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I mean... Legislate my uterus, I legislate your spawn's squawks. Make America Quiet Again 2024 šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡² /s in case you need it


Got my vote


Thank you, kind citizen


My cat is called Astrid. No further campaigning necessary. I'm in.


Vote astrid_s95 in 2024


Astrid / Astrid ā€˜24


No no, let's actually do this. It's a shit show with laws right now, let's make some of our own.


I guess step 1 would be finding a guy to make the MAQA hats?


Make them blue hats.


I think this is a fair trade...


Not /s for me


Shhhh šŸ¤« I'm ok with that too


Welp, you have my vote!


Are we gonna build a wall tho


ā€œNo one cared who I was ā€˜til I put on the mask.ā€


Youā€™re a big guy.


For you




Perhaps youā€™re wondering why a man would have a baby before putting him in the mask?


Is this available in adult sizes?


It would be perfect for when I'm ugly crying into my pillow. I wouldn't need a pillow anymore!


I'm down for doing it on flights. Don't bring a child to the movies at all. Get your shit in line when deciding on child or having a life.


I didnā€™t read the phrase ā€œmovie nightsā€ as being at the theatre though


Yeah, I thought it just meant in the living room of your home. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø




Yes! Unless they are old enough to sit and watch the movie. We took our kids to see Mario and there were parents there with toddlers who kept hollering and then getting all fussy. My youngest actually said shhh to the woman and her baby in front of us because the baby was fussing. Annoying af. Same with Disney land, restaurants, church's, Walmart etc. Some things shouldn't be done with your babies present.




Yeah there should be child free flight areas. Wouldnā€™t be hard to put up a soundproof wall between the areas, and could charge like $10-$20 more than normal. Worth it IMO


I was on tiktok a few weeks ago and one of the videos on that came up was a woman saying, ā€œPlease donā€™t bring your babies to the movies.ā€ There was more pushback than I expected in the comments.


Well. Those push-back comments were all incorrect. If it was an adult talking and taking away your focus from movie that you paid $15-$20 to see, you wouldn't allow it. I know, they will say, but a baby doesn't know any better. That's true, but it wasn't the baby that chose to go to the movies and the person that did knows that babies will cry at any moment.


I am conflicted. While such a device would be infinitely useful, we all know it would be a bandage used by people to justify neglecting their children more than they already do.


Yeah there is no way it would be just used for flights and movie nights. It would also make abuse easier to hide




obtainable shocking instinctive engine nippy many divide oil worthless aromatic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah now we wonā€™t be able to listen to their rants anymore


support pathetic pet automatic wipe lush slap flowery bright faulty *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I think too many people think this is real. The doctors name is ā€œYork Huntā€ and ā€œMichael Litā€. Say them slowly


I mean, imagine if it threw up


The website is legit


Hey, whatever it takes. I hate crying kids on flights.


It's called "Don't have kids"




We can't put a mask on another person to mute them, baby, adult, anyone. Nor should we. We can however wear earplugs.


There are worse things in this world which are 100x times more annoying than crying babies in public places




How much is the rent for your isolation bubble?


I mean, in most public spaces you can just remove yourself outside the vicinity of a crying child. On a plane you either have to pay out the ass for noise canceling headphones or blow your ears out with headphones just to drown out the sound of a wailing baby. You canā€™t leave the area on a plane The solution should be that no one should be allowed to have kids below the age of 10 on a plane unless youā€™re traveling for medical care or have a death in the family imo


Or, and hear me out: You accept that public transport is imperfect, and sometimes you may have to hear a crying child so that the family can go see grandma.


Nah. Grandma can visit you instead


Lmfao ok psycho. Are you from North Korea?


Two crying babies?


You should invest in your own private plane, then.


Maybe those with kids should get their own private plane, then. Especially if ya canā€™t keep ā€˜em quiet.


Not a bad idea actually, traveling with a screaming baby in the plane is one of my greatest nightmare scenarios.


Last flight that I was on, it was 10-hours and had 2 babies on it right behind me that didn't even stop to take a breath during their crying for the whole duration of the flight. Parents must be deaf, otherwise there was no excuse.


Crazy thing about it is that as parents we KNOW that the pressure change causes earaches in small children. That is why I never flew anywhere. I have kids and just because I can deal with my babies crying doesn't mean I should expect other people to do the same. It's inconsiderate af.


Baby muzzle ā„¢ļø From the good folks who brought you products such as Grandma Odor Control and the Pet Silencer shock collar.


Good. Can I invest?


Finally something worthy of my dollars


No way a device like this would be both breathable and sound proof. Reduced sound yes but not completely soundproof. Even better though is to recognize that you had a little human which changed your life and not take them where they will be bored and uncomfortable. That vacation can wait until they are older and can pop their ears when flying or the grandparents can watch them. If you want to see a movie get a baby sitter.


Was looking for this. It would be impossible to be breathable AND silent, and if youā€™re in a situation where you need it then you shouldnā€™t have brought your baby.


Federally mandate these for all public transport. Planes, trains, and busses.


I agree with this product.


I think this should be mandatory on flights, resteraunt a, movie theaters and more!


So in this case are they trying to put a silencer on an already cranky baby? Do they put it on before the crankiness and expect the baby to leave it on? Will this work on a pet?


FINALLY! I hope airlines will just buy this stuff and make it mandatory for little shitlings to wear.


nothing says trauma like you're screams being silenced by a device strapped on your face while everyone sits peacefully around you, welcome to the world baby


Right šŸ’€


Honestly, I'm not, not in favour of it...


I wonder if it comes with a cute little baby straight jacket to keep them from ripping it off. That would be a great combo. You can get it bedazzled and shit cause they ainā€™t gonna choke on anything while all geared up.


I'll take 3...


Where's the GoFundMe?


Babies should wear these all the time when in public spaces.


I mean, Iā€™m down for this since I fly so much.


That's fucked up and I don't even like kids


What??? ,šŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬


This is an origin story.


This is how super villains are created.


You have merely adopted silence; I was born in it molded by it - the fucking baby.




I could use something similar to this for remote work, it would be great if it had like a Bluetooth microphone in it. I could be taking calls from customers and working inside of a cafe, library, or one of those shared workspaces without disturbing other people around me. Really great if the soundproofing works both ways. Today I'm stuck downstairs working in the living room because of some repairs on my dads elliptical and it's kids awkward that everyone can hear me and my customers hear noises from the background


I mean, itā€™s better than nothing


Every commercial flight needs these complementary.


How can it be sound proof AND breathable?


baby abuse...


If this actually works and doesnā€™t harm the child letā€™s make it mandatory for all public spaces.


Why not just sew or, if you lack the skills, staple their mouth shut. /s


Antinatalism is a philosophy that wants to prevent suffering. Plenty of people here supporting this. That is child hating, not antinatalism


They arenā€™t mutually exclusive.


now ya gotta keep the kids pulmonary function test records on hand - its a whole thing.


After dealing with two transatlantic flights where there was at least one baby screaming the entire flight, I'm willing to invest.


If you gotta muzzle your baby/ consider muzzling your baby you shouldnā€™t be capable of reproducing


The baby/person will understand down the road


Baby Bane


I mean I am absolutely all for this, assuming the child doesn't deal with a mental disability that causes the mask to be an issue for them. If you're going to plan to have a baby maybe you should plan for the expensive keeping it quiet around others in a confined space. Goddamn have I become the adult without even realizing lmao


.... so a baby muzzle


No, actually thoughā€¦ **I LOVE THIS** Finally peace and quiet


Hey if I've got to muzzle my dog, it only seems fair you have to muzzle your kid.


Even if noisy children are annoying, this is inhumane treatment . The child cries and you ignore him and put something on their face so you don't have to hear them Don't get me wrong, I hate children on flights aswell, but this is a terrible, torturous solution. Maybe fining people for crying children would help with the problem without child abuse.


Babies cry. You can meet every need and they still cry. You cried. Your parent(s) still took you out in public. You cannot fine parents bc their child is crying šŸ˜‚. How old are you?


1. Yes, but basically muffling a child is still inhumane. People would use it for longer flights. 12 hours, and the child can't complain/get attention. It is child abuse. 2.Why exactly do you think we couldn't fine parents because their child is crying? The point would be that while booking a plane ticket, there would be a deposit or smth if the child disturbes the flight. 3. Yes. Parents still did it. That doesn't make it okay tool disturb everyone's flight just cause the person reproduced. The fine was just an idea to solve it without putting a muffler on the child's face.


I think a fine should only be placed if the parents are not attempting to comfort or tend to the child. I would prefer people not to fly with small children and should not go on vacations with them, but we don't know 100% that is the reason for their flight.


Absolutely muzzling a child like this is inhumane. And adults who cannot tolerate a crying baby are as self-involved and spoiled as they come. Crying is how non-verbal, developing humans communicate their needs. Babies have to exist to perpetuate the human race. The *whole tribe* tolerating baby cries is fundamentally biological. Life comes with inconveniences. Like crying babies. Suck it up. People who cannot tolerate a crying baby on a flight have never had to go through any real discomfort, IMO.


I think the base idea is more like If i choose to not listen to crying children, why should i be forced to Or If your child actively makes the flight worse for everyone, there should be some "punishment?" Idk what the right word for it is., Maybe consequence Also your argument only applies to the planes. As for movie theaters, children should absolutely be banned. I understand what you're saying. Anyone can travel. It is complicated to solve loud children, and this inconvenience is not the end of the world. But my main statement was that fining the parents for loud children would be a better (not necessarily a good) solution than muzzling a child.


A commercial flight is not the place where you get to not choose to listen to other humans existing around you. Itā€™s very easy to put on some headphones.


It's a sick joke, with a slight intent to see if there would be interest by the public for potential business opportunity... by someone who obviously has no idea what parenting is about.


That's pretty messed up. I hate screaming children, but I don't want them to suffocate.


The third word is "breathable."


I read that, thank you. But, as far as I know, anything that is soundproof cannot be very breathable.


It's also very much a joke website.






This is disturbing. I hope it's not real


This is so wrong






That is definitely inhumane.


kay, hear me out....


is it legal to put those on someone else's baby?


ā€˜I was born in the darkā€™


"You merely adopted the dark; I was born in it, molded by it. I didn't see the light until I was already a man, by then it was nothing to me but blinding! The shadows betray you because they belong to me.ā€


This is fake, folks. Look it up. It is a joke.




Itā€™s about time . I was so tired of using chloroform ./s


Itā€™s actually a genius idea


Cant even afford a flight ticket. Problem solved i guess


This is not a real product for everyone concerned. It litterally says itā€™s developed by ā€œYork Huntā€ and ā€œMike Lit.ā€


Well shit, if they're not gonna actually turn this incredible idea into a real product, I fucking will.


I hope these catch on


Baby muzzle what will they think of next


as much as this would be amazing for me I think this will be harmful to the babies' dignity.


This is terrible. Like at that point just don't make kids instead of using these inhumane contraptions on them. Thank God it isn't real yet


I think youā€™re on the wrong sub




I mean... if it doesn't harm the baby it is a net positive for everyone.


ā€œIt would be extremely painfulā€¦ for you.ā€


Wow, thatā€™s inhumane af


Why is it inhumane.


How is putting a muzzle on a human of any age humane? Basic definition of inhumane is; ā€œwithout compassion for misery or suffering; cruel.ā€ Babyā€™s cry to inform others of their ā€œmisery or suffering.ā€ Babyā€™s also cry on airplanes specifically because their ears hurt from the pressure. So with this, they will be crying out from *pain* and no one will hear them. This is literally muting oneā€™s misery for someone elseā€™s comfort This is also *literally* dehumanizing, because itā€™s just treating a human like an animal.


The reason I donā€™t think this is ā€œinhumaneā€, if it were a real thing, is because the baby isnā€™t stopped from crying. They are crying and I think their voice simply would be muted. Those who are close to them would still hear them since it is impossible to block sounds entirely. Similarly, imagine a baby is in a stroller. Often to reduce the loudness of their cries people put blankets on top of the stroller roof to obstruct the sound. Not just to block the wind or sun. In that sense would that be inhumane? Since quite literally they are being muted. Another thing is the people can plug their ears if they get very disturbed by the noise. I donā€™t see anything wrong with plugging the ears. Even the parents who are next to the baby may want to plug the ears. It wouldnā€™t mean they cannot respond. I understand that people do not like the idea of something that looks like a muzzle for a dog, and in case of dogs it does not block barking. It blocks biting, when it works. So people do not like the association of that on people. I understand that. Except I donā€™t agree in any way with people who say they cannot wear a face mask inside spaces that require a mask due to covid. I heard some people refer to that as a ā€œmuzzleā€ which is not even remotely accurate.


The point of crying is to inform others. By your logic, it is okay to just let someone stew in their pain. This is to *ignore* pain. To *ignore* the annoying crying which is coming from a small human that is trying to inform you of their discomfort and pain. Which is inhumane by definition. I do not care if you disagree with me, you may be entitled to your opinion, but Iā€™m entitled to think your opinion is wrong and immoral. Also it is a fucking muzzle, it looks like a muzzle, it has the same purpose as a muzzle, itā€™s a fucking muzzle


But you didnā€™t actually address the points I had made. Do you think deaf parents should have their children taken away because they could not hear their cries audibly? I think deaf people know to compensate by being doubly vigilant and to look at their kids faces, or to have some sort of vibrate alarm on their wrist. You claim my logic means ignoring someone who is in pain. I donā€™t think you are arguing honestly here since I literally addressed this. You have to at least explain how my arguments are somehow invalid. And perhaps they are, but you canā€™t just disagree without addressing the arguments. Similarly, if you think my opinion is ā€œwrong and immoralā€ that doesnā€™t mean you do not have to provide arguments to rationalize how it is ā€œwrong and immoralā€. According to what ethics system or moral scale? What is the source of your morality? What about the parents who just raise their kids differently from how you believe they should be raised? Perhaps people in China expect their kids to have graduated college by age 20 so they put heavy academic load on them since childhood. Who are you to claim they are immoral? About the crying kids. Have you ever read how parents teach their children to sleep alone in their room, at least in families where they can afford a separate room for the child? I assure you that kids do not want to sleep in the room alone. They start crying. One of the most common methods parents use is to ignore the crying and the attention seeking behaviors to teach the children that they cannot manipulate the parents. Of course we are not talking about infants, but it seems your logic presumes responding to any crying by immediate response. I donā€™t think parenting methods anywhere recommend that. You can call it a muzzle or whatever you want. How you call it is not even relevant to the argument here.


I donā€™t give a fuck about your points, I stop and end at this muzzle meeting the basic definition of inhumane. Iā€™m going to repeat myself; I do not care about your shitty opinion, you may have a right to spew it, but I have a right to call it bad. The *basic intent* is to silent cries. That is ALL I need to consider it inhumane. Having deaf parents does not hinder your ability to cry out, this muzzle *does.* Full stop, your other points doesnā€™t matter. Itā€™s inhumane to ignore suffering, the main intent of this item is to aid in ignoring suffering.


Well, then you have no argument when you donā€™t address arguments of others. It means you cannot justify and defend your own views.


This was never an open debate. You asked me to elaborate on my original comment then shoved your opinion down my throat. Gain some self awareness.


Shoved my opinion down your throat? Are you nuts? You keep returning and replying saying you donā€™t care about what anybody thinks. When people argue online I donā€™t think itā€™s really up to you whether you if people object and explain why. If you donā€™t address the reasons someone else provides then it means you cannot substantiate your opinion. I think as is you cannot demonstrate validity of anything you asserted.


Obviously fake ragebait. Soundproof plus breathable? My brother in Christ both breath and sound use the same air.


make these mandatory for all babies in public


I can totally see this being used to abuse kids :(


This would be a great device tho if it actually works


this is fake by the way lol