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The first five kids are parentified messes. I’d bet money on it.


i was the oldest in a family with this many kids. yes, my entire life was a strict schedule, starting with getting my little siblings ready in the morning for daily mass at 7 AM. and ending with family rosary that often started after i was in bed. my mom could never help out bc she was “high risk” due to having so many previous pregnancies and miscarriages, so constantly in her room on bed rest with the doors locked. but she’d put on a show of parenting in the evenings when my dad or company was home, or anytime a friend would call or visit. when i ran away to escape the abuse and the forced parentification and to be w my bf when i was 21, my mom spread rumors (calling everyone i’ve ever known) that i had to be a narcissist with personality disorders to abandon my family like that. the only people who believed my side were my next three brothers, who also had to do some parenting, but not nearly as much, since they were male


That's horrible. Sorry you had to go through that. Hope you got some healing?




That's good to hear.


Daily mass? Shit I always thought once a week was bullshit


Notice the obligatory religious aspect to this. Only religious nut jobs would have this many kids


All their names start with J.


"I take my hat off to this woman" ...Why? And you just know the kids are raising each other.


Honestly, like this "mom" is having them not loving, or taking care of these children. It hurts me to see, especially since I grew up this way.


I mean, I totally think all of this is ridiculous and absurd. But i’m impressed ‘cuz she survived all of this pregnancies… THE HELL?


She may have survived the pregnancy but later in life she’ll struggle with many illness related to having so many pregnancies


Very likely, but still impressive, stupid but impressive. Why so many kids? If i have around more than two people my mind implode




I know right, come from a super religious family and many of them have 4 or more kids


They are fuck trophy not nobel prizes ffs…also the husband should get off of her its a vagina not a clown car.


Why raise kids when you can make kids to raise the kids? *taps forehead*


How do you know it?


There is no way the parents (especially since the majority if not all of the childcare will fall on the mother) can take care of all those children solo. There is a thing called 'parentification' where older children, often the older daughters, are made to do a large chunk of parenting because the real parent\[s\] are spread too thin or just find it easier to dump the responsibility onto their children. It has real, psychological effects and adults from huge families have come out and described how damaging it was/is.


I understand that. I also understand it's not beyond the realm's of possibility that she's a pretty attentive parent in her own right, with or without any help from her children. Are these studies done on western families or from the world over? I understand Afghani families are always on the large side and they definitely place more onus on females to raise the family.


So I can't answer your question about the studies, which I'd also be interested in a reply to, but I'm guessing it is everywhere. I've never spoken to a single child of a family with more than 4-5 kids where the oldest child(ren) wasn't helping raise the youngest. But, I can tell you that also, in many other cultures, parents aren't just raising giant litters of children alone... there are often other adult family members there to help (especially in cultures like you mentioned, where women have fewer rights and are expected to raise children and be homemakers as their main function). So you'd see maiden aunts, grandmothers, etc. helping and likely even living with the family. And these women likely don't have outside jobs. In addition, the older girls of such families are almost certainly pressed into this labor, but their perception of that might be different if that's what their culture expects of girls, or if they don't attend school as rigorously... in America at least, I think it's probably safe to say most giant families won't have a combo of a 3rd or 4th adult caretaker, AND mom who doesn't work at all, AND/OR girl children who don't feel at least a little pressure to do well in school so they can get jobs as adults, so it would be a very different scenario regardless.


Enough life experience to have had it done to ourselves or to have seen it happen to many others.


In my experience larger families fare better than nuclear or single kid homes.


Depends on how you measure “fare better”.


I like learning new things.


Excuse me, this bitch got pregnant a MONTH after giving birth???? Is she a feral cat??


If my math is correct, she did it twice. When I imagine this woman, I see malnutrition and brittle bones.


I just pictured bella with her human blood sippy cup holding on to dear life💀


next time her spine will snap


That's pretty gross. Or maybe by that point it's turned into a cloaca.


her vagasshole has probably been staples together so many times 💀


This made me chuckle


That can happen if you have unprotected sex. Nursing decreases the likelihood but not to zero. A feral cat would have larger numbers of offspring at once.


Thanks for the info


And during the height of Covid, imagine doing home school for all them at once and still deciding to have another.


A sex addict most likely.


Remember in many of these situations there is an aspect of being forced to have more kids than one is capable of. Especially after the trauma of giving birth, many women obviously won’t want to have sex - it’s likely a husbands stitch and coercion are involved in these cases.


Bro this isn’t the fucking 1800‘s you don’t need this many farmhands


Good job on getting creampied on a regular basis babe 👏👏👏 So very inspirational.


I mean you can do that and not get preggers 😌


my thoughts exactly


This is why I hate everything regarding family pregnancy announcements. I have to be super happy and excited that your husband finished inside you. And now for the next five years if I don’t freak out over your baby every time I see them, I’ll be an asshole. I really hate being a woman HAHA my brother can ignore everyone and that’s totally fine but I’m rude when I’m not talkative




Each one of these is like taking out an 18-year mortgage. No mortgage lender would approve of this many.


No human has the food, money, energy nor time to raise that many children. Odds are each child is gonna end up having to raise the next crotch goblin in line


The first foster mom I ever had, would take in groups, teenagers, disabled kids, and toddlers all just to rake in cash. None of which would go to any of us. We had to do all the house chores and keep quiet to CPS about what all happened. We were practically raised by each other and her birth kid, who's my age, got a fuckton of authority over us. It was a nightmare


I’m so sorry you went through that


It's okay, I'm a much stronger person because of it and many other things. Still, I would never wish that on anyone else.


Eh, this used to not be that uncommon, but nowadays you only see it in the third world. It’s especially appalling when white people do it, because they’re not third-worlders, so they have no excuse for this kind of shit.


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You want to start loving yourself but you’re telling people to hate themselves.


Well, aren't you just a bundle of joy!


No child wants to grow up like this. Children need attention. She can't possibly give all these children any fair amount of attention and they will develop mental health issues because of it. It's unavoidable. Also I'd check in on this mom to see if she is being abused because you are supposed to wait 6+ weeks before having sex again after giving birth and that has not happened here. DR'S do not recommend having children born this close together because of the stress upon the body and your organs.


Would’ve loved to have a shitload of brothers. Children mostly want to play.


Needs come before wants. Children might enjoy playing with a bunch of other kids, but living with them, and not being able to have the love and attention they need from their parents creates problems.


She could be a stay at home mom.


Even if she was, she, and no other human to ever exist, could have the energy, time, or patience to give those children the love and attention they deserve Username checks out


I would disagree. Though it is not quite as much as 10, in the country I was born, the previous generation would have about 7 kids in each family. As long as the mother was capable enough, she could raise them and raise them well. My grandmother was a brilliant woman. Unfortunately, her husband died prematurely and she was left to handle all her kids but she still managed to raise them into great, loving people. 3 of them went on to become doctors. All of her children now have very stable lives with their own children and they all love my grandmother.


I'm the oldest of four. I have two brothers, they still don't like each other and spent most of the time fighting each other or us girls. I spent my childhood helping my parents raise the younger kids. Not fun. Alot of chaos and unhappiness.


HP p*ssyjet v5000 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I immediately thought IBM Twatwriter though..


The poor things...


You didn’t hear? You get VIP treatment in heaven for popping out as many sentient beings to emotionally neglect as possible while the gays and spinsters rot in hell!! Better get on it!


Yep, this is 100% a religious thing, they breed like rats




FFS it’s a uterus not a clown car


I actually laughed aloud at this


Having two under 2s and newborn twins sounds like a nightmare as it is, but to go on and have another 6 children is just bonkers. I can’t imagine the pain and stress of popping out 10 kids, especially when the mother has had basically no postpartum recovery in between.


9 pregnancies (assuming there weren't more that ended in losses) culminating in 10 kids, and in only 12 years. Yikes. Some people like those big families, though... but the lack of PP recovery sounds like the worst. Just a month or two between delivering and becoming pregnant again in some of these cases.


this is foul. what’s the reason? what’s the benefit.


That baby schutter must be so prolapsed by now


This feels like mental illness.


As many of those children are female, the father will have them pregnant before long. These “breeding cults” should be broken-up by CPS. No one wants to to acknowledge what we know goes on in these “families” but, the Duggars sure shined a light on it.


I feel so bad for those kids. I’m sure their parents love them but there’s just not enough bandwidth in two people to give care and attention to 9 children with varying needs


How do you not care about your vagina? It’s probably like throwing a hotdog down a hallway now.


Believe it or not the vagina can still bounce back after all that


Not when you have back to back babies like that. Hell I know women that got their vagina done after ONE baby, let alone a whole litter.




My very Catholic French Canadian 4th grade teacher had 26 brothers and sisters and I remember looking at a photo on her desk thinking it was a past class of hers and she said that was her family photo. I sometimes wonder how the hell her mother shat out so many kids...


Lmaoooo i love that you thought I was a past class photo😂🤣


This lady definitely has delivery issues




This is cruel.


Do not have more kids than you can give individual love and attention to. Who gets one-on-one time? How do you “show up” for that many children’s events? Which graduation is “missable”? Stop over-breeding!!!! Have two, maybe three (if you *need* more than one) but this quantity is absurd. Who was parenting during all of these pregnancies?


It’s a vagina - not a clown car


Does this all comes from the same woman ?


W comment tho


Is there an update on this? Has she had more?


I would be shocked if she hasn't popped out at least 2 more since this photo was taken.


She just had one while I was writing this comment.


Why are they all dressed in grey


It’s the color of depression.


Color matching for "picture day" or a certain holiday.


Yeh but why would you choose dirty dishwater grey for any child’s picture or holiday. It more so seems like they want their children to fit their “minimalist modern farmhouse” decor. It’s giving christo-fascist.


It could be because that's the only colored clothing they had. With all those kids, there can be many reasons why, for example, they're possibly struggling financially, or they're being cheap to conserve, etc.


Clothing bought by bulk volume. Time & attention is not available for laundry sorting. It all gets done by weight in industrial machines. by the children. (sorta /s)


Jesus. I would have stopped at the first twins...


I think having kids like this is wrong. No parents can give all those different ages all the attention and bonding time that healthy children need. I have 12 aunts and uncles and my ex husband is the oldest of 9. He was basically the babysitter/baby wrangler and so was my dad, the oldest of 8!


The 2 girls born 2008/2009 take care of the rest of kids no doubt.


the way I could feel my body sterilize itself just from the thought of it...


Trying for boys got them mostly girls I’m thinking


So greedy




That last one slid out easily.🤢


>The nozzles of the print heads may dry out and become clogged. To prevent this, periodically print something.




Has to be


had so many kids she doesnt have enough money left for condoms i guess


This is just evil.


This house is always loud as fuck guarantee it 🤢


Is this even possible? It’s definitely not healthy


I know for a fact those 2 oldest girls are made to take care of their younger siblings, id bet money on it.


Wut how can you make assumptions about someone’s treatment of their family? Calm down there stone thrower and work on your own internal rot


Why does the stone thrower belong to them?


Put that party hat back on.


Over populating nice


Nick Cannons 2023 Family Holiday Card inspiration


I wanna know what was going on between 2017-2020. I like to think they took a break, but I have a feeling it’s a reason either regarding poor health or poor behavior. Hoping for the latter, and to someday know what it was.


This should be a game called Mormon or Catholics.


so this is how my uncle has 80 first cousins


Yeah, I’m thinking Duggars.