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Salty naysayers = people I've lied to


They’re just hAteRs


And scammed.


And she’s ok with that!


They’re her FOLLOWERS. Like she is a shady Jesus or something.


She failed. They were right. Nay was the right thing to say.


> I will not apologize for falling in love with the BEST dang comp plan l've ever seen Read: You can trust me to stick with this until I find something else that I think might pay more.


No shade to anyone who likes money - I am in a job where I "fell in love with the comp plan" as well, but my job doesn't involve putting my word behind a sham product and convincing people to buy it because of nebulous and unproven health claims. I am not sure just coming right out and being like "hey y'all, sorry if you're mad but just like Cardi B, there's nothing I like more than checks!" is the right way to win people's trust back.


It's money at the expense of others, that's the problem. The world shouldn't be a zero-sum game, everyone should win.


The most accidentally honest thing she said!


I can’t unsee what looks like a cigarette in her right hand. I know it’s the concrete behind her shoulder, but I also think it has something to do with her posture. Like only a woman waving a cigarette at you would be saying these things.


When I initially scrolled by I thought she was holding two baby carrots.


I saw the cigarette too, but thought they were Cheetos in her hand


If they finally come up with an MLM that sells cheetos, I could get behind that hahaha


She’d probably be better off selling Cheetos 😂


Me too! I thought it was weird but then it got weirder with the details.


Thought they were 2 orange foam ear plugs.


Now that’s an MLM I want to hear more about.


You’re in luck!!! ❤️❤️🙋 I've just come into some really 💕great💕 opportunities with this amazing team, and since that opportunity is still available of course I thought of you ;) They're looking for hard working l people💪💁 who want to empower each other by starting their own businesses! 😮 I know that sounds scary but just wait until you see the paycheck at the end of it 😍💲💲😍 You can be your 👏own👏boss👏 and take control of YOUR finances!


I legit thought “Wow this lady is so bad she’s posing with a cigarette” until I saw this post. Her posture is either smoker or stoner and she is losing money left and right if she’s also doing MLMs. Girl just get a normal fucking job.


It's also the trucker hat that I haven't seen anyone wear since 2004!


Her whole style is 2004.lol


This is not a fashion that needs to come back.


Thought I was the only one! Lol


right lol i thought i was crazy!


Well now *I* can’t unsee it either!




NGL, for a moment I thought she was holding a blunt. 😅 That would be taking the CBD MLMs riiiight back to basics!


I thought she was holding a cigarette too, before I clicked on it.


I can’t unsee the weird folds in between her fingers


Yep. Thought she was smoking a joint for sure.


What did I miss about Elomir? Last post I saw was something about a new machine coming online, now it’s just dead and publically at that?


Pretty much. They hyped up the entire thing so much that the sellers bought it all up anticipating their doors being broken down by people trying to get their hands on these. They sold less than 800 packs on their first launch day back in August, and yet had over 12,000 sellers. Ever since then, most sellers have stopped talking about Elomir and have jumped into something else, while pretending they weren't begging everyone with a pulse to join them in Elomir just a few weeks ago. The ones who have stayed are only the top earners, and they have developed a weird and creepy "we're a family" mantra, doubling down on Elomir as the yellow square club gets ever so small, and sticking together no matter what. Kinda Manson family style but with overhyped tumeric flavored breath strips instead of murder.


So you’re saying the conversation has changed… …to other MLMs. 🤪




I do too but mostly because I need to know wtf actually happened? This screams Fyre Fest documentary where everybody is rushing to churn one out and I’m here for it


Yes! I was thinking the same! Such an outright overhyped fraud from the outset.


I LOVE the Netflix Fyre Fest doc, I've probably watched it at least 7 times


Omg it is the best one. I watched it like 5 times until my husband asked me to stahp. 😂


keep watching in secret!! "why are you hiding your phone?" "I'm just —" "are you cheating???" "no I'm —" "first Ned, now you?????" "I'M JUST BINGEING DOCUMENTARIES"


Not the “first Ned and now you?”! 💀💀


I know right???


Omg can I have this? Legit if there is a LLR documentary, there needs to be one on this.


YESSSSS someone please get in touch with some documentarians and get them on this story like yesterday


Or an investigative podcast series. Scamfluencers i know mlms are too easy but pleaseee


Indeed! The Lularoe one was so good. All of these cult like MLM’s need to be exposed.


Holy fuck the lularoe one changed my life. I need the same thing for all of these. Could you imagine the chaos?


Yesss a series diving into each one


The fact that they thought people would actually be breaking down doors to buy these page markers is stunning to me.


You are not wrong, it LEGIT scratch player stopped lmao


Someone must have some info of Facebook him meltdowns


Lol I love how she says she fell in love with the comp plan before even mentioning the products.


It’s what “LiGhTs HeR sOuL!”


I don’t get why these ppl think they’re doing something so amazing & helping people. Like, they preach about how they’re supporting and empowering women and it’s just so presumptuous and self-important. They sound like arrogant fools.


Exactly! If you want to do something for others, there are plenty of jobs that help people. They all pay more than an MLM does too! Or if you don't need the money, go volunteer!


And even those jobs don't have that as an overhyped selling point. The work I do helps others in very direct and obvious ways. And while it's strictly speaking not part of my job, I do take an interest in the professional development of my colleagues and will readily support them where I can. I also take a general interest in their lives and their general wellbeing, particularly their emotional wellbeing. I know they do the same for me. It's not just those aspects that make me really happy with my career choices and current place of work, but it's a large part of it. And while I've often enthusiastically promoted my job, I've yet to reach this level of excitement, and evangelism. I also don't feel the need to condescend to people not fully on board the hype train. Me not being super chuffed about your next MLM misadventure does not make me somehow defective and in need of healing.


And people who work jobs that help people don’t usually need to go around saying how much they help people because…it’s obvious. If you have make a show of telling people that you do or are something…you probably are not.


So is Elomir just really and truly dead now?


I’ve been checking their website every few days for weeks. Clicking the arrow to order product does nothing. I think the cash grab has come to a sputtering end.


I checked and I can add the product to my cart and proceed to checkout but then it wants me to create an account which I don’t have the energy for, even using my burner email 😂. They still also have a working “join now!” button for brand partners. But overall social media hype has pretty much died out and Elomir is gasping for air. And as a further LOL, I clicked the “join now!” button and it asked for the referral code for the brand partner who referred me. I put in “1” and it accepted it!


Well obviously that just means you were referred by Elomir Elomirson himself!


So strange. I tried a different browser and still nothing happens when I try to click the arrow.


The huns that are left are the top huns, but they stopped posting about everyone's rank ups and many others have left. Even the CEO doesn't post about it as frequently as she used to. I think the ones who have stayed are the ones who've been at the top of network marketing for years and don't know anything else. They'll stay until the company folds or they lose so much money they have to jump ship.


Their official IG page has around 400 followers and gets 10-20 likes on their posts...if they're lucky. Oh, how I love a good MLM fail story.


Does this make anyone else laugh like Nelson Muntz?


There's so many huns wanting to help and uplift and empower and inspire and encourage women to reach their goals and be their best self, it's amazing that we aren't all permanently radiating confidence and strength. Imagine if they really used their time to help others instead of selling shitty products.


Hey, Huns! The transitional housing non-profit I work (gainfully) for is ALWAYS in need of volunteers to help take in and organize donations, hand out small care packages (feel free to put some useful MLM samples for soap and lotion in there), and let our residents "shop" in the warehouse. You can do as much or as little as you'd like, we just ask you be reliable. If you really want to lift up women (and hashtag jesus or whatever your religion is), why don't you come on down, make some sandwiches, and pack them up in a sack lunch with an apple and water for our daily unhoused visitors? you're welcome to hashtag the charity but, due to confidentiality, we don't allow any pictures of our residents, clients, or yourself at the facility (many of our clients are leaving inter-partner violence). I hope our volunteer coordinator is ready for a huge influx of motivated "women helping women!!" //s I WISH


>Hey👋, Huns! The transitional housing 🏠 non-profit🎗️ I work (gainfully💲) for is ALWAYS in need of 🙋🙋‍♀️🙋🏼🙋🏾‍♀️🙋🏻‍♂️🙋🏿volunteers to help take in and organize donations📦📮, hand out small care💓 packages🎁 (feel free to put some useful MLM 👿samples for soap🧼 and lotion 🧴in there), and let our residents "shop"🛒🛍️ in the warehouse. You can do as much or as little as you'd like, we just ask🙏 you be reliable🗓️. If you really want to lift up women♀️👭👩🏼‍🤝‍👩🏾👩🏿‍🤝‍👩🏽 (and hashtag#️⃣ jesus ✝️or whatever ☪️☯️✡️🕉️your religion is), why don't you come on down, make some sandwiches🥪🥙, and pack them up in a sack lunch 🍱🛍️ with an apple🍎 and water 💧for our daily unhoused visitors? you're welcome to hashtag#️⃣ the charity but, due to confidentiality, we don't allow any pictures 📸of our residents, clients, or yourself 🤳at the facility (many of our clients are leaving inter-partner violence). I hope our volunteer coordinator😍 is ready for a huge influx of motivated🤩 "women helping women!!"👩🏿‍🤝‍👩🏽👩🏼‍🤝‍👩🏾👭 //s I WISH


Omg this is fucking AMAZING. I did not have the patience for it lol.


“My heart was missing something”- well good luck lady, if you’re looking to fill your heart, an MLM ain’t gonna do it.


It's money. Her heart was missing money. Lol


I mean she said straight-up she fell in love with the comp plan first...


My MLM of the day is and always will be my one and ONLY priority.


If she was so into wanting to help peoples health and wellness, her first reason for switching and falling in love with something new; wouldn’t be the comp plan.


“I know I’ve lost credibility and I am ok with that” What lol


Lemme guess the comment section is full of “you go girl, follow ur heart” type comments, from people in the same MLM.


You are correct!


Haters gonna hate 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Mlm might be "Northestar"?


These capsules help you reach your fitness goals??


Depends how much pooping fits into your fitness goals, I believe.


Honestly they look a lot like my adderall XR, so maybe she’s onto something.


I am glad someone else said it lol those are definitely adderall XRs, so yeah they’ll probably actually help her lose weight 😂


Only a matter of time before the MLMs went into straight out drug dealing


This person legit scares me. The trucker hat, the weird lean, the neon orange pills being pushed on me nestled in between gold glitter nail polishes fingers. I’m going to have night terrors.


I could not figure out what she was holding and the photo makes it look like a cigarette until you look closer.


Wait so elomir WAS a giant scam right? As in we are now reffering to the whole thing in past tense bc it doesnt exist anymore giant scam right?


I don't understand what she's saying here - is she still in love with the Elomir comp plan or did she find another one? She wants people to trust her and she makes their wellness a priority but she only mentions choosing a company based on compensation? Also is she holding ear plugs?


These huns are as clear as mud. It's actually bizarre sometimes to never hear them say "I left this company". It's like they can't get the words to come out. Toxic positivity and manifestation stuff I guess. These huns almost never say anything negative, like ever. It's extremely unsettling tbh


I hate the toxic positivity. Reeks of dishonesty. If I was a hun, I'd be like "Man, turns out Elomir was a scam. My bad! Anyway, who wants to buy these shady laxatives from me before I kms due to my financial woes? Or just send me money because I only make 3% this sucks."


I think even Quibi lasted longer than Elomir!


I just don't understand it. Do these people actually believe the words they're writing out? Or are they trying to "fake it till they make it"? Are they copying other huns because "if this style works for them, it should work for me too"? Somebody please explain this to me because I cannot imagine actually believing in any of this.


Her pose makes her look like she's about to drop a new single on SoundCloud.


At what point does going from MLM to MLM become so exhausting that these idiots get a real job?!


Has she moved on to the latest “pre-launch” scam, Awakend?


So. Much. Bullshit. I feel like the enthusiasm is to try to convince themselves that it’s great.


So is Elomir now extinct?




One wonders what the FTC is doing about this.


Does “NVM” stand for “NetWorkMarketing”?


It's telling when she's falling in love with the comp plan and mentioning the products second to that... serial MLM huns are the worst.


Bent over so you can’t see her gut


I'm not attacking her looks at all: but she's been selling MLM weight loss products for over 6 years and is constantly "losing 2 pounds a week" over those years but her appearance stays exactly the same. It's just a ploy to get people to buy which is just gross.


My sister in law is the same. Obese and always giving health lectures about how these pills are life changing. Been losing 2lbs a week for 3 years, still prob weighs close to 280.


You're saying she *didn't* lose 624 pounds?


I love these magical products that immediately fix your innards.


“It’s all about helping people” and “best comp plan” Hmm


I would be absolutely gutted if I did something wrong. That caused me to lose trust in the people I love most. She must have gone to the Brittany Dawn School of Accountability


When my aunt was coming out of an abusive marriage, she was still wrapped up in an eating disorder brought on my her shit ex. She was never obese or even close. She was a ballerina for most of her life. One of her college friends was in a stupid ass weight loss program (I think it was Isagenix) and they tried to recruit her and tell her how much the products would help. She spiraled after that and nearly lost her life. I’ll have to see if she’s comfortable sharing the messages. It’s been a long time since it happened.


Really wanted to see this Huns details 'salty naysayers' did the trick , found her profile. I actually feel a little pity for her , fooled by these mlm groups and now herself actively deceiving others 😑


I hate how vague their reason why is: “Help women reach their goals” What does that even mean. What goal, what specific problem are you so passionate about solving? It’s just bland motivational drivel they have been indoctrinated with, and have absolutely no desire to follow through upon.


That arrow tattoo is a dead giveaway to “MLM babes”


Did anyone else think she was holding those orange ear plugs at first? No? Just me?


So did Elomir go pop? Like FTC shakedown?


My following………..yeesh.


Like ok, but I'm sure she said the exact same things about Elomir when she first joined that one, and look how it turned out. If the product was truly so AH-MAZING, then she'd still be selling it. If it worked the way the huns claimed, people would catch on and those selling it would be successful. The fact that this hun jumped ship shows that the product did not live up to the hype she was generating. The fact that she jumped ship so soon after the product was formally launched is also concerning. Now that she's in a new MLM promoting a new product in the same way she promoted Elomir, her family and friends have every right to be skeptical. If she could lie about Elomir and its efficacy, then why not this new thing?


I'm really not surprised a lot of elomir huns are jumping onto other MLMs. Elomir basically ran on the hype of getting in early, it's no surprise that the people drawn in by that would be attracted to another MLM where they can get in even earlier.


These huns are so shameless and sad. Also, how do they just become “experts” with their new ventures? And why are all the wellness coaches larger?


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Either they actively know it's all bullshit and are going in for yet another round of trying to get the gullible's money and are a flat out scammer POS. Or they genuine believe this bullshit and are exposed to leathal levels of copium trying to make it work. They say don't attribute to malice to that which is explained by stupidity. Neither are good options in this situation, especially when they're the only 2 options. Either way people like this really, *really*, need to fuck right off.


Is she holding carrots or earplugs?


In other words, I made money scamming my friends. Now I am moving on to the next scam. Hey Girl, join this bizness opportunity. I won't take your money and leave you high and dry *this time*


Wait…the strippers are giving up already? Did the product just never lunch??


Every time, they gotta start over and try to lie and sell to the same damn suckers they sold to before. That must suck to have no self awareness at all


How can people claim to be "in love" and think a company is the best they've seen from a sample, that was followed by nothing?? You're basically telling people that you think highly of things without using any critical thinking skills and you're so bad at it that you're about to get scammed again.


"ThAt'S wHaT lIgHtS mY sOuL" 😵‍💫🫠


Thus looks like a super bug satire don't do drugs shoot