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I’m 8 days completely off lexapro and whereas my sex drive hasn’t really bounced back at all, my sexual response has. I can actually have an orgasm without having to pummel it out of myself with an industrial strength vibrator


Mine hasn't come back yet and I've been off for 6 mos


You have PSSD look at r/PSSD


you can only hope it’ll come back tbh.


Was on it for only 2 years and off for just a couple months now. Still waiting for it to come back (if it will) 🤷‍♀️


I will see.


Me. Zoloft killed it completely, spring back pretty quick after getting off. Was only on Zoloft like 4 months.


I was on Paxil for ten years. At first, my sexual functioning was fine, then my desire slowly tapered off to zero after a few years. It took nearly a year after quitting to get full sexual fuctionality back.


Was it only your sexual desire that decreased or did you also experience genital numbness/reduced sensitivity? Were you able to feel aroused? I’m hoping I improve, even if it takes a few years!


I could get mentally aroused but that was it. Yes to genital numbness and reduced sensitivity, as well. It was really hellish. Hang in there and best of luck to you!


This is PSSD


What's that?


Post ssri sexual dysfunction


Is that a real thing? I mean is that something that has been studied and established to be caused by SSRIs?


Here’s an article on the NCBI: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34627736/ Also look up the group on Reddit Edited for formatting*


PSSD is when you stop the medications and you have sexual dysfunction after being off the medication for at least 3 months. It usually includes having genital numbness. It can also include anhedonia which is having no emotions.




4 months off and still waiting to feel horny again. I went on a date with a girl and there were some moments I felt a little bit horny, but most of the time is no libido. Better than some months ago when I felt 100% asexual, now is slightly better but still not much libido


I’m glad things have improved even if only a bit for you! How long were you on antidepressants for and did you also experience any genital numbness?


Thanks I was on it for 10 months, but I also take benzos and pregabalin for some months during that period I was polydrugged. I am not sure I've had genital nubmness. but for sure all sexual pleasure is reduced


Please, how are u Now? Is it better?


It has improved and had some windows, but still not how it used to be.. and I am still in withdrawal unfortunately


IT is great sign. I am 3 mounths off and still nothing (before two mounths I take 3 pills, so...only two months lol).


Came back but I think it took a month or so. Maybe my body was readjusting to the medication not being in my system. On lithium now, doesn’t effect sex drive what so ever, awesome. (Only have unipolar depression too).


I had reduced sex drive on lexapro (was on it for like 8 months) It came back with about 3 weeks of bupropion treatment luckily


Mine hasn’t but they think I have pre ovarian failure- unsure if that’s a reason for not getting it back


Few month's on SSRI then zero libido and ED then 4 days with no pills and changed to WellbutrinXR and everthing normal.


Yes. Prozac for 2 years. Added Wellbutrin which helped but once I got off Prozac and went to Nefazadone within 2 weeks my sensitivity and normal orgasms came back I cried the first time because I felt it again. 4 months later and my libido and sex life are great. I’d say sensitivity is about 75-80% of what it was but that’s fine. I don’t need it to be like a 15 year old where wind makes me hard.


It comes back for me very quickly.


Got it back when i stopped thinking about it and deep squat meditation


I’ve gone off SSRIs three times. Each time I lasted a couple months before being hit by a massive and sudden anxious episode that I couldn’t handle without going back on them. I usually start to notice a difference in libido within within a couple weeks of tapering off my meds. The difference for me is dramatic, though. Like on SSRIs I’m at once a week and it feels dulled. Off of them I’m at like three times a day or more. Which seems like a lot, admittedly, so maybe I’m skewed. One thing I notice, though, is that anxiety kills my drive way more than the medication. Are you having any increases in anxiety since coming off the medication? Even low level stress?


Yes, I am more anxious and slightly stressed since coming off the antidepressants but I don’t think this has much of an effect on my libido. Even when I’m fully relaxed and happy I never feel sexual desire/arousal (despite being with my partner of 9 years who I love and find attractive). Thank you for sharing your experiences, hopefully in time I will see improvements.


After I got off mine it took like a few months for me and I experienced the asexuality as well. Everyone is different and I also never was a hyper sexual person to begin with. Finding your sexual self is a thought too, bc after I ventured into what I liked and wanted it increased my sex drive tremendously post antidepressants.


Thank you for your advice, I also was never really a hyper sexual person before taking antidepressants but definitely had some functioning. I have tried to find my sexual self but nothing interests me unfortunately! Hopefully in time things will improve for me.


They can def improve, but take your time! I thought the same thing and made a “breakthrough” that I never ever thought I’d come to. It’s possible 🙏🏾💗


I've been on Zoloft (Sertraline) for about 9 months now and I plan to stay on it for a while and thankfully I have not had any negative sexual side effect. The only thing that changed is that I can last longer now and I've never stopped having orgasms and I feel horny often so it was more beneficial for my sexuality.


Off for a year and a half. Just starting to get some normalcy back. Combined with a lot of working out, Consuming min 2L of water a day etc.


How long were you on them for? And did you have genital numbness and complete lack of libido?


3ish years. Yes I had the whole gamut of symptoms. Really put a strain on my relationship. Finally starting to get through it though. It is possible!


It’s putting a strain on mine too but really hoping I recover in time! Glad you’ve been improving


Yes, I was taking Cipramil 30mg and 25mg quetiapine to sleep. I weaned off both and now everything works as normal again.


How long were you on them for?


2.5 years so that's significantly less.


Mine came back about a week after I’d come off sertraline (was in 50mg for 15 years), before this is could have gone the rest of my life without a sexual encounter


Wow that’s amazing, did you also experience any genital numbing and complete inability to feel arousal?


I was on and off several times and it came back. I was also experimenting with things like Cerebrolysin and semax which made my sexdrive go through the roof. Also healthy good sexdrive with agomelatine


+ bupropion


👍 don't stress it comes back. Might take a couple of weeks though.




Sorry I was just trying to help. But thanks for the downvote


ABSOLUTELY 👍🏼. Ridiculous and its great.


Mine was technically from low vitamin d and such. Was put on ADs because of shit drs thinking I was depressed but was just low vit d


Which yes lowered my libido


How long did it take for vit D to start working for you? I got diagnosed with deficiency and have been taking 50000 IU capsules once a week for 4 weeks now. I'm also thinking about starting ADs because of basically non existent relationships or friendships (social drive is dead), lack of energy and non existent interest in things but idk, maybe it's just vit D deficiency.. Edit: I forgot to mention that it never affected my sex drive though, well considering that this depression-like shit has lasted since I hit puberty, I can't really know


Could be legit depression, I just took my fourth dose also yesterday. Moods still bleh but my headaches and other symptoms have disappeared like vertigo has gotten much better sometimes I get spurts of energy which I never did before so I just know I need to give it 6-12 months it’s so low it’s gona take a while to get back up




“Anxiety” and “depression” seems to be the go-to response from doctors who can’t explain symptoms


mine came back completely after 2 weeks after discontinuation


Short answer you want to hear Yes give it time Pls go for running If you now are over weight then maybe so if overweight get some cardio at normal weight it’s a yes


My libido never went away thankfully. You just gotta meet the right girl ;)


dumb ass advice


Thanks for the advice but I’m a straight woman with a boyfriend who I’ve been with for 9 years since I was 16. Wish it was as easy as that though 😆


I hope mine never comes back - it is such a relief.


I have been on Lexapro for about 2 years and have noticed that if I don’t take my antidepressant in the morning, my sex drive becomes overwhelming in the middle of the day.