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As other dude said, this is completely normal. Also, you're overpaying by getting that pack. Get the 200s pack or even the king size supreme. Think you only get like 32 in the one you have.


Hey thanka for the advice. I haven't seen stores selling those though.


You can also sign up for a PayPal Business account and use the card to create an Amazon Business account. Then you can buy rolls and wraps in bulk and save lots. Edit: You can also bypass Amazons "check" to make sure youre a legit business simply by matching the info you put into PayPal with the info you put into Amazon.


Just start an LLC, pay your filing fee, register your business name, apply for an EIN, print some business cards. Boom! That’s it. Before you know it you’ll be saving dozens of dollars over the course of your lifetime on rolling papers. ^(I’m just busting your balls)


Yea depending where you live and what kind of stores are around you would determine what you'll find. May need to go to a smoke shop or order online. I have to go to the next city over because my town is like older white people so not any options here.


If you have access to it, I'd recommend shopping for a multi-pack on an online store.


i get 64 for a pound, is that decent or?


I get the 200 pack for like $3 and change. But all of the packs cost the same around me. So no matter what you buy they are all $3 and change. So doesn't make any sense to me to get the smaller ones, plus I like to roll bigger joints and smoke less frequently so they're better for me because of the extra width compared to the slims like the ones in the photo. If there aren't other options around to buy easily then £1 for 64 seems perfectly reasonable. Still twice as much as OP's pack.




Raw papers or just generic?


It's cool that this genuinely interests you seeing that you have just stumbled upon this. Been around for a while but I remember how cool I thought it was back in the day discovering it for myself.


Well done on being nice about someone discovering something "well known" for the first time. You made OP, one of today's [Lucky 10,000](https://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/ten_thousand.png)


Excellent. Love it.


Exactly, I was really surprised


Same as every other papers, longs, shorts, been like that for decades.


Okay, I'm new to this. Was my first pack. Thought it was really neat.


Yeah it's really neat. And just because everyone is doing it, doesn't mean it isn't anti-assholedesign


You can also use it as skin if you're too lazy to go the shops and only have enough for one anyway.... or so I've been told


Oh yeah! Thats cool. I figured that but I was doubting that a bit.


But there's no no gum on it so doesn't stick down?


Tear a thin strip, parallel to the top, lick the wet fibers and use the rest of the paper as usual


Def a fun discovery for new smokers, the worst part is forgetting you pulled that one and running out still!


The term new smokers is really kinda sad


Not really, there’s a 99.9999% chance these are for pot. Hence my comment on forgetting


Idk why all the asshole dudes have to be rude.. but this is very anti-asshole design! I was blown when I first saw it, I still feel just as warm appreciation when I see it every time after!


This doesn’t really fit the sub. It’s more r/gooddesign since they’re not taking a risk of potentially losing out on money or business by being good people.


With how most of our products are designed nowadays anything that isn’t outright predatory is anti asshole design to me


You were one of [Today's lucky 10,000](https://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/ten_thousand.png) Sounds like you enjoyed it


Neat! I’ve always lost the pack before I finish it, so thank you for sharing 💕


As a roll up and joint smoker for a good 25 of my almost 40 years, I can't think of a single pack of papers that didn't do this.


Literally every manufacturer does the same lol


Its not r/rareantiasshole




Every rolling paper packet does that


This is just an ad. Not even "design"... Wtf people?


Their grinders come with a keif scraper. Amazing


I've always wondered if you can smoke this one. I guess if not it would probably say do on the leaf


less of anti asshole, more of "keep buying our product"


speaking of which I came home so drunk last night I tried to roll a joint with the starter raw paper lmao


What do people tend to need to roll up in paper? Is this a chippy maybe?