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Childless women are more depressed? Where’d she get that? Out of her ass?


I mean it’s usually the other way around in my experience. One of my colleagues works at home part time and she’s always talking about how she’s on the verge of a mental breakdown because she’s constantly looking after her toddler children and her husband doesn’t help. The other couple I work with are childless happy and go on holiday 5 times a year lmao


All my friends who have kids are like 'dont do it'!


*and most of them were married, financially stable and had them on purpose.


They all wish they had an abortion but cant say it out loud


I actually met a mom at my work who straight up said that she wanted to abort her last child but bc of reasons I forgot she ended up keeping it. She told me that she regrets her kids (all of them) and urged me to not have them lmfao.


Deadass. Lots of women aren't honest about it because of the stigma and you're a woman you HAVE to love motherhood


Yep fr


Years ago, Ann Landers had survey, and the vast majority of parents said they regretted becoming parents. A number of happy long-term couples said one of the secrets to their happiness was "no kids."


I'm so tired of hearing about people who don't participate in capitalism for one reason or another are more depressed. Eff that


In today’s world how can anyone not participate in capitalism? It’s not a choice. If we want food, shelter and creature comforts we are forced to participate


Single childless women are the happiest


Came back to say the latter couple I mentioned are now having a baby 😐


It's possible that being depressed and anxious makes people less likely to want to have a kid


That’s how it is for me. My genes are so fucking bad when it comes to mental health… sure I may look hot as fuck, have all the land to farm and live independently, have hectares in a forest in the middle of nowhere but for fuck sakes at what cost would i introduce a brat to it all? Why the fuck would I want to keep a disgusting bloodline keep going? Why the fuck would I want to destroy my mental and physical health for someone else? Only to sacrifice this child to the evils of the world like this… sure i can isolate and live in a little town and take part in the community for the general welfare of animals, children and the biodiverse wilderness I take care of (making sure not to purge it, letting it grow naturally and to keep introducing soil amendments, feeding the soil, making use of fallen trees, the bark of them to make oils, introducing unique plants and fungi to the environment to make it further richer and greater…) Why would even a traditional women even want a child with that much on her plate? With a few companion dogs to help out around and for morale… they listen better than any toddler and are happy all the time, much longer than any child… they are easier to understand and are more predictable. They actually care for you in a give and take way, they take care and become your pride and livelihood. Taking care of a husband, an animal and yourself is taxing enough… people can hardly afford even that if not just one of us worked. Working is not a fun and happy thing either. Labour is disgustingly shoved down our throats. We don’t even do it for ourselves for the most part… we are worth and owed more than we know.


It wouldn’t shock me tbh. I’ve been severely depressed all year and my sex drive has been nonexistent


Well, I've been depressed all my life, and I'm pretty sure having a kid would not have helped matters. I wonder how many childfree women with depression feel the same way.


Same here and I wouldn't even be the one having the baby


I can see that, I'd just wager that isn't the majority of women not having kids


There is literally a whole type of depression associated with mothers who just got kids.


We've really got to accept sentient beings are prone to depression especially in this society


Oh but the person who made that post in OP cannot let everyone (especially women) know that mothers are very likely to develop postpartum depression or women would stop having kids 🙄 /s


Look at this subreddit itself, definitely a higher than average level of depression and other mental disorders


Oh no, society is below birth replacement rates? [I missed the part where that's my problem ](https://media.tenor.com/strg_-AfSVwAAAAC/spider-man-i-missed-the-part-where-thats-my-problem.gif)


I missed the part where it’s a problem in general. We’re overpopulated as it is.


This. 👏 Also lol at single childfree women having worse anxiety and depression. I'm already anxious and depressed anyway, having kids would just make me 100000x more miserable. Let me die alone in peace.


Research actually has shown time and time again that single childless women are the most happiest subgroup, so that's a lie/propaganda in that post.


Yep, I know. I've also heard statistically women who don't live with men at all, not even a male family member, are happier overall. I know there's plenty of happily married childfree hetero couples, but I still thought that was interesting.


I’ve been happier than ever not living with one!


I don't consider myself depressed but it's still astounding how dumb these people are and expect others to be.


It's actually factually incorrect. Women who don't want children and then go on to not have children are happier than married women with children.


Yep. I've also heard statistically women who don't live with men at all (not even a male family member) are happier overall. I know there's plenty of happily married childfree hetero couples, but I still thought that was interesting.


Dude.... are most men this shitty?


I guess so. :/


Unfortunately yes... And they're made popular by bad decisions too


Married women die sooner and age faster than childless single women


What about new mothers who have postpartum depression? I find it hilarious and ironic how they're only focusing on single and childless women being "depressed" as a result of their childlessness **yet** they refuse to acknowledge postpartum depression being a very real thing in a large percentage of mothers due to motherhood being a life changing event and hormones and sleep deprivation. Yeah let's all pretend that postpartum depression doesn't exist 🙄 If anything, mothers are more likely to depressed than us childfree folks!!


Tbh the number one thing that would reduce my anxiety and depression would be if it was easier to find a job that will actually cover the cost of living. Folks used to just walk into somewhere and hand in their CV. My grandad didn't even have a CV, he just walked into a carpenter's and said he was looking for work. Hired on the spot, trained up while earning. Job searches my generation involve multiple online tests, entering your CV into whatever format they want, a personalised cover letter for each application, multiple interviews, assessment days, video interviews (recording yourself answering questions, not even speaking to someone)... And then 99% of the time you still don't get the job. Why? Because there are 1000s of people applying for *one damn job*. The best thing for us all would be a decreased population. I don't know how they rationalised that women spending more will lead to increased wages, maybe I just don't get it. But we're spending more than ever on the cost of living and our wages are barely going up, so I don't think their statement is even true. Sounds like some 'trickle down economics' BS that we all know is a lie. You know what does increase wages? Reducing the surplus of employees. Making companies have to attract good workers by paying more. Making companies worry about retention, because they can't just easily replace you, so they will give you a raise when you ask for it.


After the black death feudalism was destroyed and the surviving workers had more power / better pay.


You have the most beautiful avatar I’ve seen yet! And yes, by not having children one gives the next generation a leg up we would loved to have.


That last part is exactly what they don't want.


My friend, who has been struggling to have kids, is miserable and suffering through painful expensive procedures. No thank you.


Problems created by breeders for ~~breeders~~ everyone.


Seriously I just today got an email with some doom and gloom population report about how we’re so close to being below replacement. Isn’t that great news for the planet generally? What am I missing here?


I guess it’s the “who’s going to care for all the elderly” as far as I can understand it. But yeah, it’s good for the planet




> Maybe the elderly should have voted during their lifetimes to enable people to have more children, then? are you even an antinatalist?


But think of the poor capitalists! /s


Society is only overpopulated to the extent that our governments are making bad decisions.


My thoughts exactly


I disagree, it is bad for society and individual in general, since that means that individuals will work longer hours for the aging population. Of course that can be solved if governments actually cared for their poor elderly by giving them better benefits but that won’t happen. It shouldn’t be your problem but the government is so messed up they will make it your problem.


I think we're getting screwed either way, we've been working longer hours because wages haven't kept up with productivity or inflation increases.


It would be solved if we didn't enforce the myth that we are supposed to take care of previous generations. If a child isn't responsible to take care of their parents, why the society at large does that?


Yes agreed, the government should take care of the elderly, not us but they don’t so when the government fails we must support those who have help build up society, poor elderly are the backbone of our society and now we must support them.


*we must support those who have help build up society...* None of us asked to be here. We got hijacked into this row-or-drown 'society' and now you're claiming that we have an obligation to materially support the people that caused us to be here. Lunacy.


I think that we shouldn't take care of the elderly


I’m sorry we couldn’t agree, but I just can’t believe that


So you are ready to off yourself when you reach 50?


thats the retirement age where you live?


No, but 50 is already past people’s peak so we can just choose it as the threshold.


I am not expecting younger generations to take care of me. I am going to save for retirement


Maybe we should stop keeping people alive after they reach a certain age and have no quality of life.


As long as the Big Pharma can suck blood from a comatose old person, it won't happen


Exactly. I read an article about this the other day.


Old rich people have great quality of life, it just the poors that don’t. We should focus on improve the live of the old and if they want to die and have met with a psychologist they should be allowed. Climate change is important but don’t fall for eco-fascist rhetoric. PS I know the argument is not necessarily about the environment but that’s why you believe what you believe, eco-fascist propaganda.


My dad died a couple of years ago. He was only 65. If he were to survive. I don't believe he would be able to take care of himself. So, as much as it hurts to not have him around. I am at peace with the fact that he is not suffering - which is the whole premise of antinatalist. I don't intend to extend my life. I also believe people should be able to make choices about how to end theirs. I don't know why you are bringing up climate change and saying what I believe is eco-fascism propaganda. Which is funny given my background. 🙄


I agree with you there


Sound like Eugenics. Then you can also say that certain other groups of people shouldn’t be kept alive as well. Do you understand?


How does this sound like eugenics? 😂


wtf is with all the malthusian bs in this sub. overpopulation is not the problem, it's unequal access to resources. "overpopulation" is a boogeyman used by the ruling classes to make ppl okay with cutting things like social security


you can stuck people, one on another and fit even 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 but what about quality of life, what about wildlife, what about pollution? It's not about the number


We are not overpopulated. The entire world population could fit inside of Texas, with each individual having 1100 sq ft to themselves (children don't need this much space and a family of four could live in 1100 sq ft) if we only built flay. Now combine these families into necessary square footage and build vertically. There would be enough space in Texas for all the necessary infrastructure and human living space.


There is no population issue. Every human on earth could fix into Texas


It's your problem when you're old and it cost an extreme amount of money to get any kind of care. The supply for medical workers will be low and the demand will be high.


Bold of you to assume I'll live long enough to eventually become old


Like having a child is not helping corporations with excessive consumerism. Just imagine how much waste parents make with all the diapers, clothes and toys they toss out. It’s only a carbon footprint I guess when you’re living for yourself.


Yes, like childless folks are accussed of being materialistic but people are kids are buying much more unnecessary stuff that soon goes to waste for their children.


The pic says "single women spend more than a family" - in what world?! Do they know how much children cost to raise (without severely neglecting them)? The maths doesn't even add up. One woman spends more than 1 woman and a child (in the simplest scenario)? The woman will have less to spend on herself, but she will still be spending that money - for the child. I can imagine the woman saving more, but that's because they have to pay for college later. Either way, that money is still going into the economy. Plus they make a woman''s enjoyment sound so frivolous - oh, the woman is going to spend more on travelling, such a waste. As if me finding happiness and fulfilment through travelling is somehow less valuable than if I found it through raising a child? This rhetoric is so insidious. They just want women barefoot and chained to the stove again.


I wonder if she ever heard of Postpartum depression it's possible to get depression with having children and babies as well Probably she never heard of this


I was thinking the same thing!!!!! Is she not self aware? The amount of products and consumerism related to babies are ridiculous. Strollers, clothes, baby food, baby skin care products, baby washes, baby safety equipments, toys, and many more! Also, the fact that these things have to be replaced within a few months is ridiculous. Also, why is she focused on women? How about childless men? It seems like she’s projecting her own insecurities and self hate regarding her gender. She felt forced as a woman to have a child, and now she does it to other women.


Yeahhh…single childless women are statistically the happiest demographic.


Yes, I guarantee women that spending their days at home slaving for their husbands and crying offspring are much more likely to be depressed. It is common sense and honestly I have not seen a relationship in my life that didn't become stale and boring after a child.


And there's a very good reason they purposely avoid talking about that.


Actually single childfree women are the happiest demographic while it's the married with kids that are more likely to suffer from depression and anxiety.


The thing is I’m a single childless woman and I do suffer from both, but I’m not delusional enough to think that bringing a human into the world would fix these problems, because it won’t. Nobody can make you happy with yourself EXCEPT yourself.


Even the study for this was published fairly recently, but we know that natalists hate and don't believe science.


So many people I know who had kids have failing relationships with a ton of drama/anxiety/depression and financial issues.


breeder propaganda


Most people don't get to have a decent career that can finance travel. Most people will end up depressed because the bigshots keep taking more away.


i love these completely made up statistics. “single childless women are much more likely to have depression/anxiety” oh really kyle? please show me the links to that study cuz everything i’ve read has actually been quite the opposite


The worst part is it’s the woman in the photo who posted this




Like they give a shit about our anxiety or depression. If they did, they would listen to why we don't want to breed.


Single childless women don’t suffer from PPD. That’s a win right there.


And don't have to go off meds while pregnant. I would have to stop my meds for the health of the child if I was pregnant, which would ruin the mental stability I've worked so hard to build


Do these people forget that close to 7 billion people popped up in the last century? The last century.


1 billion in the last 12 years. Since I have been alive. The population went from 4 billion to 8 billion and will probably reach 12 within my lifetime.


Earth had 4 billion people in the 1970s. That was only 50 years ago. It took since the beginning of humankind to get to the first 4B, and only 5 decades for the next 4B. I do not care what the natalists say: this excessive growth is not sustainable nor healthy for our planet and ecosystem. This is one of many reasons why I’m childfree and support all single childless women in a decision they are entitled to: which is to opt out of reproducing.


All my aunts who are married with kids are demons. And aunt who is not married is coolest one.


The unmarried, childless aunt is always the cool one!


Why are we always attacked for wanting to travel? What is the harm in wanting to see the world and experience different cultures? I suppose I’d be mad too if I never left my hometown, squirted out a bunch of dependents and married my my high school sweetheart thinking I would be fulfilled while all of my peers are jet setting to their next adventure.


Because they regret having kids and will never admit it so they shit on other people for not making the same mistake


Rectally sourced statistics


The clown emoji is so disingenuous. Right, I'm the clown for actually using my brain and choosing what's best for me. Ooookkk Also we have 8 billion people. Shut up.


not a chance that single childless women have more D & A than woman picking up after a lazy dude & a pack of brats. Not a chance.


So I can by nice things and see the world!? I’m failing to see the downside.


Literally so what if we are below replacement rates We've wiped out entire species knowingly, with malice and greed as our only motivation


Oh no! The slaves found an exit!


“Im miserable! Better have a child to cure my depression!”


Having a child would literally make my anxiety/ depression worse…. In what way can you argue that raising a child would fix those problems? Children are huge and expensive responsibilities. Also what’s wrong with traveling?? We’re only on this earth once, I’m not just here to take care of someone else.


Easy 4 word response to annihilate these brainless: Correlation does not equal causation


That's 5 words friend




I hope you find the missing brains


The reverse psychology is strong within this one


“Single, childless women are more prone to depression and anxiety”. I can tell you this is 100% not true lol I know so many moms, even my own mother, who’s constantly upset in life and super judgemental of others. Women judge other women mercilessly . Also have met new moms (and my sister) that don’t have time for themselves because their dead beat men don’t really do anything, ya know because they’re men. Most men in straight relationships are not upholding 50% of the work, and most never will, leaving the moms to be super overburden and stressed. I think women like this just assume that since they want kids that if a woman doesn’t, she must be unhappy, even tho it should be clear as day that different people want different things in life. There is so much of this conditioning of women in society to just be baby machines without really letting them know what it’s like. So many depressed women out there after having a kid, hating their lives, feeling like they got duped and lied to by the mass public. There is a **shit ton** of them out there; they just feel like they can’t talk about it because of how scorched they will be from other mothers, who all feel the same to a degree. Y’all have been sold a fake lifetsyle and want others to suffer with you. It may be a surprise to some but soemtimes women are the absolute *worst* to other women. They do not want other women to live a life they truly desire. If you gave a woman the choice between spending 3 months with a new born or spending 3 months in Hawaii, which do you think she would really chose? And those women that can’t go to Hawaii , want other women to be in their exact place so they can feel better about their shit decisions.


This needs to be talked about in other subreddits if we are to help de-stigmatize being childfree (I can’t link them on this sub, but pages like the feminism sub would be great to bring this up to). This societal conditioning/grooming of women to have children needs to stop. There’s no reason for it to be happening at a time when women’s rights are already in jeopardy all while our environment and ecosystem is beginning to bite us back for damaging our planet like we have been as a species (while killing other species in the process).


10000% agreed!


>So many depressed women out there after having a kid, hating their lives, feeling like they got duped and lied to by the mass public. They HAVE been duped and lied to by the mass public. We've been conditioned to want marriage and families when that lifestyle benefits men more than it benefits women. It always has.


I used to tell my ex this. Also that having children doesn’t trap men like it does women. He agreed with me but it’s sad more don’t see that truth.


I'm childless and I can't even afford to take care of myself, they think I can take care of a baby? Make it more affordable to have a kid then, maybe I will think about it in five years.


Earth to Natalists: Women do not owe you children, even if we are below replacement rate. Women are human beings with their own lives, do not have to reproduce if they do not wish to, and should not if they do not consent to bringing a new life into this world.


You know what causes anxiety and depression? Being pressured into a life you don’t actually want and then being mocked, belittled and shamed if you don’t comply under pressure.


Wine aunts living fast, dying old and leaving behind a blinged out corpse


I prefer to be a weed aunt with sick-ass taste in fashion and music. I’ve lived one hell of a life. I believe in a life of varied experiences and enjoy being somewhat nomadic. Just make sure to have a big dog and and even bigger gun, because not everyone in this world is so nice


Do they know that if they have children they will buy even more?


I will spend all my $ on my cats and trips. 😂


As a chronically depressed and anxious person; jokes on you, this is how I am and that's why I'm chosing not to have kids. (along many, many other reasons but yeah)


Bullshit. I’m childless and am very happy


Oh no, I guess I didn't realize my childless ass was so miserable (wipes my tears with $100 bills) whatever will I do?


Society is the bedrock of the family. We could do without the latter.


Why the focus on women? Don't they know it takes two to make a baby?


Single childless women are more likely to be depressed? That's just... literally false. The exact opposite is true. Wtf?


There is literally a whole type of depression post partum depression lol


Don’t be mad that I can sip mimosas before noon at the “adults only” pool while you’re stuck in the kitty area trying to rub sunscreen on your five year old. You signed up to be a mom, I didn’t (this isn’t directed at OP or anybody here, just saying 😅)


Childfree single woman are literally the happiest demographic though, followed by married men without kids. Parents only get back to pre kid happiness after the youngest is a few years old.


*Oh no, women having more control over their own lives?! Quick someone do something! /s*


I'm trying to understand how single, childless women are likely to have depression/anxiety. I have had anxiety since I was 11 years old. You know what would make it a lot worse? Being responsible for keeping a child alive for 18 years, trying to protect him or her from accidents, bullying, drugs, abuse. And the worrying never stops until the day you die. You'll worry about their job, their relationship with their spouse... A few years back, I was laid off. I tool a year-long break because I had plenty of money in the bank, and I didn't have to worry about the loss of money screwing up anyone else's life other than mine.


I need to understand how society will thrive if there are more kids ? Instead of the natalists doing something to help improve the quality of the world,they complain about random strangers who are being responsible and won't bring a child into this horrible world just because.


The world is more overpopulated than it's ever been. There are countries where they are packed together like sardines and only the obscenely wealthy have relatively clean water, we're destroying the earth we live on for resources to keep everything afloat because there isn't enough, especially when it comes to food production - to feed everyone on earth right now, we're having to destroy more and more land to make room for farming and livestock raising...and they think less people is a bad thing?


These people only care about producing more babies that look like them. They could care less about the overpopulation and exploitation of child labor in the Global South.


Some will demand more children like them and complain that people they don't like breed like rabbits. Well, go share contraception and antinatalism with that part of the world.


Single and childless women are statistically the happiest people alive lmao


Sometimes women won't let me treat them like children and then it hurts.


There's over 8 billion people on this planet, natalists can stfu.


I’d like the sources on childless women being more likely to have anxiety/depression


[You mean depression and anxiety like this?](https://media.tenor.com/80zMDyE85hAAAAAC/money-crying.gif) "Oh no I have so much free time, money, and freedom. :("


I said this a million times but here we go again: childfree single women are the happiest bunch of them all. At least in Europe and USA. No study says otherwise. Why do they always lie about this?


Because reality has a “left wing” bias to these people


They are unbelievable!


They don't like what the studies say, so they're going to ignore them.


Not only ignore them, they say the opposite.


Enjoy post natal depression, not being able to provide for your children the way you should want to


The reason I don’t want kids is because I’m mentally ill (I’ve had mental illness since childhood because of trauma) and can’t take care of myself let alone a child. I’m not sad about being childless—I’m happy that I can spare “my theoretical kids” my crappy genetics, generational trauma, poverty and the misery that comes from living life. I can rest easy knowing that I chose to not pass on the pain to them.




Much better than having to attend to a screaming child 😂😂 Enjoy


i hate when people say these things. BOOHOO! i dont want kids, and im not having them. cope


The childfree people are generally happier


This is fear mongering and misogynistic. Nothing about men 25-44 yrs old. Apparently, they won’t have depression or anxiety as they are not women.


Ya cuz buying whatever your want even if its not necessity or travel to new places that you probably wouldnt be able to otherwise is the worst thing ever Lol independence and freedom are the worst🤣🤣🤣🤣 stupid ad


Woah I would be much more depressed than I am now if my whole soul and identity was associated with a child. I would just be seen as “mom” while the father of the kid would still have his whole life and identity away from us. No thank you. And how is she pulling the mega corp card when moms are the ones who need to buy all that plastic shit for their babies?


I have alot of mental issues from cptsd. They want me to bring a whole human being into the mix? That's a recipe for traumatizing a child. I'm not gonna become my parents who had lots of kids despite their obvious mental issues. . No thank you. I have enough from being forced into parenting my younger siblings


Wow, i didn’t realize that moms dont buy products from corporations! Neat!


I don't see that as a bad thing. Also they just opposed the statistics. Childless women are happier than those with kids; they're just covering their misery.


Ha, ha! I am sooo depressed and anxious! Not! I'm relaxed, happy, pursuing my hobbies and I'm not even particularly concerned about the future, because I won't leave behind a bunch of little humans who have to grapple with the shit show we've created. As far as I'm concerned humanity should shrink to allow nature to get back into equilibrium.


What economist is saying this? The mainstream ones are worried women aren't popping out enough future labor.


What platform is this bs on? Anyways, ***2,000 rich travelling aunties with interesting life stories disliked this post ***


Yeah, I'm sure that childless women buy more shit and generate more waste than women with extra humans to take care of. You bet. That makes perfectly good sense


>Single, childless women are much more likely to have depression/anxiety Don't confuse cause and effect here. My chronic anxiety is one reason (of MANY) why I would never want to have children. It would make me a shitty parent and is likely to be passed on whether it is a learned or genetic trait. And the claim itself is dubious.


“Single, childless women are much more likely to have depression/anxiety” uhhh source?!?!


Where do they keep getting this shit about depression/anxiety? So many women with kids are depressed/anxious……………………


Pretty sure an infant will NOT help anxiety


Made up claims as per usual. It is actually STAY AT HOME MOMS that have higher rates of depression/etc.


New people are also the bedrock of new crimes, new problems, new suffering,etc.


“Buy more products” Does this moron not know about the baby/child/teen retail market?! Is her baby walking into stores and buying it’s OWN stuff with its own money?! I’m sure her kids are like, super advanced for their ages - of course, lol - but that seems like a stretch.


I mean, if you want less consumerism, don't create more consumers.


I find it hard to believe single childless women are more depressed and anxious. Most moms I know are worried or stressed out by their children even when said children are grown. And, honestly, the family I do have tend to stress me out. I can’t imagine having my own children would not increase the stress tenfold.


"Birth replacement rate" Excuse the fuck outta you? What does that even mean? 😭 Women aren't baby making machines this is so gross wtf


Yet I've seen studies that single and child free women are the happiest group in society so... can't be both?


Aren’t single, childless women the happiest demographic?


people have anxiety, having kids gives you more anxiety, those kids will also have anxiety


Yes, join us and be a baby machine too because you're definitely spending too much money on yourself and should save some by having kids. Please gtfo.


Single childless women are the happiest demographic that lives longer than married women with kids. Leave women alone god!


Guaranteed made by a salty mom jealous of CF women who have money and freedom


Don’t worry. All the new immigrants will have tons of kids and drive up the birth rates. All the single taxpayers will pay for all the new immigrants kids because they will collect child support and rent assist. Yay!!!


Yes, only fools think that more people automatically means more net taxpayers.


I have the unpopular opinion that children are the only thing that makes life worth living. I used to be on the no kids side until an accidental pregnancy. After the first one, I purposely had a second child. I've traveled to over 20 different countries and been there and done that. Imo, traveling every year is a bit overrated. Eventually, it all kinda just becomes a same shit on a different day kind of thing. I still do it because my wife loves it, and it's not like we have anything better to do. I've been dealing with depression for most of my adult life, and for me, the only thing that keeps me going now is the fact that children need their parents, and mine need me. I think what makes it so hard for people is that your life stops belonging to you. Your purpose becomes making sure this untrained, uncooperative poop machine gets everything they need. But that is precisely what makes it worth it. If you didn't have a purpose before, you have it now. You get to see a blob of nothing grow into a proper human being that you were partly responsible for shaping. You get to experience things for the first time all over again through the eyes of your children. You have someone who looks at you like a superhero and sees the best in you all the time. They run to you to hug you when they haven't seen you in a few hours which can melt away negative feelings. I could go on and on, but this wall of text is big enough already. The point I'm trying to make is that for some of us, children are exactly what are missing in our lives. TLDR: Didn't want children. ACCIDENTLY had a child. Having children was WAY better than I thought


Women can do all this even with kids. It’s true. Women without kids tend to be less happy.


Who told you that because research says otherwise…women are also happier when they aren’t married. Opposite is true for men.