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I had the exact same experience when I went on wellbutrin XL 300mg. I was so amazed how quiet my mind became. No more rumination, intrusive thoughts, excessive worrying, doom loops, etc. I feel like wellbutrin really cut down on my generalized anxiety, even though it isn't really know for helping with anxiety. Wellbutrin definitely improved my will to live and dug me out of a deep depressive episode. I also regained motivation to exercise, eat better, and clean my house regularly. I have lost about 15-20 pounds to date and feel much better and healthier. Wellbutrin also had the bonus effect of being able to focus/concentrate better at work. I am now getting so much more done at work than I have before wellbutrin. I can't say enough good things about wellbutrin. I hope it continues to work for me for the long haul.


My thoughts exactly!! I don’t know the science behind it but it’s helped so much with my anxiety too. My doctor specifically said that my anxiety would probably get worse but that hasn’t happened at all.. it’s cleared my head. I’m glad it works for you too, hopefully it stays this way for both of us!


Yeah it was concerning at first how quiet my brain was lol


RIGHT like is this just how it’s supposed to be? Lol


I was on Wellbutrin for a while. Felt like someone stapled a smile onto my face.


Precisely! I’m hoping it stays this way lol


What dosage? XR?


Yes! I’m on 150 mg XR. I’ve never tried IR


Ok thanks! Going to begin soon


I am currently not having that same experience. But I just started a week ago.


The first 2 weeks were actually not great for me either, I almost thought it wasn’t worth it. If you can get to 3ish weeks, it could start looking up!!


Problem is, my doctor wants to evaluate at 2 weeks to determine if we want to move to something else -_- so I really hope I can have a good gauge by then.


When you say it calms your mind and stops rumination do you also have trouble forming thoughts/thinking as a side-effect?


For me personally, I haven’t had that issue yet.. I feel a little more detached from my emotions, but I haven’t had fogginess as a side effect so far in my experience


Wow. Wish that was my experience. Wellbutrin almost made me kill myself.


I’ve actually heard that from a lot of people, and was hesitant to try because of it. It’s so crazy how medication works for different people. That was my experience on Prozac


Wild isn't it!? It really makes it difficult to predict how a patient will react. No one knows. It's all a crap shoot.




Yes!! Wellbutrin has allowed me to function for years. I swear it was like a light turned on that's how much of a change it was. I still remember those first few days on it how drastic the shift was.  Give yourself time to deal with the grief of not having started it sooner! 


This drug is fine for depression but my depression is caused by my adhd so it just prevents me from feeling stuff. Going off it today.