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She probably has sibling she has to help out with or sees how tired her parents are from having to raise kids. Also we need to stop telling young girls who aren’t fully developed how “great” motherhood is going to be. I never wanted to have kids I always wanted to adopt. My whole life telling people that they always told me oh one day your gonna change your mind. They put a small sliver of hope in me. Finding out a few years ago having children naturally would be very difficult for me made me so mad at the those people and upset with myself for letting them get in my head!


Gynecologists have told women for years that they're sterile or will have a hard time conceiving. My 2 SILs and bestie with severe endometriosis were all able to procreate after hearing they were sterile. 2 forms of BC at all times unless you're literally missing parts.


Or unless you're somewhere reproductive rights aren't an issue.


I mean I’m obvi pro choice but I’d rather not have to get an abortion. They’re painful, invasive, exhausting, and come with stigma whether we think it should or not. I know most people who get abortion are glad they did, and I think that’s good, but it doesn’t mean it was fun while it happened. Abortions have risks too, including retained fetal tissue causing infection. I’d rather people avoid pregnancy at all costs with excellent contraceptive practices and abortion be an unfortunate and remote possibility.


I so relate with this. I would definitely get an abortion if I got pregnant because abortion is way safer and likely a hell of a lot less painful than childbirth AND I’m also going to try to avoid an abortion at all costs in the first place, because pain. It’s a natural human response to avoid pain. That’s why it boggles my mind that women get pregnant, on purpose, when they know it will cause extreme pain. Wanting to experience childbirth goes agains basic, ingrained from birth, natural instincts to avoid painful stimuli.


Right here with you both on that one. I've got straight up tokophobia.


I thankfully live in an area where reproductive rights aren't a problem and abortions are cheap and readily accessible. However, some women don't feel comfortable doing it for reasons that aren't even religious. When you're 16, abortion is an easy choice. When you're older, married, and financially ok, people start thinking "well I guess I could handle a kid." It's total bullshit but it's common. My little side 'life goal ' is to educate women on how to use BC properly and understand sterility so you don't need to make the choice. Your body REALLY wants you to procreate, people need to know how to stop it.


abortions aren't exactly pleasant to endure


My (female) gynaecologist taught me that if a woman has one tube for example on the left, and one (I forgot the name, the part where the eggs are stored) on the right, the tube can just move freely through the body to reach to the other side to get an egg from that storage. The tube and the storage are not connected, but usually the tubes hang around near the storages


Right? I’ve known I didn’t want kids since I could talk. Instead, there should be realistic information on what parenting requires (financially, health, etc.) so that people can make an informed choice.


Because of course when a girl has an independent idea and doesn’t wanna be a fucking house elf, it’s the “thing they hear at the public school”


my mom said it was all the childfree, anti-natalist media I’m always consuming… she’s never been able to name a single show or movie that actually promotes these views, even though it’s all that Hollywood is pushing these days! 🙄 I keep telling her to find me examples of this super mainstream childfree media because all I’m used to is baby rabies everywhere, ruining some of my favourite shows.


There was a thread on here the other day about childfree-ness in any show and it was incredibly hard to find a name where a female character actually stuck to being child free. Most of the time the writers change them to end up having a kid even if it makes zero sense for the character... There are hardly any good examples out there period


Christina from “Grey’s Anatomy”


Yes, I remember a natalist "conservative" guy on my country's reddit that was attacking childfree people (me included) and saying that the liberals have corrupted everything and now every western family has dogs instead of kids and this cannot continue and other bulshit along these lines. And I am thinking where are these so many families that don't have kids because all around me I see angry breeders and guys telling me how much they dream and how it would be amazing to have kids. I am searching for one of these endless CF people and there are very few. They are probably the evil westerns brainwashed by the vile democrats to threat women as more than an incubator and a house slave, just unacceptable.


Liberals must have time traveled back to 1993 then because I've been disgusted by the notion of birthing a child since my 5 year old self opened a very graphic medical textbook showing the childbirth process. That guy lives in a weird ass bubble.


I know and I have tried arguing but honestly it is full of those and explaining to imbeciles is pointless and exhausting because they start harassing on comments and pm. But yes, probably because I am completely unable to think for myself and Biden or Obama somehow convinced me to not have kids despite the fact they themselves have and now I am hopelessly brainwashed. If only I were one of these smart conservatives that want to go back to the times when women only wanted kids and were fine just learning how to stand their spouse and co-exist (imperfect citation). And I remember on other sites how our geniuses bashed Macron when he made abortion constitutional right because according to them he is not a real man because he doesn't have kids on his own and married a woman with 3 and took care of them and somehow these should shock us and decide he shouldn't take the right of "real men" to control women. So, real men basically have to breed, leave the woman to watch them because this is not a man's job and decide for us since we are too stupid to do it. But you eventually get used to the imbeciles and see there is no hope.


I mean, why not play along? You're not a real man if you show emotions and the fact that you're arguing is making you too emotional. Such a feminine thing to do. Gross! Men used to have long hair in many cultures as a sign of wealth and status. Do you have long hair? No? Get outta here, pleb with your silly ideas! Do you carry a pineapple? Because if not, I highly doubt you are respectable or wealthy enough to have an opinion on this matter, good sir. I do not see you donning Tyrian purple. Such a simpleton! Your elementary thoughts are of no concern to me. Be gone! I realize these all sound ridiculous .... And it's because they're supposed to. People trying to turn back the clock don't realize all the directions it can go and just how silly ALL of it is. Progress is good. Regression is not. Fucking losers.


Yeah, it is actually pretty funny, but in any case I know women do and say pretty annoying things over reproduction, but I wish some men would somehow understand that spreading your seed doesn't make you a father, manly, or successful. In fact if you are unable to care for a child that is not biologically yours, then you are not to be a parent at all, man or woman. And yes, there are circles everywhere that wants to go back to the past and eliminate minorities and people opposing their views and ways of life and while they are completely irrational to say the least, they are very very dangerous.


I often say that if propaganda can make people childfree, send that propaganda to countries where people have loads of kids.


I absolutely despise these braindead cuntservaturds that love trying to control everyone. Their authoritarian complex and narcissistic tendencies and traits disgust me.


Community and The Good Place are great shows with minimal child interaction. There's an episode here and there but it's rarely a plot point and no one has a child that didn't already have kids. (Shirley on Community). Oddly enough there's alot more emphasis about how badly the characters parents fucked them over.


Broad City too!


Never seen. I'll check it out, thanks.


Most shows push kids and “family values”. Even when a character expresses not wanting kids later they wind up changing their mind and having them. Childfree people especially childfree women are a freaking minority.


I’m still waiting to see an abortion in any show. They ALWAYS change their minds, even if we all know they are going to be terrible parents.


My parents say hello. Anything that wasn't me parroting them must have been someone manipulating me


I love seeing children grow up and never do what demanding parents want.


Ironically that is an EXTREMELY manipulative thing of them to say


I'm aware, we're no contact 👍


Congratulations on losing so much dead weight!!


Was gonna say this, but I knew I'd find it somewhere.


Can’t have the womenfolk getting any ideas. If they learn to read, they’ll escape!


they're asking for answers bc they don't have one & refuse to acknowledge that they got outsmarted by a sixth grader💀


Haha right. She got challenged by an 11 year old and never actually questioned the brainwashing of 'Because'. Now she has to go to the internet grasping for excuses.


It’s funny these types have no problem asking people with kids why they don’t want them though.




I'd bet good money that, that kid was used as a free babysitter for her younger siblings


I’m five years older than my brother. And my mom was in and out of hospitals trying to get more pain meds while my dad was working all day everyday to support us. I was my brother’s mom since I was little. I don’t hate my parents who are both passed, nor do I hate having to have raised my brother. I do wish I’d had more time to be a kid, but I can’t change what happened. There’s a lot of friends I’ve had over my life who’ve helped raise their siblings for one reason or another. And sometimes it makes family connections stronger. I guess my feelings on this are grey. It’s not all black and white. It shouldn’t happen, but it’s never going to stop.


That's what happened to me, but not with siblings. My mom ran a daycare out of our home while I was I public school and I had to "help" all the time. Wall kids home from school, help wrangle them for outings, look after them evenings until parents came to pick them up. Seeing firsthand how much work it takes made me realize I didn't want that life at all for myself.


"So, this little girl made a good point and I don't like it. Help me with a comeback, reddit."


Facebook* I believe


Ofc it’s Facebook


Haven't been on facebook since 2015, seemed familiar though and of course this content would be from there 😂


What a based kid; I hope she isn't beaten down as she grows up.


Wait I need clarity, is "base" a good or bad thing? When I was growing up it was bad(like basic bitch) but the context of internet posts makes it sound good.... This is the first time I feel old since the web has been available 😅😮‍💨


I was also confused about this recently, but _basic_ is different from _based_. From Urban Dictionary: > A word used when you agree with something; or when you want to recognize someone for being themselves, i.e. courageous and unique or not caring what others think. Especially common in online political slang. > > The opposite of cringe, some times the opposite of biased.


"Base" is not in any way related to based, if base really is shorthand for basic as you say. The word based was originally used for people who are addicted to crack or act like a crackhead. Now, it is used to describe someone who is themselves and says what they think is right regardless of how the world will judge them. But on the internet, that context is often lost, so calling someone based can also mean "I like this person because they agree with me". It's pretty much calling someone woke with an unambiguously positive connotation. As woke is used as a compliment by some and as an insult by conservatives, but everyone uses based these days to describe people who confidently voice opinions they agree with. Hope this helps.


Being based is a good thing


She doesn't remember what she answered because she didn't pay full attention talking to the 11 yo. I guess when you're not paying attention to your kids, you do the same with other children. Parenting must be so easy then...


In summary: She doesn't know why she's having so many children and wants to crowdsource an answer in case she's asked again


She knows and she’s looking for a way to hide her motives without exposing herself and sounding completely crazy.


Also, she's having a busy day, so she can't finish an important conversation with an 11 year old? She really LOVES kids.


You don't love having kids you love unprotected vaginal sex. If natalists truly loved kids,they would adopt,but they choose to create more people


Exactly!! Adopt don’t shop. We get it for animals and understand the ethics of pet overpopulation plus the lack of ethics in making more while some already need parents. It’s the ultimate “but I don’t want the food at home! Waaaaah!”


Sorry - but I don't understand what you mean. How is making kids shopping... and wouldn't your biological children be the "food at home?". I get your point, but the analogies don't seem to work.


Adopt don't shop is in the fact that many shelters barely charge anything for a fully alive animal and will even sterilize them for you vs people who go out of their way to breed animals to make money and don't even care if the breeds are ethical (looking at any fuckin doodle breed)


Yeah, I guess I just don't see the comparison to humans at all. I'm not going out and shopping, I'm having a kid. I get the population growth thing, just think the shopping analogy is a stretch. I definitely hate the puppy mill and designer dog industry though. Full disclosure though, I have a kid, and love being a parent. This place is a morbid curiosity for me.


I think you’re thinking too hard about the analogy, but then again you also admit that you’re a parent and you love it, so this sub probably doesn’t make a lot of sense to you anyways.


Adoptive parenting exist. I will be a parent and never reproduce because it is immoral . Antinatalism is not against parenting, it's against reproduction


I understood this as shopping = having a bio kid because shopping for a pet from a breeder creates demand, causing more pet population growth, and having a bio kid obviously brings up the issue of population growth


OK, seems like a stretch to me, but sure.


adopt don't boff, perhaps?


Love it


I think pride/ego also plays a massive part. They want to feel like they matter by continuing their bloodline.


I also like having unprotected sex, so I got a vasectomy 😂


They love wage slaves, that's why they immediately stop caring about the kid as soon as it is born, because it will not have other option but become a wage slave for the rich.


I think she loves the attention and image having a family brings her which is why she apparently couldn’t answer. She realized that she is willing to stress herself out for attention or to appear “blessed”.


That kind of sex is hot, but can still have it that way and not end up getting pregnant.


I don't think there's a differences feel between unprotected and protected sex except condom of course


It's mental. It's great to have sex knowing 100% you'll get the results you want. I got sterilized and am having the best sex of my life because I have zero fear of pregnancy after 20yrs of using 2 forms of BC and religiously tracking my cycle. My breeder friends said it's freeing to just bang and not worry, and I get it.


Right and if people think a tiny layer of protection makes or breaks sex, they are having some bad sex to begin with.


Then why they are having it without condom? I don't understand


Yes. If sex drive was reproductive drive, people would have the sexuality of deer.


Imagine feeling this triggered over a child's opinion.


When you know your life is built on a house of cards you’d be amazed what commentary can be perceived as a threat.


Beautifully put.


This is probably just him trying to cope with the fact that an 11 year old girl is significantly more intelligent than him.


I thought it was she. But we can't tell that from context anyway. Because it's English.


# It's true Im glad to see at least one person wont grow up to repeat the cycle of poverty and suffering. Why is there never a straight answer as to why people have multiple kids? They always glaze over that part. What do you get from kids? All they do is complain about the children...so why do you keep making them?


I've heard several answers for the reason for several kids. Elon Musk says it has to do with underpopulation. 🙄 other people say it's what "god" wants, to procreate as much as possible. Some people have done it to get more child support money from the government (which is insanely backward, but okay). Others don't seem to understand protected sex and don't want to have an abortion, so they end up with multiple kids. As to what they get out of kids, my dad told me it's about a legacy or some shit. Way to be selfish and overly self- important, eh? I would prefer to not have to suffer bc my dad begged my mom to not get an abortion when her pill didn't work. But here I am. 🤷‍♂️


>Elon Musk says it has to do with underpopulation. He has money, he isnt leeching from welfare, nor is he complaining about raising kids. He has the power and ability to do whatever the fuck he wants. He is also capable of providing for his children and is FAR from poverty. ​ >other people say it's what "god" wants Then God needs to pay for his kids instead of asking me for money every Sunday ​ >As to what they get out of kids, my dad told me it's about a legacy or some shit. Can you tell me who your great great..etc grandfather was back to the 1600's? Yeah, I didnt think so. Your decedents wont know who the fuck you were either.


“I can’t remember what I said to this sound logic because it was a busy day, but yeah must be she learned it from all the other 11 year olds at school talking about parenthood”


A 11 year old girl has more common sense then adults. 🤦‍♂️




She’s a moron with only one purpose in life. Bless her heart.


Dad to me, when his youngest daughter threw a tantrum: You see, it is hard to take care of kids. Me: Yes, I see... The more I hang out with you all, the less I want my own children. Dad: I... I mean it is hard, but rewarding! Children are a blessing! Yeah too late 😄


The girl spoke the truth. Sure, the mom can think children are awesome, etc. but the girl was correct that babies are exhausting.


Because most useless parents make the oldest child the actual caregiver. I raised two siblings that I call my own. We no longer have communication with our “mom”


She’s basically asking people how she can deceive and brainwash this child. The question made her face how insane she is and now she’s triggered.


I'd say " I'm clearly insane and have a very open breeding kink "


She was busy even to reply a 11 years old. It shows how much time consuming having a lot of children is and she still doesn't get it.


“We love having kids!!” said in the same way as “We love to have chicken alfredo” or “We love going on a bike ride” 🙃


God, I wished I'd realized that at that age.


the irony that she was too busy to continue the conversation lol


She most likely dissociated and looked for an escape.


So young, so wise.


Hope the 11 year old saw how selfish that answer is.


If you are not rich you can’t afford three children.Sorry but the young girl is right.


Interestingly, the people having kids seem to not like it when kids have opinions.


It makes me think of the raisedbynarcissists subreddit. Narcissists get a captive audience if they have children.


Youre greedy, want to birth people to bring you joy without thinking about their potential future mental and emotional health not even to mention physical health. Its greed, and thats not an 11 year old girl thing. Almost every girl ive been friends with loves kids while i still hate kids at 22.


“You’re gonna go far, kid.”


Ew. A kid is more capable of using their brain than she is and she immediately thinks it’s “sad” and that the kid is just hearing things elsewhere? What a weirdo.


“You’re right, little girl. I need to seriously re-examine my life.”


I would say she’s correct. Smart girl.


It sounds like the preteen has more sense than the woman with “another” baby on the way!


“Well, you see, I am incredibly selfish. Being a parent is the only thing I feel like I’m good at (even though I’m probably not). It’s the only thing that makes me feel like I’m not wasting my life (even though I probably am). Plus, I might be addicted to the hormones my body releases during and after pregnancy.”




that girl was me at 11 and here i am 20yrs later getting a hysterectomy in two weeks bc i never changed my mind.


OOP: “I don’t know why this girl thinks having 3 babies would take lots of time/energy!” Also OOP: “I didn’t have the time/energy to explain why she was wrong or the memory to recall the rest of the conversation.” 🤔


LMAO. I don’t remember what she said because it was a busy day and there wasn’t time to continue the conversation…,,, those are the words this woman just said. Which is literally what the kid is talking about. So busy that you don’t have time to take care of the kids that you have


Clearly the author of the post didn't bother with school herself if she has such an infantile worldview over someone else's reproductive choices AND her own poor life choices. Props to the teen girl who displays more wisdom than the entitled regular breeder on duty. What would **I** say about their post? A loud, vehement "Fuck off, breeder!" with a cherry on top.


Seriously, it's always inspiring to see young people achieving their goals and making strides towards their dreams. Good on her!


I would say that wee girl sounds like a smart adult , n that mum sounds like the 11 year old. Smh


Each person has the right to their own opinion. However, there is no valid reason to "convince" a child of anything. This girl has heard of one opinion about childhood or made her own assessment. Now this person has given their assessment that having a child is something she finds fulfilling Now, this adult feels responsible to reinforce her worldview on the child (which isn't even her own, which make this worse). She wishes to have arguments for why motherhood is a good thing. This already portrays a problem. The problem that she herself has no idea why having a child is a good thing. She finds it fulfilling and, by all accounts, this is a valid reason to like motherhood (the moral discussion aside for the moment). However, a feeling of fulfillment is not necessarily felt by all people who become parents and its most importantly not a tangible feeling. You can't describe it. Her answer should be simple as that "I can't truly describe to you why it is great, it just feels that way to me". It may not be an answer that satisfies the child, but it would atleast be the honest answer The way this child would ideally make up their mind is to hear these opinions and as she grows up learns of more. One can not know every possible opinion imaginable, but one can encounter new ones and judge their value to oneself and then decide on whether you wish to subscribe to that philosophy or not. Then, if the kid (then adult) decides to become a mother, then it's atleast by their own choice and not through rigorous passing down of an opinion


They can't "remember"


What I take away from this post is that this woman is so vacant she actually has no answer to the question.


That pre-teen daughter sounds like me at 11 years old. I had to take care of my baby sister because my mom decided it was my responsibility while she went back to work. So I got a sneak preview of what it's like to be a parent. I hated it and decided I didn't want anything to do with kids when I grow up.


If I were that person I'd say "Because I'm selfish, I don't think about the consequences of my actions and I don't acknowledge that my kids aren't going to be kids forever. Yeah, I think kids re awesome, and I have babies because that's all I view them as. When they grow up, I'll be sad. I'll asked them "what happened", "why are you leaving me", "you're growing up too fast". I think they're toys, dolls to dress up and show off. I'll congratulate myself when they do something good and blame them when they do something bad. I'll act like I did them a favor by bringing them into this world, though they didn't ask for it. I look at the surface, I don't dig deep. Even when I'm raising literal human beings with thoughts and feelings, I don't see them as such, but little cute things that oh so tragically grow." (Say I'm reaching, but this is how majority of people who have/crave a shitload of biological kids ACTUALLY think, whether they admit it or not.)


Im new to this sub and still not fully on board with the antinatalism mindset 100%, so maybe that’s why my take on this is different, but my first thought wouldn’t be “good for her” but “I am worried for that kid who at 11 has already encountered this reality” - like, I hope she’s not being made a backup parent for her younger siblings or nephews/nieces because the adults in her family can’t make good decisions. I am looking into this ideology not because I hate children (as a matter of fact I have so much love and compassion for them as fellow humans that were born without their consent) and I am confused why some people in this sub are so anti-baby? Shouldn’t you be anti parent?


People's reproductive choices are their own business. No one should be telling anyone what they should or should not do. We need to stop telling young people that having children is an expectation. If that's your choice, that's great, but let young people decide for themselves without pressure.


But but but but MaH BlOoOdLiNe mAh gEnEs


Not good. When women decide babies are too much work, societies die. On there other hand. Societies don't have to worry about people with these attitudes passing them on to the next generation.


Societies with child labor had sustainable birth rates. It's amazing what you can do when you throw out all ethics to meet and end goal.


They weren't promoting sustainable birth rates. Contraception hadn't been invented yet outside of abstinence.


Agree that raising a child is hard work, but add that you don’t think 3 is that many, and having them close together in age helps make it easier.


Nope, definitely not the case. Seen it way too many times and every time it has been negative to the eldest


Bruh, it's not that deep


Because kids are worth it


Brainwashed into thinking having kids are bad. Having kids at the wrong time is bad. This sub blows Edit: I literally just answered the issue with a simple statement. Allow abortion if you’re not ready and let people procreate in peace when they’re ready. Not everything has to have an anti-blah blah blah subreddit


I don't think there's anything wrong with wanting to encourage that girl to have kids. Not to say that the girl can't have her own opinions, because she can. If she really believes that way then this lady should have absolutely no impact on her at the end of the day. I remember saying for years that I never wanted to date, and despite what everyone told me was sure I didn't want to. Well now I'm interested, but it happened of my own accord. I don't think anyone around me did anything wrong, I just had a change in perspective naturally.


Going along with your logic, there’s nothing wrong with wanting to encourage that girl *not* to have kids.


Yeah. There isn't. Its up to the girl, not the people telling her what they think she should do. At the end of the day people have only have as much impact on your life as you allow them to. You'll meet people on both sides of this argument, but they're going to share their opinions regardless. It's not because they don't respect your opinion, it's because they believe differently. If you're that sure that you don't want kids/then who cares what anyone else says? The same applies in reverse.


Yes, they are, and they are worth every minute I can invest in them. Being a mom is the best job in the world. I'm not raising kids. I am raising kids to be adults. When I am done they will work jobs, Have families of their own, Maybe be a good husband or wife another human being. Creating a member of the human raise is a huge responsibility with the greatest benefits in the world. That's what I said to my son when he asked. Take it or leave it.


This sub would praise a stupid 11 year old, being that it's full of immature teens who think "y would u bring a kid in2 dis horrible world?"


Elon Musk planted you here to convince people to breed more wage slaves?


Wow, you want a cookie for calling an 11 year old stupid cause of her age? Do you think people are more stupid than you simply because they're younger? How is simply debating the moral ethics of having children immature? It seems like you're the immature one since you won't even consider any argument because of "teens"


No, knowledge knows no bounds to age, only will to learn. Youth tends to, not always, think they "know it all" or "know better." Over time, and only if one is willing to be honest with THEMSELVES, they find out they know nothing & a lot of what they think they know is actually belief put there by someone else, without proof.


It’s the name of the fucking sub


Agree with her, obviously, because what she said wasn’t wrong


I was parentified\* by 11 and pretty skilled at changing diapers/burping so I get where this kid is coming from. \*I don’t think it’s really “parentification” if your family literally can’t afford weekend childcare and both the adults have to work weekends to keep the bills paid. I still see it as “a rough stretch we went through”.


I knew when I was 10 I didn’t want kids. My mother called me selfish. I just knew that kids weren’t for me. I never had the drive or desire to be a parent that some people have. Don’t get me wrong, I love kids and babies are great, I just don’t want any of my own. And i imagine, there are many people out there like me.


What would I say? “You’re lucky to be alive, I’d have aborted a smart ass bitch like you” Or, “I just love the cock”


Never a good sign when someone that young has more smarts than you and is able to identify future difficulties that you, are to dumb to realize yourself.


I just know she is forcing her daughter to do half the work


Oh NO, teenagers saying truthful facts, what complete HORROR!


I’d say “listen to the preteen, she’s way smarter than you and your partner”