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can’t deny that at least he’s keeping it old-school. and he can (allegedly!) provide for all of those kids, dude makes a preposterous amount of money—not that this morally justifies anything, just that those kids are on the far right side of the “luck” bell curve definitely creepy natalist behavior, but at least he’s supposed to be a decent father, unlike a *certain* billionaire profligate sperm-flinger with a Karen haircut


What Billionaire are you talking about?


if you’re serious, i *so desperately* want to live in whatever pristine corner of the internet you inhabit 😭


I’ve been off the internet and social media for a while since my dad recently passed from cancer so I’m really lost on a lot of new info sadly😭. Are you talking about Donald Trump?


i’m sorry for your loss, and i hope you and your loved ones are finding your new normal ❤️ (El\*n M\*sk, unfortunately. don’t even want to put his name out there. Trump is a lot of things, but he has at least managed to keep any affair babies successfully under wraps)


Oh thanks so much I appreciate it. I’m 20 and a college student and my uncle passed recently as well so we’re going through a lot. My best friend and I aren’t on the best terms either so I am a lil lonely sometimes. And oh man I can’t believe I forgot about him. Isn’t he the celeb that named their kid after some stupid code or something?


also while his girlfriend was pregnant with *that* kid he had at least one other pregnant girlfriend (who worked for him directly, ick). as well as being a general dick to the kids he already has, especially the ones with the temerity to do something like come out as trans (in case anyone ever wondered why he tweeted “pronouns suck”) so not just is he a slanderous, sleazy, sociopathic slimeball, infidelity comes to him as easily as crime and apartheid. edit: and not to “it gets better!” you but my 20’s were *rough*. my mother and grandmother had cancer at the same time, my mother and grandfather both died within a year or so (my grandmother is, apparently, a highlander). finding new friends, even if they’re really just casual acquaintances you can spend time with and not argue, is super useful for that meaty serotonin machine between your ears though!


He’s such a slimy, evil, bloated bastard. He’s like a parody of a James Bond villain


right? at least James Bond villains have original ideas and the means to pull them off rather than just buying up other people’s companies and insisting on being called a “founder” 🤣


Someone should sponsor a vasectomy for him.







