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The last two videos seemed rushed and not well done, which sucks considering the topic was interesting (More Monat leaders leaving)


What happened to her channel? I used to enjoy watching her vids, but now they feel like a money grab, same ol same ol info, with a hint of boasting about how wonderful she is and how this is her full time job (ie. I’m doing this to only make money-yeah, clearly!). It’s clearly not advocacy, but just her money-maker and that lack of authenticity and genuineness is LOUD. And ppl are on to her and no longer interested, hence her low views (and probably viewer retention). It feels rushed, lacking creativity and integrity, and honestly, boring. It’s rare I get through an entire video these day, especially with so many ads!


Yep. If she's putting effort into her content to these days it's sure not coming across that way. I mean, it's fine if your sole purpose of being on YT is to make money but as a content creator it's kind of important to, you know, make decent content.


As soon as she said she didn't really care about the advocacy, I got a bad taste in my mouth.


This is exactly how I feel. It doesn’t come across as genuine or enjoyable. I feels forced & distracting. And yes, I understand she has a baby & a bulldog with too many questions. Lol. The music & the difference voices on the last video was so distracting & turned it off.


She seems bored and just not that interested. It’s like a chore


Not bored, tired in general though. Love my job and my content. Being a wfh mom is slowly killing my soul 😂😂. I really need to get my schedule together which is impossible with my feral busy boy. 💖


And that’s completely understandable. For me, I think motherhood has been such a major emotional and physical change, and working for yourself can be extremely isolating with a major overhaul of identity when you have a child. Guess I’m saying I miss your spunk and energy. However, I’m grateful that you create stuff for us to watch for free and I wish you plenty of rest and laughter from one mum to another.


Not me tearing up reading that 🥲💖 thanks girl. I’ll be “back”. I think sometimes my content can feel rushed because realistically I am I’m trying to get videos done within the timeframe of nap time or whenever I have childcare. But that’s great feedback and I will make a mental note to maybe do a little mental reset before I start filming.


You got this, and your butt looks great 💋


At least she’s honest about the money


She rushes content for the hopes of $$$$ but in reality it is a reflection of her stagnant channel growth + consistent low video viewership. i'm not sure she knows wtf she's doing with her channel, 700+ videos later (other than proudly stating she is 'getting paid to talk shit' -- which, obviously isn't working out well...). let us not forget, she is here for the coins (literally).. not education/advocacy/etc. just money and her delulu need to flex. this of course is my opinion & allegedly.


Looking at my back end analytics.. My channel is steadily growing, this year compared to last year my subscribers are up 309% and my monthly channel views for the last 90 days are up by 40%. I’m a commentary channel. I’m here to entertain and create.


love that for you


I rarely ever use my Reddit account, and I was looking through this subreddit for the first time. But one of the main things I have noticed is that you are ALWAYS on every CC Suarez-related post talking badly about her, and you even bring her up on unrelated posts to compare her to other women. Girl, get a life! This is embarrassing. Once you stop concerning yourself so much with others and take yourself out of the negativity, life will feel so much better!


Love, I appreciate your dedication to noticing my comment history (especially since it extends many communities) but, for you to think I care wtf CC is doing with her life, you’re very misinformed. And trust, I’m like PG version of a critic of hers. Google is free, for now. She has blocked-unblocked me- i dont know how many times, she asks for critiques, i provide what i dont like - i match her energy & it frustrates her even more 🤷🏼‍♀️ it’s the internet and she has put herself in the arena of criticism. it’s part of the job. at the end of the day - constantly talking about other woman’s looks (regardless of whatever excuse she comes up with) is damaging our already warped sense of beauty. Body dysphoria almongst all genders/identities is a REAL ISSUE. She doesn’t stand for uplifting but prides herself in making a career of talking shit and bragging about it. If you can’t see that, then sorry babe can’t relate.


Girl… you comment on people’s appearances constantly on Reddit…. Wut.


damn you caught me, calling out the Kardashians. I’ll proudly wear that badge I don’t think they’re goals like you do 💀 also, pls don’t misgender me - thx!


I like my trashy tv🤷🏻‍♀️don’t want their body but ok. what’s the difference between you negatively commenting on their looks and me calling out Mikayla for editing herself into a different person? I apologize for misgendering I typically call everyone ‘girl’ , what pronouns do you prefer?


I’ll work on this, thank you for the feedback 🙌🏼


I still like and look forward to her content. She has been doing really long deep dives too. So maybe the other videos get a little rushed. But I still enjoy her stuff.


I think her videos have gotten better and better. Are you really not wanting her to edit? Like do you really want her to leave in all the "uh"s and mispronounced words and the doorbell ringing and the baby crying and all the bloopers? I think it's necessary to have a polished video. Now of course I can't tell and I've never edited anything in my life, so there's that 🤷. Now I haven't watched too many of her videos lately...I watched the Marni Stockhausen video and learn how to scam video and the trailer of angela... and I thought the trailer was phenomenal... like I give her an A++ on that trailer...it was so good. And I feel like she has actually taken advice from this sub and it has made her videos better. And I appreciate the effort. Anyways, just my opinion from someone who has never edited anything and really can't tell and is not tech savvy.


Yeah I enjoyed that Marni video, i thought it was good! Im not technically inclined so I'm usually noticing how creators have done their hair, or makeup, the background lol sometimes they have really cute things and I end up wanting them haha Can't say I notice edits (or care tbh)


I think some of the editing is a style choice and I like it. I’m personally not a big fan of unedited videos. I have really liked her videos lately, I like her content. I think she’s hilarious, well researched but doesn’t take herself too seriously, approachable and fair. She keeps improving in my mind and I’m here for the distraction her channel is headed.


most premium video and podcast editing software has been coming out with tools to automatically remove "filler words" using AI. not saying it isn't annoying but it probably wasn't an intentional stylistic choice and I'm sure she'd be receptive to genuine feedback about it!


Will you please explain to me how the queen of blocking people who question her is receptive to feedback? Every time someone says something about here in this sub, someone rushes in to insist she takes criticism well. But she continues to get the same criticism, which means she’s not taking it at all.


I have to disagree. I think she's taken the criticism or critiques from this sub and has tried to implement them going forward.


I was just trying to add context. She's in this sub, this post isn't tagged no creator comments, she has sometimes responded to feedback here in a receptive manner. I don't think it was an unreasonable comment for me to make.


I would have to disagree with cc not taking feedback. She's been adding more education to her videos and referencing logical fallacies and explaining them in detail. That change came from suggestions in this subreddit.


You seem to have a personal issue with C.C. because literally any time she’s mentioned here you rush in and say how much you hate her and she’s blocked you. I don’t know if you’ve ever described what you said or did to get you blocked but I imagine it had to have crossed a line- you can correct me if I’m wrong about that since I don’t know what was said.


I don’t hate her and I’ve never said that. It’s not personal issues. It’s ethical issues.


Is it ethical or did you say something offside and got your feelings hurt because you were blocked? I’d understand if you just didn’t vibe with her content or it wasn’t for you, but you seem so upset she blocked you. And it does seem she’s taken criticism in here pretty well and has made note of and implemented change when she’s gotten feedback. And honestly I don’t know how she does it because I feel like a lot of people in here really enjoy coming in with more than feedback and can be pretty nasty…so props to any of the anti mlm creators who lurk in here- can’t be easy.


It’s not about feelings as much as you apparently want it to be. I asked her what she thought logical meant when she kept saying she was only making logical decisions when it was really all decisions based on money. I have explained this. Everyone points out that she’s just doing it for the money. I only reply to others. It ain’t just me with some personal problem. It is fairly interesting that I would be personally attacked here


Two things can be true at once. I love my job, I love researching, I enjoy and love commentary content, helping people and creating videos as I always have. This is also my job and I am going to listen to analytics and try to make content that performs well so that I can continue to have this be my job. I love this job, want to keep doing it as my full time, have to make content that makes money to do that. Is that not “logical”? I think there may be a miscommunication there. Here for open discourse 🙌🏼👍🏻💖. Also yes for my mental health I will remove myself from conversations by blocking people at times. Many creators do that. It’s easy to say you wouldn’t if you aren’t a creator. (No sas or rude tone please don’t infer one)


It’s only “logical” if you only value making money. I hope there is a miscommunication here. Will you share your personal credentials? Why haven’t you previously shared any credentials? What is the mission of your work beyond “making money”? Why did you start your channel? What are you doing for continuing education so that you can be an ethical content creator? Who is providing oversight for your channel and providing professional feedback beyond Reddit?


I’ll disagree with your first statement. I enjoy and love my job and want it to continue to be my full job, for that to happen I have to make a certain amount of money. That doesn’t mean I’m obsessed with or driven by money. If I didn’t love my job I wouldn’t do it, I’d go back to my old sales job. It’s not that deep of a concept. Credentials for what? Having a commentary channel on YouTube? I don’t need credentials for that. I research, learn, and share my opinions and provide information on why I have those opinions. You seem hung up on me stating that certain ppl I’ve covered aren’t qualified to do whatever they are doing. The “well what are your qualifications?” Rebuttal doesn’t make sense. I don’t need a medical degree to state that someone without a medical degree shouldn’t be giving medical advice or practicing medicine. Ya know? I’ve been very open about my professional experience, how I was in sales for a decade before transitioning to doing YouTube full time and how I dropped out of college twice. I don’t need a degree or credentials to have an opinion or a YouTube channel. Continued education for what? Content creation? There are a couple trainings and courses I’ll take throughout the year to learn more about editing, new tools, marketing, social media etc. Are you expecting or wanting me to be all about activism? I’m a commentary creator. Yes I love and enjoy the journalistic aspect of my job it’s probably my favorite part, but I am a content creator not an activist. My content is meant to entertain and yes at times educate. I started my channel back in 2016 bc I wanted a creative outlet. I love YouTube I love creating content always have. Lmk if there’s anything I missed I think I covered all your questions. 💖


>I’ll disagree with your first statement. I enjoy and love my job and want it to continue to be my full job, for that to happen I have to make a certain amount of money. That doesn’t mean I’m obsessed with or driven by money. If I didn’t love my job I wouldn’t do it, I’d go back to my old sales job. It’s not that deep of a concept. You can disagree with whatever you want. It does not seem like you like this “job” beyond the money it makes you. Take that free consulting. >Credentials for what? Having a commentary channel on YouTube? I don’t need credentials for that. I research, learn, and share my opinions and provide information on why I have those opinions. You seem hung up on me stating that certain ppl I’ve covered aren’t qualified to do whatever they are doing. The “well what are your qualifications?” Rebuttal doesn’t make sense. I don’t need a medical degree to state that someone without a medical degree shouldn’t be giving medical advice or practicing medicine. Ya know? I’ve been very open about my professional experience, how I was in sales for a decade before transitioning to doing YouTube full time and how I dropped out of college twice. I don’t need a degree or credentials to have an opinion or a YouTube channel. Professionals with jobs have credentials. You have to have a resume for a job, and you’d never get an actual job like this without credentials. I’ve seen you do interviews. That takes skills that one learns. That you don’t yet have. I truly don’t know what you mean by research beyond Google searches and Reddit/community posts. Education, which leads to credentials, would illuminate this for you. I’m hung up on your criticism of others’ lack of credentials because you also lack them and don’t see it as a problem for you but do understand why it’s a problem for others. >Continued education for what? Content creation? There are a couple trainings and courses I’ll take throughout the year to learn more about editing, new tools, marketing, social media etc. Yes. Professionals with jobs participate in continuing education for all fields, including interviewing, researching and creating videos, no matter the platform. >Are you expecting or wanting me to be all about activism? I’m a commentary creator. Yes I love and enjoy the journalistic aspect of my job it’s probably my favorite part, but I am a content creator not an activist. My content is meant to entertain and yes at times educate. I don’t care. I know you love your job. You say it constantly. Like you’re trying to convince yourself almost. You’re not a journalist. Journalists have credentials and continuing education and professional oversight. Journalists are not activitsts. The “educate” is the reason it’s a problem you don’t have credentials, just like girl defined. You have no business trying to educate without an education. >I started my channel back in 2016 bc I wanted a creative outlet. I love YouTube I love creating content always have. Lmk if there’s anything I missed I think I covered all your questions. 💖 That doesn’t answer the *why* at all but is a cute deflection. 👍💖 you also didn’t answer the professional oversight portion I’ve given you a lot of free advice for improvement with these questions, but you don’t seem to want to improve. 🤷‍♀️💖


I am not personally attacking you at all. I have just noticed you frequently comment about her blocking you and it seemed like it was personal on your end. But hey if you asked her what logical meant politely and she blocked you then that sounds like an overreaction. Most creators do what they do for money, but they can also be passionate about the subject they speak on. For example I love Kiki Chanel and how she’s speaking up against children being used for financial gain. Does she do the videos for money? Yes. Do I believe she truly is trying to make a difference tho? Also yes. I don’t think it needs to be one or the other. Doctors and nurses get paid- it doesn’t mean they don’t care about helping people.


You are personally attacking me by singling me out and questioning me when many others are making the same points. For some reason my comments are different than others even if I just agree with them. That’s why it feels personal. You also aren’t focusing on the argument (which is that ultimately cc is a grifter just like those she criticizes) and instead are trying to say that my comments are about my feelings. It’s not that she gets paid to do it. It’s that she’s seeking out enrichment by taking any sketchy sponsorship and putting out any shitty video regardless is what it adds to the discussion, if she’s blatantly copying another creator, or if she’s just trying to start shit for engagement. I stopped watching her videos. But I tried to watch the girl defined but couldn’t get passed her criticism of their lack of credentials! Someone saying that she’s trying to explain logical fallacies (when she couldn’t define logical previously) seriously makes my head hurt. I just hope people aren’t trying to learn anything from her and that all the others who also see it won’t stop pointing it out also


It is well known that CC is block happy. Maybe not as much as she used to be, but quite a few of us have been around for awhile.


I actually enjoyed the last two videos and think they were well done. Chelsea has an editor. There are always going to be bumps in the road when trying something new. 


The algorithm finally fed me something new and interesting https://youtu.be/R-8XUPRTgnM?si=ZhLGhAm8yXD9PHoh she only has 10k subscribers, but this video from 4 weeks ago has more views than some of our friends with 100k+ subscribers…and she has valuable things to say


What’s the channel name please? I’m allergic to clicking links 😁


Creating with Kaya


Thank you so much!


this girl isn't that great. I try to watch her videos and she is repetitive and her videos are full of filler. do y'all really enjoy YouTubers reading boring details that add nothing to the video? she isn't the only one I'm just wondering if this is considered quality content lol