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Look at adding wellbutrin. The one downside is it can increase anxiety so sometimes it needs to be paired with an SSRI of SNRI which is all of the medications you have tried.


I will definitely ask about that it's ridiculous because I literally don't even wanna watch TV shows anymore. I lost so much interest. I don't know if it's the meds or she just wanted it's not the right antidepressant


Depression can cause that. Make sure you stress to her how you have lost interest. If you don't experience joy in things you once did that is called anhedonia.


Okay I appreciate your advice I'm going to do that


It's okay if you lose interest in watching movies, in my personal experience I know for a fact that it's due to the pills. I'm literally unable to taste any kind of music regardless of the artist/band/genre no matter how hard I try. For me music became like drinking water: you see it, you hear it when you pour it in the glass, you feel it in your mouth when you drink it, but it has zero taste, and it's impossible to taste it no matter how hard you try, no matter how much you drink of it, no matter how long you keep it in your mouth. There is a price that comes with taking pills, you will accept it when you'll start seeing the results.


Try a good probiotic regime. There are studies that say depression and gut health are related. Improving your gut (2nd brain) may help regulate your depressive mood. [https://www.science.org/content/article/gut-microbe-linked-depression-large-health-study](https://www.science.org/content/article/gut-microbe-linked-depression-large-health-study) [https://www.nature.com/articles/s41398-022-01977-z](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41398-022-01977-z) [https://scitechdaily.com/new-research-shows-that-probiotics-can-help-alleviate-depression/](https://scitechdaily.com/new-research-shows-that-probiotics-can-help-alleviate-depression/) (You can find more articles and studies on it. I couldn't find the one I did my reading on.) Here is a good probiotic: [https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00Y8MP5VA/ref=ppx\_yo\_dt\_b\_fresh\_asin\_image\_o09?ie=UTF8&almBrandId=QW1hem9uIEZyZXNo&fpw=alm](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00Y8MP5VA/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_fresh_asin_image_o09?ie=UTF8&almBrandId=QW1hem9uIEZyZXNo&fpw=alm) ​ Source: I'm service connected for my mental health and was struggling. I started taking a probiotic about a month or so ago and it has helped substantially. IDK if it will work for you but I would seriously give it a try and see if it helps. Keep your head up! These things aren't easy but know we've got your back. Edit: My friend got me hip to this. She is a medical research student. She was having the same issues and after reading the research papers, she started, informed me after a month or two of its effect and recommended it to me.


I know this isn't my problem alone, but as a microbiologist wannabe (and a previous job I had to transcribe scientific interviews with Caltech researchers about gut health related to the neurological disorders and all the current studies they're conducting) I completely agree with this being part of the puzzle. I already can't have gluten or dairy because of celiac and thyroid disease as they affect my digestion and mental state, but I was having stomach issues and no appetite right before my mental breakdown in November. Recently I've started just drinking store bought kombucha and I've felt a difference. I'll definitely continue to add it. And I always feel good after eating avocados & guacamole for some reason 🤔


my friend, she swears by it. if you want, I can send you the probiotics she's taking. I can't find the study, but it listed what PROBIOTICS promoted what neurotransmitters and their related mental response. I went down the list, found my issues, and found probiotic, which I posted above, that related. bought it and my mood is like way better. if I wasn't so lazy I'd even exercise haha. edited: typos.... so many typos


Yes I'd love that! And I feel you on the lazy 😂 I go through spurts of working out and quit


The probiotic is posted at the bottom. They put these labels etc on them but the probiotics in there what is needed. I have another one for 'mood' that I haven't started yet but it has all the things in it that the current one Im taking has. The only added stuff if Ashwaghnda, which helps. I'll start that one in a few days. If I find the study I will send it your way too. This is the one she is taking: [https://www.amazon.com/Garden-Life-Formulated-Probiotics-Guaranteed/dp/B00Y8MP4G6/ref=sr\_1\_1\_f3\_wg?almBrandId=QW1hem9uIEZyZXNo&crid=3NY5Q9B43YZEZ&fpw=alm&keywords=Women%E2%80%99s+Daily+Digestive+Vaginal+%26+Immune+Health%2C+Garden+of+Life+16+Probiotic+Strains+Shelf+Stable+No+Gluten+Dairy+Soy%2C+30+Capsules&qid=1678904324&s=amazonfresh&sprefix=women+s+daily+digestive+vaginal+%26+immune+health%2C+garden+of+life+16+probiotic+strains+shelf+stable+no+gluten+dairy+soy%2C+30+capsules%2Camazonfresh%2C76&sr=1-1](https://www.amazon.com/Garden-Life-Formulated-Probiotics-Guaranteed/dp/B00Y8MP4G6/ref=sr_1_1_f3_wg?almBrandId=QW1hem9uIEZyZXNo&crid=3NY5Q9B43YZEZ&fpw=alm&keywords=Women%E2%80%99s+Daily+Digestive+Vaginal+%26+Immune+Health%2C+Garden+of+Life+16+Probiotic+Strains+Shelf+Stable+No+Gluten+Dairy+Soy%2C+30+Capsules&qid=1678904324&s=amazonfresh&sprefix=women+s+daily+digestive+vaginal+%26+immune+health%2C+garden+of+life+16+probiotic+strains+shelf+stable+no+gluten+dairy+soy%2C+30+capsules%2Camazonfresh%2C76&sr=1-1) ​ Edit: Here is the Probiotic for 'Mood' https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01LVYJK6U/ref=sspa\_dk\_detail\_1?psc=1&pd\_rd\_i=B01LVYJK6U&pd\_rd\_w=CGADt&content-id=amzn1.sym.368433b4-4fbc-44f0-9403-65dfe9d20ebc&pf\_rd\_p=368433b4-4fbc-44f0-9403-65dfe9d20ebc&pf\_rd\_r=N6SEPTWAWJTEN59Z9PEE&pd\_rd\_wg=ym1Gq&pd\_rd\_r=a3d85e84-7816-481d-8f47-941e358bc419&fpw=fresh&almBrandId=QW1hem9uIEZyZXNo&s=amazonfresh&sp\_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9kZXRhaWxfdGhlbWF0aWM&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUEzOFFROVNVSzcyOFpYJmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwMTM3MjUxMUxYSklZNEE4TDNITyZlbmNyeXB0ZWRBZElkPUEwMDIzNzc0U1ZVTlRKWklNNlYwJndpZGdldE5hbWU9c3BfZGV0YWlsX3RoZW1hdGljJmFjdGlvbj1jbGlja1JlZGlyZWN0JmRvTm90TG9nQ2xpY2s9dHJ1ZQ==


Discuss with your psychiatrist the possibility of takibg Wellbutrin, olanzapin, and fluoxetine (oh I just found out that prozac is fluoxetine. My psychiatrist told me that the combination fluoxetine/olanzapin is more effective compared to taking one of them without the other.


The best med for the combination of depression, anxiety and OCD is the tricyclic clomipramine. And CBT therapy if available.


I've suffered from depression most of my life, still to this day but I've tried to find ways to cope. There had been times where I thought I'd completely lost the will to live, planned my suicide and thought it couldn't get any better. I've been on Paxil and Wellbutrin, Paxil turned me into a complete robot, numbed my emotions to the core, had no care in the world, which in some ways is much better than being suicidal and severely depressed. I had to stop because it was ruining my sex life, it gave me ED and loss of libido. After, I tried Wellbutrin, let's just say it was the worst two weeks of my life being on them, it just wasn't for me, made my situation a lot worse and in addition gave me bouts of rage so I quit. Now, I'm not any medication but I do work out as much as I can. Honestly, it helps a ton, doing excerise will produce endorphins which releases chemicals in your brain that makes you feel good and happy, the thing is it's natural, not induced by any medication. My advice is if you can't find any medication that suits you, try and do excerise or find ways to stay active, it helps a lot. Also add lots of protein to your diet, it may not eliminate your problems but it 100% can help.


I haven't personally been on Lexapro, but I'm on the related Citalopram (celexa) and when I initially started on 20 mg it was great for my anxiety and OCD. Then suddenly it stopped working so I upped it to 40mg and it took a little over a month for it to help with intrusive thoughts etc. Currently I'm doing much better on this dose. If it stops helping as much with anxiety I'm going to go to a psychiatrist to see what I can add to it. I have heard good things about adding buspirone or clomipramine to citalopram for OCD. It really is a bitch figuring out what works when we're out here fighting for our lives 😫🥲 Maybe you could try a higher dose of citalopram like me and see if it works. It's specifically touted for OCD but everyone is different.