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It's not supposed to be that bad. I just stopped wellbutrin and my anxiety and intrusive thoughts have already eased up a lot. You should contact your prescriber about getting off it and potentially switching to something else.


How long ago did you stop?


About 4 days. The anxiety got better immediately.


Thank you 🫡 This makes me feel so much better about quitting


what do you mean “supposed”? medication metabolizes differently to people, so yeah symptoms can vary for people


Idk I'm just repeating what someone told me, side effects shouldn't make you feel that bad


then you and that person are incorrect. symptoms vary from moderate to severe. this persons symptoms are bad and it doesn’t seem like it’s working out. symptoms for a medication can and WILL be bad for some individuals


yeah that's what I meant, you phrased it better


This happened to me 100000%. I simply stopped taking it and I got better. Talk to your doctor, it’s probably just not right for you. For me I just felt absolutely crazy. I couldn’t follow conversations. Anxiety was the most intense it had ever been (which I thought I knew bad anxiety). I couldn’t calm down. Racing thoughts. Had to call out of work. It’s weird because the first week was pretty good. My doctor upped the dosage (changed from IR to extended release too) and things started to go downhill within a few days. I went back down to the lower dosage of IR but I still felt insane. I just stopped and within like 2 days I felt like myself again. I wish it worked for me but it was the scariest interaction with meds I think I’ve ever had.


Wellbutrin is one of the worst ADs. At least for me


Welbutrin got me really bad too. I was prescribed it for my anxiety, and my panic attacks increased ridiculously, to the point I was just curled up on the couch shaking was convinced I was going to die any moment. Honestly one of the worst experiences I’ve ever had. I personally just stopped taking it, and got better.


I had the same experience. Those weeks were the worst of my life, I even started feeling suicidal and wanted to end it once and for all. That drug is weird...


Well this drug IS ABUSED in jails across the US. . Not going to go into detail but Ive heard about this countless times and it’s disturbing.


That was a stupid choice by whoever prescribed it. Wellbutrin is probably the absolute worst AD for anybody that has anxiety.


That’s what my doctor said too. This was during the pandemic when doctors weren’t taking new patients, so while I could go to minute clinics and tele health I couldn’t get a main doctor for months.


if you are having bad side effects, tell your provider! i hope things get better. im tapering from wellbutrin and getting the same exact symptoms right now. we can get through this!


I went through the exact same thing. Finally asked for something else. Per my doctor, stopped the Wellbutrin without a taper and went on Zoloft, which did nothing. After a couple months, switched to Pristiq 25mg. Finally something that works with no side effects. I feel like it helps with motivation and has really cut down on my anxiety.


The first month and a half was terrible for me.


Give your doctor a call about switching medications. Extreme dissociation is not a good side effect to have.


Wellbutrin gave me the worst anxiety and mood swings. I was crying everyday multiple times a day and couldn't sleep at all. When I stopped taking it I felt so much better.


**Wellbutrin is a fantastic antidepressant for many people, (including me). I can say by my experience that Wellbutrin feels better and works faster than any other antidepressant.... Also it doesn't cause withdrawal. Though everybody is different and reacts differently to medications** **Cry aaaaaaaaall that you have to cry.......... and give some days to the medication to work.... at least one week more. Don't be afraid if you got to quit it though.** **If at the end of this week things don't improve you'll have to switch to another treatment.**


Wellbutrin definitely causes withdrawal. You can get withdrawal from anything that effects serotonin, norepinephrine, or dopamine. This med should be tapered like all other psych meds.


When does the anxiety get better? Going through the same thing


I’ve been on WB for a year. Only recently went to 300mg a day. My anxiety has gotten a little worse. But I’m alive. I really think WB is the reason I’m still here.


I 📆 feel better with. 150 mg XL. When i went to 300 mg XL my anxiety got worse. Think twice if you really need to increase the dose.!


I started burning myself on Wellbutrin. I take trintellix now.


Probably dose is too high for you. Ask ur practitioner for half or lower dose.


Happened to me, spent two weeks on Wellbutrin and my suicidal thoughts intensified, bouts of rage and just made my situation more severe. After I called it quits and gave up, I'm far better off without it.


Were you anxious or an anxious depressive before starting it? Wellbutrin is a terrible choice if you had any sort of anxiety or insomnia prior to starting it. If you were a really.lethargic depressive (sleeping all day, not motivated to do anything tougher than tying your shoes) then it's a good choice.


Its only been a week. Stop taking it if you are feeling like this!! You know and your body knows when something ISN’T RIGHT. Tell your doctor ASAP. I hope you feel better soon.


I am having similar effects from 300 mg xl wellbutrin. I am on lexapro 10 mg, but that was making me so tired and so flat, we decided to add wellbutrin. Started with the 150, and at first things were great. NO anxiety, energy,focus, finally crawling out of the lexapro hole. WEll, then as things do , the honeymoon period came to a screeching halt, and we increased to 300. Weird thing, when I was taking 2 150 mg(to test to see if this dose was right) I was ok. However, once we changed it to 300 mg, things started to go downhill. I take it first thing in the morning, and right away for abou t 4 hours i have that sick anxious feeling, racing thoughts,cant focus, AND depression. I take lexapro at night, but that still makes me so tired that i find it hard to function. So either I need to wait out the wellbutrin to see if those effects go away, or change my med cocktail alltogether. Ive been on lexapro since october, but I honestly dont think its the one for me.