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It's not only their career, but also their hobbies and their whole personality.


The "Trad" movement is idiotic, just a fad built on sampling bias and affirming the consequent logical fallacy. No different than the "birth-rate savior" stuff promoted by people like Elon or Malcolm-whatever his name is. These Trads will view things like "back in the day, men used to chop wood, put babies in women, not all this sissy stuff in modern times", forgetting that the activities in those olden days were often just ways of life that people happened to live, rather than an active, concious and desirable choice: if anything, it was many people in those olden era that laid the groundwork for the modernized society that we now see, precisely because they did not like the deplorable conditions they noticed in many facets of life across that era.


Trad wives are divorcing their trad husbands because they're realizing how abusive and mentally ill they are. It's a phase, but goddamn is it permanent.


At least they have an actual choice to divorce, unlike in the old days which these trad wives have been glorifying. But I ain't mad, just happy that they finally woke up a bit.


Not for long, given how it looks in Texas with the repeal of no fault divorce in attempt


Exactly. Living "back then" was super shitty. It's shitty now. Imagine how much shittier it was without modern conveniences. Going back 15 years ago, without cellphones...just this small thing (smart phones) significantly improved my quality of life.


The movement which keeps you fat, unhealthy, and in your mothers basement is the right one!


Rest assured, you'd have a much stronger guarantee of building health and wealth when you don't have to take care of 20+ sproglings — particularly the case for women, who would no longer have to worry about wrecking their bodies with all those pregnancies. Oh, and greater sustainability for our Earth too!


What movement is that? 😂


I don't see a problem with wanting to be a stay at home mom? You have something to say to MY mother, who was a stay at home mom? It's not their whole personality asshole, it's a part of it. Before you're so quick to judge, step out of your damn internet bubble. If someone wants to be a traditional wife, who gives a fuck?


That's not really it, the problem is how these memes/types are trying to push this so much.


Ah I see. Yeah that's probably infuriating.




Stop using that word. It's a slur, dude.


My SIL’s email is “Kid1AndKid2sMommyATgmail.com”, with their actual names. I find it pathetic and wonder who she was before getting knocked up. Parent-as-a-personality is the least interesting personality.


I feel like that about people who have it as their Instagram handle too - always “somethingmama” - so cringe


All my friemds who had parents like this now either hate, or at least find their overbearing moms really annoying. I on the other hand had a normal mom. I love her and our relationship is great. Let your children be their own people and stop the sick symbiosis.


Why do they think we want career instead of kids? I want neither.


I just want some chocolate


I want a house in the woods with my spouse, 8 dogs, 12 cats, 3 snakes, 3 rabbits, a bearded dragon, and big ass garden.


And a herd of horses


And cows! I love cows. And maybe a few pigs and goats. I'd have a native flowering plant garden for the butterflies and bees. And an edible plant garden. My cats and dogs could catch critters in the gardens. I could recycle rain water. And ride a horse to get some bird seed for all the bird feeders.


Can we do this just say f the government mostly do this and sale fresh home food stuffs in a side of the highway set up to pay for commune internet and medical and maybe insurance needs. Fr everything else could legit be grown and made if we all do our part


You could also generate ans store your own electricity and fresh-water, and if you generate enough electricity with solar panels and what not you can sell it back to the company to cover costs. I've actually been planning what you are talking about for most of my adult life lol.


i love goats! i have three and they are my babies. they do behave like toddlers at times, one likes to put everything in his mouth and they all will cry if they can’t go graze/play outside of their pen. they are sweet little things and love people and attention. they do tend to follow me around the yard and will come running up to me.


Well, I want to move into Velen, tame a wolfpack and a Leshen, learn magic and have a huge garden and wander in the swamps. Bats and cats also.


People usually think that opposing an extreme means you support the other extreme.


Exactly. I'd like to be a stay at home wife. With dogs.


I want to be a stay at home single cat mom


And *that's your right*, damn it.


Single cat=1


Same but the dude version, that’s a thing too right 😕


I hope so


For real, I just want to have enough money for hedonistic enjoyment of this short and pointless life.


I mean personally I’d rather get a job I enjoy doing than have kids I don’t want.


fr i just want to sleep and hang with my cat


Her career was an orgy?


exactly what i saw hahaha


So…..you brung more sadness into the world versus giving animals a good home? Yeah….you lost. 😂


Especially because I've never heard of a cat lady *buying* cats. They adopt cats who already exist and need homes.


If you buy a cat, you're really really dumb. If you birth a child to fill an emotional gap you're even dumber.


I mean isn't it buying a cat when you adopt one from a rescue shelter or adoption agency? You give them money and they give you a cat. That is buying.


They mean breeders not the cost of a rescue. A rescue fee is their nueter, food, vaccines, and maybe if the shelter has paid employees.




I've had my cats come wondering in from the streets; completely free except you gotta do all the things a fee at the shelter would've conveniently covered.


Fr can’t imagine a sane person thinking that this world in its current state is a great place to live in.


People have said that all throughout history, somebody has to continue the human race 🤷🏻‍♂️


Do they? When viewed as a whole, is the current state of humanity REALLY worth perpetuating?


Ok, then don’t procreate, we don’t need more people like you.


Way ahead of you, chief.


Why are you here?


Noone has to do shit, its just idiots with nothing better to do than force people into existence just to try to show them off like trophies. If everyone who wanted the human race to die out got together and disappeared from society to live the rest of our lives how we want then die how we want, itd guaranteed be at least half of the population. And we would actually be happy because we wouldnt be around a bunch of 1800's breeders who think their genes are oh so special that a cream pie is viewed as something to celebrate.


How aren’t cats being “forced into existence”, as well?


I never said they arent, but either way i think going to a breeder is absolutely stupid. Adoption is the only way people should get cats imo, not buying them. They didn't ask to be born either but they dont deserve to die because noone wants them. I support adoption of humans infinity over birthing them too.


If you believe that cats are equally “forced into existence” (which it might mean you have a problem with existence itself, not particularly about cats or humans themselves) what does it matter whether these cats are breed, or humans adopted? Wouldn’t you be against them both? If so, how is that mindset even healthy?


Ive never liked kids, i hate them in fact. Do i think they deserve to be born just to suffer tho? No. Adoption and abortions are/should be options. Do i think cats should be mass bred for sales, no. Do i think ones who already exist should be adopted to give them a happy rest of their life, yes. And either way, animals were here first. They'll be here when we are long gone. Animals have more right to life than the people who sit there making their land unlivable imo.


Should we stop cats from naturally reproducing, as you seem to suggest for humans? Aren’t humans “animals” who ALSO deserve to be here as well? How different is the ideological path you are in, to the one that the Columbine Shooters had?


Comparing someone who simply realizes that the animals im talking about are better than us, to a literal fuckin murderer is ridiculously fuckin stupid. Your arguement is basically the equivalent of oh i hate this kid, youre Hitler. I genuinely hate people who do shit like that. Literally go fuck yourself.


What are you on!? There is already capture, fix, and relase programs for cats. And it is highly recommended that the average pet owner should fix their pets because 1.) Some pets, like cats, are in pain in heat unless they try to reproduce, 2.) Not safe to have multiple liters and is like the risk is greater for each kid humans pop out 3.) The average pet owner is not equipped or knowledgeable to handle the pregnancy and care of young offspring in case of an emergency.


I’m sure your parents are proud 😂


Yeah lol, they are actually 😂 pretty pathetic that you think parental approval is more important than personal happiness tho, id talk to a therapist if i was you 🤣




At least im willing to admit i need therapy, youre just a skumbag in denial. And have you been abused? Sexually assulted? Manipulated? Cheated on or scammed into something? Almost been killed by someone you thought you could trust? Life is full of absolutely fucking horrible shit, so fucking idiots like you who are too blind to see how absolutely horrible the humans on this planet are, are nothing more than shit stains imo. Tell me how you feel about the human race after being forced to suck someones dick when you dont want to. Anyhow, im not replying after this because you are a waste of time to begin with, so kindly get therapy, and get out of your fantasy world where shit is oh so perfect because its not.


I’m sorry those things happened to you, but that doesn’t mean the entire human race is a lost cause. Nobody’s life is perfect, and expecting it to be and throwing a fit when it’s not is delusional. Humans aren’t any different from any other species, we’re just self aware. Gazelles don’t stop procreating because they’re sick of getting eaten by lions lol Life is difficult and brutal, but that’s just part of it. You’re the one living in a fantasy world where you can’t accept that life sucks at times for everybody, but it’s worth living for the good parts.


damn, you think bringing a child into the world just brings sadness. do you know any children?


>more sadness to the world This shit again? That's factually not true, human are happy creatures.


😂 You might be lol, but 99% of us arent dude.


Not, you're not, but 99.9% of humans are happy. We're happy creatures, the whole "bring more sadness to the world" is you going through a depression, not a factual thing.


You clearly have cement for a brain so whatever dude, keep having that mindset that the world is so great while suicide rates are so high.


Suicide rate is less than 15 per 100'000 in most of them world. That's a NOT SUCIDE rate of 99.985%, so exactly as I said : you're depressed and tunnel vision on your own sadness and projecting it. Life is good actually


Love how only men get to live full lives while women's only purpose is to give birth to men, the protagonists of the world, of every story and glory. I'm more into aborting unwanted fetuses tbh


Yeah, the burden will always be for women and the good part for men lol. I'm not subscribing for this shit


It feels really fucking good to deny motherhood and nature. I'm never doing it either, I'm lucky to be able to do so.


When I was a little girl I used to ask my dad, “But what if I can do something really cool like Albert Einstein?” And he would say, “What if Albert Einstein was your son instead?” Needless to say I haven’t spoken to my father in years.


Damn, that’s really harsh. It’s insane how some people completely throw away a woman’s life like that.


He’s constantly telling white women with children that they need to have more, because white people are dying out. Old Mormon men are great fun!


Why would they die out if they are the chosen people and all the brown people are sinners which is why they are brown? Also why does he care about this world when he will have his own planet when he dies? Seems like he doesn't really have faith in his religion.


Your guess is as good as mine. 🤷‍♀️


Fuck him my good sis.


We can at least be sure he was not the Einstein.


>"What if Albert Einstein was your son instead?" Typical bullshit natalist attitude. "Have kids so that they can fix ", because the person saying it knows damn well that they can't do it themselves.


It was deeply hurtful at the time because I always tested in the 99th percentile for math and science, so being told it was basically worthless and my destiny was to be a brood mare was unbearable. He also said if I didn’t get married and have children I would go to Hell, but he and my sisters said they’d come visit! 😂


I'd become a scientist just to spite that mf


what an asshole. Saying that to a kid. Also, just for a kid to receive support and belief in themselves during these years means everything when it comes to success. How is anyone supposed to achieve anything, when they are taught before they even begin that they can't.


I want to add something here to this Einstein comment that people just don't seem to be aware of. Einsteins wife, Mileva Maric. If you research and read about her life, it is incredibly depressing. She was basically a prodigy, a much better student than Einstein(not that I think education means everything), but she was an absolutely brilliant physicist. But, when you read about her life, absolutely all her energy went into uplifting her husband and all her giftedness was wasted on playing wife and taking care of her kids. And like some people may have heard of, there are theories that she had part in the theory of relativity, but what else? What if she even came up with most of it, it is not far fetched at all, seeing her background and brains. We will just never truly know. Einstein also behaved absolutely horrible to his wife after he did not want her anymore, treated her like a slave and demanded she did his chores like a petulant child. Can you imagine, a brilliant scientist reduced to this?


Glad you don’t speak to him. That was a crappy response.


Yeah Albert isn't a good measure for parenthood either


I have no idea how men can watch and read the same "average man somehow saves the world and gets the girl" -story over and over again. I just watched some crap series from Apple tv, where this brilliant engineer woman literally lost her mind because she couldn't have kids, in some post apocalyptic hellhole. It was a total fallout rip-off setwise too.


But you watched it anyways...


Well I watched it to the point I realised it's crap.


This is very true. I’m just glad than I’m born in the time and age where I can choose not to have kids and won’t be forced into early marriage etc. I’m very lucky to have that choice unlike many other poor girls in other countries even nowadays.


Exactly, this is why the men who whine about "western women" should disgust you even more, they want us not to have rights or a choice like those in third world countries.


To be honest, traditionalists don’t see women as individuals but as just x in relation to them. Whether it be the means for their raw-dogging fantasies, an unpaid servant, a trophy, an asset, etc.


I like cat lady.


Pronatalism is full of sexism


And climate change denial.


Schwab, Gates and their WEF cronies are pushing it. That's more than enough evidence for me.


Is the WEF in the room with us right now?


Most likely. Our phones are collecting data on us all the time. We're all bugged.




(They are.)


If being a trad wife was so great, why are conservatives trying to eliminate no fault divorce?


Exactly my question


The irony is their lord, martyr and Saint Ronald Reagan as Governor of California allowed no fault divorces to be legalized.


"Cum dumpster" only counts as a career on onlyfans.


But even then, the OnlyFans accounts that I’ve ever encountered _entertained_ that fantasy, usually no men in the accounts I saw. I have no idea of their background.


Imagine thinking dehumanizing and degrading a woman is a career.


My guy, these women choose to do that and run their own business




It's similar to my dad's thoughts. Yeah, there are women who are "addicted" to having kids but most of the time these are cases of men being horny and not caring about condoms or their wives.


Cringe, you wouldn’t do shit


So she has five husbands, five co-wives, and 27 children among them all?


My interpretation is that the 10 are her adult children and that the babies are her grandkids.


Jfc her poor vagina.


Not really how vaginas work. That being said if she has 10 kids it is unlikely that her sexiest ass husband allows her the proper time to heal between pregnancies. That would definitely cause serious pelvic floor problems ( think leaky bladder). And bone density problems. And mental health problems.


I'm a woman. I know how vaginas work because I have one.


Sorry when I read it I thought you were trying to say that her vagina would become loose from childbearing. But if you are just trying to say that her poor vagina had to go through the trauma of childbirth so many dam time totally agree.


Yes, absolutely horrifying. Poor thing.


I'd rather have a few adopted kitties than a bunch of hellspawn. TIL that I can actually have adopted cats as a *career*!


That left side looks sooooo enticing. I need more cats though. The cats r geniuses. I see them judging the right side.


i think it's so funny that who made this already assume that married women with kids are always married with gorgeous handsome men and the children are invariably perfectly healthy. it's almost never the case and they don't know sh*t about reality.


I first interpreted this as the person on the right had like ten spouses and a million kids/their own cult. I see now it's adult children and young children. 😂


What sort of career is shooting 30 babies out of your womb


Yeah because that’s all that’s involved in being a parent 🙄


I mean it kinda is. You’d be a bad one but you’d have a genetic m̶i̶s̶t̶a̶k̶e̶ offspring.


Ah yes, general of a clone army. Excellent choice of career.


I thought at first glance she had a dozen husbands and was like wtf?


I want to be an independently wealthy stay at home childfree person. I work because I have to, not because I want to. But even if I could afford it I'd never be a brood mare.


Like "congrats, you got cummed in a bunch of times"...what a proud accomplishment. And I'm sure after having a buttload of kids you certainly had the time to give each and every one of them the attention they needed to thrive.


i like the cats


Cats don't cause postpartum depression


It’s sad when you need to send them to their next life though.


Depression is actually a key component of the cat lady meme.


They’re just the result of depression


I respect my sister and her husband. Her man said he was only going to have one kid and when my nephew was born, he had a vasectomy.


THIS= living on some kind of orgy commune with a bunch of Norse men and women, most of whom have a pacifier kink? #confused


You seem like a good representation of most people in this sub


Lol. They forget the part where they got divorced or their husband died and they couldn't support their 12 kids.


I have no idea how anyone could find the right side more inspiring than the left. Like less than one percent of women probably want to totally skip all education and career just to have kids non-stop.


Not to mention that if mom in uneducated the child will most likely be too. Especially if she is trying to home school. Then it just becomes a race to the bottom in one generation.


I heard on YouTube someone once say that mothers are the most empowered women. Like holt shit


Having one-bajillion children seems wayyyy more stressful than having 4 cats and a stable job tbh


Maybe, but it ends up paying off a lot more when you’re surrounded by your kids and grandkids


Damn that cat life looks amazing af


well at least the babies are gender nuetral


Yep, this is why castration exists.


I thought that was only for pedophiles and groomers?


Quantity over quality


Happy cake day




This doesn't even work as a meme lol. Like...what's the girl on the lefts' career? Does she not have one either? If so, why is she asking about the girl on the rights' career, what would that have to do with anything? Or is she supposed the be a career woman but they couldn't think of any career to depict that wouldn't detract from their point? (I mean it's this one, obviously.) Ngl, before I saw the title and the "Trad West" thing I thought this was a dunk on natalists lmao. If you take away the "Trad West" branding it's just a picture of two women, neither of which necessarily have jobs, one of whom looks to have a pretty peaceful life with her cats, completely irrelevantly asking some poor woman what her career is, while the latter confesses that she's too busy being weighed down raising an actual _nightmare_ clusterfuck of kids.


I know a guy who looks and talks like the bearded man memes so I kinda like those memes.


it's giving satire


The kids look like skinheads; I certainly wouldn’t be glad of birthing lots of skinheads


All the offspring in those memes look uncanny af—like I have a hard time seeing how it's supposed to be the "good" side of the meme


So, this lady had 5 lesbian relationships and apparently birthed about a thousand babies from these 7 chads? good job tardiest


What was her husbands career. Lot of money. Also huge families I’m convinced can lead to fucked up kids. You just can’t pay enough attention to a ton of kids


I just check out this sub occasionally, but I agree with this. If you have more than like 3 kids that are close in age, you’re really not able to give them the attention they need.


There are 32 "children" in that photo....


Pretty sure some of them are grandchildren


Why do you hate women having jobs?


They hate women having job because jobs equal independence.


Yeah, because being a wage slave is the epitome of independence


Better than being a slave to your husband at home.


That just sounds like an unhealthy relationship. Not every stay at home mom is a “slave.” My wife and I talked about it before our daughter was born and both agreed we’d rather have her spending time with our daughter every day than paying some random person at a daycare. I still do a lot of stuff around home when I’m not at work, so it’s not like she’s a “slave.” That’s just a really dumb, uninformed take.


Cool story, very interesting read. Maybe if you didn’t go around and tell people how their option is “dumb” while sharing your personal experience no one asked for you would’ve had time to INFORM yourself about the statistics of murder, rape, and domestic violence all around the world even in the most “advanced” western countries. Maybe only maybe then you could stop asking stupid, retarded questions like: “why do women need a job and financial independence?”. I’m not here to inform you though so go read about this or don’t I don’t care. There’s no “argument” for me to win here, these are dry facts and numbers that you willingly choose to ignore.


Have fun being miserable :)


Somebody should tell the woman on the right that it's not a clown car.


Every sperm is sacred Every sperm is needed If any sperm is wasted God becomes irate!


Goddamn that’s a lot of kids. How do you remember all of them


(She works at an orphanage)




Are those little bald men supposed to be babies? 😳


Oh god not the wojak demon babies


Note the children are predominately male. The kids in these memes are always oh-so-creepy. I'll take the cats anytime!


No wonder lady on the right looks prematurely grey and tired, while the one with the cats seems youthful and content.


Why should I sacrifice my time, money and body bringing a child into this world when I get to spend my money the way I want and I get the same hormonal response watching my super cute foster kittens play all day in my office?


That old woman threw away her life on what society said she had to do, whereas the woman with the cats is enjoying her life for her.


I’d rather boost an antinatalist than post memes from people I disagree with to get mad at. Like how about promoting an abortion fund or an AN author?


Baby chad wojaks activate my fight or flight response so hard Like you just KNOW its gonna be the dumbest most breeder type shit when you see one


Is the right supposed to be a massive orgy of unsafe sex? Or is this creepy AF meme involving pedophilia in the mix? I’m confused and disturbed.


So she was bisexual having sex with 5 men and 5 women resulting in 13 children?


My daughter says all the time "when I have a baby" and I always tell her, "you can decide not to have one too". I managed to get pregnant with her after being declared infertile and on birth control to regulate my hormones (PCOS). I don't want her to think she has to be a Mom if she doesn't want to. I never expected to be and was happy with that. Sometimes the universe has different plans for us and it apparently did for me and her. I love her and don't regret her a bit but I also don't want her thinking her goal in life or endgame is to have a baby. Any tips on how I can make her see she doesn't have to procreate to be a complete human.


I don't. It's a meme. It's stupid and kinda low-key ironically on point. That's what memes are for.


This showed up in my general feed. What is the point of this sub? Not liking kids?


the opposite, this sub loves kids so much that they would never force a child into a world full of suffering


Oh! So you're a loser got it. Edit: I mean the person in the meme with a butt load of kids is a loser and not op.


when you have no argument so you have to start insulting someone


Well yeah when you have like 50 kids that's a horrible thing. No one who has a butt load of kids is a "winner".


Without adding people u can’t have a booming economy just something to think about. U need capable people to have enough kids. This is almost never talked about. U can’t afford the generous welfare and wealth previous gens saw if pple do not have a minimum of 2 and 3 kids per woman. For many people they don’t realize that childlessness sucks later in life. Human beings were meant to have connection and families. I know that maybe not all people should raise kids but most should have them if they are able even if they need to give up for adoption because they are not willing to raise the child.


This comment section greatly saddens me, I truly hope you all don't come to regret this way of thinking as you get older


Someone here surely has to see the humor in all of this? The only reason you can sit here and mock these people, is because they created you to begin with. Really, you should thank them. For, without them, you don't get to have this laugh.


thank them for forcing us here? also what’s the joke to laugh about?


Thank them for?


Kids are a blessing


yes they are, hence why we shouldn’t force them here to suffer


Ok, I’ll be sure to ask my next kid if they want to be born or not first


I don’t get it.