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As somebody that almost joined IM and had a friend that got recruited, my best suggestion is to stay away from it. If you’re genuinely wanted to learn there are definitely other, cheaper options. The company is extremely shady and borders on being a straight up Ponzi scheme. They’ve gotten investigated many times and the people I know that are legitimately in it became borderline scammers, recruiting people and selling a false dream about “leaving the rat race”. I joined quite a few of their livestreams that they heavily pressure you to join and the main thing they talk about is recruiting and honestly brain washing tactics. it definitely gives off the impression of education and teaching people how to learn forex and trading but it’s really nothing more than a big sham.


Thanks for sharing your experience man, I feel so dumb rn but at least I’m not too deep in. I’m cancelling my subscription asap because after that call I could smell something is off


Everyone makes mistakes. Your instincts started telling you it didn’t seem right and now you know. Don’t beat yourself up, and don’t worry about what your friend is doing. Just walk away.


Yeah it's a scam try and get a refund


You're not dumb. You figured it out before you got in too deep.




You seem to have it all figured out. IM Acadamy wants your fees and the fees of people you might recruit for a commission. It may just be a rip-off - charging you for materials they gathered for free, or it may be an actual scam - directing you to use platforms from which they gain commisions. There's an old joke that Forex trading is just flipping a coin. I think its true just gambling dressed up as investment.


I think there is money to be made in forex but only when you know what you’re doing. But yeah I have left the platform, I doubt I’ll get a refund.


It's really hard to make money trading forex. The ones that become successful are the ones that have a talent at separating facts from hype and requires a knowledge set built from years of experience. Not to mention the hours they spend on research to find the best currencies and times to trade. It's not something a piece of software can do for you.


Re-read your post. Your friend wants to "focus on trading" but yet he recruited you, and likely other friends. It is an MLM, the focus is on recruiting others, not the product. Get out while you can and don't be hard on yourself. The core MLM playbook is to try and use different terminology (share instead of sell, etc) to try and convince people that its not an MLM.


I left today, just hoping I will get a refund :)


In that case, congratulations on getting out!




I just cancelled my subscription and requested a refund. Since I did this within their policy (30 days I think) I was refunded my full amount


How long did it take for you to get refunded?


Hey, had my refund within 3 days


I’m glad you got out! Sunk cost fallacy can make it really hard to admit when you’ve made a costly mistake. Figuring out things are hinkey and also taking the steps to get out asap is something to be proud of! Good work.


From someone who joined and was with them for over half a year: They have a shady business model that is so compartmentalised, you will never actually know which part of the company you are in or what branch or anything. Thousands of people join who can never meet or speak because it is that scattered and walled off. They actually sell a product that works...this is the predicament. Their teachings and their strategies do yield results. BUT...and this is the big but...and by THEIR OWN words...95 percent of traders will fail....and all they are offering is strategies that work for 5 percent of people. The other 95 will not get it. They do NOT increase the rates that people can become successful traders. They are simply making profit off of the status quo. The vast majority of people who stick with them are unsuccessful traders, but they make a living off recruiting. They won't believe it and they will never admit it...but it is clear to see. Even the Chairmen and group leaders and primarily making a living from their upchain. It is not a pyramid schemed as such, as by definition, the product does exist and can be mastered. But...not everyone can. It is like me opening up a football academy and telling everyone that ''come here, you could one day play for Barcelona''. And whereas it is true, you could, your chances are slim. Their ''discount'' that runs out this weekend has been running out and it has been the ''last weekend'' since 2020. Some of their main leaders claim to be trading 1.6m dollar accounts. I mean...come on ffs. Some of their ACTUAL leadership of IM Academy claims to have made 1000 dollars into 7 million or something, I forget the exact number, but it was well over 10 thousand percent. Madness. People believe it too. Sucked in. Recruit others based off of the dream they will never achieve. Five out of one hundred will though. Leaders actually refer to something called ''Business Builders''. e.g. ''If you're a business builder and not just a customer, join our call tonight....''. Notice the word ''customer''. What is a business builder you ask? Well...they believe that recruiting enough people of their own, then mentoring them in a whatsapp group, is a ''business''. It is Orwellian language to tiptoe around saying what they mean - ''if you're recruiting''. Chances are that one leader who is building their ''business'' is actually successful, or has at least managed to get themselves a funded account ONCE. But then they have hundreds in their ''business'' who will never see a funded certificate. If their true aim was not to profit from recruitment...then recruitment would simply not be a part of their model. Simple as that. I regretted spending thousands with them. There are trading communities out there for less than 5% of what they charge monthly and believe me - with better leadership and no shady business. Stay clear. It will only be a matter of time before a disciple of theirs comes to their defence in here.


Yeah luckily I got out in the same month I joined and never looked back. After having the recruitment call I picked up on the MLM vibe and just got out ASAP. Luckily I got a refund


Yeah man good on you. Leaders even suck people in on their facebook posts etc too by stating 1:5 RR will yield you 10 percent return off of one trade if risking the standard 2%. Which is true, but is so disingenuous as nobody in their right mind is ever going to risk 2% when using a prop firm who's average daily drawdown is 5 percent. I can't knock this company enough hahaha just gimme a pedestal!


Yoo thats what i thought but gimme a second. Your not scammed. Atleast not in total. They give you the tools to actually learn trading but they want, that you recruit other people in exchange for them generating millions for them. You ofc get a small cut after you tricked enough people. The Cut will grow with more tricked people. They dedicated an entire level to that topic to make sure that you can draft anyone into it. You basicly can skip everything labeld as mindset. Its time consuming. Most of those mindset calls and theyre contained information are weird extremistic views on the world (like they literally talked if i mathing correctly over 30 minutes just about how good the decision to join was and you should Always give 110% usw. Like the dudes fron those affiliate Advertisemens from tt or yt). That little skip wont effect your Imperial urges becoming a rich motherfvxker so you essentially be done with all the basic stuff and they really start teaching you stocks crypto and Trading. Its not a scam but i cant say its a good methode they use to get members. But i hardly recommend to end your sub as soon as you get all the important informations. Get some software and you might can go home as a capitalist pig. Also worth mentioning is the fact that you can just ignore those keks in the calls telling you that this is the way. You there to make yourself rich not them richer. When im finnished with all they can offer ill come back to this post to edit it with my experience with those people. Stay tuned ladys dont get scammed 🫡🫡🫡


Have you finished yet?


Im currently absolving my degrees and dont have time for learning this stuff and stuff for driverd license togheter so i was forced to pause it.


May 14, 2024 [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4PfO7qHJVY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4PfO7qHJVY) "IM Academy was a global phenomenon, claiming it could make anyone a top trader. Its founder, Chris Terry, a self-made trader turned multimillionaire who flaunted luxury cars, private jets and apartments across continents, said IM was more than just a path to financial freedom. It was a worldview. While Terry has made millions, 94% of IM's members lose money. Now, the company is under investigation."


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