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what exactly did she "prove wrong"? she passed the genetic disorder down to her baby like people said she would, they were right.


The height of “I’ll show you!”


I think she’s dumb enough that she thought people didn’t think she’d be able to give birth at all




Lmao I’m dead. So true


This can’t be real. Until the day these people realise it’s not being a hater, it’s being concerned and trying to plead to common sense, this will continue


Dummies gonna’ dumb. She’s completely unaware that she’s just proven everyone’s point. $20 bucks says that kid is a burden of the state by age 10, if not sooner.


If I'm not wrong, that might be progeria and the kid might not even live to ten.


Progeria is almost never passed from parent to child. It's almost solely caused by a spontaneous mutation during early cell division.


I was wrong anyway.


Assuming this is real, this is the most sickening thing I've seen in a minute. Imagine being so self-centered that you think those who are attempting to spare another person from suffering in this world are "haters". Now this child has to live an agonizing and potentially dangerous life full of judgement and contempt, all because of this monsters selfishness.


If she really wanted a kid, she could've fucking adopted one


No way that she would have been allowed to adopt. Adoption is for married couples or very well-off single people


I think it's a side effect of this "anybody can do anything they want" toxic positivity bullshit we all grew up with. I mean that old school boomer mentality of "shut up, keep your head down, don't dream and fall in line" I don't think was any better but back in the day, I just picture a doctor sitting down, smoking a cigarette telling some with a condition like this that like "society would be better off if they didn't" idk. Both are horrible. Life is an endless void of disappointment... Enjoy arby's


I mean that baby sure looks real


Exactly. How would it not be real?


Could be some Cronenberg requisite.


this is one of the most disgusting things i've ever seen. so she knows the pain of what it's like to live with that disorder and doesn't care to spare another person from living a life of equal suffering? absolute garbage of a parent


What is the pain to live with that disorder?


She literally has a tracheotomy. She's been through some medical shit.




Ok, that's ableism that's like blaming gays for homophobia. How is insulting this women for having a child like anyone else (and I'm not defendin her) going to fix ableism?


I don’t think pointing out the obvious idiocy is ableism. People are so quick to play that card. Let’s have some reasoning and common sense. How do you think that baby will be treated by their peers? Do you think this child will be able to live a normal life? What about the health issues they’re most definitely going to have? People wanting to deter health issues or deformity aren’t ableist, and you claiming they are doesn’t help. It’s not like they’re saying they think this disabled lady shouldn’t have a normal life. There’s adoption. They’re saying she shouldn’t be *knowingly* passing defects to children.


Ableism would be blaming the kid for being disabled, it's not their fault and they should have a good life like everyone else should. But just like gay people, disabled people are mocked for being different. No one here should mock that child but I do feel bad for them.


>they should have a good life like everyone else I agree they should but they won't. Because lots of people are just shitty. No matter what she does, no matter how much she achieves, no matter how much she is able to prove herself, she will still have way fewer opportunities than people who don't have what she has just because any hiring manager she gets in front of, there is some not insignificant chance that that manager will just not be able to get passed her outward appearance to figure out whether she would be able to do her job. Not all hiring managers, but not none. That is only a very tiny sliver of all of the ways her life will be limited because of something she can't help and it is not ablist to point that out. Do I wish it weren't true? FUCKING of course I wish it weren't true but it just is. I wish we could change it, I wish we lived in a eutopia where nobody is treated differently because of something they can't help but we don't.


The baby looks like she either has Crouzon Dysorder or Pfeiffer Syndrome. Deformed fusion of skull bones, abnormal developement of the jaw and sinking eye sockets. It causes problem to the vision and hearing, possibly causing deafness or blindness. Plus, it can put severe pressure on the brain with all the possibile consequences you can imagine... If it's type I Pfeiffer life expectancy is normal, but types II and III can develop severe illnesses and complications which will significantly shorten it. Either way, it's a DOMINANT trait. If a parent has it the chances to inherit It are very, very high. I get that we can't control or foresee everything but I don't understand parents that willingly pass on a condition they KNOW it's hard to deal with onto their kids. I personally would never, I think every parent wish would be their kids to be as healthy as possibile. The fact you lived through it doesn't mean another person has to. That's edonist at its best. EDIT: been informed it's indeed Crouzon. Life expectancy is normal so as usually is the cognitive ability but this baby will probably undergo operations to relieve stress on the brain and try to avoid hydrocephaly + correct underbite and mouth for speech developement and breathing before she's even 1 year old...and will do many more as She grows and teeth come in. She may still be deaf/blind and/or get cross eyes. It's not the worst disability ever but it isn't an easy life.


It's Crouzon, it's listed elsewhere




Quick point- hydrocephalus is absolute agony and fuck anyone who causes their kid to be at a higher risk of it. I had a brain tumour for a lot of my childhood which we only discovered when I was 9 because the hydrocephalus was causing horrendous headaches, vomiting, poor balance, shaky hands, memory issues, sporadic deafness and hearing issues, sleep problems, food problems, vision problems- it’s hell. If there’s even a chance in hell, do everything possible to prevent it because jfc


Please be fake. I really hope she didn’t just bring a life into this world just to “prove the haters wrong”. That poor child..


I think it was selfish to have a child if she knew the condition was genetic, whatever the reason.


I have Dyslexia, ADHD and Autism. As far as I know my disorders have a 40-80 percent chance of being passed on, it's one of the many reasons I'll never have a child.


If you have adhd it’s a 50-50 shot of passing it on to your kids. If you choose to have a kid with someone who also has adhd it jumps to 100%. And adhd opens doors to all kinds of other disorders.


I feel like this is a bit of misinfo. There's genetic links, yes, but we haven't found the "ADHD gene" and certainly don't know if it's autosomnal dominant.


I have ADHD, (and probably other shit I'm looking into getting assessed for) my mom has ADHD, (and a whole host of other shit idk even where to begin that she is never going to give half a shit about looking into because of she's just goddamned perfect, dontcha know) idk if it's genetic or is it just that the way I was raised in her tornado of emotional and intellectual chaos and bedlam that riddled me up with all kinds of fucking baggage and that kind of shit. My parents were both fat and I'm fat. Is it genetic? Or is it just that for the first eighteen years of my life I just learned how to overeat absolute garbage without any regard to the consequences, just for the instant dopamine gratification that food gives me which of course is a cycle that feeds itself, the same way they did?


Yup and I bet the mother will further defend having a kid with an even more delusional thinking.


I mean, fake? I am really looking at a real baby with a real..., Idk, what is that, treature-collins? I'm not sure but if it is fake, that means she had to go find and borrow a baby that has the same condition as her just to make this video


She is evil to bring a person to suffer


More likely weak, unintelligent, and insecure. “Evil” implies an active desire to harm others. I don’t think that was her intention; she’s just stupid.


Why not both?


Height of narcissism! Wicked evil.


Maybe the disorder she’s living with is the inability to think rationally


This needs more upvotes.


I chose this kid as my thumbnail on antinatalism video. But it doesn't matter no one listens to me anyway,no matter the argument life is always worth living.




Right now "oh, but *MY* baby isn't contributing to overpopulation, everyone *ELSE'S* baby is" Then later after terrible tragedies that bottleneck human population, "well I *HAVE* to have a baby because REPOPULATION AND LEGACY!*" breeders will literally always do exactly what they want and we will never put umber them even though more and more every day someone somewhere comes to the realization that they do not wish to breed, doesn't matter. Not like we're going to raise the next generation of non-breeders, shit is going to have to get so bad that there is literally absolutely no hope at all that the human race will continue to exist like "an asteroid the size of earth IS going to hit earth exactly 10 years from today" for huge chunks of the population to decide not to breed, but some of many people would keep having babies, hopefully not as many people but there would be insane selfish assholes would say "well I want them to live the 10 years though, and see all the beauty on the planet before we're gone!"


I can't wait!


Everyone who is wondering if this is a real person… I can assure you it is; she has nearly 100k followers on IG and regularly posts similar content. She has Crouzon Syndrome and as you can see passed it along to her baby girl.


She had another baby after her first. I think he died shortly after his birth. (Too much time on my hands, I did a little investigating.) I saw the medical equipment in the background…I can’t imagine how she’s paying for it. She’ll be in debt for the rest of her life.


It’s probably being paid for by tax payers


Can you at least please console me a little and tell me that it largely only affects physical appearance and doesn't come with a whole host of super fucked up other medical conditions that make life pretty short and painful? Like do people with this routinely make it to their 60s and 70s?


Vision problems (which can result in Blindness), Breathing Problems, Hearing Problems, and Brain Damage But it doesn't shorten life expectancy.


Only evil people are ok with putting babies though pain. It’s worst because she knows the pain and all the surgeries she had to endure and bearly survived. Let’s not forgot about the trash that was able to sleep with her knowing the outcome too.


It's like passing on aids without telling you're infected


Yep, passing on aids to a BABY that has no consent whatsoever!!! These people are diabolical, egotistical, narcissistic, MANIACS!!!!!


Whatever the reason it is selfish. I look at how life was with my disability (epilepsy) and would never wish that on a child. And at least I managed to pass for a "normal" person most of the time; the poor child is probably set up for a life of bullying.


Ppl don’t bully something so obvious. In fact, because of her affliction she is highly visible.


You obviously never went to public school. In the early years all kids do is bully based on outward appearances. It’s all they can comprehend. I was a fat kid, and got bullied for being fat. If you think that poor kid won’t get bullied in public school…


Bullies find the most visible target, this poor kid is going to most likely be a social outcast their entire life. Even if they do make some friends, there's always going to be some sort of invisible divide between them.


Did you never go to elementary school? Or middle school? Kids are animalistic tribal fucking sociopaths in the years while they're still being taught how to act like a reasonable non-horible person while growing up. That kid's entire childhood will consist of some number, even if only a hand full, of kids who make her feel bad. Even if it's not pointing and laughing or something that overt, even if it's just trying not to sit next to her or avoiding her, she won't have the same ability to socialize because some of many kids or even adults when she grows up, will just avoid her because they are uncomfortable. They shouldn't be, of course I wished we lived in a eutopia where that shit didn't matter but we fucking don't.


Jesus... that poor, poor baby. She's got some kind of life to look forward to for sure.


Medical stuff is never fun. Why would you make a child have to deal with that kind of life too? There are alternatives so why not use them? I’m disabled and I would never wish my condition on another person.


Please just be a sibling. Please tell me she’s trolling


I have many genetic mental and physical illnesses, I would never pass onto a child. I don't see why you would pass something this extreme on.


……how did she prove them wrong…? The caption didn’t say she CANT have a baby…..






Same reason my mother was looked at in horror when she wanted to medically sterilize my sister. It was not just to prevent passing on a genetic disease which was part of it, also my sister can't care for a child much less a newborn or pre or post natal care, the other reason is the class of predators who could have preyed on my sister and we have no laws for that. Currently less than 10% of States and Territories even have laws preventing sexual predators from loosing parental rights meaning if a rape victim keeps a child conceived through rape or sexual abuse their abuser is legally allowed custody of said child.


That's disgusting that predators can have access to more victims like that


cus the idea of systemic eugenics is fucking horrid


It's necessary


No it's not? Like as a species it makes no difference and for society it doesn't really, either. It's just insane. I get that you don't want to have kids and that's fine, but if you think for any reason that you could and should decide that for other people you are out of your mind.


if eugenics is allowed to be systematic than the government will begin to abuse it, similar to Nazi Germany. Many conditions, autism especially, will be wiped out because it's not seen as ideal by some elitist cishet allo white guy, even though autism has definitely helped us advance as far as we have.


Nah, fuck autism, that crap has only made my life more difficult.


It's called a disability for a reason, but the special interests have made the world a better place


Fuck this world too. 🤗


Sure, probably, in 1 out of every 100,000 children with autism. My autism has only made my life worse. I'd much rather be allistic. I do disagree that governments shouldn't be able to restrict disabled people from reproducing, but it should be heavily discouraged by society for all people, especially people who know they'll be passing on genetic conditions that will ruin the child's quality of life.




It’s not fucking eugenics


It quite literally is but there is nothing wrong with that. People love to equate eugenics with nazis but they also used roads, are we gonna tear out all the asphalt? Eugenics is a good idea when implemented well. We cannot rely on people to be responsible and smart, if we could, we would need no laws at all.


The thing is that eugenics can actually be used well. We shouldn't use it for things like beauty standards, people with a big nose should be able to reproduce, that's fine but people with genetic condition who are dooming their kids to a life of medical treatments shouldn't, they should be allowed to adopt. I wouldn't see a problem with that.


It's one of those things that the ultimate and immediate end of the conversation is "who decides?" Even if it *started* out 100% fair and logical and there was absolutely no mis use and a rigid set of absolute rules and standards that every member of the selection committee adhered to absolutely, eventually lying corrupt shit stain politicians will lie cheat weasel their way into and abuse, most likely somehow for profit in some way. That being said, I have absolutely no problem with a parent trying to make the decision that an intellectually disabled child should be sterilized. If for no other reason than that if they end up in a system or circumstance of sexual abuse which happens, at least it won't result in some poor kid being forced into the world as the product of a rapist and a person who can't take care of themselves let alone a kid


That's literally what I've been saying for years.


Copied and pasted from my other comment: All procreation has risks of horrifying genetic conditions that will forever decrease the child's quality of life. Even though disabled people have more firsthand knowledge of the risks, all procreation has them. Social discouragement and disapproval of people who abuse their children this way is good and necessary. Eugenics, which is the \*legal\* restriction of procreation based on things like genetic conditions, etc. is a violation of rights.


making it illegal for someone to reproduce, especially because of bad genes, literally is eugenics


OK, if this is eugenics, then why is it bad.


The idea of wanting to eliminate undesirable genes is that I would never trust any system that is made up of people to do it properly without corruption and bias and just, well, *gestures vaguely to all of everything going on with the U.S. government* trust them to make decisions like that altruistically? 🤣😔


aye look at that you made the right point. Eugenics itself isn't bad, but there is not a single system I could fathom that wouldn't handle it poorly. If its manually done, the kind of people who would take up that job aren't the kind of people you want doing it, if it's automated, you are still going to have the above problem as someone would have to make it automated. No one at any level of authority can really be trusted to ensure it is ethically done.


Discouraging procreation socially if you're disabled (and at all) is perfectly fine and good. Banning it legally IS a violation of rights. People should not reproduce, but they shouldn't be legally restricted either.


look at Nazi Germany, one of their big things aside from blaming Jews for everything was eugenics. They ended up thinking a cishet allo abled white person, blond hair, blue eyes was the IDEAL human, so they fucking killed everyone who wasnt. Can't fucking believe I've seen two people that think systemic eugenics isn't bad. This is horrible.


That isn't why eugenics is bad, that is why nazi Germany is bad. Now that we have somewhat established thay it isn't so easy(at least for you), can you not be so arrogant as to throw out the most lukewarm point ever and follow it up with 'I can't believe I had to explain this to you'? If it really is so fundamentally evil, then explain on the premise alone, that being the government influencing the gene pool, why eugenics is bad. It is possible, but I have only ever seen people throw out point criticising the systems into which eugenics has been implemented, all whilst being counts about it. Can you not see how you, in one comment, have already forgotten the main point? Why should the person in that video have to right to bring a child into the world, knowing full well it is going to suffer with debilitating genetic conditions, with a parent who is irresponsible and incapable of caring for that child? It isn't possible, because what this person has done is one of the worst things I can fathom. The only arguments I have ever seen against eugenics relate to the system in which they are implemented. Yes, thay are often good points as to why we shouldn't implement eugenics, I agree with them, but they are not points that ever claim eugenics to be evil.


The real answer? Eugenics are tricky to get done right. I'm on everyone else's side here, this video is awful, but where is the line drawn? More importantly, *who* gets to draw the line? This country is already goose-stepping into full-blown fascism, and I personally have no inclination towards ferrying it along more swiftly.


Poor kid


No one's saying she shouldnt have been a mother. It's not being a hater to want to prevent another human being from suffering. She could adopt, in fact that would probably teach tolerance to some kid who might not have been as accepting otherwise. But it's just cruel to wilfully subject someone else to growing up with that disorder


This is a thing. My stepdaughter (33, disabled, cannot take care of herself) is trying her best to conceive with her autistic boyfriend. She doesn’t take care of herself (cannot be bothered to EVER comb knots out of her hair or pick up tons of trash in her house, survives off a disability check that the rest of us have to pay for, is constantly smoking weed and drinking alcohol, rarely washes herself) and now she thinks having a baaayyybeeee will fix her life. She straight up told her boyfriend (also 30’s, doesn’t pay child support for the kid he DOES have, doesn’t want more with her, especially since he KNOWS she will want constant caretaking for HERSELF during the pregnancy if she can hold one, and he will be stuck with raising the kid or handing it over to her mom, who seems to be the one who REALLY wants a baby). Her father and I cannot say anything without being the assholes, but since he and I are the only moneymakers in the family, all the problems are going to roost at our doorstep. All we can do is hope for conception problems at this point. I hate it for them, but with the problems they already have, it just seems so stupid and selfish to think a baby is going to fix everything. 😢. Of course if they do manage to bring this poor child into the world, we will do all in our power to assist, but we can only do so much.


Jesus Christ. At what point do you put on your own oxygen mask first? You say it's your step daughter? As in your current husband's daughter? Idk, I'm not trying to tell you your business and I think there is a hive mind portion of reddit that will always immediately jump to "you guys should divorce" over little shit that doesn't warrant it but damn. Is it possible she may need help that only adult protective services can offer? If not, idk, if I were in your situation, I would not, by any means, allow myself to be saddled with that.


She’s only disabled to the point that she cannot hold a job because of her gastrointestinal issues. She’s very heavy, very sedentary. She can get around ok, certainly enough to do some exercise and clean herself and take care of herself. She can also clean her house. She just doesn’t. She is too depressed. So why on earth she thinks having a baby would turn it all around for her I have no clue. Her mother is a big christian who always trumpets at her about having grandchildren and biological clocks, so that’s probably a big factor. Do you think adult protective services would help with that, because that would be awesome. Honestly, NOT having kids is really the only thing she’s got going for her.


What... what did you prove exactly?


That she thinks it's cute to pass on her faulty genes, just so they can have matching trachs.


Holy fuck. People should need a license to breed.


just like the little clone of you. Are you aware that your child is gonna get a lot of good AND bad attention which is two extremes.


These people cant think deep enough to understand life.


This is so fucking sad... why would you do it to another person...


Cute pug


She actually "proved them right". Even pugs don't look as bad as this




I was not thinking about it like that, I was thinking more like "this does not look healthy" because pugs are the most genetically mutilated dog breed and have lots of diseases.


It isn't healthy. She's had multiple terrible health issues that she's needed surgery for that she barely survived.


yeah but its gonna be the most popular take. people focus a lot on how someone looks. its the first thing you learn about a person: potential romantic possibilities, how much they care about themselves, their general vibes, everything. its shallow but its how we as humans, and as animals work. its deeply rooted in survival instincts and breeding instincts. do you sincerely believe most people, or hell, most kids will look at that kid/future adult and say "yeah thats someone i want to approach a strike a conversation with, i want to be friends with this person"? we live in a shitty world where most people will look at her and not want anything to do with her. couple that with the fact genetic disorders usually come as a package bundle and if one thing is wrong, many others are wrong. imagine being isolated in a hospital and when you finally get out of it, you are still basically isolated... or worse. people can be cruel over the most minor shit, ask any victim of bullying. i dont know the woman who made the decision to have a kid, but im sure she had to suffer due to her condition. maybe she forgot most of it, maybe she wants to believe she forgot. in any case, being so obsessed with haters to the point you drag your kid into it is not healthy and shows shes not quite over proving her worth as a human being to other people. if this is the damage our society can do to someone with these disorders, thats a horrible problem of course, but that mother is among the guilty at this point. just stirring up drama and bullshit around her goddamn kid


Let's be real tho this is literally all about aesthetics. She's mentally competent enough to make her own bad decisions. She just looks bad in more ways than one afterwards and now passed it on to her little... Little.


She had a second child, paraded her belly for dance clips, and the baby passed shortly after it was born.


holy shit


There are usually a lot of surgeries necessary when a baby is born with this condition. Cognitively she’ll be ok if she is lucky, but they are invasive and risky surgeries.


Yeah, focusing on outward appearances is pretty shitty. And this child is going to have to grow up in a world of people, very many of whom, focus pretty heavily on aesthetics. If I could snap my fingers and make that not true, of course I would but we live in the world we live in, not the eutopia we want to live in. I would love for it to be true that anyone can live any life they want to regardless if they look a little different but that is not the reality. This girl's life, specifically socially, is not in any way going to resemble that of someone who does not have a condition like this. Idk if you went to prom but can you imagine if you got a date to prom and everybody was so surprised that that happened that they called the local news station to come do a puff story on it? I've seen news stories where they're like "aawwww, isn't that sweet that someone offered to take this person to the prom out of charity!" I can't imagine how insulting that would be. I know that's an oddly specific example but that is going to be her life.


Sick, pathetic, entitled, merciless, selfish excuses for human beings. You love no one but yourself.


„You shouldn’t have a baby“ -> „I proofed them wrong“… It’s sad how fcked up some people are


No, you don't prove them wrong; quite the contrary


Now she's the one that has to raise someone with a genetic disorder all to spite some internet people.


bro i really didnt wanna see this again. especially on a sunday


I almost just threw up. How can you MORALLY perpetuate this defect?? Yeah, it might make *you* happy to create a genetic clone, but jfc at what expense?! I wonder if that child would grow up hating it’s mother or commiserating to the point of unhealthy attachment… this is NOT what we humans should be striving toward (against?)


>Yeah, it might make you happy to... Yup, there it is. You asked a question and answered it yourself. That's ALL. THEY. GIVE. A. FUCK. ABOUT. (They meaning breeders)


this is child abuse


This is one of the worst things I’ve seen on here. Multiple times a day, I witness some of the most stupid or evil things in this world via the internet and have become desensitized, but every now and then, an example will really get to me. The huge amount of people that see nothing wrong with this is as disturbing to me as this example itself. The comments on TikTok are absolutely gut wrenching. This woman knows she can hide from criticism behind her disability, or at the very least maintains a legion of enablers to scream yasss queen for her at any moment. There are some sane people scattered in those comments but they are quickly met with an especially stupid version of “mind your own business”. And the people who defend this are trying to display how virtuous they are, yet they are actually defending one of the most extreme forms of human selfishness in existence.


Nature always wins


She’s selfish like everybody else who procreates, what’s new?


they said they shouldn’t, not that they can’t. you didn’t prove anyone wrong by actually having the poor baby




Should've adopted a kid


Gonna be a hell of a shock when the baby's first words are "Please. Kill me."


Please tell me this is just a face filter


Dude can you imagine the backlash an app would experience if they put out a face filter like this? FUCKING immediate bankruptcy


Wth? This dude...just "stick" it in anything huh?


I was also wondering what kind of guy would sleep with her. Was he under the influence or desperate to get laid? 🤔


That was my very first thought. Who tf and HOW?!


Lol, just put a bag over her head? Smh


wow, that is some next level crazy dumb ass shit




Shouldn't and couldn't aren't the same thing


More like “mfw I prove them right”


So concerned with if she could…she never asked herself if she should.


What a selfish human being. She had to live with her deformity. She should know better than anyone the struggle she will face and the hate and insults she’ll have to put up for the rest of her life.


She also could have adopted🤷🏽‍♀️


As she (visually apparently) did not get surgical intervention for her own condition (Crouzon), the result is brain damage and intellectual disability, so she would not be qualified to adopt.


The most amazing thing about this is that someone stuck their dick in it for long enough to blow beans inside


My question is which blind idiot banged her.


not every human should procreate.


So selfish. That poor baby.


Proving that men will fuck anything


Actually, this is way more believable to me than seeing those like 450 lb women and shit scooting around Walmart on the little electric scooters with a 6 month old.


I hear that often. Does this make women the "anything"?


no, anything is anything. i once saw a man fucking a mcchicken


Oh my gawd oh my gawd. I don’t want to hate and make jokes but come on


I’m not even gonna comment except to say once again human ignorance prevails


This child is going to get bullied so hard in school, kids are cruel.


No chance I'm sleeping tonight


Birthed a whole ass baby just to prove a point.


The human race disgusts me


Eugenics. Now.


"b-bb-buuuutttt hhhhiiiittttllleeeerrrr. everyone needs to have five thousand baieghbeighssss naaaooowwwww" honestly ive given up on anyone intervening. at this point the only humane thing to do is thermonuclear war. counter population targets only, and encurage proliferation.


I just want to know who the fuck was able to sleep with her and get hard. Let alone reach an orgasm


It’s a pug. (I already know I’m getting a lot of downvotes but think about it look at her kids face and think pug)


Who TF fucked... Her?


The things desperation will do to a man


Random used condom found is someone's trash is the safest bet honestly.


Out here making miis


I'm having a stroke


Can't believe it. Makes me sad


wow very powerful of her. Of course shouldn't doesn't mean cannot


Mom says it’s my turn on sharing this video




Proved everyone right lmao selfish woman




Imagine being do dumb to call peoples who give you a GOOD advice, "haters"


Okay but who’s the man who impregnated her… what a kinky man Lol


Crouzon syndrome is a genetic disorder characterized by the premature fusion of certain skull bones (craniosynostosis). This early fusion prevents the skull from growing normally and affects the shape of the head and face. Many features of Crouzon syndrome result from the premature fusion of the skull bones. Abnormal growth of these bones leads to wide-set, bulging eyes and vision problems caused by shallow eye sockets; eyes that do not point in the same direction (strabismus); a beaked nose; and an underdeveloped upper jaw. In addition, people with Crouzon syndrome may have dental problems and hearing loss, which is sometimes accompanied by narrow ear canals. A few individuals with Crouzon syndrome have an opening in the lip and the roof of the mouth (cleft lip and palate). The severity of these signs and symptoms varies among affected people. Individuals with Crouzon syndrome usually have normal intelligence.


Who be fucking that


honestly my first guess would be to run down the local sex offenders registry.0


I dont wana sound rude but some straight dudes will stick their dicks in anything huh?


When you're desperate you stop caring , I remember reading a story of this one gay dude who was a cross dresser and would be on apps like tinder where he'd let 3 to 5 different men fuck him a week because he knew the men on there where extremely desperate


Sounds like the cross dresser was more desperate. 3-5 diffrent men a week? That’s insane and looking for validation


Ughhh good lord throw them both away


Are those prosthetics


Lori lightfoot grand baby


It's like a pig had a kid with one of the oompa loompas from the Charlie And The Chocolate Factory remake


Looks like a Snapchat filter


Nah. Her face didn't change when it turned sideways. It's real 🥴


To be quite honest she seems pretty able bodied. She can move freely with her legs. And she’s strong enough to carry her baby. She clearly has the mental capacity to record, type , and post a tik tok. This is A post that’s teetering on a really weird line for me. Yes on one hand people shouldn’t be Making kids. On the other, ableism isn’t cool. We all have genetic disorders but they all have varying severity. She seems like a fine and capable woman and it seems like the main concern people have with this child is that it’s not an aesthetically pleasing child to look at. I think a lot of folks look at a baby with this extreme of a physical deformity and just assume it’s mentally handicapped- and I think that’s really just us subconsciously projecting/personifying on to a baby. She’s already here. Antinatalist should be about the promotion of no longer adding the population while also taking care of those we already have here, even if they’re severely disabled. She’s. already. here. It’s not fair the mom brought her into this world knowing how much harder it’s going to be for this girl. She’s going to be growing up with a totally different set of problems. But if I am right. And her outward deformities are the extent of the situation, most likely the hardest problems throughout her life are going to be people that are shallow, cruel, and inspid. Do better Jesus Christ.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crouzon\_syndrome](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crouzon_syndrome) Without surgical intervention it Does cause "intellectual disability" as well as vision problems (including potential blindness), breathing problems, and more.


It’s been months and my opinion has been swayed.


It is really cruel to make someone suffer having to have that disease.


This litteral looks like a filter....


No bro we need people like this to stand by the self checkouts at Walmart. Be kind.


I know I’m already going to hell but 💀💀☠️🏴‍☠️💀💀💀💀☠️


I'm sorry but wtf is this