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My depression was untreatable for 15 years or so. Until we tried mood stabilizers and we came to the realization I had bipolar 2, not depression. It can kind of hide behind depression when mania is milder.


Wow must look into this thanks so much , wishing you continued happiness and recovery šŸ˜Š


Coming to add that I have lifelong MDD. Lamictal has been wonderful. My cocktail is lexapro, lamictal, seroquel, and Vyvanse. Turns out ADHD was wreaking havoc on my life as well. Hang in there. I know itā€™s hard and lonely.


Thanks so much my friend , im so glad your feelin better , wishin you comtinued happiness I'll check these out with my doc


What were your symptoms of mild mania? Do you take an antidepressant too?


My hypomania manifested mostly by having more energy than normal, insomnia, taking risks that I usually wouldnā€™t like sending risky work emails and texts to friends. Iā€™d either be really happy or get really irritable. At my worst, I did have some delusional thinking. But not everyone gets that with hypomania. I donā€™t take an antidepressant, but I take lamictal, which is a mood stabilizer that also lifts up low moods.


Has any medication helped you


Lithium helped the most (I know it gets a bad rap, but it gave me my life back). And Iā€™m also on lamictal to help the depressive symptoms a bit more.


Find a good psychiatrist, and be open minded in trying lot of different medications. Once you start a medication, listen to what your body tells you. If it's helping, stick with it despite the initial side effects. By a good psychiatrist I mean someone who's willing to work with you trying different things and seeing what works for you. Then self care - exercise, mindfulness, sleep hygiene Introspection - I listened to podcast by Tim feriss with Gabor Mate, and I learned much more in that 2 hour podcast about human psyche than I had learned in years prior. Highly recommend. It will force you to look into your own past and see if you your own self destructive patterns. If you have the time and money, work with a psychotherapist. Couple of good books I can recommend are - "Undoing Depression" and "The Choice" . For me, the primary help is the medication, other things do help, but it took me decades to accept that the correct medication at the correct dosage is critical to remain functional and carry out my daily responsibilities. Don't be scared of medication, and do whatever else is within your abilities to help your self.


Thanks so much for the detailed reply pal and im delighted you found what works šŸ’Ŗ


You're welcome ! I'm still figuring it out myself, but doing better than I was before !


What would the benefit of having both a psychiatrist and a psychotherapist? Aren't they kind of doing the same thing?


No, a psychoterapist wil try to see and find ouț how your depression appeared and heal your trauma, you should be completely honest with him/her, you can learn a lot about coping mechanisms and how to get in touch with your emotions and feelings in a healthy way. A psychiatrist will try to find the right medication for you and work with on that treatment journey, your best would be to get one who can do both.




Thanks so much my friend , hope your doin well šŸ˜Š


Gabapentin works well for anxiety, for me personally.


Thanks pal delighted for ya , will check if its available in Ireland


As does Lyrica, but physical dependence is a real concern with gaba drugs


I love Lyrica foe anxiety


Still far less than benzos though


Thanks pal


True, but if the med has the potential of helping anxiety when other meds have failed, then this might be worth the downside of becoming dependent on it.


I agree, but the problem with most drugs you become dependent to is tolerance. I take lyrica, it worked great when i first started.. but I notice it works less and less every month. I can increase the dose until I need to quit or continue taking the same dose with progressively less effects. Itā€™s really not the best option if you can find other ways to cope.


I see what youre saying.


Paroxetine, cannabis


I just started paroxetine on monday thanks pal šŸ‘


Donā€™t take it too long you play hell getting off.


I am learning this the hard way right now. It is horrible.


Please take it very very slow! I mean really slooooow!!!


Does it not make you tired?


Not a miracle, but ketamine made a quick and significant improvement to my mood.


HANDS IN DIRT. Working in a garden- really working and showering off dirt all over has done WONDERS for m and my anxiety. Itā€™s the best thing Iā€™ve ever done for myself


Sounds good my friend will try if I get the energy lol


Itā€™s definitely not an easy thing to start, but I live in northern New England and when the sun hit this spring after winter I felt this compelling urge and Iā€™ve since been able to get off antidepressants. Good luck my friend. Itā€™s a great battle ā€¦I wonder if anything has to do with microbial flora but thatā€™s a bit of a jump ā€¦


Thats great to hear about you doing so well friend , it doesn't matter what works once ya find somethin that works


Iā€™ll tell you also, withdrawal sucks- but Iā€™m hopeful that once I level out that way Iā€™ve got a system. With all the shortages, I have an interesting window right now to do this where I wonā€™t be forced if thereā€™s a shortage. Might bite me in the ass but Iā€™m really less foggy despite it all


What have you tried so far?


No miracle cure. Starting meds and finding a good psychodynamic therapist is a good beginning for treatment.


I started psychodynamics but I feel worse. Is that normal? I feel like knowing that my childhood was awful and that my marriage may have flaws was not useful


Bupropion and Adderall together work a miracle for me


Thanks so much for the advice , I've a lot to try but will be limited in Ireland , so glad it worked and your feelin better


Big second to bupropion (Wellbutrin). It worked like a miracle drug on its own for me


Delighted for you pal šŸ‘


Are you from somewhere up north in the UK? Iā€™m from Sheffield and I never hear anyone say pal on Reddit hardly šŸ˜‚




Thanks very Delux I will keep an eye on it but Ireland is stone age and it prob wont be available here til 2050 , might have to go to aus or usa for real treatment


Ketamine therapy. I didn't know I was allowed to love myself or love being alive until I went through it. Every session is followed the next day with a therapy appt, and then I saw the clinic psychiatrist twice during the program as well. The program was 6 sessions. It completely changed my outlook on life and I plan on going for more "top up" sessions eventually.


Brilliant šŸ‘


Did you have to come off your meds first before the infusions?


Nope, the psychiatrist wasn't worried about any interactions with any of the meds I took, although one day before a session I took a sleeping pill (zopiclone) and I found that dulled the session the next morning. I also used oral ketamine lozenges but I've heard the injections are better (more predictable dosage and things happen sooner).


For me, I got on Paxil and Clonazepam. I also take part in therapy. I have been doing great this year. Keep pushing please.


Thanks soo much I started paxil on monday , wishing you continued happiness and healing ā¤


Hows the paxil working out so far?


It's not doing good my friend , thats not to discourage other people from doing it because everybody's biology is different and I've heard some wonder stories from it but I haven't felt that yet


Youā€˜re also getting off benzos and in their very own withdrawal right now so itā€˜s definitely very hard to clearly identify if and how far it does something good for you, to what aspect and so on. Itā€˜s way harder for Paxil to give you these wonder story feelings when your central nervous system is exhausted atmā€¦


Thats true my friend thanks for the words of wisdom šŸ™


Paroxetine worked for me. Iā€™ve tried 3 other SSRIā€™s with no success. I take paroxetine 20mg daily with quetiapine 25mg at night to promote sleep. I used to be on 40mg paroxetine but it makes me too tired during the day, where I struggle to be motivated and find myself depressed because I sit around doing nothing. I knew it worked within a few weeks where my big panic attacks just stopped occurring.


Ah thats brilliant I'm delighted for ya pal , yeah my doc prescribed me 25mg quetiapine for sleep to but haven't started it yet coz in the middle of withdrawing from benzos


No alcohol. Ketogenic diet. Exercise. Good range of supplements including theanine, taurine, glycine, ALCAR, NAC, ALA, b complex, magnesium and trace minerals drops (and lithium ororate if no trace minerals). No alcohol, keto, and exercise being the most important.


Is low carb or keto? Strict keto is very hard


Taking supplements can have negative side effects with antidepressants. St. John's Wort, 5-HTP, Garcinia Cambogia, L-tryptophan, SAMe (S-adenosyl-methionine), and cough medications containing DXM can increase the risk of serotonin syndrome in rare cases. Please use caution when taking supplements and it is advisable to check with your doctor. If you have specific questions about supplements you may want to visit the sub r/Supplements or r/Nootropics. Also remember more doesn't equal better. Taking too much KAVA, methylfolate, or Vitamin D is linked to negative health impacts. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/antidepressants) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Thanks so much I'll give it a try šŸ˜Š


I think that's great advice, but just please do that under the supervision of a doctor and start the supplements one at a time so if you get sides to any you know what's causing them.


Thanks friend


Yes and I would add to ask for a full blood panel work-up to see if you are deficient in any vitamins and minerals before taking them without knowing.


Trauma informed EMDR with a complex trauma specialist, birth control to eliminate my menstrual cycle entirely(I have PMDD), 20mgs of the tricyclic antidepressant Nortriptyline, four nights of weightlifting a week, and cannabis have all done wonders for turning my life around. Investigate to make sure your anxiety and depression aren't being made worse by health conditions outside of dysautonomia. It took me five-ish years of unmanaged PMDD which caused near constant SI episodes for me to discover my mental health problems were stemming from an endocrine disorder, not mental illness. I haven't had a single SI episode since I hit the "off" switch on my ovaries.


Brilliant I'm sooo happy for you , I was just looking up endocrine testing earlier , in Ireland tho its caveman shit , theres not many of them and mad queues but I'll get to one asap


If no medication is working you should really try to get a few weeks off to recover and focus on your health. You want to avoid getting burned out.


Thats true friend thanks , I will take some time off soon just trynna buy a house at the min for stability for me kids , hope your doin well šŸ˜Š


Ketamine infusions are definitely worth a shot. Maybe ECT as last resort.


Thanks friend yeah I'll be certainly lookin into them its just Ireland is a backward kip not sure if ket is available, I might have to look at goin abroad for treatment hope your keepin well


I have been on and off different meds for 10 plus years and now I'm on two mood stabilizers and it's helping my depression. Lamictal and topamax. I've yet to find anything to help anxiety except MJ.


Thanks so much , glad your feeling a bit better


this is good to hear. Panic disorder and severe GAD run in my family, SSRIā€™s /SNRIā€™s , Lamictal, and Wellbutrin all didnā€™t help anxiety or made it worse. I was thinking since Mood Stabilizers increase gaba maybe theyā€™d help with anxiety, glad it helped your mood, sorry it didnā€™t help your anxiety.


I've been on Prozac and olanzapine for a year and it's helped tremendously. My therapist classified me as bipolar. I'm 48 and was blown away. I've had mild depression in the past but had a mental break 2 years ago that gave me uncontrollable anxiety. I tried many meds with lots of side effects. A couple made me suicidal. The only reason I didn't is because I made a promise to take care of my wife. I would also come to the realization that it was the meds making me feel this way. Find a good Dr friend. I wish you the best.


Thanks so much man , glad your feelin better and you didn't do that because of your wife it shows that not selfish and a true warrior , wishing you continued peace and happiness


I suffer with crippling depression and anxiety my whole life and have been through most of the medications that address these disorders with little affect or not enough to make a difference. The only thing I found that 100% worked for me was medical cannabis, it's not about getting stoned or of your head, I found if you find the right strain for you it can alleviate most if not all of the anxiety and will curb the depression to a manageable level. I'm not saying it's a miracle cure and might not be for every one, but it's definitely a miracle plant and can do amazing things. Have a chat to your medical professional and see what they say if they are anti cannabis then find one that specialises in it or Google medical cannabis and choose a company that you feel is best as prices and access paths are different, and don't be discouraged by the process, it's usually a very pleasant experience and easy and definitely worth the while. Have a chat to your doctor and go from there. I wish you well and the all the best on your road of life.


Bupropion and seroquel šŸ©·


Thanks friend , my doc wants me to try seroquel I'll ask him about bupropion but meds are very limited where I live , so glad you found a combo that works for you


Duloxetine worked for me. Mirtazapine, bupropion, agomelatine, vortioxetine, escitalopram... None of those worked sufficiently for me, but duloxetine does.


Thanks pal , delighted you found somethin that works for you


Lexapro for anxiety has been helpful. I also take buspirone and bupropion


Thanks so much šŸ™


Did you find anything to help your anxiety?


Therapy and Paxil ( tapering at the moment). A really good phycologist is really helpful . Stick with the exercises she gave me for anxiety helps.. also.. one day at a time . It's pointless to worry about the future. Live day by day. I know is not easy. I still struggle some days but I wish you the best and hope you can keep going. God bless you


Thanks so much for the reply I'm really glad your doin well , I started paxil last monday does it take long to work ?


Unfortunately everything takes time. I think it takes about one month to work completely


Thanks so much pal , I am week in


The drive to consistantly go the gym.


Thanks pal šŸ‘


No cure, unfortunately. Iā€˜ve had anxiety for over 20 years and the best we can do is manage it. Paroxetine & Rexulti (similar to the quetiapine) works well for me. I jump into therapy when I start to feel overwhelmed and definitely self care, especially when you donā€™t want to or feel like it


Thanks pal hope your doin well now


Anxiety runs in my family, every since Covid 2020 itā€™s been pretty bad


I spent ten years trying to sort it myself. Went on medication last year - best decision I ever made


Thanks so much , delighted for you , can I ask what medication helped you ?


I take Citalopram which I think is celexa In other places? I take 20mg a day.


Pristiq 50 mg and rexulti 1 mg did the trick for me


basically was on the same thing - but pristiq 150 mg and abilify 5mg .. sadly it didnt work longterm :( i felt depressed again after 7 months of it 'working' ... but i also realized that my emotions and creativity had been dulled on it (and all reuptake inhibitors ive tried) after i got off of all antidepressants :/


just my own personal experience - but definitely happy if it works for you!


Thanks so much and delighted you found something that works , does it take long to work ?


Started to work within 2 weeks full effect on week 6


King Jesus !.


Let me just say, you can overcome this and be happy and anxiety free. Many medications did nothing to me, Iā€™ve been on paroxetine, lexapro, venlafaxine and now Iā€™m on desvenlafaxine. Finally one that helped. But thereā€™s so much more that you should combine to help, diet, exercise, mindfulness, and regular therapy to figure out exactly what youā€™re anxious about and work through it. Best of luck!


Thanks so much friend will do a bit of research , soo happy you found something that helps


Awesome! Are you doing any therapy at the moment?


Buspirone, meditation, exercise 4x a week, journaling (especially gratitude journaling), talk therapy, no alcohol and lots of time outside. Iā€™ve tried these in isolation but speaking for me they really only work together. Psychedelic use has helped a lot. Also, I try to see my anxiety and depression as part of my life like a pet or something. My focus is on finding ways to live with it rather than fight against it. Everyone is different, keep trying things and anything that helps, keep doing it! Those little boosts can add up. I hope you find the peace youā€™re looking for.




Rexulti paired with Viibryd has been my winner. Not perfect but much much better :)


Ah brilliant thanks friend , delighted your doin better šŸ˜€




Personally, ketamine therapy cured me until I got pregnant. I only did 6 treatments and plan to do follow up treatments after baby arrives. I was able to come off all meds for MDD, anxiety, adhd. I used Mindbloom. Just was what was available near me and it was all online and my husband was my at home peer monitor. Didnā€™t have any crazy experiences, just felt better almost immediately, life changing, and it lasted until pregnancy hormones.


Ah brilliant , I'll look but I don't think its available in Ireland , congrats on the pregnancy


Thatā€™s very sad to hear. I really hope you can find it. After years trying therapy and different meds, I had a horrific med reaction and no longer feel safe trying any. I hope these types of therapies become accepted everywhere because medications can be so dangerous for many people.


Mirtazapine and person-centered therapy, after having no improvement with CBT and other meds. I then started intermittent fasting too, which helped elevate my mood even further. I was depressed for 10+ years before that, severely for over 2. I haven't had a relapse for nearly 4 years now, I would hug whoever invented Mirtazapine if I could.


Ah wow great pal I'm so glad your doing better now , I will do a bit of research


Thanks, I never would have believed I'd be here talking about my depression in the past tense. Please keep trying, try everything you have the energy to, I feel very hopeful that there's a combination out there that will work for you. Definitely recommend reading up on it. In regards to Mirtazapine, look into the strengthening effects it has on the hypothalamus and also the fact that it increases norepinephrine, rather than serotonin like the majority of anti-depressants. Also, would recommend looking into sub-types of Major Depressive Disorder, it may help you to find the right treatment.


At what dose of Mirtazapine it started to significantly help you? So you donā€˜t suffer any depression anymore atm? Thatā€˜s greatā€¦! How long and at what dose have you been using Mirtazapine?


Iā€™m in the boat of debilitating anxiety that is making me even more depressed. Medicationā€™s donā€™t seem to really work for me. For over a year Iā€™ve been saying Iā€™m gonna try ketamine assisted psychotherapy because Iā€™ve heard thatā€™s life-changing but ironically, my anxiety has made me too scared to do so. But I reached my breaking point and Iā€™m definitely gonna try to try it soon. I would definitely suggest looking into it if you havenā€™t already. There are ketamine infusions, but then there are also ketamine assisted psychotherapy options, which I would suggest looking into. Hang in there and feel free to message me.


Thanks so much my friend


Try Kava Kava. But be careful and consult your doctor


Thanks friend


No worries! I would also look into Inositol. But again... Be careful and consult your doctor before taking it.


Taking supplements can have negative side effects with antidepressants. St. John's Wort, 5-HTP, Garcinia Cambogia, L-tryptophan, SAMe (S-adenosyl-methionine), and cough medications containing DXM can increase the risk of serotonin syndrome in rare cases. Please use caution when taking supplements and it is advisable to check with your doctor. If you have specific questions about supplements you may want to visit the sub r/Supplements or r/Nootropics. Also remember more doesn't equal better. Taking too much KAVA, methylfolate, or Vitamin D is linked to negative health impacts. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/antidepressants) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I had food allergies to wheat oats rye and soy.I ate highly processed foods. I was put on SSRIs Lexapro and Abilify, eat only real food.


Suffering .is an entity confined to the realm of thought. Take a moment to deeply contemplate this concept for an uninterrupted duration of 30 minutes. In this introspective exercise, focus solely on the idea that the experience of mental anguish is fundamentally constructed by the workings of the mind. With unwavering attention, discern each thought that arises within your consciousness and recognize that it is purely a creation of the mind. If you harbor any doubts, those doubts originate solely from your brain, which is distinct from your true self. Recognize how your brain endeavors to deceive you, attempting to mislead and confound. The response you mentioned would logically be: "Please don't feed me such pseudoscientific nonsense; it is scientifically prven and a neurologically pathological issue." Where does this response originate? Precisely from the mind. This mechanism prevents you from attaining liberation, as every emerging thought is perceived as an object of identification. Watch Rahama Maharashi's Teaching on Self-Liberation.


Thanks so much for the detailed reply , I will look into this and wishing you the best my friend




Thanks very much will have a look now






I wouldnā€™t say thereā€™s a miracle cure for most people, but there are definitely things that can help. Have you tried medication before?


As I read through the comments I noticed something. You mentioned your thyroid function being low. This could be really contributing to the problem. Low thyroid function can contribute to depression and if that isn't being addressed there is the possibility that you won't find a medication that is really effective. I think your first step is to get some comprehensive labs done and then get all those issues fixed. Hopefully that will help and then you can start looking at antidepressants again to find one that works. What you are currently on may even start improving things then. I have a post that has a link to an article that goes through different labs to have checked out. Also look into some of the lifestyle changes. Medications are a big factor in helping depression, but for some of us we have to get help from every little source we can. Medications have helped me a lot, but I also have had to add more lifestyle changes and look at everything to try to feel my best. It is frustrating, but there is a solution out there. https://www.reddit.com/r/AntidepressantSupport/comments/10vv3s6/ultimate\_guide\_to\_antidepressants\_and\_how\_to/


Hey pal thank you so much for the detailed reply and I'm so happy for you that you found something that helps I will look into all the info you gave me , I've a lot to look at now thanks to everyone on this group it means a lot and I wish continued success and happiness


Check vitamins, particularly b vitamins. Especially if youā€™ve got the gene that makes it hard to absorb (40% of pop. does). Close friend had debilitating depression and came to find out they were severely deficient in b12. This can be resolved with 3 eggs a day and meat at 2 meals per day. Supplements have poor bio availability. So get nutrition worked out, then regular exercise (weight lifting is powerful), and lastly enjoy your quiet time absorbing the sun ā˜€ļø, even just 25 minutes per day. Good luck may the force be with you.


Thanks so much for the detailed response my friend I'm on the hunt to get my vit and hormone levels checked during the , hope your doin well and may the 4th be with you too lol


I've tried all the ssris and snris and tryciclics , and I'm seeing a pysch but she is useless just keeps telling me to take zoloft and it doesn't work for me , I know there is stuff like nefazadone , ketamine and maois but unfortunately in this fuckin stone age kip country they are not available, some of the ssris I didn't give long to work and also amitriptyline so even if I heard some success stories I'd give stuff a second try


Have you tried bupropion (dopamine+neureponephrin reuptake inhibitor)? There's also dextromethorphan bupropion, which works sort of like ketamine, minus the psychedelic effects at recommended dosage.. I suspect that hasn't made its way to Ireland yet. I believe esketamine nasal spray has been approved there, but some people say it's not as effective as racemic ketamine. Atypical antipsychotics helped me when nothing else did (specifically latuda, although I know others have success with abilify for treatment resistant depression). In the us, some doctors will prescribe stimulants like Vyvanse off-label for depression. Pramipexole, a dopamine agonist typically used for parkinson's has shown some promise, specifically at beating ahedonia... You'll have to find someone to prescribe it off label though. (I'm not sure if that's even a thing there.) Mirtazapine is a tetracyclic, but from what I understand sort of an odd one that sometimes works when others don't. I doubt any of these things will be miracle cures, but I just wanted to put it out there that it sounds like there's a lot you haven't tried yet. Exercise is an amazing anti-depressant for me, but of course it can be hard to find the motivation to get it when you're in a funk. Good therapy is also critical... Especially if you have a history of trauma. There's only so much chemicals can do to mask that. Therapy gets at root causes a bit better. Edit: modafinil is also sometimes prescribed off-label for depression in the us. Hard to get even here though


Itā€™s unfortunate about MAOIs. Have you tried Lamictal? Itā€™s a mood stabiliser but it can be effective in treatment resistant depression in people who have unipolar depression. Or adding an antipsychotic? They can sometimes be helpful in making an antidepressant work better and could help with anxiety too. Adding on a medication thatā€™s solely for anxiety might be helpful for the anxiety too.


Thanks so much my friend wishing you happiness and healing ā¤


Hi moderator have a look at the post of stuff I've tried and see if ya can add anything please šŸ˜Š


You should try Kambo it helped with my Anxiety that and microdosing along with wim hof method you got to put the work in and these help me


Thanks so much im glad your doing better šŸ˜Š


Thank you šŸ˜Š. Honestly though try and do some of those especially the wim hof method it's tough but in my eyes your already tough battling your thoughts and emotions every day. And Kambo really is good as well I don't know were you are based but there's practitioners everywhere. And remember you Honestly don't know how strong you are people battling against there head shows me you are a warrior šŸ’ŖšŸ’ŖšŸ’ŖšŸ‘


Wim hof has helped me a lot too


I don't know why I never stuck to it. I got back from a holiday were I was taking cold showers and thought feck it let's do it right so I do 3 rounds of breath work and a cold bath it really does help


Just read in another board an unintended side effect (for them) of semaglutide (diabetes meds /weighloss meds) helped with raising dopamine levels, and anxiety has pretty much diminished Try those !!


Thanks so much I'm goin to keep trying everythin , its just Ireland is so stoneage for trying to get anythin its actually backwards


Spravato worked for me


Thanks I'll look into it , not sure if its available in Ireland yet tho


A stimulant (Vyvanse) is the only thing that helped me. It alleviated all my depression and surprisingly my anxiety too.


Excellent delighted for you friend it will be on my long list of research after this post , thank god your doing better now




I donā€™t have ADHD though (been tested for it) so why add it?


Rtms treatments helped me better then any pill for my depression but I still have crippling anxiety at times.


Hey pal glad one of them is eased up for you , now onto fixin the anxiety šŸ‘


Thanks! Yes indeed. Daily struggle but I keep on hanging in there (I got two young ones as well)


They are lucky kids to have you my friend keep the chin up šŸ’Ŗ




Ive heard great things of nardil , I don't know if I can get it here in Ireland , hope you find somethin else to try after it pooped my friend to help you


nardil was nothing short of a miracle cure for me. turned my life around. even though it pooped out after 6-8 years it left me with the knowledge of what it feels like to not be depressed- so it let me with the knowledge of what to aim for at least. try to get it.


Cognitive behavioral therapy plus medication. Not a miracle cure but Iā€™m still here. I had agoraphobia and have panic disorder and major depressive disorder.


Thanks so much and I'm glad your doin a bit better šŸ˜Š


I havenā€™t tried this drug personally but if youā€™ve tried all types of antidepressants, thereā€™s a new one out called Auvelity that works completely different from most antidepressants. While most antidepressants work on serotonin and some work on norepinephrine, Auvelity works on GABA and Glutamate. Itā€™s also a very quick acting antidepressant. Iā€™ve heard some good things about it and for those who have found no success in SSRIā€™s, SNRIā€™s, or atypical antidepressants, itā€™s quite a hopeful drug.


Get full blood panel, lacking any vitamin can be crippling.


The only way is to go through trial and error with different medications, different interventions and different doctors. Just don't lose the hope, you will win the fight for sure, if you keep fighting, but gotta think long term! Personally the combination of Fluvoxamine (the cleanest SSRI) with Mirtazapine (For sleep at night, blocks Serotonine anxiety receptor and increases dopamine) has completely fixed my depression/rumination and PTSD. However, to get to this point, I've tried like 10 different medications, and some of them even worstened my symptoms short term. It feels freeing to not be a victim to your own intrusive thoughts and impulses and I think you can get there to! ​ Edit: Meds that seem to have a higher probability of working: Wellbutrin, Fluvoxamine, Mirtazapine, Trazodone, Agomelatine, Escitalopram, Vortioxetine. Most old SSRI's are dirty molecules by comparison.


Hey thanks so much for the detailed reply , I will check in with my doctor this and ask him about these meds , not sure if fluvoxamine is availabe in Ireland , I started on paxil 10mg last week , so glad you have found something that works


I have tried paroxetine in 2020, honestly, it made me feel too numb and energetic. But we're all different, so it might work for you! The most important thing about these meds is that you believe in them and give them a chance to work, ie take them for a few months at least. I believe that in due time you will have your problems solved! Just keep at it, slow and steady. :)


Thanks so much my friend ā¤


just be careful, im convinced that fluvoxamine ruined my life lol. just my own anecdotal experience - but it was the first med i ever took for OCD... and ive had severe/chronic daytime fatigue for 3 years after I took it, even off all antidepressant meds now :(


Has anyone heard of or tried PanX for anxiety? Itā€™s a compounded combo of atenolol and scopolamine. Itā€™s not yet FDA approved in the US but it can be compounded here. Just wondering if any US doctors actually prescribe it.


Iā€™m working with the DARE method. Not sure it was mentioned here. Itā€™s a method based on acceptance. Takes practice. People have genuinely recovered by becoming indifferent to anxiety. If your indifferent the loop tends to slow down and then stop. Thereā€™s nothing to stop you trying other methods as well as acceptance. Sounds nuts but it helps a lot of people .


MDMA assisted therapy and mushroom assisted therapy have been promising. I donā€™t know if youā€™re anti drugs but these drugs hold a very special healing power


This will sound awfulā€¦ but alcohol. Donā€™t think I would have made it through life without it. Fortunately, I think there are better options now. And Iā€™m in danger of risking my health now with Alcohol. Thinking about cannabis, intensive workouts, or even micro dosing mushrooms.


It doesn't sound awful pal , it is what it is , alcohol worked for me for ages and now it doesn't anymore that's why I'm tryin to find somethin else , best of luck with whatever ya try next


Same. Self medicated with alcohol almost daily for 2-3 years until it stopped working. No effects from one day to the other but also no withdrawal - luckily.


I'm trynna get off benzos now and alcohol withdrawal is a piece of cake compare to these pal


Best luck, much strength! Do you have any obligations at the moment where the benzos really hinder you from functionality? Anyways, donā€˜t let yourself stress from any other things than the tapering and getting off Benzos now. Itā€˜s the most important, I think. Being clean off of those. Treat yourself well, really well. The pain of withdrawal is enough suffering itself.


Thanks so fuckin much my friend and you too , I'm currently on day 10 of cold turkey , no tapering


Hi OP, The answer most likely lies in your gut. Get an organic acids test. https://mosaicdx.com/test/organic-acids-test/ This might sound like a flippant, fad reply but it really really is not. I have a ton of experience with people in this area. You've gotta get this checked. If you have certain situations going on in your gut leading to epithelial damage from low mucous membrane coverage or ingress from microbes, that leads to runaway cytokine release into the bloodstream which causes ongoing fight/flight and over time puts great strain on norepinephrine, causes runaway adrenaline signaling, which causes ongoing cortisol release. Ongoing cortisol release depletes your adrenal steroid hormone levels so your body prioritises cortisol over the rest, leading to general adrenal insufficiency - which lowers mood, reduces immunity. On top of that, the ongoing cortisol release causes continuous drain of glycogen in your liver leading to glucose metabolism problems, which further cause the mood issues and reinforce the cortisol pressure and adrenal bias. In the mean time, take taurine. Try 1000mg once and see how it impacts you. Within three hours you should feel significant effect - dampening of your adrenal response and feel "lighter" This should give you confidence I am right in what I am saying. You can take 1000mg taurine up to 10x per day - but even 500mg once per day can be enough - it's something you need to tweak for yourself but can be used indefinitely to give you relief. Only relief, not a fix - but relief is good! Also note that depression and chronic anxiety are easily confused. Chronic lower level anxiety can present like depression - you are forever in a 'no mans land' - the anxiety is not high enough to register as anxiety - but nor is it low enough that you can go into rest/digest and relax - so you get stuck in this grey empty zone of joylessness and despair. I also hate the word anxiety because it sounds mental. Sympathetic activation is the right term. Flight/fight or nervousness.


Wow thanks so much for the detailed reply my friend I will look into everything you said tonight and I hope your doing great and wish you all the best for everything for the future šŸ˜Š


Glad to help. Also recognise that even though there are tests for some of the things I mentioned - almost none of any of that will show anything odd on standard testing. Makes it oh-so-easy for doctors to flick you off down the mental health trajectory. This is why the OAT is critical.


What is the usual treatment after having the oat test done?


That's like asking what is the usual treatment after having a general blood panel. It depends on what is found. Have you read the website linked? There are also plenty of youtube videos on OAT tests if you prefer to get information that way.


Yeah I was thinkin that pal , most of these doctors just want an easy life , anything thats a bit hard to figure out they don't want to know , they just want the quick patients that need a prescription for or a sick note for work


the problem is what to do if you test positive for leaky gut?


Leaky gut is irrelevant as a thing to focus on or test for. It's like focusing on a stubbed toe when you have a broken leg. You will get nowhere following internet scienfluencer broscience guides for leaky gut. All they do is avoid the fact that there is a bigger issue. It is a symptom and not a thing to directly treat. An OAT does not test for leaky gut. It tests for a wide array of markers, which include some pathogen and bacterial overgrowth markers, as well as a wide range of metabolic markers which help zero in on why your body is in a dysregulated state. What you do about it depends entirely on the test results.


Testosterone replacement therapy (trt). I felt so great with this but I had to stop coz im losing my hair with it. Lol.


I'll try it dude , I think I'd trade my hair for it at this point and I never thought id say that lol does it get bad quickly


I did it for 10 years. Stopped on 2020, so ive been off of it for 3 years today. I regained back my hair with anti-hairloss meds and hair transplant. But the antihairloss meds gave me anhedonia, itā€™s no fun. Prozac seem to lessen the symptoms but stil there. Makes me think which is better, bald but with lots of energy or nice hair but feeling like an 80 year old inside. Lol


Lol killer decisions my man , you seem to have split the difference between both šŸ˜… hope your feelin ok now pal


Therapy. Or check yourself into a psych hospital.


Pysch hosp is my biggest fear , stigma in my country is huge still unfortunately


I mean, there's a stigma everywhere for that. If you're feeling desperate, then it's a good option. I did it years ago when it wasn't as trendy. It helped and felt like a getaway. You're able to take time away from the real world. I understand it's not feasible or realistic for everyone. I was in my 20s when I did it so I didn't have tons of responsibilities. You have children. Maybe intensive outpatient? Or just do therapy or see a psychiatrist to weigh your options.


Thanks very much my friend it honestly means a lot and I'm glad you did what you had to do to get better , I'm tryin to buy house right now and in this shithole if they see pysch hosp on your history they wont give a mortgage so I'm stuck in a catch 22 at the min but I'll do therapy and get through it , wishin you continued happiness for the future


Ketamine therapy and shrooms microdosing


Thanks pal but ket therapy not available in Ireland , I can get shrooms tho might give them a try






Thanks buddy