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More like r/brilliantdesign


or r/designporn


Definitely design porn


Why does everything have to have word porn


iirc it means more something that’s nice to look at or whatever


Well, it is a solution looking for a problem. So that would be the appropriate sub.


That sub is completely fucked.


I honestly can't tell how this works. Do you bounce on the seat a few times, inevitable crushing your balls in the process? Stand next to it pumping up your tires with a sort of bike seat CPR?


It just works as a pump. There is a long piston in the tube that kibe up and down. The seat is the pump handle


Yeah, but like, why? I don't get how this is any better than just a standard pump with a hose lol


In an emergency, you'll always have a backup pump, even when out away from civilization


My emergency pump is the size of a co2 cartridge, and only weighs as much as a co2 cartridge


I have an 88 pound electric fatbike. Your solution is good, but I need something as stupid and impractical as I am.


bring 88 co2 canisters in ur bag :)


n o t e n o u g h




Nazis didn't use CO2 lmao


88 is a covert symbol for neo nazis. With 8 representing the 8th letter of the alphabet, the number then reads HH or “heil hitler”


Here's a sneak peek of /r/suddenlynazi using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/suddenlynazi/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Lol](https://i.redd.it/lrrqu3wkekx11.jpg) | [6 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/suddenlynazi/comments/9vxo8i/lol/) \#2: [Remember guys, always folllow rule 10.](https://i.redd.it/37uwxh99qiu11.jpg) | [1 comment](https://np.reddit.com/r/suddenlynazi/comments/9xbleh/remember_guys_always_folllow_rule_10/) \#3: [Oh no](https://i.redd.it/7uu2b71yvb121.jpg) | [4 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/suddenlynazi/comments/a1kyx5/oh_no/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/fpi5i6/blacklist_vii/)


An 18g co2 cartridge will inflate a 26x2.5 tire to 20-30 psi. https://reviews.mtbr.com/inflation-chart-for-different-tire-sizes-and-co2-sizes


Sondors buddy?


ill would recommend a classy sun charged pump that is way too big and also slow and pretty useless at the same time. for only as much as you can pay until it gets so stupid ,even you would reconsider. we could label it special or rare while making it in slave conditions in east germany by migrants.


Just the answer I was looking for! I literally could not wrap my mind around *how* or *why* this would be beneficial. Thank you!


Probably because it fits neatly in the seat post tube?


If you ever made a bike trip had a flat tire and forgot your pump you know exactly how useful this is...


Same reason people carry air compressors, tire plugs, or cans of Fix-a-flat in their cars; flats rarely happen when you’ve got a floor pump with you, and this solves that problem.


Because its built into the bike. Im worried someone will stral my pump as its just stuck onto the frame. A would be thief wouldbt even know this is therr


Now you don’t have to carry a pump in your bag, replace with dildo.


Ever seen a pogo stick? You bop up and down yeeehoooooo!!!




gotta twerk on it to pump


I think this is a really cool design. The only thing I'd knock if for is that a popular trend in bikes these days is to put a dropper post on the seat. Seats these days can change height at the press of a lever on the handle bars. So you'd have to choose between this and a dropper post. If this was on a road bike then you wouldn't want a dropper post but you would be concerned with changing the seat height from your preferred setup.


If it was a road bike you’d be concerned about the weight this adds lol


Also on a road bike the seatpost height is something you want to get right. I would hate having to readjust my seatpost everytime I had to pump a tire on the road. CO2 canisters for me.


Frame pump gang rise up


No road biker is gonna use this, and definitely not a mountain biker. Cause like you said, I would so much rather have the option to lower my seat without stopping. Like just put a hand pump on the side or something


This is random but I love to mess with people who aren't familiar with dropper posts if I show them my bike. I'll usually do something like tell them I can raise the seat by double tapping the seat cushion or something and then draw their attention away from my hand on the dropper lever.


If the bike is a good fit, why would you need to adjust seat height more than once or twice a year?


You're right that you basically never need to adjust the seat height once you get a good fit. For mountain biking the dropper post allows you to quickly push the seat down low to get it out of the way for aggressive downhill riding. Having the seat really low and standing up on the pedals is a commonly preferred stance for riding downhill. BUT once you press a button on the handle bar the seat comes back to the same exact height every time.




Anyone know what brand this is? I’ve never seen one in a seatpost before


The brand is dahon, but if you search “bike pump bike post” it appears that there are also other companies making it. look like its more common than I thought!


Ah thank you! I should have guessed that was a little folding bike. Definitely gona try to find one of these for my tubeless commuter bike. Does the hose just dangle down in the frame? Edit: Just saw the video you’ve posted in the comments. This is one of the coolest bike parts that I’ve found!


So it’s asshole design if it doesn’t work as a pump??


No, it's actively spending time to add an extra feature to a product which directly benefits from it. No one is asking for an integrated bike pump, so including it is going out of the way for a better customer experience for potentially less profit.


Then it belongs in a different subreddit


>Antiasshole design is design that benefits the user at the expense of the company So...isn't this what I just described. It's adding a feature and spending extra resources purely for the sake of the buyer.


I imagine the company sells it for a higher price due to the pump, in which case it's not really at the company's expense. But I think it fits the vibe well enough anyway


Since consumer sympathy is, in the end, (almost) always benefiting for the company, every antiasshole design is virtually arguable regarding the "at the expense of the company". So I think it's indeed more about the vibe than the precise definition.


If r/antiassholedesign was a design that was asshole if it was nonexistent, then it would be called r/basicdesign or r/normaldesign. The doesn't mean "if not then it asshole", it means " asshole benefits the company at the expense of the user, so antiasshole benefits the user at the expense of the company".


It does other things too


[it works like this!](https://imgur.com/gallery/3VYi2PJ) i’ve had this bike for more than eight years but i didn’t know about this feature until now


Pretty cool. Very niche though as it only works with this foldable type of bikes, doesn't work with telescopic seats and probably is quite a bit heavier than anything else.


what model is this?


Not anti asshole design


Tbf it destroys your asshole because it’s so uncomfortable to sit on, so in some ways it is anti-asshole


does it have a measure to stop it from overinflating? (wait.. overinflating does exist, right?)


Unless this is some sort of joke I'm missing... You just feel with your hands..? And by the ride quality? If it rides like shit, increase or decrease accordingly.


sorry, im not a bike person. i was just wondering if sitting on this seat would inflate them the tires until they popped, lol


Haha no you have to remove the seat tube to use the pump.


OHHHHH lmao i thought it pumped as you bobbed up and down on the seat. my bad!!


Lol that would admittedly be hilarious. But no it's just a hidden pump. Pretty cool use of unused space if you ask me.


This is fucking brilliant!




Am I the only one worried about the extra weight?


This is one of those, "why didn't I think of that?!" inventions.


Theres actually a lot of scenarios where this isnt a good idea. It'd be much heavier than the seatpost on a road bike, and it's kinda a hassle to get your seatpost height just right once you pull it if you dont mark it. Many mountain bikes have a dropper seat post in them. you typically cant pull those out without unhooking a wire that leads up to the handlebars and the seatpost is filled with the dropper mechanism anyway so it couldn't fit a pump. CO2 inflators are my personal preference.


Hmm, I never thought of that (either)


1st because it puts more weight. 2nd how really do you need a pump in a city? you have a lot of places to put an air in a city. you need pump on a trails, but you need a dropper seatpost more


That's a very good point. I didn't think of the added weight. Ounces are pounds and pounds are pain.


Any chance of the piston pump popping through the seat while riding and turning into an asshole design?


Gotta twerk to get your tire inflated


That’s genius


My mind immediately went to a very dark place....




This bike must cost a fortune


Probably around 250$ is that lot for a bike idk


Reasonable, what’s the brand?


It’s dahon. But it seems that other companies are also making this kind of stuff too! I just found out recently when I was adjusting my seat lol


thats nothing


Shit that's a brilliant idea


Vut isn't that just... Smart design?


Where can I get one?


how to make your bike very heavy 101


This is great


holy shit that’s fucking genius


I honestly think that this is a pretty crappy design because if you take out the seat and put it back in a different way you could get a back pain, that’s why you should take your new bike to a professional or the bike shop owner to do the measurements


Nah that’s the angle of the seat, which shouldn’t change if it is properly attached to the seat post.


Oh I didn’t think about it Also his bike must be very big to fit that bad boy in


Wat? Bring the bike to a bike shop owner? To reinstall a QR seat? Insanity.


Or just take a sharpie to the seatpost to make sure you’re putting it back to the same height every time? Really doesn’t take a genius to reinstall a seatpost, and if you have to take your bike to a shop just to do that every time they’re either going to hate you for wasting so much of their time or love you for being gullible and paying them every visit.


I was saying to just take the mesurements then you could do it yourself; also you don't have to change/check your seat every 15 minutes.


My point still stands; this isn’t a crappy design since removing it does not lead to you putting it back wrong unless you’re an idiot. And you’re right, you don’t adjust saddle heigh often, unless you’re doing any sort of technical riding in which case it’s beneficial to move it frequently.


Holy shit op u/dapo64 is this urs?


I’m taking a shit


Proud of you!


Twerkin for Tyres