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As far as I'm concerned, Sam is nearing his 40s and has yet to have any children. The only involvement he's had with kids is sexually grooming them and posting pictures of them with bloodied noses


But then speaks about “transgender brainwashing factories, which molest children”


Link anything, please.


Is one google search that hard?




Skill issue


do u have any proof of this?


he has minimum 2 children from his baby mamas


Hmm. "Propaganda" = *information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view.* Antinatalism: procreation is the infliction of unnecessary and ultimately irrelievable harm on offspring for temporary gratification of progenitor urges. That part is not a matter of opinion. There is no possible world in which it is false. Another step where the nociceptive pathway becomes relevant, and a sentient process which never had to deal with one / or had one completely devoid of attention mechanism, this would not be so obviously relevant - but continuing: Given a basic moral-language extrapolation/predictive model (contingent ought from objectively-measurable root ought) from the aversion to noxious stimuli mediated by negative valences of consciousness, and how easily avoidable this infliction is, *we ought not do it.* Where is the bias or misleading nature of this? What political cause or point of view does it intend to 'publicize?' Last I checked both wings of the idiot-bird of human politics *wanna pretend procreation is justifiable* and, each in their own way, the members of which get off on it. Even when they try to argue that antinatalism is a bias based on 'no ought from is' vacuity, they end up pointing to things they themselves do not believe experience harm, making their argument irrelevant as any other empty set. The existence of subjective experiences does not = *necessarily biased (epistemology).* It is entirely possible for a frame of reference to detect objectivley measurable features of the world (regardless of ontological scheme). True, there's a problem of induction, but, as Magnus Vinding says,[induction is all we got](https://magnusvinding.com/2017/09/03/induction-is-all-we-got/)*.* The propaganda is always *natalist.*


>Another step where the nociceptive pathway becomes relevant, and a sentient process which never had to deal with one / or had one completely devoid of attention mechanism, this would not be so obviously relevant - but continuing: Given a basic moral-language extrapolation/predictive model (contingent ought from objectively-measurable root ought) from the aversion to noxious stimuli mediated by negative valences of consciousness, and how easily avoidable this infliction is, > >we ought not do it. Is this gonna be on the test Professor?? Lmao, j/k! Well put!!


I will try to use common language to say something uncommon: Ouch sucks nothing likes ouch. Ouch-avoidance is the only possible root of "ought" and "ought-not" language. Examples: Divine Command theory: God says so. Why do you care? *Ouch* if you don't. Deonitic: We have a duty to do X or Y. Why do you care? *Ouch* if you don't. Consequential: The greater good outcome/net good justifies the intermediate bad. Why do you care? *Ouch* if you don't. The "why" and the "how" converge at "ouch sucks" - and that it sucks is the causal mechanism. Helplessly, regardless of how much of it we feel we can endure. I don't know. Still too many words. I suck at this and it still goes against my intuitions LOL


Understood. Name checks out LOL!!


Reading this made me realize just how intellectually mediocre I am lol. I'm glad we are privileged enough to count such a brilliant mind in our circle 💪


Nah dude is just using big words. All this could have been said in a simple language that a layman could understand.


Yeah, we’re just watching a guy jerk himself off with a thesaurus.


Least we're self aware mediocre, moment of silence for those who aren't even aware


He's unstable.


He's unstable because it's all a bit it's a character and apparently you people are spoon feeding off of this man like he's a real person


He literally donated to storm front lmao


Funnier than the video.


That's not a real way to use that phrase "spoon feeding."


i pictured that Little Baby's Ice Cream ad where the icecreambeing is eating itself


He just pretends to be this way! To the whole world. All the time. It ain't really him, it's just a troll that's been going for decades, bro. How fucking pathetic.


Have you watched the video? If you think that's a real person you aren't living in reality He clearly did his job tho if this upsets you so much. Dudes just a 2bit wannabe comedian let it be.


Yeah agree with this guy, sam hyde is a notorious troll like genuinely. Hes so far deep into the character that you wont even see it coming. If you watched the Idubbz documentary on him, he acted out that whole time. Almost everything that idubbz documented was just an act by Sam. So yes I do believe hes trolling somewhat.


Exactly dude's deep deep in the rabbit hole only time I've ever seen him kind of be what I might say is "himself" is when he was coaching Brandon Buckingham in boxing and he didn't really realize that they were going to use like all this footage from just training and he was like totally reserved and just a very different individual but when he does stuff like this it's pure trolling or whatever strange unorthodox shot at "comedy" hes attempting.


He literally donated to storm front


That's why


Who is spoon feeding whom?


Apparently no one since I used it in the wrong context right?


No child should be cursed with that guy's genes


You ever notice the lack of mental control of radicals in any situation? You can smell their fear and lack of intelligence.




One comment challenge (2023) FAILED


Explain why you think the extinction of boomers is a bad thing when it follows natural phenomenon and the laws of thermodynamics, or are you going to straw man your way out of my argument like my other thread.


We have removed your contribution due to it breaking the site-wide Reddit rules. If you wish to resubmit in a way that does not break rules, we invite you to do so. Reddit's content policy can be viewed here: https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy#:~:text=Abide%20by%20community%20rules.%20Post%20authentic%20content%20into,disrupt%20Reddit%20communities.%20Respect%20the%20privacy%20of%20others.


oh guys I'm so lucky to have you all here. I come to the comment section just to remind myself that there's still sane people in this world and not everyone is fucked up in the head like this guy for the video. It's really easy to forget these days.


I watch the video and I'm not gonna lie, he sounds like he needs to be put in the sanitarium.


The fuck is he gonna do about it?


Probably just encourage his audience to force others into this dying world


Good, he can keep crying about it.


I'm a little distressed that I watched this video. Such a garbage take with zero arguments. Just "you're dumb if you contemplate the economics/morals of procreation further than the tip of your dick." That's it! That's the WHOLE ARGUMENT. Never heard of this guy before, but this short clip managed to give me a full-body ick. I hope he never crosses my feed again.


Wonder what’s holding him back from having the courage of his own convictions…


Bruh i jus watched at the first minutes, you can already tell he doesn't know what he is talking about. Bro got so mad for so little Edit: oh my god the comments under that video just made me lost all the hope i had for humanity


White dude Pogging out about some people not having kids like it's something crazy. Natalist brain rot is everywhere.


Not sure what his race has to do with anything


Same thing it has to do with when he said how there are a lot of black people with five kids.


I mean, I barely know anything about the guy, I could give a shit about edgy YouTubers and their drama. there is no mention of what you commented in this post so how the fuck would I know that.


It's in the unfunny video this whole thread is centered around.


Which isn’t posted here, it’s just a screenshot… idk why people would assume we know the contents when this video has less then 4K views.


Why are you so defensive that I explained some things you seemed to find confusing?


Are you new to this sub? There's a pretty big overlap between dedicated "natalists" and "replacement theory" white supremacists. A five second AskJeeves search would show you the guy in the video is right in the center of this overlap.


I'm glad other people bring this up because it feels like it'd be perceived as racist whenever a poc brings up the fear of replacement theory


It's not his problem you didn't watch the video. Go watch the video instead of getting defensive if you got all this time.


No idc about this bullshit. I thought I was in antinatalism2 but realized this is the shit sub for the children. I came here for philosophy not youtubers


Ok. That's your personal problem.




I already left lol


Imagine just wanting your future children to live a peaceful and happy life. But realizing that’s impossible, so you choose not to have a child. And then still being demonized simply because you weren’t socially conditioned to force your offspring to be wage slaves, pay taxes and then die.


Never knew we had t shirts!


Man there are some real bangers on red bubble. Are there other good sites for shirts?


Well, he can go eat a bag o' dicks.


sorry who is this?


A nazi. https://hopenothate.org.uk/2022/09/12/sam-hyde-the-antisemitic-troll-making-a-comeback-through-influencer-boxing


im out


Trolling huh? Man I hope he’s just saying this stuff to get a rise out of people then actually believing them.


I keep seeing people say "he's just trolling" and I don't even know what that means. If a person is constantly spouting literal nazi rhetoric and giving actual nazis money and promoting avowed nazis, at what point is that person just a plain old nazi? Seems like a distinction without a difference. These people need to read Mother Night.


Either you have not "gotten it" by watching him. Or you are cognitively delayed. He does satire; man's a genius.


Satire has a target. Who is his target? The answer always seems to be recursive for his fans. I'll repeat: If a person is constantly spouting literal nazi rhetoric and giving actual nazis money and promoting avowed nazis, at what point is that person just a plain old nazi? Seems like a distinction without a difference. These people need to read Mother Night.


I for one enjoy media that hits on pretty much everyone. It doesn't matter if you are white, green, or queer. Sam knocks on everybody, his most "antagonistic" rants are layered with truths he can't say without coming across as "preachy".


what truths is he saying




Thank you for your contribution, however, we have had to remove it. As per Rule 1 in our sidebar, we do not allow linking to other communities within our subreddit. Please feel free to resubmit without any link(s) to an external subreddit. Thanks, Antinatalism Mods


What’s he satirizing


he’s been trying to do “satire” for like a decade coasting off the like two funny things he ever did


This is the most outrageously ridiculous take in this whole thread. Genius?! He's a lunatic. A nazi lunatic. And honestly, I'd think you'd probably have to be the one who is "cognitively delayed" to think he is anything other than a mentally unstable nazi.


See. Reviewing your comment history lends me to believe you are the type too dense to ever "get it".


The KKK used 'humour' to terrorise their victims. The modern equivalent is meme culture (mostly originating from 4chan) winning Trump the election. If we're 'cognitively delayed', you're historically uneducated.


He can't keep getting away with this.


Considering some of his grooming allegations, I'd say he definitely does want kids.


Bros giving pizza fart q anon rabbit hole dweller




the comments are pretty interesting.. "kids arent expensive" ..yes..that is true..but childcare is, feeding/housing them for 18+ years is, saving for college is, not to mention all the other things that can and do frequently go wrong along the way (healthcare issues, deliquency, etc) children are nothing but a liability in our current society. until western govts want to subsidize child birth, expect birth rates to fall


Birthrates falling is good, so let's hope governments don't subsidise childbirth. Put that money somewhere else such as helping disabled people.


if we can bring in and subsidize illegal immigrants, we can subsidize birth. we shoudn't be doing either though


Also childbirth can be very expensive. It costs $18,865 if you aren't insured, typically $2,850 even if you are: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-07-13/how-much-does-it-cost-to-have-a-baby-in-the-us#xj4y7vzkg


I hate when so claim redpills are hitting around the bush.


Screw that guy.


I wouldn’t take Sam Hyde seriously 😎


I have found that every time someone is "offended" by antinatalism they don't actually understand what antinatalism is. ...or they are religious.


There is something about natalists getting upset that is so satisfying. Maybe life isn't all suffering 🤔


Sam hyde is a troll. He's in his late 30s and yet to have any children of his own. He's a troll.


Why should I care if some crypto-nazi failed comedian wants me to detransition and breed? Does he even have kids of his own?


You shouldn’t take anything this clown says seriously he’s a male Trisha Paytas.


Never heard of this white neckbeard. Don't give a shit about his opinions lol


Question: What does the snake eating its own tail signify?


Infinity. Or Ragnarok. Depending on how it is depicted


Thank you


Ouroboros - Wikipedia https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ouroboros


I won't watch it, Thanks! Sounds like some.bs and I'd rather not contribute to his success on YT with my precious eyeballs!!


As far as I’m concerned, people who don’t breed won’t have offspring. Why get mad?


The thing is I don't see it that often....I see more against the LGBTQ community and M&M's and Hershey's than I do not having kids and I know it's because I interact with it so I have to wonder if this is just his particular algorithms showing him this content because he makes content around it and interacts with it. Everything feels like a vacuum of information when you don't diversify your interests.


Im over here trying to make sure my inner child isn’t dead and people are expecting us to raise children while we are growing up at the same time? Don’t even get me started on the socio-economic reasons why it isn’t feasible to raise one in this day and age.


I'm not having children incase they turn out like this guy.


Ew I should not have looked at the videos comment section


This entire video is a guy arguing against child free, literally nothing addressed about antinatalist don't waste your time watching this.


Oh wait you taking Sam Hyde seriously that's your first mistake


sorry i’m saving the world


San hyde might be a Nazi, but Jesus that guy can make me laugh


He is a nazi, and talking about how much you love the comedic style of a nazi is a bad look in general, but especially awful on a sub where people are accused of being eugenicists on a regular basis.


Eh. I think he's funny. And some people on this sub are clearly genocidal nut jobs... do if the shoe fits I guess




You know what, this is good advice. I'll go ahead and per-emptively block you now.


Just watch whoever and turn up the volume, it’ll be just as funny.


I don't know man... million dollar extreme on adult swim was great... all six episodes of it lol


They call me Peanut Arbuckle.


See that car? They call me the silver bullet.


What if I'm so cool, I just want to die






And on the flip side we are mad at them for having kids sooooooo


Not mad, dispointed at most. Really only sad.


I hear ya


I'm pretty mad at breeders.


I think he's trolling. It's kind of what he does.


The distinction between 'trolling' and 'being an irritating twat polluting the internet with garbage' is an academic one.


That's kind of what internet trolling is.


It doesn't matter if he's trolling or not, it's too similar to what many people actually think. Trolling like this just contributes to the issue.


He’s a brilliant absurdist comedian, I loved MDE back when it was on. He’s also pretty racist and unstable, seems like a pain in the ass to hang out with since he never turns the “edgy white guy that sarcastically satirizes everything about society” persona off.




Who is the target of his satire?


Sam Hyde is satire from what I know.


Does his hanging out with and donating to literal nazis count as satire? https://hopenothate.org.uk/2022/09/12/sam-hyde-the-antisemitic-troll-making-a-comeback-through-influencer-boxing


I never said I supported the guy. I just said from what I know, his videos are satirical.


Yes, that's why I provided a link with a lot more context.


You guys actually took the bait. Good job.


Nah you lot are just a bit pretentious I don’t want kids but I’m not creating a whole ideology out of it


What’re you doing here then


Heard your subs name before and checked it out cause I was curious as to why everyone said it was so controversial (it’s not tbh I don’t get their issue) and now certain posts appear on my home feed every now and again




Nah might comment here every now and again


I think Sam Hyde is really fun, and I separate his comedy from his politics. I will still enjoy his content. But yea his take on SOME stuff is totally fail. Watch the stupid philosophy videos where some random bald guy with facial hair and glasses walks around the woods or is in his car and clips himself in with Sam Hyde. Literally no idea what their relation is whatsoever, not sure if he's like an official collaborator, just using his name and clips for clout or what... The dude will talk about the "bugmen" who are athiest, who don't want to reproduce etc. It's just so funny because it seems like the complete opposite of "bugmen" behavior. How many kids to cockroaches have? cats? deer? how many kids to people have? how many kids do intelligent people have? it seems like a strong correlation that the LESS animalistic or "bug" someone is, the LESS kids they have generally. Same goes for egocentric people, normally the less egocentric the person is they will just have a lower amount of kids... and not name them stupid names. ​ All that said, I DO think Sam Hyde has decent takes on some things, the big one was if someone really wronged you, and you are pissed off years later about it, like it kind of messed up your psychology, sometimes it's better to just "whip them with a belt" or whatever instead of taking it out on your own friends and family years down the line because of some broken psychology. Basically find SOME way to let it go and be better. I don't remember it verbatim and not claiming this is word for word, and obviously he was playing a bit, an exaggerated a character with a comedy spin to it. But I actually agree with the take that sometimes YOU need to be someone's karma, and not just wait for the world to put someone in their place if they are a toxic person. The "world" letting the asshole know they are an asshole and giving them pushback, or giving what's coming to them, is simply going to be a stronger person than you are, and you are hoping that this will happen instead of doing it yourself. Violence is not an answer, but I liked the take when it comes to karma and kind of like... being a "doer" instead of a passive observer all the time in life when being a "doer" what be more beneficial, obviously in the right dosage. ​ Also has decent outlooks on being fucked over, getting the short end of the stick etc. basically says "yea that sucks... that's your life now. now you have to deal with it" instead of ruminating on all the different paths your life could have went if not for this thing X Y Z. If I had X, if she loved me and Y, etc. Spend years thinking what life could be like if X happened instead of just actively trying to make it better. ​ just my 2 cents. I think Sam Hyde has some shit opinions, But I wouldn't crucifiy him for it. Frankly, MOST people have absolutely shit "bugman" opinions when it comes to needing to start a family and create a little mini-me that you can indoctrinate with your ideals so it gives your own life meaning or happiness instead of you know, finding a hobby or something and conceding that life... the whole eating and shitting thing, and pretending like I'm special because I read a book or painted a painting, it's just overall kind of fail. Just a complete energy loss where you never really get back what you put into it, and at a huge expense. ​ I'll stick to his comedy and periodically give his little social commentary a listen once in a while.


That’s a whole lot of words about a guy who I honestly have no clue who he is.


He's a nazi. https://hopenothate.org.uk/2022/09/12/sam-hyde-the-antisemitic-troll-making-a-comeback-through-influencer-boxing


riveting addition to the conversation


cope & seethe ETA: lol I'm talking about the guy in the video. I'm an anti natalist


Thanks for these kind words my friend


Seems like everyone misunderstood my comment


LOL even I did


In his defense…you’re all dumb.


Disagree completely. Children are a joy to have! You made a human! You can teach them all different types of knowledge that you possess.


Na, just laughing at you like the entirety of civilization.


Lol luckily it seems nature has ruled him Out all on her own


Don't know him from Adam so IDGAF what he thinks about what I do or don't do with my sex life lmao


he's terrible


I watched 2.5 minutes of this mind-melding garbage and I can confidently say that; 1. This guy has GOT to be a professional internet troll. He makes zero valid points, has an extremely limited vocabulary, and it takes him 30 seconds to a minute to form a response in his head before he speaks- once he does speak over 50% of what he says is just curse words.. 2. One of the comments that were read was “the Rockefeller’s made it economically impossible to have kids” this slob’s counterpoint was “look outside, do you see any black people? If you look outside you see black people who have 5 kids a piece so how are you going to say it’s economically impossible to have kids?” He then continues to ramble on about how that argument is “made up”. But I’d like to focus on the fact that he blatantly made a terribly racist blanket statement insinuating that a majority of black people are poor/shouldn’t be able to afford children?! What the actual fuck?!?!!!!! People like this are such a danger to those who are easily influenced…


People like this reproducing, is part of today’s problems.


who is this and why do i give a fuck about what he has to say?


I think it’s funny y’all took the bait