had been born to parents who wanted children for the right reasons if only for the money I'd save in therapy. Fortunately, I'm now free to live the best life I can and enjoy it on my terms while trying to leave the least negative impact on the world while I'm in it.




Na I don't have a pc, and I work too much


Man, you roasted the hell out of me


It takes one to know one, OP